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Fiction Series
- Second Starfaring Age
- 1
The Void Captain's Tale (1983)
also appeared as:
Translation: La dernière croisière du Dragon-Zéphyr?La derniere croisiere du Dragon-Zephyr[French] (1982)
Translation: Daß mich das große Nichts umfange?Dass mich das grosse Nichts umfange[German] (1983)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Astronavi nell'Abisso (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2002)
- 2
Child of Fortune (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'enfant de la fortune [French] (1990)
- 1
The Void Captain's Tale (1983)
also appeared as:
The Solarians (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les Solariens [French] (1969)
- Translation: La civiltà dei solari [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Solarienii [Romanian] (1992)
- Translation: Les Solariens [French] (2000)
The Men in the Jungle (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il pianeta Sangre [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Le chaos final [French] (1979)
- Translation: Die Bruderschaft des Schmerzes [German] (1982)
Translation: Oameni în junglă?Oameni ihn junglah[Romanian] (1998)
Oameni in jungla
Agent of Chaos (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Agente del caos [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Les pionniers du chaos [French] (1975)
- Translation: Conflict Tussen de Sterren [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Agentul haosului [Romanian] (1994)
Bug Jack Barron (1969)
also appeared as:
Translation: Jack Barron et l'éternité?Jack Barron et l'eternite[French] (1971)
- Translation: Jack Barron e l'eternità [Italian] (1974)
- Translation: Incordie a Jack Barron [Spanish] (1975)
- Translation: Pak Jack Barron [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Champion Jack Barron [German] (1982)
- Serializations:
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 1 of 6) (1967)
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 2 of 6) (1968)
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 3 of 6) (1968)
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 4 of 6) (1968)
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 5 of 6) (1968)
- Bug Jack Barron (Part 6 of 6) (1968)
The Iron Dream (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Rêve de fer?Reve de fer[French] (1973)
- Translation: El sueño de hierro [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Der stählerne Traum?Der staehlerne Traum[German] (1981)
- Translation: Visul de fier [Romanian] (1994)
A World Between (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La grande guerre des Bleus et des Roses [French] (1980)
- Translation: Planeet in de tang [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Eine Welt dazwischen [German] (1983)
Translation: Între două lumi?Ihntre douah lumi[Romanian] (1996)
Intre doua lumi - Translation: Tra due fuochi [Italian] (1999)
Songs from the Stars (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het lied van de sterren [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Lieder von den Sternen [German] (1981)
- Translation: Chants des étoiles [French] (1982)
The Mind Game (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les miroirs de l'esprit [French] (1981)
- Variant: The Process (1983)
Translation: Jocul minții?Jocul mintii[Romanian] (1996)
Jocul mintsii
Little Heroes (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: Mașinăria Rock and Roll?Masinaria Rock and Roll[Romanian] (1993)
- Translation: Rock machine [French] (1994)
Russian Spring (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le printemps russe [French] (1992)
Translation: Russischer Frühling?Russischer Fruehling[German] (1992)
- Translation: Le printemps russe 2 [French] (1996)
- Translation: Le printemps russe, 1 [French] (2000)
The Children of Hamelin (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Copiii din Hamelin [Romanian] (1997)
Pictures at 11 (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: En direct [French] (1996)
- Translation: Bilder um 11 [German] (1997)
Greenhouse Summer (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das tropische Millennium [German] (2001)
- Translation: Bleue comme une orange [French] (2001)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Condizione Venere (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2001)
He Walked Among Us (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Transformation [German] (2002)
- Translation: Il est parmi nous [French] (2009)
- The Druid King (2003)
Osama the Gun (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oussama [French] (2010)
The People's Police (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Police du peuple [French] (2014)
- Welcome to Your Dreamtime (2018)
- The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (1970)
- No Direction Home (1975)
- Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: Norman Spinrad [French] (1978)
- The Star-Spangled Future (1979)
Au cœur de l'orage?Au coeur de l'orage[French] (1979)
Other Americas (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alte Americi [Romanian] (1995)
Les années fléaux?Les annees fleaux[French] (1990)
Vamps [French] (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vamps [Italian] (1999)
- Ligne ouverte / Voice over [French] (1996)
- Deus X and Other Stories (2003)
L'autre côté du réel?L'autre cote du reel[French] (2015)
- Nemira
Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '94 (1994)
George Anania
Romulus Bărbulescu?Romulus Barbulescuand N. Lee Wood [only as by George Anania and Romulus Barbulescu and Norman Spinrad and N. Lee Wood]
Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '94 (1994)
George Anania
The New Tomorrows (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cristalli di futuro [Italian] (1976)
- Modern Science Fiction (1974)
- Riding the Torch / Tin Soldier (1990) with Joan D. Vinge
Riding the Torch (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les avaleurs de vide [French] (1979)
- Translation: Flammenritt [German] (1981)
- La der des der [French] (1986)
- Deus X (1993) also appeared as:
- Vampire Junkies (1994)
- Journals of the Plague Years (1995)
- Subjectivity (2009)
- Raising Hell (2014)
- The Sword of Damocles (2018)
- Experiment Perilous: Three Essays on Science Fiction (1976) with Alfred Bester and Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Reasons Behind the SFWA Model Paperback Contract (1978)
- Staying Alive: A Writer's Guide (1983)
- Science Fiction in the Real World (1990)
- La Cuisine Humaine: How to Cook Like a Human Being (2018)
- Jerry Cornelius
The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La dernière razzia de la Horde d'Or [French] (1973)
- Translation: L'ultimo urrà dell'Orda d'Oro [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le dernier hurrah de la horde d'or [French] (1978)
The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (1969)
also appeared as:
- Probability Zero
- TimeOut (2016)
The Last of the Romany (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dernier des Romani [French] (1978)
- Translation: Le dernier des Romani... [French] (1978)
Subjectivity (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soggettività [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Subjectiviteit [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Subjectivité?Subjectivite[French] (1978)
Outward Bound (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Expansion [French] (1979)
The Realized Man (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La salamandra [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Botschafter der Zukunft [German] (1966)
- Translation: L'homme accompli [French] (1968)
Your Name Shall Be ... Darkness (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ersatz Ego (1970)
- Translation: Thérapie [French] (1979)
The Equalizer (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El igualador [Spanish] (1970)
- Translation: L'égalisateur [French] (1979)
The Rules of the Road (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les portes de l'univers [French] (1968)
A Child of Mind (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Enfant de l'esprit [French] (1979)
- Translation: Hija de la mente [Spanish] (2001)
Deathwatch (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Veglia funebre [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Agonie [French] (1979)
- Translation: Veglia Funebre [Italian] (1999)
The Age of Invention (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'âge de l'invention [French] (1973)
- Translation: Doba izuma [Croatian] (1985)
Technicality (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Down the Rabbit Hole (1966)
- Translation: Im Kaninchenloch [German] (1972)
- Translation: Tecnicismo [Spanish] (1973)
- Translation: Question de technique [French] (1979)
Neutral Ground (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Evasione nella droga [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: En terrain neutre [French] (1967)
- Translation: Neutraal terrein [Dutch] (1978)
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "It's a Bird, It's a Plane!" (1970)
- Translation: Le syndrome infernal [French] (1979)
- Translation: Ein Vogel! Ein Flugzeug! [German] (1982)
Carcinoma Angels (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die letzte Grenze [German] (1970)
- Translation: Les anges du cancer [French] (1973)
- Translation: Carcinoma angels [French] (1975)
- Translation: Karzinom Angels [German] (1983)
Translation: Anđeli karcinoma?Andeli karcinoma[Serbian] (1986)
Translation: Îngerii Carcinom?Ingerii Carcinom[Romanian] (2013)
A Night in Elf Hill (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sur la route de Mindalla [French] (1969)
Once More, with Feeling (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chéri, recommençons ! [French] (1979)
The Conspiracy (1969)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Verschwörung?Die Verschwoerung[German] (1983)
The Entropic Gang Bang Caper (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'entropie, bébé, quel pied d'acier ! [French] (1979)
- Translation: Das entropische Multifick-Endzeit-Panorama [German] (1983)
The Big Flash (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De grote klap [Dutch] (1971)
Translation: Der große Blitz?Der grosse Blitz[German] (1972)
- Translation: Le grand flash [French] (1973)
- Translation: Die Super-Show [German] (1974)
Translation: ビッグ・フラッシュ?Biggu Furasshu[Japanese] (1983)
Translation: Der große Blitz?Der grosse Blitz[German] (1991)
Dead End (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Impasse [French] (1970)
- Translation: Test per uno [Italian] (1970)
Heroes Die But Once (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Test per due [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Les héros ne meurent qu'une fois [French] (1971)
The Weed of Time (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Weed of Time (1970)
- Translation: L'herbe du temps [French] (1975)
- Translation: Trava vremena [Croatian] (1986)
Translation: Трава времени?Trava vremeni[Russian] (1993) [as byНорман Спинрад?Norman Spinrad]
The Lost Continent (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het verloren continent [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Continent perdu [French] (1975)
- Translation: Continentul pierdut [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Il Continente Perduto [Italian] (1999)
No Direction Home (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kein Weg nach Hause [German] (1975)
Translation: Nulle part où aller?Nulle part ou aller[French] (1975)
- Translation: Nulle part chez soi [French] (1985)
Translation: Niciun drum către casă?Niciun drum catre casa[Romanian] (2008)
Heirloom (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Souvenir de famille [French] (1978)
- The National Pastime (1973)
A Thing of Beauty (1973)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Schöne an sich?Das Schoene an sich[German] (1974)
Translation: La beauté de la chose?La beaute de la chose[French] (1978)
Translation: Eine Frage der Schönheit?Eine Frage der Schoenheit[German] (1982)
- Translation: A thing of beauty [French] (1984)
- World of Gray (1973)
All the Sounds of the Rainbow (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tous les sons de l'arc-en-ciel [French] (1978)
Riding the Torch (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Weg der Flamme [German] (1977)
- Translation: Flammenritt [German] (1977)
- Translation: Les avaleurs de vide [French] (1979)
In the Eye of the Storm (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Eye of the Storm (1974)
- Translation: Celui qui lança un défi à l'orage [French] (1974)
Translation: Au cœur de l'orage?Au coeur de l'orage[French] (1979)
- Holy War on 34th Street (1975)
Sierra Maestra (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sierra Maestra [German] (1978)
- Translation: Sierra Maestra [French] (1979)
- The Perils of Pauline (1976)
Blackout (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Black-out [French] (1978)
- A World Between (excerpt) (1979)
Prime Time (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Heures de grande écoute?Heures de grande ecoute[French] (1982)
- Translation: Der Kanal ist voll! [German] (1982)
- Translation: Beste Sendezeit [German] (1983)
- Translation: Prime time [French] (2005)
- The Void Captain's Tale (excerpt) (1982)
- Perchance to Dream (1983)
Street Meat (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chair à pavé [French] (1990)
Translation: Carnea vie a străzii?Carnea vie a strahzii[Romanian] (1995)
Carnea vie a strazii
- The Man Who (1984)
- The Tale of the (Man) Who (Met) (God) (1984)
- Brain Salad (1985)
- Child of Fortune (excerpt) (1985)
- Child of Fortune (excerpt) (1985)
- Child of Fortune (excerpt) (1985)
World War Last (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La der des der [French] (1986)
Translation: Ultimul război mondial?Ultimul razboi mondial[Romanian] (1995)
Journals of the Plague Years (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chroniques de l'âge du fléau [French] (1990)
- Translation: Godine kuge [Croatian] (1991)
La Vie Continue (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La vie continue [French] (1990)
- Translation: La Vie Continue [Romanian] (1995)
The Helping Hand (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La main tendue [French] (2006)
What Eats You (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les mordus de la mimétique [French] (1994)
- Translation: Quello Che Ti Mangia [Italian] (1999)
- Russian Spring (excerpt) (1992)
- Deus X (1993) also appeared as:
- New Cathedrals (1993)
- They Call Me Mad (1993)
Vampire Junkies (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le mal des vampires [French] (1994)
- Translation: Tossicovampiri [Italian] (1999)
Where the Heart Is (1993)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wo das Herz schlägt?Wo das Herz schlaegt[German] (1999)
Voice Over (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ligne ouverte [French] (1996)
- Translation: Voice Over [French] (1996)
La panique de l'année zéro?La panique de l'annee zero[French] (1996)
The Fat Vampire (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le vampire d'Hollywood [French] (1994)
- Translation: Il Vampiro Che Non Ingrassava [Italian] (1999)
The Year of the Mouse (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Jahr der Maus [German] (2000)
- Translation: L'anno del topo [Italian] (2000)
Translation: Anul șoarecelui?Anul soarecelui[Romanian] (2001)
- Translation: Musens år [Swedish] (2004)
- New Ice Age, or Just Cold Feet? (2000)
- Entities (2001) also appeared as:
A Man of the Theatre (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Man of the Theater (2005)
- Translation: Un om de teatru [Romanian] (2012)
- Maker of Worlds (2008)
- Right You Are If You Say You Are (2008)
- The Brown Revolution (2008)
- Float Like a Butterfly (2009)
- The Woman of Your Dreams (2009)
- Where No Man Pursueth (2010)
- Lighter Than Air (2010)
- The Silver Bullet and the Golden Goose (2010)
- Out There (2011)
- Excerpt from Bug Jack Barron (2011)
The Music of the Sphere (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La musica della sfera [Italian] (2017)
- Far Distant Suns (2013)
- Raising Hell (2014)
- Google Car Takes the Test (2014)
- An Excerpt from Dying for Dummies (2020) (2015)
- The Crashing of the Cloud (2015)
- Water Worlds (2015)
- Mr Singularity (2017)
- The Sword of Damocles (2017)
- The Nanny Bubble (2017)
- Quarantine (2019)
- Personalized People (2019)
- Belle Lettres Ad Astra (2021)
- The Canopy (2022)
- Up and Out (2023)
- Ubik Does the Trick (1990)
- Essay (Science Fiction Age)
- Introductions to the Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
- 2
Introduction (Second Variety) (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Vol.2) (1987)
- Variant: Introduction by Norman Spinrad (Second Variety) (1987)
- Variant: Introduction (We Can Remember It for You Wholesale) (1987)
- 2
Introduction (Second Variety) (1987)
also appeared as:
- Obituaries (Sheila Williams)
- In Memoriam: Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) (Obit) (1992) with Karen Anderson and Poul Anderson and Isaac Asimov and Janet Asimov and Stanley Asimov and Ben Bova and Arthur C. Clarke and Joel Davis and Catherine Crook de Camp and L. Sprague de Camp and Harlan Ellison and Martin H. Greenberg and Shawna McCarthy and Frederik Pohl and Carl Sagan and Stanley Schmidt and Robert Silverberg and Sheila Williams and Connie Willis and Jane Yolen
- On Books
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1983) (1983)
- On Books: A Matter of Style (1984)
- On Books: Generation of 1984 (1984)
- On Books: Transatlantic Science Fiction (1985)
- On Books: Inside, Outside (1985)
- On Books: Books Into Movies (1985)
On Books: Must There Be War? (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Muss es Krieg geben? [German] (2003)
On Books: The Neuromantics (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les Neuromantiques [French] (1987)
- Translation: Die Neuromantiker [German] (1987)
- On Books: Critical Standards (1986)
- On Books: Science Fiction Versus Sci-Fi (1986)
On Books: Sturgeon, Vonnegut, and Trout (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sterdžen, Vonegat i Pastrmka [Serbian] (1991)
- On Books: The Edge of the Envelope (1987)
On Books: Dreams of Space (1987)
also appeared as:
Translation: Weltraumträume?Weltraumtraeume[German] (1990)
On Books: Emperor of Everything (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El emperador de todas las cosas [Spanish] (1991)
- On Books: The Hard Stuff (1988)
- On Books: The Strange Case of J. G. Ballard (1988)
- On Books: New and Interesting (1988)
On Books: The Graphic Novel (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Strip-roman [Croatian] (1989)
On Books: Cyberpunk Revisited (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wiedersehen mit dem Cyberpunk [German] (1990)
- On Books: Political Science Fiction (1989)
- On Books: Far, Far Out (1989)
- On Books: F & SF & Genre Expectations (1990)
- On Books: All's Well That Ends Well (1990)
- On Books: The Art of Editing (1990)
- On Books: North American Magic Realism (1991)
- On Books: Utopia (1991)
- On Books: Style (1991)
- On Books: Virtual People (1991)
- On Books: Mid-List Heroes (1992)
- On Books: New World Order (1992)
- On Books: These are the Jokes, Folks (1992)
- On Books: Plot, Story, and Structure (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1993) (1993)
- On Books: Other Planets (1993)
- On Books: A British Renaissance (1994)
- On Books: State of the Art (1994)
- On Books: First Person Singular (1994)
- On Books: A Few Good Readers (1995)
- On Books: Things of the Spirit (1995)
- On Books: Keeping the Faith (1996)
- On Books: We Have Met the Aliens (1996)
- On Books: Deja Vu All Over Again (1996)
- On Books:Virtual Reality (1996)
- On Books: Mars (1997)
- On Books: Ethnicity (1997)
- On Books: Postmodern Fantasy (1997)
- On Books: Who Will Resurrect Science Fiction? (1998)
- On Books: The Edge of the Envelope (1998)
- On Books: The Future of the Future (1998)
- On Books: The Pulp Tradition (1999)
- On Books: Mutants and Cross-Overs (1999)
- On Books: Closure (1999)
- On Books: Preservation Hall (2000)
- On Books: Working the Fringes (2000)
- On Books: After Science Fiction (2001)
- On Books: Transcendence (2001)
- On Books: The Right (and Wrong) Stuff (2002)
- On Books: Movements (2002)
- On Books: Economic Determinism (2003)
- On Books: Content, Consciousness, Style (2003)
- On Books: No Surrender? (2005)
- On Books: The New Weird (2005)
- On Books: Aussies, Brits, and Yanks (2006)
- On Books: The Big Kahuna (2006)
- On Books: Whither the Hard Stuff? (2007)
- On Books: Buried Treasures (2007)
- On Books: The Multiverse (2008)
- On Books: Post-Genre Speculative Fiction (2008)
- On Books: What Killed Tom Disch? (2009)
- On Books: The Folk of the Fringe (2009)
- On Books: Third World Worlds (2010)
- On Books: Time, Space, and Culture (2010)
- On Books: Urbet et Orbi (2011)
- On Books: Inside/Outside (2011)
- On Books: Alternate Realities (2012)
- On Books: Meeting the Other (2012)
- On Books: Doors to Anywhere (2013)
- On Books: Genre Versus Literature (2013)
- On Books: Retro Versus Visionary (2014)
On Books: Space—The Permanent Frontier (Asimov's, October-November 2014)?On Books: Space-The Permanent Frontier (Asimov's, October-November 2014)(2014)
- On Books: Schlock, Genre and Mainstream SF (Asimov's, April-May 2015) (2015)
- On Books: The Real Deal (Asimov's, October-November 2015) (2015)
- On Books: Very Hard Science Fiction (Asimov's, June 2016) (2016)
- On Books: Short Stories (Asimov's, October-November 2016) (2016)
- On Books: Wolockification (Asimov's, May-June 2017) (2017)
- On Books: Outside America (Asimov's, September-October 2017) (2017)
- On Books: Alternate Alternate Histories (Asimov's, May-June 2018) (2018)
- On Books: Outside the Envelope (Asimov's, September-October 2018) (2018)
- On Books: Beyond Mimesis? (Asimov's, May-June 2019) (2019)
- On Books: State of the Art (Asimov's, November-December 2019) (2019)
On Books: Modern Chinese Science Fiction—Windows Into China (Asimov's, May-June 2020)?On Books: Modern Chinese Science Fiction-Windows Into China (Asimov's, May-June 2020)(2020)
- On Books: Out There (Asimov's, January-February 2021) (2021)
- On Books: The Future of the Future (Asimov's, September-October 2021) (2021)
- On Books: Alternate Realities (Asimov's, November-December 2021) (2021)
- On Books: What is Consciousness? (Asimov's, March-April 2022) (2022)
- On Books: The Future of Humanity, The Humanity of the Future (Asimov's, September-October 2022) (2022)
- On Books: Outside the Tent (Asimov, January-February 2023) (2023)
- On Books: SF Arising (Asimov's, September-October 2023) (2023)
- On Books: Is English the Latin of SF? (Asimov's, March-April 2024) (2024)
- On Books: Citizens of the Galaxy (Asimov's, September-October 2024) (2024)
- Personality Profile (Analog)
- Science Fact (Analog)
- Psychesomics: The Emerging Science of Consciousness (1974)
- Energy and Survival: The Fork in the Road (1975)
- Space Colonization Now: Vision and Reality (1976)
- Science Fiction Comment on a panel talk about publishing in general
- Science Fiction Comment (1983)
- Stayin' Alive
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #224) (1979)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #227) (1979)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #228) (1979)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #229) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #230) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #231) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #232) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #234) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #235) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #237) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #238) (1980)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #245) (1981)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #247) (1981)
- Stayin' Alive #14 (1981)
- Stayin' Alive #15 (1981)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #251) (1981)
- Stayin' Alive #17 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #18 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #19 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #20 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #21 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #22 (1982)
- Stayin' Alive #23 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #24 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #25 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #26 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #27 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #28 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive #29 (1983)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #280) (1984)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #282) (1984)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #284) (1984)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #287) (1984)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #289) (1985)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #291) (1985)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #294) (1985)
- Stayin' Alive (Locus #295) (1985)
- The Future in Books
- The Future in Books (Amazing Stories, September 1969) (1969) with Gregory Benford and James Blish and Ted White [only as by William Atheling, Jr. and Greg Benford and James Blish and Norman Spinrad and Ted White]
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 19 Where I Get My Crazy Ideas (1980)
- Tomorrow
- Total Media (1978)
- The High Frontier: The Future of Drugs (1980)
- Viewpoint
- Perchance to Dream, Revisited (1984)
- Alternate Viewpoint (1985)
- Wolfgang Jeschke zum Gedenken (Remembering Wolfgang Jeschke)
- [Als Lektor und Herausgeber schulde ich Wolfgang Jeschke viel.] [German] (2015)
- Letter to SFWA Bulletin, August 1967 (1967)
- Afterword (Carcinoma Angels) (1967)
- Letter to Psychotic, January 1968 (1968)
Dangerous Visions—A Perspective?Dangerous Visions-A Perspective(1968)
- Totem and Taboo (1968)
- Letter to Psychotic, July 1968 (1968)
- New Worlds Coming (1968)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, January 1969) (1969)
- Letter (Speculation 20) (1969)
- New World Coming (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1969) (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, August 1969) (1969)
- A Two-Edged Sword (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, December 1969 (1969)
- Foreword: The Frontiers of Edgeville (1970)
- FIAWOL (1970)
- Stand on Zanzibar: The Novel as Film (1971)
- Foreword to 198-, a Tale of "Tomorrow" (1971)
- Foreword to Circularization of Condensed Conventional Straight-Line Word-Image Structures (1971)
- Foreword to Down the Up Escalation (1971)
- Foreword to Driftglass (1971)
- Foreword to Flight Useless, Inexorable the Pursuit (1971)
- Foreword to Going Down Smooth (1971)
- Foreword to Masks (1971)
- Foreword to Pennies, Off a Dead Man's Eyes (1971)
- Foreword to Sending the Very Best (1971)
- Foreword to Surface If You Can (1971)
- Foreword to The definition (1971)
- Foreword to The Garden of Delights (1971)
- Foreword to The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod (1971)
- Foreword to The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (1971)
- Foreword to The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius (1971)
The New Tomorrows (Introduction) (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduzione (Cristalli di futuro) [Italian] (1976)
- Results of SFWA Arbitration in the Gerrold--Ellison Case (1972) with Harry Harrison and Robert Silverberg
- "The Golden Age" (1974)
- Foreword (Modern Science Fiction) (1974)
- Introduction-Modern Science Fiction (1974)
The 1974 Nebula Award Nominees (1974)
Poul Anderson
Michael Bishop
Michael Crichton
Jack Dann
Gardner Dozois
Harlan Ellison
David Gerrold
Harry Harrison
George R. R. Martin
Vonda N. McIntyre
Gene Wolfe
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Nominees (SFWA Bulletin, Fall 1974) (1974) [as by Poul Anderson and Michael Bishop and Michael Crichton and Jack Dann and Gardner R. Dozois and Harlin Ellison and David Gerrold and Harry Harrison and George R. R. Martin and Vonda N. McIntyre and Norman Spinrad and Gene Wolfe]
- The Full Flowering (1974)
- The Postwar Awakening (1974)
- Introduction (A Canticle for Leibowitz) (1975)
- Introduction (The Dragon Masters) (1976)
- Introduction to the Model Contracts (1976)
- Model Hardcover Contract (1976) with Damon Knight
- Model Paperback Contract (1976) with Damon Knight
- On Being Your Own Agent (1976)
- The 'Bug Jack Barron' Papers (1976)
- Introduction (The Final Programme) (1976)
Rubber Sciences (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les sciences souples [French] (1978)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, October 1976) (1976)
- Introduction (Galaxies Like Grains of Sand) (1977)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1977) (1977)
- Why I Am Not Announcing That I Am Leaving Science Fiction (1977)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, January 1977) (1977)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, March 1977) (1977)
- Introduction (Dr. Bloodmoney: Or, How We Got Along After the Bomb) (1977)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1977) (1977)
- About "The Last of the Romany" (1977)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1978) (1978)
- The SFWA Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1978) (1978)
- Future Forum (1978) with Forrest J. Ackerman and Ben Bova and Archie Goodwin and Michael Kaluta and Bob Mandell and George Pal and Frederik Pohl and David Prowse and Gene Roddenberry
- Model Paperback Contract (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1978) (1978)
- Afterword (Destiny Times Three) (1978)
- Introduction (The Man Who Fell to Earth) (1978)
- Introduction: New Worlds Coming (1979)
- Introduction: Science Fiction Time (1979)
- Introduction: The Star-Spangled Future (1979)
- Introduction: Those Who Survive (1979)
- Jack Vance and "The Dragon Masters" (1980)
- Books: A Binocular View (Destinies, February-March 1980) (1980)
- Letter (Locus #230) (1980)
- From the President (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, March 1976) (1980)
- Trekking Down the Black Hole (1980)
- Books: A Binocular View (Destinies, Spring 1980) (1980)
- The Taming of the Bear: The Coming Decline of Soviet Power (1980)
Last Word: Save the Toad! (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Save the Toad! (1980)
- On Books (Destinies, Summer 1980) (1980)
- The Future of Science Fiction (1980)
- Afterword (All the Lies That Are My Life) (1980)
- Letter (Foundation, October 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Destinies, Fall 1980) (1980)
- Introduction (Gather, Darkness!) (1980)
- A Prince from Another Land (1981)
- Last Word (Omni, March 1981) (1981)
- Introduction (Beyond This Horizon) (1981)
- On Books (Destinies, Winter 1981) (1981)
- The Immoral Majority (1981)
- How Randall Garrett Changed World History (1982)
- The Feminist Mistake (1982)
Der stählerne Traum: Eine Erklärung?Der staehlerne Traum: Eine Erklaerung[German] (1982)
- Letter to Science Fiction Times [German] (1982)
- Lord of the Swastika (1982)
- Report from the President (1982)
- How Things Work (1982)
- Letter (Locus #263) (1982)
Years of Lightning, Years of Dread (1984)
only appeared as:
Translation: Années de lumières, années de crainte?Annees de lumieres, annees de crainte[French] (1984)
- Letter: In reply to Christopher Priest (1984)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- From the Presidents (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1985) (1985) with Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson and James E. Gunn and Damon Knight and Alan E. Nourse and Frederik Pohl and Jerry Pournelle and Charles Sheffield and Robert Silverberg and Jack Williamson [only as by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson and James Gunn and Damon Knight and Alan E. Nourse and Frederik Pohl and Jerry Pournelle and Charles Sheffield and Robert Silverberg and Norman Spinrad and Jack Williamson]
- SFWA, the Guild (1985)
- A Matter of Literary Principle & Personal Pique (1986)
Hi-tech à la française?Hi-tech a la francaise[French] (1986)
- Letter (Twilight Zone, April 1986) (1986)
- Introduction: Hitler Victorious (1986)
- Bulletin Symposium, Part One of Two (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1987) (1987) with Brian W. Aldiss and Poul Anderson and Ben Bova and Edward Bryant and Sheila Finch and Joe Haldeman and Harry Harrison and Ursula K. Le Guin and Larry Niven and Frederik Pohl and Mike Resnick
- SFRA Panel: Cyberpunk or Cyberjunk? Some Perspectives on Recent Trends in SF (1987) with Gregory Benford and David Brin and John Shirley and Jack Williamson
Introduction to "La Vie Continue" (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introducere la "La Vie Continue" [Romanian] (1995)
Introduction to "Street Meat" (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introducere la "Carnea vie a străzii"?Introducere la "Carnea vie a strazii"[Romanian] (1995)
Introduction to "The Lost Continent" (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introducere la "Continentul Pierdut" [Romanian] (1995)
Introduction to "World War Last" (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introducere la "Ultimul Război Mondial"?Introducere la "Ultimul Razboi Mondial"[Romanian] (1995)
Other Americas: An Introduction to the Volume (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Préface (Les années fléaux) [French] (1990)
- Translation: Introducere (Alte Americi) [Romanian] (1995)
- SF Conventional Calendar (Asimov's, November 1988) (1988)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 1988) (1988)
About the Nominees for the 1989 Nebula Awards (1989)
Neal Barrett, Jr.
Gregory Benford
Lois McMaster Bujold
Orson Scott Card
Bradley Denton
Thomas M. Disch
George Alec Effinger
William Gibson
Steven Gould
John Kessel
Jack McDevitt
Ian McDonald
Judith Moffett
James Morrow
Pat Murphy
Steven Popkes
Mike Resnick
Lucius Shepard
Lewis Shiner
George Turner
Howard Waldrop
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Jane Yolen
only appeared as:
- Variant: About the Nominees (1989)
The Transmogrification of Philip K. Dick (1990)
only appeared as:
- Translation: La transmutation de Philip K. Dick [French] (2006)
- Translation: Die Verwandlung des Philip K. Dick [German] (2009)
- Letter (Locus #351) (1990)
- O tvrdom SF-u [Serbian] (1990)
- Hat er eine Seele? [German] (1990)
- Building a Starfaring Age (1991)
- Science Fiction and the Transformation Crisis (1991)
- Star Trek in the Real World (1991)
Politički SF?Politicki SF[Serbian] (1991)
Politichki SF - Tamo daleko napolju [Serbian] (1991)
- New Worlds in Space (1991)
- The Golden Age of Science Fiction (1991)
- Isaac Asimov: an Affectionate Memory (1992)
- Préface (Le printemps russe) [French] (1992)
- Author's Introduction (Russian Spring) (1992)
Einführung des Autors zur deutschen Ausgabe (Russischer Frühling)?Einfuehrung des Autors zur deutschen Ausgabe (Russischer Fruehling)[German] (1992)
- Afterword to Romanian SF Anthology (1994)
Introducere la volumul de față?Introducere la volumul de fata[Romanian] (1995)
- Letter (Locus #410) (1995)
- The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (1995) with Eleanor Arnason and Gregory Benford and Paul Di Filippo and Maureen F. McHugh and Rebecca Ore and Robert J. Sawyer and Michael Swanwick
- Roger Zelazny, 1937-1995 (1995)
- Afterword (Journals of the Plague Years) (1995)
Science Fiction in the Real Word—Revisited?Science Fiction in the Real Word-Revisited(1996)
- An Open Letter (1997)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #195) (1998)
- Who Is Killing Science Fiction? (1998)
La Cuisine Humaine: How to Cook Like a Human Being (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La cuisine humaine [Portuguese] (1999)
- Translation: La cocina humana [Spanish] (2001)
- SF and the Beats (1999)
- President's Message: Backlist, e-books and Piracy (2001)
The Transformation Crisis (2001)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Transformationskrise [German] (2001)
- Letter (Ansible 171) (2001)
- Nachwort (Simulacra) [German] (2005)
Die Sternenkrieger: Ronald Reagan, SDI — und andere SF-Geschichten?Die Sternenkrieger: Ronald Reagan, SDI - und andere SF-Geschichten[German] (2005)
Préface (La guerre des mondes)?Preface (La guerre des mondes)[French] (2005)
- Not Really New, Not Really Weird (2006)
- Birthday Wishes and Greetings (2008) with Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Peter Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and James E. Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Joe Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Michael Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and James Sallis and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe [only as by Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Pete Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and Jim Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Joe Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Mike Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and Jim Sallis and Norman Spinrad and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe]
- Jack Barron & Me (2011)
- Review of the nonfiction work "The Voodoo Quantum Leap" by Reginald Crosley, M.D. (2012)
- Roland C. Wagner (2012)
- An Experiment in Autobiography (2013)
- The Abnormal New Normal (2014)
- Michael Moorcock (2014)
- Untitled Asimov's Appreciation (The Nanny Bubble) (2017)
- Stand on Zanzibar (1969) by John Brunner
- Partners in Wonder (1971) by Harlan Ellison
- The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (1980) by Peter Nicholls
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1980) by Robert Silverberg
- Mayflies (1980) by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
- On Wings of Song (1980) by Thomas M. Disch
- Golem 100 (1980) by Alfred Bester
- Inconscience Fiction (1980) by Boris Eizykman
- The Golden Man (1980) by Philip K. Dick
- Timescape (1980) by Gregory Benford
- Juniper Time (1980) by Kate Wilhelm
- Scavengers (1980) by David J. Skal
- Songmaster (1980) by Orson Scott Card
- The Snow Queen (1980) by Joan D. Vinge
- The Vampire Tapestry (1980) by Suzy McKee Charnas
- Golden Vanity (1981) by Rachel Pollack
- The Barbie Murders (1981) by John Varley
- The Hell Candidate (1981) by Thomas Luke
- Titan (1981) by John Varley
- Wild Seed (1981) by Octavia E. Butler
- Wizard (1981) by John Varley
- God Emperor of Dune (1981) by Frank Herbert
- Radix (1981) by A. A. Attanasio
- Starship & Haiku (1982) by Somtow Sucharitkul
- The Man in the Darksuit (1982) by Dennis R. Caro
- Tintagel (1982) by Paul H. Cook
- Battlefield Earth (1983) by L. Ron Hubbard
- Eye of Cat (1983) by Roger Zelazny
- Light on the Sound (1983) by Somtow Sucharitkul
- Mallworld (1983) by Somtow Sucharitkul
- Perpetual Light (1983) by Alan Ryan
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983) by Gene Wolfe
- Yesterday's Tomorrows (1983) by Frederik Pohl
- Neuromancer (1984) by William Gibson
- New Worlds (1984) by Michael Moorcock
- Broken Symmetries (1984) by Paul Preuss
- Dr. Adder (1984) by K. W. Jeter
- Green Eyes (1984) by Lucius Shepard
- In Other Worlds (1984) by A. A. Attanasio
- Startide Rising (1984) by David Brin
- The Continent of Lies (1984) by James Morrow
- The Wild Shore (1984) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Wine of Violence (1984) by James Morrow
- Budspy (1988) by David Dvorkin
- Metrophage (1988) by Richard Kadrey
- Soldiers of Paradise (1988) by Paul Park
- The Jehovah Contract (1988) by Victor Koman
- The Movement of Mountains (1988) by Michael Blumlein
- Eternity (1989) by Greg Bear
- Sugar Rain (1989) by Paul Park
- The Last Legends of Earth (1989) by A. A. Attanasio
- Tides of Light (1989) by Gregory Benford
- Out on Blue Six (1990) by Ian McDonald
- Phases of Gravity (1990) by Dan Simmons
- Weave World (1990) by Clive Barker
- Webs (1990) by Scott Baker
- Buying Time (1990) by Joe Haldeman
- Hyperion (1990) by Dan Simmons
- On My Way to Paradise (1990) by Dave Wolverton
- Red Prophet (1990) by Orson Scott Card
- Sunglasses After Dark (1990) by Nancy A. Collins
- Consider Phlebas (1990) by Iain M. Banks
- Iris (1990) by William Barton and Michael Capobianco
- The Fall of Hyperion (1990) by Dan Simmons
- Midas [German] (1990) by Wolfgang Jeschke
- Cortez on Jupiter (1991) by Ernest Hogan
- Dream Baby (1991) by Bruce McAllister
- Good News from Outer Space (1991) by John Kessel
- Only Begotten Daughter (1991) by James Morrow
- Vineland (1991) by Thomas Pynchon
- Earth (1991) by David Brin
- Pacific Edge (1991) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Folk of the Fringe (1991) by Orson Scott Card
- Ambient (1991) by Jack Womack
- Heathern (1991) by Jack Womack
- Nightshade (1991) by Jack Butler
- Queen of Angels (1991) by Greg Bear
- Terraplane (1991) by Jack Womack
- Midas (1991) by Wolfgang Jeschke
- Synners (1991) by Pat Cadigan
- The Child Garden (1991) by Geoff Ryman
- The Illegal Rebirth of Billy the Kid (1991) by Rebecca Ore
- The Silicon Man (1991) by Charles Platt
- A Woman of the Iron People (1992) by Eleanor Arnason
- Alien Tongue (1992) by Stephen Leigh
- Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede (1992) by Bradley Denton
- Down the Bright Way (1992) by Robert Reed
- Madlands (1992) by K. W. Jeter
- Mojo and the Pickle Jar (1992) by Douglas Bell
- Red Genesis (1992) by S. C. Sykes
- China Mountain Zhang (1992) by Maureen F. McHugh
- Fellow Traveler (1992) by William Barton and Michael Capobianco
- Puppetmaster (1992) by Mike McQuay
- Sheltered Lives (1992) by Charles Oberndorf
- The Nemesis Mission (1992) by Dean Ing
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1992) by Mark Twain
- Bicycling Through Space and Time (1992) by Michael B. Sirota
- Captain Jack Zodiac (1992) by Michael Kandel
- Moving Pictures (1992) by Terry Pratchett
- Snow Crash (1992) by Neal Stephenson
- Elvissey (1993) by Jack Womack
- Last Call (1993) by Tim Powers
- The Dark Beyond the Stars (1993) by Frank M. Robinson
- The Trinity Paradox (1993) by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason
- Use of Weapons (1993) by Iain M. Banks
- Wulfsyarn (1993) by Phillip Mann
- Assemblers of Infinity (1993) by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason
- Kalifornia (1993) by Marc Laidlaw
- The Harvest (1993) by Robert Charles Wilson
- Why Do Birds (1993) by Damon Knight
- A Million Open Doors (1993) by John Barnes
- Kingdoms of the Wall (1993) by Robert Silverberg
- Mutagenesis (1993) by Helen Collins
- Rainbow Man (1993) by M. J. Engh
- Red Mars (1993) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Stopping at Slowyear (1993) by Frederik Pohl
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1993) by Robert Silverberg
- Against a Dark Background (1994) by Iain M. Banks
- Aztec Century (1994) by Christopher Evans
- New Worlds 1 (1994) by David Garnett
- New Worlds 2 (1994) by David Garnett
- Take Back Plenty (1994) by Colin Greenland
- White Queen (1994) by Gwyneth Jones
- Beautiful Soup: A Novel for the 21st Century (1994) by Harvey Jacobs
- Forests of the Night (1994) by S. Andrew Swann
- Hard Landing (1994) by Algis Budrys
- Parable of the Sower (1994) by Octavia E. Butler
- Sandman, Sleep (1994) by Herbert Lieberman
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1994) by John Clute and Peter Nicholls
- Virtual Light (1994) by William Gibson
- A Philosophical Investigation (1994) by Philip Kerr
- Crashcourse (1994) by Wilhelmina Baird
- Passion Play (1994) by Sean Stewart
- Ring of Swords (1994) by Eleanor Arnason
- Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone (1994) by Ian McDonald
- Dead Girls (1995) by Richard Calder
- Feersum Endjinn (1995) by Iain M. Banks
- Furious Gulf (1995) by Gregory Benford
- Queen City Jazz (1995) by Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Ancestral Hungers (1995) by Scott Baker
- Into the Deep (1995) by Ken Grimwood
- Larque on the Wing (1995) by Nancy Springer
- Metal Angel (1995) by Nancy Springer
- The Priest (1995) by Thomas M. Disch
- Towing Jehovah (1995) by James Morrow
- Dead Boys (1996) by Richard Calder
- Endymion (1996) by Dan Simmons
- North Wind (1996) by Gwyneth Jones
- Sailing Bright Eternity (1996) by Gregory Benford
- Vanitas (1996) by S. P. Somtow
- Armed Memory (1996) by Jim Young
- Becoming Human (1996) by Valerie J. Freireich
- Gaia's Toys (1996) by Rebecca Ore
- Kamikaze L'Amour (1996) by Richard Kadrey
- Slow Funeral (1996) by Rebecca Ore
- The Diamond Age (1996) by Neal Stephenson
- This Side of Judgement (1996) by J. R. Dunn
- Warp Angel (1996) by Stuart Hopen
- Celestis (1996) by Paul Park
- Door Number Three (1996) by Patrick O'Leary
- Evolution's Shore (1996) by Ian McDonald
- Flowerdust (1996) by Gwyneth Jones
- Lethe (1996) by Tricia Sullivan
- Terminal Café (1996) by Ian McDonald
- Metropolitan (1996) by Walter Jon Williams
- Panda Ray (1996) by Michael Kandel
- Pirates of the Universe (1996) by Terry Bisson
- RIM: A Novel of Virtual Reality (1996) by Alexander Besher
- The Fortunate Fall (1996) by Raphael Carter
- Blue Mars (1997) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Green Mars (1997) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Red Mars (1997) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Blood Brothers (1997) by Steven Barnes
- Holy Fire (1997) by Bruce Sterling
- Idoru (1997) by William Gibson
- Looking for the Mahdi (1997) by N. Lee Wood
- The Great Wheel (1997) by Ian R. MacLeod
- Blameless in Abaddon (1997) by James Morrow
- Brand New Cherry Flavor (1997) by Todd Grimson
- City on Fire (1997) by Walter Jon Williams
- Stainless (1997) by Todd Grimson
- Waking Beauty (1997) by Paul Witcover
- / (1998) by Greg Bear
- Destiny's Road (1998) by Larry Niven
- Empire of the Ants (1998) by Bernard Werber
- Signs of Life (1998) by M. John Harrison
- Slow River (1998) by Nicola Griffith
- The Ringworld Throne (1998) by Larry Niven
- American Goliath (1998) by Harvey Jacobs
- Expiration Date (1998) by Tim Powers
- Humpty Dumpty: An Oval (1998) by Damon Knight
- Requiem (1998) by Graham Joyce
- Ribofunk (1998) by Paul Di Filippo
- The Tooth Fairy (1998) by Graham Joyce
- Why Do Birds (1998) by Damon Knight
- Ciphers (1998) by Paul Di Filippo
- Cythera (1998) by Richard Calder
- Les Racines Du Mall (1998) by Maurice G. Dantec
- Second Coming Attractions (1998) by David Prill
- Night Lamp (1999) by Jack Vance
Nothing Burns in Hell (1999)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- O Pioneer! (1999) by Frederik Pohl
- Ports of Call (1999) by Jack Vance
- The Avram Davidson Treasury (1999) by Avram Davidson
- The Good Old Stuff (1999) by Gardner Dozois
- White Light (1999) by William Barton and Michael Capobianco
- 253 (1999) by Geoff Ryman
- L'Odyssee de l'Espece (1999) by Roland C. Wagner
- The Blood Jaguar (1999) by Michael H. Payne
- The Physiognomy (1999) by Jeffrey Ford
- Waiting (1999) by Frank M. Robinson
- Cosm (1999) by Gregory Benford
- Frenzetta (1999) by Richard Calder
- In the Garden of Iden (1999) by Kage Baker
- Mission Child (1999) by Maureen F. McHugh
- The Alien Years (1999) by Robert Silverberg
- The Best of Interzone (1999) by David Pringle
- Cryptonomicon (2000) by Neal Stephenson
- Dark Cities Underground (2000) by Lisa Goldstein
- Down There in Darkness (2000) by George Turner
King Rat (2000)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Starfish (2000) by Peter Watts
- The Cassini Division (2000) by Ken MacLeod
- The Centurion's Empire (2000) by Sean McMullen
- Days of Cain (2000) by J. R. Dunn
- Memoranda (2000) by Jeffrey Ford
- The Hoegbotton Guide to The Early History of Ambergris by Duncan Shriek (2000) by Jeff VanderMeer
- The Sea Came in at Midnight (2000) by Steve Erickson
- The Silence of Heaven (2000) by Peter Lord-Wolff
- Habitus (2001) by James Flint
- Joe's Liver (2001) by Paul Di Filippo
- Tales of Old Earth (2001) by Michael Swanwick
- The Stargate Conspiracy (2001) by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
- Soulsaver (2001) by James Stevens-Arce
- The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2001) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Spike (2001) by Damien Broderick
- The Telling (2001) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Limit of Vision (2002) by Linda Nagata
- Red Moon (2002) by Michael Cassutt
- The Chief Designer (2002) by Andy Duncan
- Ventus (2002) by Karl Schroeder
- Appleseed (2002) by John Clute
Perdido Street Station (2002)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- The Last Hot Time (2002) by John M. Ford
- Voyage a l'envers (2002) by Philippe Curval
- A Mouthful of Tongues (2003) by Paul Di Filippo
- Maelstrom (2003) by Peter Watts
- Permanence (2003) by Karl Schroeder
- Shadow Puppets (2003) by Orson Scott Card
- Whole Wide World (2003) by Paul J. McAuley
- Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003) by Cory Doctorow
- Manta's Gift (2003) by Timothy Zahn
- Stories of Your Life and Others (2003) by Ted Chiang
- The Apocalypse Door (2003) by James D. Macdonald
- Transcension (2003) by Damien Broderick
Iron Council (2005)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Master of None (2005) by N. Lee Wood
- Neutrino Drag (2005) by Paul Di Filippo
- Stable Strategies and Others (2005) by Eileen Gunn
- Black Brillion (2005) by Matthew Hughes
- Frek and the Elixir (2005) by Rudy Rucker
- New Worlds (2005) by Michael Moorcock
The Scar (2005)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- The Year of Our War (2005) by Steph Swainston
- Context (2006) by John Meaney
- Healer (2006) by Michael Blumlein
- Paradox (2006) by John Meaney
- The Affinity Trap (2006) by Martin Sketchley
- The Resurrected Man (2006) by Sean Williams
- Judas Unchained (2006) by Peter F. Hamilton
- Pandora's Star (2006) by Peter F. Hamilton
- Resolution (2006) by John Meaney
- River of Gods (2006) by Ian McDonald
- Blindsight (2007) by Peter Watts
- Horizons (2007) by Mary Rosenblum
- Infoquake (2007) by David Louis Edelman
- Spears of God (2007) by Howard V. Hendrix
- No Dominion (2007) by Charlie Huston
- Sagramanda (2007) by Alan Dean Foster
- The Demon and the City (2007) by Liz Williams
- The Good Faries of New York (2007) by Martin Millar
- The Secret City (2007) by Carol Emshwiller
- Brasyl (2008) by Ian McDonald
- In War Times (2008) by Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Keeping It Real (2008) by Justina Robson
- Grey (2008) by Jon Armstrong
- Harm (2008) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Ice (2008) by Vladimir Sorokin
- The Castle in the Forest (2008) by Norman Mailer
- The SFWA European Hall of Fame (2008) by James Morrow and Kathryn Morrow
- Watermind (2008) by M. M. Buckner
- The Word of God (2009) by Thomas M. Disch
- Before They Are Hanged (2009) by Joe Abercrombie
- Butcher Bird (2009) by Richard Kadrey
- Last Argument of Kings (2009) by Joe Abercrombie
- Neurogenesis (2009) by Helen Collins
- Son of Man (2009) by Robert Silverberg
- The Blade Itself (2009) by Joe Abercrombie
- The Elementary Particles (2009) by Michel Houellebecq
- Cyberabad Days (2010) by Ian McDonald
- In the Courts of the Sun (2010) by Brian D'Amato
- Ivory (2010) by Mike Resnick
- The Best of Michael Moorcock (2010) by Michael Moorcock
- The Last Theorem (2010) by Frederik Pohl and Arthur C. Clarke
- The Quiet War (2010) by Paul McAuley
- Babylon Babies (2010) by Maurice G. Dantec
- Galileo's Dream (2010) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Gardens of the Sun (2010) by Paul McAuley
- The Windup Girl (2010) by Paolo Bacigalupi
- Ares Express (2011) by Ian McDonald
Kraken (2011)
China Miéville?China Mieville
The City and the City (2011)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- The Dervish House (2011) by Ian McDonald
- Anathem (2011) by Neal Stephenson
- Super Sad True Love Story (2011) by Gary Shteyngart
- The Lost Symbol (2011) by Dan Brown
- The Road (2011) by Cormac McCarthy
Embassytown (2012)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Enigmatic Pilot (2012) by Kris Saknussemm
- Reves de Gloire (2012) by Roland C. Wagner
- Body, Inc. (2012) by Alan Dean Foster
- The Games (2012) by Ted Kosmatka
- The Human Blend (2012) by Alan Dean Foster
- The Night Sessions (2012) by Ken MacLeod
- The Restoration Game (2012) by Ken MacLeod
- Cowboy Angels (2013) by Paul McAuley
- Planesrunner (2013) by Ian McDonald
Railsea (2013)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Tears in Rain (2013) by Rosa Montero
- The Best of All Possible Worlds (2013) by Karen Lord
- The Magic Circle (2013) by Jenny Davidson
- Turing & Burroughs (2013) by Rudy Rucker
- Farewell, Fantastic Venus! (2014) by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison
- Ghost Spin (2014) by Chris Moriarty
- Old Mars (2014) by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois
- Starship Century (2014) by James Benford and Gregory Benford
- The Cusanus Game (2014) by Wolfgang Jeschke
- Tuf Voyaging (2014) by George R. R. Martin
- Shipstar (2014) by Gregory Benford and Larry Niven
- The Big Aha (2014) by Rudy Rucker
- The Martian (2014) by Andy Weir
- Absurdistan (2015) by Gary Shteyngart
- Little Failure (2015) by Gary Shteyngart
- Shovel Ready (2015) by Adam Sternbergh
- The Detainee (2015) by Peter Liney
- (R)Evolution (2015) by P. J. Manney
- Bastards (2015) by Ayerdhal
- Superposition (2015) by David Walton
- Aurora (2016) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Supersymmetry (2016) by David Walton
- The Flickermen (2016) by Ted Kosmatka
- Can & Can'tankerous (2016) by Harlan Ellison
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2015 (2016) by Greg Bear
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2016 (2016) by Mercedes Lackey
- The Fredric Brown Megapack (2016) by Fredric Brown
- Deserts of Fire: Speculative Fiction and the Modern War (2017) by Douglas Lain
The Last Days of New Paris (2017)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Binti (2017) by Nnedi Okorafor
- Central Station (2017) by Lavie Tidhar
- Pirate Utopia (2017) by Bruce Sterling
- The Devourers (2017) by Indra Das
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (2018) by Mark Twain
- The Berlin Project (2018) by Gregory Benford
- The Genius Plague (2018) by David Walton
- Tropic of Kansas (2018) by Christopher Brown (I)
- 2084 The End of the World (2018) by Boualem Sansal
- A Man of Shadows (2018) by Jeff Noon
- Submission (2018) by Michel Houellebecq
- Borne (2019) by Jeff VanderMeer
- Rewrite (2019) by Gregory Benford
- The Body Library (2019) by Jeff Noon
- Zion's Fiction: A Treasury of Israeli Speculative Fiction (2019) by Sheldon Teitelbaum and Emanuel Lottem
- Astounding (2019) by Alec Nevala-Lee
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2018 (2019) by Jane Yolen
- Red Moon (2019) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- China Dream (2020) by Ma Jian
- Invisible Planets (2020) by Ken Liu
- Waste Tide (2020) by Chen Qiufan
- Relic (2021) by Alan Dean Foster
- The Death of the Universe (2021) by Brandon Q. Morris
- Transformation (2021) by James Gunn
- Space Station Down (2021) by Ben Bova and Doug Beason
- The Hole (2021) by Brandon Q. Morris
- The Ministry for the Future (2021) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- And the Last Trump Shall Sound (2021) by Harry Turtledove and James Morrow and Cat Rambo
- Or Even Eagle Flew (2021) by Harry Turtledove
- Speculative Los Angeles (2021) by Denise Hamilton
- Unfinished Land (2021) by Greg Bear
- Bela Lugosi's Dead (2022) by Robert Guffey
- Burn-In (2022) by P. W. Singer and August Cole
- Klara and the Sun (2022) by Kazuo Ishiguro
- Shadows of Eternity (2022) by Gregory Benford
- Tender is the Flesh (2022) by Agustina Bazterrica
- The Godel Operation (2022) by James L. Cambias
- War of the Maps (2022) by Paul McAuley
- Cloud Cuckoo Land (2023) by Anthony Doerr
- How High We Go in the Dark (2023) by Sequoia Nagamatsu
- My Volcano (2023) by John Elizabeth Stintzi
- Project Hail Mary (2023) by Andy Weir
- Noor (2023) by Nnedi Okorafor
- Sweep of Stars (2023) by Maurice Broaddus
- The City We Became (2023) by N. K. Jemisin
- House of Gold (2024) by C. T. Rwizi
- Lost Moon: Lunar Eclipse (2024) by Brandon Q. Morris
- The Ten Percent Thief (2024) by Lavanya Lakshminarayan
- Existence (2024) by David Brin
- The Thousand Earths (2024) by Stephen Baxter
- To Each This World (2024) by Julie E. Czerneda
- Rencontre avec Norman Spinrad [French] (1973) by Patrice Duvic
- Norman Spinrad: Interview (1975) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Vertex Interviews Norman Spinrad (1975) by Arthur Byron Cover
- The Norman Spinrad Interview (1977) by Doug Fratz
- An Interview with Norman Spinrad (1979) by Charles Platt
- Sprinrad "Talking to the Man" (1979) by uncredited
- "Comment préserver la liberté sans éliminer ceux qui se battent contre elle ?" [French] (1979)
Bernard Blanc
Yves Frémion?Yves Fremion
- Interview: Norman Spinrad (1980) by M. Berkenwald and Christopher John
- Norman Spinrad (1984) by John Ellis and Steve Hammill
- Ein Gespräch mit Norman Spinrad [German] (1986) by C. J. Henderson
- A Conversation with Norman Spinrad (1986) by Earl G. Ingersoll and Nancy Kress
- Norman Spinrad: SF Internationale (1988) by uncredited
- Spinrad & Dick [French] (1997)
Tom Clegg
Henri Lœvenbruck?Henri Loevenbruck
- Dear Norman: An Interview with Norman Spinrad (1998) by Robert Neilson
- Bugging Norman Spinrad (1998) by Maureen Kincaid Speller
- Norman Spinrad: The Transformation Crisis (1999) by uncredited
- Interview de N. Spinrad [French] (2000)
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot
- Interview mit Norman Spinrad [German] (2003) by Hardy Kettlitz and Hannes Riffel
- The Druid King (2004) by Michael Lohr
- Le transcendantalisme dans le métro [French] (2006) by Tom Clegg
- Author Spotlight: Norman Spinrad (2010) by T. J. McIntyre
- Outspoken Interview (2014) by uncredited
- "No Regrets, No Retreat, No Surrender" (2014) by Terry Bisson
Non-Genre Titles
Passing Through the Flame (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: Trecând prin flăcări?Trecand prin flacari[Romanian] (2000)
- Mexica (2005)