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Fiction Series
- Crossfire
- 1
Crossfire (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kontakt [German] (2006)
- Translation: Feux croisés [French] (2009)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Crossfire: l'ultimo pianeta (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2005)
- 2
Crucible (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Feuerprobe [German] (2006)
- Serializations:
- Translation: A dura prova (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2006)
- 1
Crossfire (2003)
also appeared as:
- David Brin's Out of Time
- Oaths and Miracles / Robert Cavanaugh
- 1
Oaths and Miracles (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verico Target [German] (1998)
- 2
Stinger (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Moskito [German] (2001)
- 1
Oaths and Miracles (1996)
also appeared as:
- Probability Universe
The Flowers of Aulit Prison (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Flowers of Aulit Prison (1996)
- Translation: Les fleurs de la prison d'Aulite [French] (2000)
- Translation: I fiori della prigione di Aulit [Italian] (2013)
- Probability
- 1
Probability Moon (2000)
also appeared as:
Translation: Réalité partagée?Realite partagee[French] (2003)
- Translation: Sternspringer [German] (2005)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Porta Per L'infinito (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2002)
- 2
Probability Sun (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Artefacts [French] (2004)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Porta per il Sole (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2003)
- 3
Probability Space (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les faucheurs [French] (2005)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Porta sullo spazio (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2005)
- 1
Probability Moon (2000)
also appeared as:
The Flowers of Aulit Prison (1996) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Roger / Soulvine Moor Chronicles
- 1
Crossing Over (2010)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Crossing Over (2010) [as by Anna Kendall]
- Translation: Naar Danderzij en Terug [Dutch] (2011) [as by Anna Kendall]
- 2 Dark Mist Rising (2011) [only as by Anna Kendall]
- 3 A Bright and Terrible Sword (2012) [only as by Anna Kendall]
- 1
Crossing Over (2010)
only appeared as:
- Sleepless
- 1
Beggars in Spain (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mendigos en España [Spanish] (1996)
- Translation: Bettler in Spanien [German] (1997)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Mendicanti di Spagna (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1997)
- 2
Beggars & Choosers (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bettler und Sucher [German] (1997)
- Variant: Beggars and Choosers (2009)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Mendicanti e superuomini (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1998)
- 3
Beggars Ride (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bettlers Ritt [German] (1999)
- Serializations:
- Translation: La rivincita dei mendicanti (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1999)
Beggars in Spain (1991) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bettler in Spanien [German] (1992)
- Translation: Modificazione genetica [Italian] (1992)
Translation: Cerșetori în Spania?Cersetori in Spania[Romanian] (1993)
Translation: Prosjaci u Španiji?Prosjaci u Spaniji[Serbian] (1993)
Translation: L'une rêve et l'autre pas?L'une reve et l'autre pas[French] (1993)
- Translation: Mendicanti in Spagna [Italian] (2005)
- Translation: L'une rêve, l'autre pas [French] (2012)
Sleeping Dogs (1999) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Slapende honden [Dutch] (unknown)
Translation: Méfiez-vous du chien qui dort...?Mefiez-vous du chien qui dort...[French] (2000)
- Translation: Perros durmientes [Spanish] (2000)
- 1
Beggars in Spain (1993)
also appeared as:
- Yesterday's Kin
- 1 Tomorrow's Kin (2017)
- 2 If Tomorrow Comes (2018)
- 3 Terran Tomorrow (2018)
- Yesterday's Kin (2014) [SF]
- Yesterday's Kin Trilogy (2019) [O/1-3]
The Prince of Morning Bells (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Weg zum Herz der Welt [German] (1982)
- Translation: Le prince de l'aube [French] (1992)
The Golden Grove (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Goldene Hain [German] (1985)
The White Pipes (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schalmeienklänge [German] (1985)
- Translation: La flûte ensorceleuse [French] (1993)
An Alien Light (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La città della luce [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Fremdes Licht [German] (1995)
Brain Rose (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schädelrose [German] (1994)
Maximum Light (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In grellem Licht [German] (2000)
Translation: Les hommes dénaturés?Les hommes denatures[French] (2001)
Nothing Human (2003)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: Mai più umani (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2007)
The Omega Egg (2007)
Tobias S. Buckell
Michael A. Burstein
Pat Cadigan
Bill Fawcett
David Gerrold
Brian Herbert
James Patrick Kelly
Kay Kenyon
Stephen Leigh
Jody Lynn Nye
Laura Resnick
Mike Resnick
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Robert Sheckley
Dean Wesley Smith
Jane Yolen
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Omega Egg (Part 1 of 17): Conversation with an Admiral (2005) [as by Mike Resnick]
- The Omega Egg (Part 2 of 17): Conversation with a Dragon (2005) [as by David Gerrold]
- The Omega Egg (Part 3 of 17): Dreams and Nightmares (2005) [as by Nancy Kress]
- The Omega Egg (Part 4 of 17): Smoke and Mirrors (2005) [as by Robert Sheckley]
- The Omega Egg (Part 5 of 17): The Egg and the Dragon (2005) [as by Brian Herbert]
- The Omega Egg (Part 6 of 17): The Da Vinci Code (2005) [as by Laura Resnick]
- The Omega Egg (Part 7 of 17): Your Own Private Gulag (2005) [as by Kay Kenyon]
- The Omega Egg (Part 8 of 17): Altar Ego (2005) [as by Stephen Leigh]
- The Omega Egg (Part 9 of 17): Falling (2005) [as by Bill Fawcett]
- The Omega Egg (Part 10 of 17): Holes in the Universe (2006) [as by Kristine Kathryn Rusch]
- The Omega Egg (Part 11 of 17): Choosing Sides (2006) [as by James Patrick Kelly]
- The Omega Egg (Part 12 of 17): Picking a God's Nose (2006) [as by Dean Wesley Smith]
- The Omega Egg (Part 13 of 17): The Search for Bob (2006) [as by Jody Lynn Nye]
- The Omega Egg (Part 14 of 17): The End of Some Things, the Beginning of Others (2006) [as by Jane Yolen]
- The Omega Egg (Part 15 of 17): Mr. Spencer's Blues (2006) [as by Pat Cadigan]
- The Omega Egg (Part 16 of 17): Conversation with His Future Self (2006) [as by Michael A. Burstein]
- The Omega Egg (Part 17 of 17): For Whom the Bellflower Tolls (2006) [as by Tobias S. Buckell]
Dogs (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hundewahn [German] (2012)
- Steal Across the Sky (2009)
- Flash Point (2012)
- The Eleventh Gate (2020)
- Sea Change (2020)
- Observer (2023) with Robert Lanza
- Trinity and Other Stories (1985)
- The Aliens of Earth (1993)
- Beaker's Dozen (1998)
- Nano Comes to Clifford Falls and Other Stories (2008)
- Future Perfect: Six Stories of Genetic Engineering (2012)
- The Body Human: Three Stories of Future Medicine (2012)
- AI Unbound: Two Stories of Artificial Intelligence (2012)
- Fountain of Age: Stories (2012)
- The Best of Nancy Kress (2015)
- Danses aériennes [French] (2017)
- Égi tánc Part 2. of 2 [Hungarian] (2024)
- Nebula Awards
- 37 Nebula Awards Showcase 2003 (2003)
- Rumbo a Bizancio / Bailando en el aire [Spanish] (2004) with Robert Silverberg
- Eeriecon Chapbook #6 (2007) with Steven Brust and James Alan Gardner and Josepha Sherman
- New Under the Sun (2013) with Therese Pieczynski
- Unrivaled: Four Groundbreaking Hugo & Nebula Winning Stories (2023) with Lois McMaster Bujold and Joe Haldeman and Mike Resnick
Beggars in Spain (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mendicanti in Spagna [Italian] (2005)
- Translation: L'une rêve, l'autre pas [French] (2012)
- The Price of Oranges (1992)
Dancing on Air (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Danse aérienne [French] (1997)
Evolution (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Evoluzione [Italian] (2014)
- Margin of Error (2000)
- Out of All Them Bright Stars (2000)
- Steamship Soldier on the Information Front (2000)
- Summer Wind (2000)
The Flowers of Aulit Prison (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I fiori della prigione di Aulit [Italian] (2013)
- Philippa's Hands (2000)
- The Omega Egg (Part 3 of 17) (2005)
Il trattamento D [Italian] (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fontaine des âges [French] (2021)
Act One (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Atto primo [Italian] (2011)
La connessione Erdmann [Italian] (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le nexus du docteur Erdmann [French] (2016)
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dopo la caduta [Italian] (2013)
- Translation: Après la chute [French] (2014)
- One (2013)
- Come nascono i bambini [Italian] (2014)
- Yesterday's Kin (2014)
- Computer virus [Italian] (2014)
- La donna che osservava le rane [Italian] (2015)
- Liavek
- Birth Luck (1985)
- Training Ground (1987)
- The Queen of Air and Darkness
- Outmoded Things (2014)
The Earth Dwellers (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Erde verbunden [German] (1981)
A Delicate Shade of Kipney (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein zarter Hauch von Kipni [German] (1979)
- And Whether Pigs Have Wings (1979)
Against a Crooked Stile (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Spannungsfeld [German] (1980)
Shadows on the Cave Wall (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Des ombres sur le mur de la caverne [French] (1984)
- Casey's Empire (1981)
With the Original Cast (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In Originalbesetzung [German] (1985)
- Talp Hunt (1982)
- Green Thumb (1982)
- A Little Matter of Timing (1982)
- Night Win (1983)
- Borovsky's Hollow Woman (1983) with Jeff Duntemann
Explanations, Inc. (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Explications, SARL [French] (1985)
- Translation: Erklärungen GmbH [German] (1987)
Ten Thousand Pictures, One Word (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zehntausend Bilder, ein Wort [German] (1985)
Trinity (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wer suchet, der findet [German] (1985)
Translation: Trinité?Trinite[French] (1986)
- Translation: Trinitate [Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: Trinità [Italian] (2008)
Out of All Them Bright Stars (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les visiteurs [French] (1986)
Translation: 彼方には輝く星々?あちらにはかがやくほしぼし[Japanese] (1987) [as by
Achira ni ha Kagayaku Hoshiboshi
Achira ni wa Kagayaku Hoshiboshiナンシー・クレス?Nanshī Kuresu]
Nanshii Kuresu - Translation: Tra tutte quelle stelle [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Od svih tih sjajnih zvijezda [Croatian] (1988)
Translation: Dintre toate stelele strălucitoare?Dintre toate stelele stralucitoare[Romanian] (2008)
Down Behind Cuba Lake (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Passando pelo Lago Cuba [Portuguese] (1990)
- Phone Repairs (1986)
- Cannibals (1987)
- Glass (1987)
Craps (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Zufallsspiel [German] (1990)
- Spillage (1988)
In Memoriam (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Sjećanja?Sjecanja[Croatian] (1989)
- Philippa's Hands (1988)
- In a World Like This (1988)
The Price of Oranges (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O preço das laranjas [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Cena pomorandži?Cena pomorandzi[Serbian] (1992)
- Translation: Der Preis der Orangen [German] (1992)
- Translation: 1937: Andata e ritorno [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: O preço das laranjas [Portuguese] (2017)
People Like Us (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gente como a gente [Portuguese] (1990)
Renaissance (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Renascimento [Portuguese] (1990)
- Inertia (1990) also appeared as:
Touchdown (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Touchdown [French] (2017)
- Peace of Mind (1991)
And Wild for to Hold (1991)
also appeared as:
Translation: und zügellos wild ...?und zuegellos wild ...[German] (1993)
- Eoghan (1992)
The Mountain to Mohammed (1992)
also appeared as:
Translation: La montagne ira à Mahomet?La montagne ira a Mahomet[French] (1993)
- Translation: Wenn der Prophet nicht zum Berg kommt ... [German] (1994)
- Translation: Muntele la Mohamed [Romanian] (1994)
Translation: Góra przyszła do Mahometa?Gora przyszla do Mahometa[Polish] (1997)
- Birthing Pool (1992)
Stalking Beans (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le haricot géant [French] (2002)
- The Death of John Patrick Yoder (1993)
- To Scale (1993)
- The Battle of Long Island (1993)
Martin on a Wednesday (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Martin le mercredi [French] (2018)
Dancing on Air (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ples u vazduhu [Serbian] (1995)
- Translation: Ein Tanz in der Luft [German] (1996)
- Translation: Danse aérienne [French] (1997)
Translation: ダンシング・オン・エア?Danshingu on Ea[Japanese] (2002) [as byナンシー・クレス?Nanshī Kuresu]
Nanshii Kuresu - Translation: Bailando en el aire [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: Danse aérienne [French] (2017)
- Grant Us This Day (1993)
- Ars Longa (1994)
- Words Like Pale Stones (1994)
Margin of Error (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Margen de error [Spanish] (2013)
- Unto the Daughters (1995)
Fault Lines (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Verwirrung der Gefühle?Verwirrung der Gefuehle[German] (1997)
Evolution (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Evolution [German] (1997)
- Translation: Evoluzione [Italian] (1997)
Translation: 進化?しんか[Japanese] (2001) [as by
Shinkaナンシー・クレス?Nanshī Kuresu]
Nanshii Kuresu - Translation: Evoluzione [Italian] (2014)
- Translation: Évolution [French] (2017)
- Hard Drive (1995)
Feigenbaum Number (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fajgenbaumov broj [Serbian] (1998) [as by Nensi Kres]
Summer Wind (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Brise d'été [French] (2000)
Marigold Outlet (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La source de Bouton d'or [French] (1999)
Sex Education (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Come nascono i bambini [Italian] (2014)
Always True to Thee, in My Fashion (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sempre a te fedele, secondo la moda [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: À la mode, à la mode [French] (2017)
- Making Good Time (1997) with Pat Cadigan and James Patrick Kelly and Rachel Pollack
Steamship Soldier on the Information Front (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Dampfschiffsoldat an der Informationsfront [German] (2000)
- Steadfast (1997)
- Johnny's So Long at the Fair (1997)
State of Nature (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stato di natura [Italian] (2000)
- Clad in Gossamer (1999)
Savior (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Saviour (2012)
- Translation: Le sauveur [French] (2017)
To Cuddle Amy (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Coccolare Amy [Italian] (2004)
- Wetlands Preserve (2000)
- Arms and the Woman (2000)
Computer Virus (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Computer virus [Italian] (2005)
- Translation: Computer virus [Italian] (2014)
And No Such Things Grow Here (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Und nichts davon wächst hier [German] (2001)
Patent Infringement (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Infracción de patente [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: Violazione di brevetto [Italian] (2006)
Translation: O încălcare a drepturilor de autor?O incalcare a drepturilor de autor[Romanian] (2007)
- The Most Famous Little Girl in the World (2002)
- Probability Space (excerpt) (2002)
Ej-Es (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ej-Es [Italian] (2007)
- The War on Treemon (2003)
- Crossfire (excerpt) (2003)
- Dancing in the Dark (2003)
- Evigt dig trogen [Swedish] (2004)
My Mother, Dancing (2004)
also appeared as:
Translation: Notre mère qui dansez?Notre mere qui dansez[French] (2000)
- Translation: Madre, bailemos [Spanish] (2004)
- Variant: My Mother Dancing (2005)
Shiva in Shadow (2004)
also appeared as:
Translation: Un zeu din umbră?Un zeu din umbra[Romanian] (2008)
- Translation: Shiva dans l'ombre [French] (2017)
- Mirror Image (2005)
- First Flight (2006)
Product Development (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dezvoltarea de noi produse [Romanian] (2012)
- JQ211F, and Holding (2006)
Nano Comes to Clifford Falls (2006)
also appeared as:
Translation: Nanotehnologia cucerește Clifford Falls?Nanotehnologia cucereste Clifford Falls[Romanian] (2009)
- Safeguard (2007)
- Solomon's Choice (2007) with Mike Resnick
End Game (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fin de partie [French] (2017)
Translation: 残 局 [Chinese] (2023)
[as by 南希·克雷斯?Nánxī Kèléisī]
Nanxi Keleisi
Stone Man (2007)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Stone Man (2014)
Art of War (2007)
also appeared as:
Translation: Arta războiului?Arta razboiului[Romanian] (2008)
- Translation: L'art de la guerre [French] (2009)
Fountain of Age (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il trattamento D [Italian] (2009)
- Translation: La fontaine des âges [French] (2021)
- By Fools Like Me (2007)
- Laws of Survival (2007)
- The Rules (2007)
- Sex and Violence (2008)
- Call Back Yesterday (2008)
- The Kindness of Strangers (2008)
- Elevator (2008)
- First Rites (2008)
The Erdmann Nexus (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La connessione Erdmann [Italian] (2010)
- Translation: Le nexus du docteur Erdmann [French] (2016)
- Unintended Behavior (2009)
Act One (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Atto primo [Italian] (2011)
- Serializations:
- Act One (Part 1 of 2) (2022)
- Act One (Part 2 of 2) (2022)
- Exegesis (2009)
- Images of Anna (2009)
- Deadly Sins (2009)
- First Principle (2011)
- Eliot Wrote (2011)
- A Hundred Hundred Daisies (2011)
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dopo la caduta [Italian] (2013)
- Translation: Après la chute [French] (2014)
- After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (excerpt) (2012)
We Can Do This (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: On va y arriver [French] (2017)
- Writer's Block (2012)
- Knotweed and Gardenias (2013)
- Migration (2013)
- Mithridates, He Died Old (2013)
- More (2013)
One (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un [French] (2017)
- ... and Other Stories (2013)
- Pathways (2013)
- Annabel Lee (2013)
Second Arabesque, Very Slowly (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zweite Arabesque, sehr langsam [German] (2015)
- Translation: Segundo arabesque, muito lentamente [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Al doilea arăbesc, foarte încet?Al doilea arabesc, foarte incet[Romanian] (2017)
Frog Watch (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La donna che osservava le rane [Italian] (2015)
The Common Good (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le bien commun [French] (2017)
- Pretty Soon the Four Horsemen Are Going to Come Riding Through (2014)
- Do You Remember Michael Jones? (2014)
- Eaters (2014)
Sidewalk at 12:10 P.M. (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Trottoir à 12h10 [French] (2017)
- Someone to Watch Over Me (2014)
- Angels of the Apocalypse (2014)
- Why I Hate Earth (2015)
- Blessings (2015)
- Cocoons (2015)
- The Aliens and Me (2015)
- Machine Learning (2015)
- Belief (2016)
- Pyramid (2016)
- The Robot Did It (2016)
- Every Hour of Light and Dark (2017)
- Collapse (2017)
- Canoe (2017)
- Dear Sarah (2017)
- The Great Broccoli Wi-Fi Theft (2017)
- Ma Ganga (2018)
- If Tomorrow Comes (excerpt) (2018)
- Cost of Doing Business (2018)
- Semper Augustus (2020)
- Invisible People (2020)
- Little Animals (2021)
- Halo (2024)
- The Alice Run (2024)
- Stephen R. Donaldson: Six Appreciations (1985)
Comments by the Nominees for the 1985 Nebula Awards (1986)
Brian W. Aldiss
Greg Bear
Michael Bishop
James P. Blaylock
David Brin
Orson Scott Card
Harlan Ellison
Joe Haldeman
Barry N. Malzberg
Tim Powers
Lucius Shepard
Bruce Sterling
Michael Swanwick
S. C. Sykes
Howard Waldrop
William F. Wu
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1986)
- Bulletin Symposium, Part Two of Two (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1987) (1987) with Greg Bear and John Kessel and James Morrow and Kim Stanley Robinson and Rudy Rucker
- Read This (NYRSF, November 1988) (1988)
- L'arte di raccontare, ovvero come disegnare la mappa della foresta [Italian] (1989)
Readers and Marketers: A Meditation (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les lecteurs et le marketing : une réflexion [French] (1990)
- Plot: Using Coincidence in Your Fiction (1990)
- Using the Flashback (1992)
- What a Coincidence! (1992)
- An SF Moderate Climbs Cautiously Onto the Barricades (1992)
- Letter (Locus #392) (1993)
- Read This (NYRSF, March 1994) (1994)
- The Moon Landing: A Personal Confession (1994)
- Fiction: Nancy Kress Offers Her Own Ten Commandments (1996)
- One Damn Thing After Another (1996)
- Introduction (Beaker's Dozen) (1998)
- Afterword: Modest Expectations (2000)
- Introduction to Solace (2001)
- Introduction: Entering the Field (Nebula Awards Showcase 2003) (2003)
- Preface (Beggars in Spain) (2004)
- On "My Mother, Dancing" (2006)
Introduction (New Dreams for Old) (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introducción (Sueños nuevos por viejos) [Spanish] (2006)
- Ethics, Science, and Science Fiction (2007)
- Chengdu (2007)
- Mike Resnick: An Appreciation (2008)
- On "Fountain of Age" (2008)
- On "Safeguard" (2008)
- Nick at the Loom (2008)
- Reading Jack Skillingstead (2009)
- Breeding Fiction (2010)
- As the Twig Is Bent (2010)
- Distant Effects (2010)
- Ralph (2010)
- Daryl Gregory:Facts and Obsessions (2011)
- Connie Willis: Wrapping Paper and Time Travel (2011)
- Introduction to "For I Have Touched the Sky" (2012)
- Thoraiya Dyer: Giving Us Ourselves in Exotic Worlds (2013)
- Nancy Kress on Nisi Shawl (2013)
- Dallying with Datlow (2013) with Eileen Gunn
- Therese Pieczynski and Strange Attraction (2013)
- Follow the Money (2014)
- Afterword: Outmoded Things (2014)
- Afterword to "And Wild For to Hold" (2015)
- Afterword to "Beggars in Spain" (2015)
- Afterword to "By Fools Like Me" (2015)
- Afterword to "Casey's Empire" (2015)
- Afterword to "Dancing on Air" (2015)
- Afterword to "End Game" (2015)
- Afterword to "Evolution" (2015)
- Afterword to "Grant Us This Day" (2015)
- Afterword to "Laws of Survival" (2015)
- Afterword to "Margin of Error" (2015)
- Afterword to "My Mother, Dancing" (2015)
- Afterword to "Out of All Them Bright Stars" (2015)
- Afterword to "Pathways" (2015)
- Afterword to "People Like Us" (2015)
- Afterword to "Shiva in Shadow" (2015)
- Afterword to "Someone to Watch Over Me" (2015)
- Afterword to "The Flowers of Aulit Prison" (2015)
- Afterword to "The Kindness of Strangers" (2015)
- Afterword to "The Price of Oranges" (2015)
- Afterword to "Trinity" (2015)
- Afterword to "Unto the Daughters" (2015)
- Introduction (The Best of Nancy Kress) (2015)
- Celebrating 50 Years of Locus (2018)
- Gardner Dozois (2018)
- Gardner Dozois: Eagle Eye and Big Heart (2018)
- In Memoriam, Gardner Dozois: 1947-2018 (2019)
- Introduction (Continued on Next Rock) (2019)
- Appreciation (Mike Resnick) (2020)
- Setting the Scene (2021)
- Locus Interview
- Nancy Kress: People Matter (2010) with Nancy Kress
- Gene Wolfe in Conversation (1985) with Gene Wolfe (co-interviewer Calvin Rich)
- A Conversation with Norman Spinrad (1986) with Norman Spinrad (co-interviewer Earl G. Ingersoll) [only as by Earl G. Ingersoll and Nan Kress]
- A Conversation with Frederik Pohl (1986) with Frederik Pohl (co-interviewers Paul Ferguson and Earl G. Ingersoll) [only as by Paul Ferguson and Earl Ingersol and Nancy Kress]
- The Darkness of Power: A Conversation with Stephen R. Donaldson (1987) with Stephen R. Donaldson (co-interviewer Paul Ferguson)
- A Conversation with Connie Willis (1988) with Connie Willis (co-interviewer Earl G. Ingersoll) [only as by Earl Ingersoll and Nancy Kress]
- Tomorrow's Kin (2016) with Nancy Kress
- Pushing Back the Boundaries: A Conversation with Nancy Kress (1986) by Earl G. Ingersoll and Stan Sanvel Rubin
- Nancy Kress: The Children's Hour (1992) by uncredited
- An Interview with Nancy Kress (1993) by Joe Magee
- Interview with: Nancy Kress (1996) by Linda D. Addison
- "If It Can Happen, It Will Happen" (1998) by Earl G. Ingersoll
- Nancy Kress: Juggling Realities (2000) by uncredited
- Nancy Kress : un entretien [French] (2002) by Tom Clegg
- Talking with Nancy Kress (2003) by Kelly A. Harmon
- Author Interview: Nancy Kress (2004) by Lynne Jamneck
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2009) by Rae Bryant
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2010) by Wendy N. Wagner
- Nancy Kress: People Matter (2010) by Nancy Kress
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2011) by Stacey Friedberg
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2012) by John Nakamura Remy
- Interview (2012) by Maureen Kincaid Speller
- To Save Ourselves: A Conversation with Nancy Kress (2012) by Jeremy L. C. Jones
- Interview de Nancy Kress [French] (2012) by Nicolas Delalondre
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2012) by Earnie Sotirokos
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2013) by Amber Barkley
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2014) by John Joseph Adams
- Women Remember: A Roundtable Interview (2014) by Mary Robinette Kowal (co-interviewed with Ursula K. Le Guin and Pat Cadigan and Ellen Datlow)
- Nancy Kress: No Beggar in Spain (2015) by Stephen Euin Cobb
- A Few Words with Nancy Kress (2015) by uncredited
- Tomorrow's Kin (2016) by Nancy Kress
- Interview: Nancy Kress (2016) by David Barr Kirtley
- Author Spotlight: Nancy Kress (2017)
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- The Galaxy's Edge Interview (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 28: September 2017) (2017) by Joy Ward
- Nancy Kress et ses lendemains : un entretien [French] (2018) by Ellen Herzfeld and Dominique Martel
- Genetics, Spores, and Automation: A Conversation with Nancy Kress (2018) by Chris Urie
- Interview with Nancy Kress on Her New Novella "Sea Change" (2020) by uncredited
- An Interview with Nancy Kress (2020) by Lisa Yaszek
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
- A Scientific Education (1998)