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Fiction Series
- Adventures of Viktor & Julia
- 1
The Martian Race (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les enfants de Mars [French] (2001)
- Translation: Das Rennen zum Mars [German] (2002)
- 2 The Sunborn (2005)
- 1
The Martian Race (1999)
also appeared as:
- Against the Fall of Night
Beyond the Fall of Night (1990)
Arthur C. Clarke
also appeared as:
Translation: S one strane spuštanja noći?S one strane spustanja noci[Serbian] (1991) [as by Gregori Benford and Artur Klark]
S one strane spushtanja noci -
Translation: Jenseits der Dämmerung?Jenseits der Daemmerung[German] (1993)
- Against the Fall of Night / Beyond the Fall of Night (1991) [O] with Arthur C. Clarke
Beyond the Fall of Night (1990)
Arthur C. Clarke
also appeared as:
- Bowl of Heaven
- 1
Bowl of Heaven (2012)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
Translation: Himmelsjäger?Himmelsjaeger[German] (2013)
- 2
Shipstar (2014)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
Translation: Sternenflüge?Sternenfluege[German] (2014)
- 3 Glorious (2020) with Larry Niven
- Bowl of Heaven and Shipstar (2020) [O/1-2] with Larry Niven
- 1
Bowl of Heaven (2012)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Bradley Reynolds
If the Stars Are Gods (1974) [SF]
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
- Translation: Als de sterren Goden zijn [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Wenn die Sterne Götter wären?Wenn die Sterne Goetter waeren[German] (1982)
- Translation: Ako su zvezde bogovi [Serbian] (1991) [as by Gregori Benford and Gordon Eklund]
- Translation: Ako su zvijezde bogovi [Croatian] (2015)
The Anvil of Jove (1976) [SF]
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jupiters Amboß [German] (1978)
Hellas Is Florida (1977) [SF]
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hellas, c'est la Floride [French] (1977)
- Translation: Marte come la Florida [Italian] (1990)
If the Stars Are Gods (1977)
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
Translation: Les étoiles, si elles sont divines?Les etoiles, si elles sont divines[French] (1979)
- Translation: Der Bernsteinmensch [German] (1982)
- Translation: Se le stelle fossero dei [Italian] (2002)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Se le stelle fossero dei (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1991)
- Titan Falling (1980) [SF]
If the Stars Are Gods (1974) [SF]
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
- Foundation Universe
- Second Foundation Trilogy
- 1
Foundation's Fear (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Foundations angst [Dutch] (1997)
Translation: Strah Zadužbine (1)?Strah Zaduzbine (1)[Serbian] (1998) [as by Gregori Benford]
Translation: Strah Zadužbine (2)?Strah Zaduzbine (2)[Serbian] (1998) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Translation: Der Aufstieg der Foundation [German] (2000)
Translation: Fondation en péril?Fondation en peril[French] (2002)
Translation: Teama Fundației?Teama Fundatiei[Romanian] (2004)
- 1
Foundation's Fear (1997)
also appeared as:
- Second Foundation Trilogy
- Jupiter Project
- 1
Jupiter Project (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Jupiterprojekt [German] (1978)
- Serializations:
- Jupiter Project (Part 1 of 2) (1972)
- Jupiter Project (Part 2 of 2) (1972)
- Translation: Progetto Giove (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1991)
- 2
Against Infinity (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Contre l'infini [French] (1983)
- Translation: Wider die Unendlichkeit [German] (1985)
- Translation: Contra el infinito [Spanish] (1988)
- Serializations:
- Against Infinity (Part 1 of 2) (1983)
- Against Infinity (Part 2 of 2) (1983)
- 1
Jupiter Project (1975)
also appeared as:
- Ocean / Galactic Center
Swarmer, Skimmer (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schwärmer - schneller [German] (1984)
Great Sky River (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Biopartizaan [Dutch] (1993)
- Translation: Himmelsfluss [German] (1994)
- Translation: Velika nebeska reka [Serbian] (1994) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Translation: Il grande fiume del cielo [Italian] (1994)
Translation: La grande rivière du ciel?La grande riviere du ciel[French] (1994)
Tides of Light (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lichtgezeiten [German] (1994)
- Translation: Lichtstorm [Dutch] (1994)
Translation: Marées de lumière?Marees de lumiere[French] (1995)
- Translation: Plime svetlosti [Serbian] (1997) [as by Gregori Benford]
Furious Gulf (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kolkende Kloof [Dutch] (1995)
- Translation: Abismo frenético [Spanish] (1996)
- Translation: Mahniti zaliv [Serbian] (1997) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Translation: Im Herzen der Galaxis [German] (2000)
- Translation: Les profondeurs furieuses [French] (2002)
Sailing Bright Eternity (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Jedrenje blistavom večnošću?Jedrenje blistavom vecnoscu[Serbian] (1995) [as by Gregori Benford]
Jedrenje blistavom vechnoshchu - Translation: Koersen naar de Eeuwigheid [Dutch] (1996)
- Translation: In leuchtender Unendlichkeit [German] (2000)
A Hunger for the Infinite (1999) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Honger naar de oneindigheid [Dutch] (unknown)
- Translation: Une soif d'infini [French] (2000)
- Translation: Hambre de infinito [Spanish] (2000)
- Nigel Walmsley
In the Ocean of Night (1972) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: In the Ocean of Night (1972) [as by Greg Benford]
Translation: Dans l'océan de la nuit?Dans l'ocean de la nuit[French] (1974)
- Variant: Marauder! (1976)
- Translation: Dallo spazio profondo [Italian] (1991)
Icarus Descending (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kollisionskurs [Swedish] (1974) [as by Greg Benford]
- Threads of Time (1974) [SF]
- A Snark in the Night (1977) [SF]
In the Ocean of Night (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In de oceaan van de nacht [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Im Meer der Nacht [German] (1980)
Translation: Dans l'océan de la nuit: Tome 1?Dans l'ocean de la nuit: Tome 1[French] (1984)
Translation: Dans l'océan de la nuit: Tome 2?Dans l'ocean de la nuit: Tome 2[French] (1984)
- Translation: Nell'oceano della notte [Italian] (1986)
Translation: U okeanu noći?U okeanu noci[Serbian] (1989) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Translation: No Oceano da Noite, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: No Oceano da Noite, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1998)
Translation: Dans l'océan de la nuit?Dans l'ocean de la nuit[French] (2001)
Across the Sea of Suns (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Durchs Meer der Sonnen [German] (1985)
- Translation: À travers la mer des soleils: tome 1 [French] (1985)
- Translation: À travers la mer des soleils: tome 2 [French] (1985)
- Translation: Attraverso un mare di soli [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Preko mora sunaca [Serbian] (1989) [as by Gregori Benford]
Translation: À travers la mer des soleils?A travers la mer des soleils[French] (2001)
- Translation: Além do Mar dos Sóis, 1º volume [Portuguese] (2005)
- Translation: Além do Mar dos Sóis, 2º volume [Portuguese] (2005)
In the Ocean of Night (1972) [SF]
only appeared as:
Swarmer, Skimmer (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Tales of Known Space
- Man-Kzin Wars
- The Trojan Cat (1994) [SF] with Mark O. Martin
A Darker Geometry (1995)
Mark O. Martin
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine dunkle Geometrie [German] (2002)
- Man-Kzin Wars
- Time Gate
The Rose and the Scalpel (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Trandafirul și bisturiul?Trandafirul si bisturiul[Romanian] (1993)
Trandafirul shi bisturiul
The Eagle and the Cross (1990)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vulturul și crucea?Vulturul si crucea[Romanian] (1995)
The Rose and the Scalpel (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Deeper Than the Darkness (1970) [also as by Greg Benford]
The Stars in Shroud (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Asche des Imperiums [German] (1984)
- Serializations:
- The Stars in Shroud (Part 1 of 3) (1978) [as by Greg Benford]
- The Stars in Shroud (Part 2 of 3) (1978) [as by Greg Benford]
- The Stars in Shroud (Part 3 of 3) (1978)
Shiva Descending (1980)
William Rotsler
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schiwas feuriger Atem [German] (1982)
- Translation: Shiva le destructeur [French] (1983) [as by G. Benford and W. Rotsler]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Tra dieci mesi la fine del mondo (Part 1 of 2) [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: Tra dieci mesi la fine del mondo (Part 2 of 2) [Italian] (1981)
Timescape (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un paysage du temps [French] (1982)
- Translation: Un paysage du temps: Tome 1 [French] (1982)
- Translation: Un paysage du temps: Tome 2 [French] (1982)
- Translation: Zeitschaft [German] (1984)
- Translation: Cronopaisaje [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Timescape [Italian] (1989)
Translation: Vremenski pejzaž?Vremenski pejzaz[Serbian] (1990) [as by Gregori Benford]
Translation: Natură moartă cu timp?Naturah moartah cu timp[Romanian] (1995)
Natura moarta cu timp
Find the Changeling (1980)
Gordon Eklund
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Masken des Alien [German] (1982)
Artifact (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Artefakt [German] (1987)
- Translation: Il manufatto [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Artifact [Romanian] (2002)
Heart of the Comet (1986)
David Brin
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Herzen des Kometen [German] (1986)
Translation: Au cœur de la comète?Au coeur de la comete[French] (1987)
- Translation: Nel cuore della cometa [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Srce komete [Serbian] (1993) [as by Gregori Benford and Dejvid Brin]
- Chiller (1993) [also as by Sterling Blake]
- Cosm (1998) also appeared as:
Eater (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'ogre de l'espace [French] (2001)
- Translation: Eater [German] (2002)
- Translation: Devorador [Portuguese] (2005)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il divoratore di mondi (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2001)
Beyond Infinity (2004)
also appeared as:
Translation: Au-delà de l'infini?Au-dela de l'infini[French] (2007)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Città di stelle (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2006)
- The Berlin Project (2017)
- Rewrite: Loops in the Timescape (2018)
- Shadows of Eternity (2021)
In Alien Flesh (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: En chair étrangère?En chair etrangere[French] (1988)
- Translation: Enciclopedia aliena [Italian] (1993)
- Matter's End (1995)
- Worlds Vast and Various (2000)
- Immersion and Other Short Novels (2002)
- Anomalies (2012)
- The Galactic Center Companion, 2nd Edition (2014)
- The Best of Gregory Benford (2015)
- Mammoth Dawn (2015) with Kevin J. Anderson
- New Ball Games for the Future (2018) with Gordon Eklund
- Les aires du réel / Les étoiles, si elles sont divines [French] (1979) [O] with Gordon Eklund
- Artifact / Cosm / Eater (2014) [O]
- Nebula Awards
- 34 Nebula Awards Showcase 2000 (2000)
- The New Hugo Winners
- 4 The New Hugo Winners, Volume IV (1997)
- What Might Have Been
- 1 Alternate Empires (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 2 Alternate Heroes (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 3 Alternate Wars (1991) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 4 Alternate Americas (1992) with Martin H. Greenberg
- What Might Have Been: Volumes 1 & 2: Alternate Empires / Alternate Heroes (1990) [O/1,2] with Martin H. Greenberg
- What Might Have Been: Volumes 3 & 4: Alternate Wars / Alternate Americas (1992) [O/3,4] with Martin H. Greenberg
- Hitler Victorious: Eleven Stories of the German Victory in World War II (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg [also as by Gregory Benford and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Nuclear War (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Gregory Benford and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- The Saturn Game / Iceborn (1989) with Poul Anderson and Paul A. Carter
- Far Futures (1995)
- Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science (2000) with George Zebrowski
- Microcosms (2004)
- Merlin (2004)
- Sentinels: In Honor of Arthur C. Clarke (2010) with George Zebrowski
- Starship Century: Toward the Grandest Horizon (2013) with James Benford
- The Mars Girl / As Big As the Ritz (2016) with Joe Haldeman
- Time's Rub (1984)
- Of Space / Time and the River (1985)
- At the Double Solstice (1986)
- We Could Do Worse (1988)
- Centigrade 233 (1990)
- Matter's End (1991)
- The Final Now (2011)
- Grace Immaculate (2011)
- Backscatter (2013)
- Iceborn (2014) with Paul A. Carter
- The Designer's Universe (1991)
- Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia (1999)
- The Wonderful Future That Never Was (2010) with Editors of Popular Mechanics
- The Amazing Weapons That Never Were (2012) with Editors of Popular Mechanics
- Bridges to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Outstanding Essays from the J. Lloyd Eaton Conferences (2018) with Howard V. Hendrix and Joseph D. Miller and Gary Westfahl
- Science Fiction and the Dismal Science: Essays on Economics in and of the Genre (2019) with Jonathan Alexander and Howard V. Hendrix and Gary Westfahl
- H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds Universe
- 2 War of the Worlds Sequels
- 3 War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches
Paris Conquers All (1996)
David Brin
also appeared as:
- Translation: Paris conquiert l'univers [French] (1996)
- Translation: Paris schlägt zurück [German] (1998)
Translation: Nadmoćni Pariz?Nadmocni Pariz[Serbian] (1999)
Nadmochni Pariz
Afterword: Retrospective (War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches) (1996) [ES]
David Brin
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Retrospective by Jules Verne (1996)
Paris Conquers All (1996)
David Brin
also appeared as:
- 3 War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches
- 2 War of the Worlds Sequels
- Heroes in Hell
- Newton Sleep (1986)
- The Gods of the Gaps (1987)
- Mammoth Dawn
- Mammoth Dawn (2002) with Kevin J. Anderson
- Bringing Back the Mammoths (2015) [ES] with Kevin J. Anderson
- Mammoth Dawn: Full Novel Treatment and Proposal (2015) with Kevin J. Anderson
- SETI Library
- Orbitfall (2008)
- Ascending Everest (2009)
- Black Smoker (2009)
- The Mars Mat (2009)
Lathe of Evolution (2009)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Lathe of Evolution, Part 1 (2009)
- Lathe of Evolution, Part 2 (2009)
- The Grace of Tragedy (2010)
- The Sigma Structure Symphony (2012)
- The Jupiter War
- Dread Moon (1991)
- Stand-In (1965) [also as by Greg Benford]
Flattop (1966)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Flattop (1966) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Die Marspflanze [German] (1966) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Flattop [Portuguese] (1971) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Paillasson [French] (1974) [as by Greg Benford]
Representative from Earth (1966)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Representative from Earth (1966) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Rappresentante della Terra [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Die Aufnahmeprüfung [German] (1968) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Representante da Terra [Portuguese] (1970) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Pour l'honneur de la Terre [French] (1973) [as by Greg Benford]
Sons of Man (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sons of Man (1969) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: I figli dell'uomo [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Figli dell'uomo [Italian] (1988)
Deeper Than the Darkness (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les enfouis de Regeln [French] (1976) [as by Greg Benford]
3:02 p.m., Oxford (1970)
only appeared as:
- Variant: 3:02 P.M., Oxford (1970) [as by Greg Benford]
Nobody Lives on Burton Street (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nobody Lives on Burton Street (1970) [as by Greg Benford]
- Translation: Er woont niemand meer in Burton street [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Aufruhr in der Burton Street [German] (1975)
- Translation: Personne n'habite Burton Street [French] (1985)
- The Scarred Man (1970) [also as by Greg Benford]
- The Prince of New York (1970) with Laurence Littenberg [only as by Benford and Littenberg]
- Treaty (1970) with David Book [only as by Lincoln Albert]
- The Movement (1970)
- Inalienable Rite (1970)
- Battleground (1971) with James Benford [only as by Greg Benford and Jim Benford]
Star Crossing (1971)
Donald Franson
only appeared as:
- Variant: Star Crossing (1971) [as by Greg Benford and Donald Franson]
- Translation: L'eremita Di Nexus [Italian] (1972) [as by Greg Benford and Donald Franson]
- West Wind, Falling (1971) with Gordon Eklund
- But the Secret Sits (1971) [only as by Greg Benford]
And the Sea Like Mirrors (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les miroirs de la mer [French] (1983)
- Translation: A more kao ogledala [Serbian] (1986) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Translation: Oglinzile oceanulu [Romanian] (1995)
- From Shall We Take a Little Walk? (excerpt) (1973)
- Man in a Vice (1974)
Nobody Lives Around There (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Personne n'habite par ici [French] (1979)
- John of the Apocalypse (1975) with James Benford
White Creatures (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: Blanches créatures?Blanches creatures[French] (1988)
- Translation: Creature Bianche [Italian] (1993)
Doing Lennon (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Faire Lennon [French] (1988)
- Translation: Nei panni di Lennon [Italian] (1993)
- Beyond Grayworld (1975)
- Cambridge, 1:58 A.M. (1975)
Seascape (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pebble Among the Stars (1976)
- Translation: Seewelt [German] (1987)
- What Did You Do Last Year? (1976) with Gordon Eklund
How It All Went (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Come Tutto Fini' [Italian] (1979)
- Knowing Her (1977)
Snatching the Bot (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Wordt Gezellig Thuis [Dutch] (1985) [as by Greg Benford]
Translation: En dérobant Robby?En derobant Robby[French] (1988)
- Translation: Il Sequestro Del Bot [Italian] (1993)
- Homemaker (1977)
Nooncoming (1978)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le jour se lève?Le jour se leve[French] (1988)
- Translation: Mezzogiorno [Italian] (1993)
- Starswarmer (1978)
In Alien Flesh (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In fremdem Fleisch [German] (1979)
- Translation: En chair étrangère [French] (1980)
- Translation: In de huid van een anderling [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: En chair étrangère?En chair etrangere[French] (1988)
- Translation: Nella Carne Aliena [Italian] (1993)
Old Woman by the Road (1978)
also appeared as:
Translation: Alte Frau am Straßenrand?Alte Frau am Strassenrand[German] (1982)
A Hiss of Dragon (1978)
Marc Laidlaw
also appeared as:
- Translation: Drakengesis [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Drachenschnauben [German] (1983)
- Time Guide (1979)
- Calibrations and Exercises (1979)
Redeemer (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le Rédempteur?Le Redempteur[French] (1988)
- Translation: Redentore [Italian] (1993)
Dark Sanctuary (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dunkles Asyl [German] (1981)
Time Shards (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scherven van de tijd [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Fragments de temps [French] (1988)
- Translation: Frammenti Di Tempo [Italian] (1993)
- Pick an Orifice (1980)
- Shall We Take a Little Walk? (1981)
- Cadenza (1981)
Exposures (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Belichtungen [German] (1983)
- Translation: Ekspozycje [Polish] (1988)
Translation: Clichés?Cliches[French] (1988)
- Translation: Lastre [Italian] (1993)
- Slices (1981)
- Last Word (Omni, March 1982) (1982)
- The Other Side of the River (1982)
Valhalla (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Valhalla [French] (1983)
Lazarus Rising (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Auferstehung des Lazarus [German] (1984)
- Translation: O Despertar de Lázaro [Portuguese] (1992)
Relativistic Effects (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Relativistische Effekte [German] (1985)
- Translation: Effets relativistes [French] (1988)
- Translation: Efecte relativiste [Romanian] (1993)
- Translation: Effetti Relativistici [Italian] (1993)
- The Touch (1983)
- Me/Days (1984) also appeared as:
Time's Rub (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Zahn der Zeit [German] (1987)
- Translation: La patine du temps [French] (1988)
- Translation: La Morsa Del Tempo [Italian] (1993)
Of Space-Time and the River (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Of Space/Time and the River (1985)
- Translation: De l'espace/temps et du fleuve [French] (1988)
- Translation: Von Raum-Zeit und dem Fluß [German] (1988)
- Translation: Lo Spazio-Tempo E Il Fiume [Italian] (1990)
Translation: Raum-Zeit-Fluß?Raum-Zeit-Fluss[German] (1992)
- Translation: Lo Spazio-Tempo E Il Fiume [Italian] (1993)
- Immortal Night (1985)
To the Storming Gulf (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tempête sur le golfe [French] (1985) [as by Greg Benford]
Translation: Vers le golfe des tempêtes?Vers le golfe des tempetes[French] (1988)
- Translation: Hinunter zum stürmischen Golf [German] (1991)
- Translation: Verso Il Golfo Tempestoso [Italian] (1993)
- As Big As the Ritz (1986)
Freezeframe (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Arrêt/Image?Arret/Image[French] (1988)
- Translation: Imagens [Portuguese] (1993)
- Dancing with the Straw Man (1986)
- At the Double Solstice (1986)
- As Big As the Ritz (revised) (1987)
- Great Sky River (excerpt) (1987)
- Mandikini (1987)
- What Are You Going to Be When You Grow Up? (1987)
- Proselytes (1988)
- We Could Do Worse (1988)
All the Beer on Mars (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Toda a cerveja de Marte [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Tutta La Birra Su Marte [Italian] (1994)
Proserpina's Daughter (1989)
Paul A. Carter
also appeared as:
- Translation: Proserpinas Tochter [German] (1992)
- Alphas (1989) also appeared as:
- Mozart on Morphine (1989)
- Iceborn (1989) with Paul A. Carter
- Leviathan (1989)
Warstory (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: História de Guerra [Portuguese] (1991)
Translation: Poveste de război?Poveste de razboi[Romanian] (1992)
- Translation: Histoire de guerre [French] (1993)
- Latter-Day Martian Chronicles (1990)
Centigrade 233 (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celzijus 233 [Serbian] (1998) [as by Gregori Benford]
Matter's End (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Koniec rzeczy [Polish] (1997)
Translation: La fin de la matière?La fin de la matiere[French] (1997)
Manassas, Again (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Manassass, din nou... [Romanian] (1994)
- Chiller (excerpt) (1991)
- Touches (1991)
Down the River Road (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Langs de tijdstroom [Dutch] (1992)
- Translation: Sur la route du fleuve [French] (1992)
- Translation: La strada lungo il fiume [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Den Strom hinab [German] (1996)
- Rumbling Earth (1992)
- World Vast, World Various (1992)
Shakers of the Earth (1992)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ziemia drży pod ich stopami?Ziemia drzy pod ich stopami[Polish] (1998)
The Dark Backward (1993)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In the Dark Backward (1993)
- Not of an Age (1994)
- Doing Alien (1994)
- The Bigger One (1994)
- Soon Comes Night (1994)
- Strong Instinct (1994) with Mark O. Martin
- A Tapestry of Thought (1995)
- Side Effect (1995)
- Sleepstory (1995)
- Deep Eyes (1995)
- Kollapse (1995)
A Desperate Calculus (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Desperate Calculus (1995) [as by Sterling Blake]
- Variant: A Calculus of Desperation (2000)
- High Abyss (1995)
- Sailing Bright Eternity (excerpt) (1995)
A Worm in the Well (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il buco del verme [Italian] (1997)
- Immersion (1996)
Zoomers (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cacciatori di investimenti [Italian] (1998)
- Early Bird (1997)
- The Voice (1997) also appeared as:
- New Ninevehs (1997)
- Galaxia (1997)
- A Cold Dry Cradle (1997) with Elisabeth Malartre [also as by Gregory Benford and Elisabeth Malartrez]
- Ordinary Aliens (1998)
- A Pit Which Has No Bottom (1998)
- Slow Symphonies of Mass and Time (1998)
A Dance to Strange Musics (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Al suono di una musica aliena [Italian] (2000)
- Translation: Au son de musiques inconnues [French] (2000)
- Taking Control (2000)
- Anomalies (2001) also appeared as:
- Comes the Evolution (2001)
- Eater (excerpt) (2001)
- Three Gods (2001)
- Ménage à Trois (2001)
- Brink (2001)
- Around the Curve of a Cosmos (2002)
- The Goldilocks Problem (2002)
The Clear Blue Seas of Luna (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Los claros mares azules de la Luna [Spanish] (2003)
- On the Edge (2003)
- Naturals (2003)
The Hydrogen Wall (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Onde de choc [French] (2000)
- Translation: Vento cosmico [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: El muro de hidrógeno [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: Il muro di idrogeno [Italian] (2007)
On the Brane (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sulla brana [Italian] (2009)
Twenty-Two Centimeters (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Twenty Two Centimeters (2004)
- Beyond Infinity (excerpt) (2004)
- Ol' Gator (2004)
- Station Spaces (2004)
The First Commandment (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il primo comandamento [Italian] (2008)
- Blood's a Rover (2004)
- Beyond Pluto (2005)
- The Sunborn (excerpt) (2005)
- Useful Agonies (2005)
A Life with a Semisent (2005)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Semisent (2005)
- Variant: The Semisent (2005) [as by Greg Benford]
Translation: O viață cu un semiconștient?O viata cu un semiconstient[Romanian] (2012)
- The Pain Gun (2005)
- Iraqi Heat (2005)
- The Man Who Wasn't There (2005)
- The Gorgon's Head (2006) with Elisabeth Malartre [only as by Gregory Benford and Elizabeth Malartre]
Applied Mathematical Theology (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Teologia matematicii aplicate [Romanian] (2009)
Bow Shock (2006)
also appeared as:
Translation: Front de șoc?Front de soc[Romanian] (2010)
- Robowar (2006)
- How to Write a Scientific Paper (2007)
- I Could've Done Better (2007) with David Brin
- Dark Heaven (2007)
The Worm Turns (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un revers de fortune [French] (2009)
- Reasons Not to Publish (2007)
- The Champagne Award (2008)
- SETI for Profit (2008)
Caveat Time Traveller (2009)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Caveat Time Traveler (2009)
- Paradise Afternoon (2009)
- Tiny Elephants (2010)
- The Final Now (2010)
- Penumbra (2010)
- Shadows of the Lost (2010) with Elisabeth Malartre
- Gravity's Whispers (2010)
- Mercies (2010)
- Eagle (2011)
- Grace Immaculate (2011)
- Coda: Atmosphaera Incognita (2013)
- The Man Who Sold the Stars (2013)
- Backscatter (2013)
- Think Big (2013)
- Banner of the Angels (2013) with David Brin
- Leaving Night (2013)
- Shipstar (excerpt) (2013) with Larry Niven
- Bloodpride (2014)
- Lady with Fox (2014)
- Aspects (2015)
- The Third Chimp (2015)
Vortex (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il vortice [Italian] (2016)
- Elderjoy (2016)
- Mice Among Elephants (2016) with Larry Niven
- A Surprise Beginning (2017)
- Shadows of Eternity (2017)
- Red Planet Reds (2018) with Gordon Eklund
- The Good of the Game (2018) with Gordon Eklund
- Physics Tomorrow: A News Item of the Year 2116 (2018)
- A Waltz in Eternity (2018)
- Rave on (2019)
- Cooling Chaos (2020)
- The Diaphanous (2023)
- The Far Dark (2023)
- The Lurker (2024) with James Benford
- SF: Why We Read It (1981)
- Lust (1982)
- Sandy Lust (1982)
Blood on Glass (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Du sang sur le verre [French] (1988)
- Translation: Sangue Sul Vetro [Italian] (1993)
Bleak Velocities (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schreckliche Geschwindigkeiten [German] (1991)
- Waiting for the Next Wave (1989)
- Isaac from the Outside (2006)
- At the Singularity (2008)
- A Scientist's Notebook
- Pascal's Terror (1988)
- Leaping the Abyss (1992)
- Doing Science (1992)
- The Biological Century (1992)
- Salvaging the Library of Life (1992)
- Imagining the Real (1993)
- Our Computers/Our Selves (1993)
- Reasoning About Emotions (1993)
- Time, Again (1993)
- Calculating the Future (1993)
- Aliens We Can Know (1993)
- Deep Time (1994)
- From Here to Eternity (1994)
- Antarctica and Mars (1994)
- The Fire This Time (1994)
- Humanity As Cancer (1995)
- The Big Wham (1995)
- Biotech and Nanodreams (1995)
- The Fourth Dimension (1995)
- The Far Future (1995)
- Life at Galactic Center (1995)
- Sex, Gender, and Fantasy (1995)
- An Odyssey Galactic (1995)
- America as Rome (1996)
- Scientist Heroes (1996)
Net@Fandom.Com (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Net@fandom.com [French] (1997)
- A Diamond Age (1996)
- A Scientist's Notebook: The Wired Bio-World (1996)
- Life on Mars? (1997)
- Going to Mars (1997)
- Colliding Cultures (1997)
- Selfness (1997)
- Our Complex Greenhouse (1998)
- Bright Future: Fixing the Greenhouse (1998)
- Boom and Zoom (1998)
- Vaults in Vacuum (1998)
- Imagining Other Minds (1998)
- A Portrait of Humanity (1998)
- Is It Smart to Be Smart? (1999)
- A Scientist's Notebook: The Teeth of Time (1999)
- Future Wonders (1999)
- Sending Meanings Across Epochs (1999)
- The Long Future (1999)
- The Science Fiction Century (1999)
- Expecting the Unexpected (1999)
- Watching the Future on TV (2000)
- Skylife (2000) with George Zebrowski
- Living in Space (2000) with George Zebrowski
- Sunshine Technopolis (2000)
- When Technology Fails (2000)
- Risks and Realities (2000)
- Science, Self, and the Sense of Godhood (2000)
- Pascal's Terrible Silence (2001)
- The Coming of the Cyborgs (2002) with Elisabeth Malartre
- A Cyborged World (2002) with Elisabeth Malartre
- Real Robots (2002)
- Living in an Eleven-Dimensional World (2002)
- Last Things (2003)
- Assisting the Sun: Beamed Power in Space (2004)
- Escorting the Odd (2016)
- Evil and Me (2017)
- A Brush with Madness (2018)
- Antagonistic Pleiotropy: Aging Comes from Evolution (2018)
- Colliding Cultures (2018)
- A Scientist's Notebook (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 37) (2019)
- Knowing Buzz (2019)
- Terraforming Ganymede With Robert A. Heinlein (2019)
- Engineering the Earth (2020)
- Time: The Winged Chariot (2020)
- A Law of Controversy (2020)
- A Creature of Double Vision (2020)
- Economics and the Real Future of Space (2020)
- Making a Better World War II (2020)
- Theology and Science Fiction: Faith and Reason (2021)
- We Are Everywhere (2021)
- Time and Timescape (2021)
- Risk and the Real World (2021)
- Frank Herbert's Messiah (2022)
- Curiosities (essays)
- Essay (Science Fiction Age)
- Gallery (Science Fiction Age)
- A Lyrical Hardness (1994)
- Interplanetary Pioneer (1995)
- Locus Looks at Books
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #192) (1976)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Locus Looks At Books (Locus #192) (1976) [as by Greg Benford]
- Locus Looks at Books: Guest Review (Locus #348) (1990)
- Locus Looks at Books: Special Review (Locus #352) (1990)
- Locus Looks at Books: Nonfiction Review (Locus #364) (1991)
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #192) (1976)
only appeared as:
- Locus Obituary
- Robert Shirley Richardson (1981)
- Joan Benford (2002)
- Read This
- Read This (NYRSF, January 1989) (1989) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Read This (NYRSF, July 1993) (1993)
- Read This (NYRSF, November 1995) (1995) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Science (F&SF)
- Science (Science Fiction Age)
- Everything you think you know about scientists may be wrong. (1994) with Arlan Andrews, Sr. and Geoffrey A. Landis and Charles Sheffield [only as by Arlan Andrews, Sr. and Gregory Benford and Geoffrey Landis and Charles Sheffield]
- Faster Than Light Space Travel Will Someday Be More Than Just SF. (1994) with John G. Cramer and Robert L. Forward and Geoffrey A. Landis
There's only [one] way to prove whether there's really life on Mars—go there.?There's only [one] way to prove whether there's really life on Mars-go there.(1997) with Stephen Baxter
- Physicists May Have Figured Out How to Make SF's Teleportation a Reality. (1998) with John G. Cramer and Geoffrey A. Landis
- Science Fact (Analog)
- The Power of Rotting Plants, or How SF Solved Global Warming (2003) with Martin I. Hoffert and Robert A. Metzger
- Smart SETI (2011) with James Benford
- Building a Gravitational Wave Transmitter (2019) with Albert Jackson
- Veiling the Earth (2020)
- Big Smart Objects (2020) with Larry Niven
- Science Fiction Comment on a panel talk about publishing in general
- Science Fiction Comment (1983)
- The Future in Books
- The Future in Books (Amazing Stories, September 1969) (1969) with James Blish and Norman Spinrad and Ted White [only as by William Atheling, Jr. and Greg Benford and James Blish and Norman Spinrad and Ted White]
- The Future in Books (Amazing Stories, March 1970) (1970) with Richard Delap and Richard A. Lupoff and Dennis O'Neil and Alexei Panshin and Jean Marie Stine and Ted White [only as by Greg Benford and Richard Delap and Richard Lupoff and Dennis O'Neil and Alexei Panshin and Hank Stine and Ted White]
- The Future in Books (Amazing Stories, May 1970) (1970) with Richard Delap and Richard A. Lupoff and Alexei Panshin [only as by Greg Benford and Richard Delap and Richard Lupoff and Alexei Panshin]
The Future in Books (Amazing, September 1970) (1970)
Dennis O'Neil
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Future in Books (Amazing Stories, September 1970) (1970) [as by Greg Benford and Dennis O'Neil]
- The Literary Career of ...
The Literary Career of Gregory Benford: Current Directions ... and Past Achievements (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ecrire [French] (1987)
The Literary Career of Gregory Benford: Current Directions ... and Past Achievements (1987)
also appeared as:
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 22 A String of Days (1981)
- The Science in Science Fiction
- The Science in Science Fiction: The Columbus Problem (1969) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: The Columbus Problem II (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Is Anybody Out There? (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Where Are They? (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Color the Sky (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: What You Eat You Are (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Not with a Whimper (1970) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: The Road to Hal (1971) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: The Ultimate City (1971) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Biological Clocks, Geological Calendars (1971) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: How to Build a Solar System (1971) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Planet-Building for Fun and Prophet (1971) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Man's Best Friend (1971) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Life on the Margin (1972) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Standing Room Only - Cultural Vs. Biological Evolution (1972) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: A History of the Great Tachyon Flap (1973) with David Book [only as by Greg Benford and David Book]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Death of a Minor Star (1973) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Life on the Moons (1974) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Why Civilization? (1974)
The Science in Science Fiction: Hard Lessons, Well Learned—The Exploration of Venus?The Science in Science Fiction: Hard Lessons, Well Learned-The Exploration of Venus(1975) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Life on Venus? (1975) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: The View from Titan (1976) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Eavesdropping on the Stars (1976) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction: Talking to Aliens (Part 2 of 2) (1976) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Tomorrow
- Aliens I Have Known (1980)
- Viewpoint
The Future of the Jovian System (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Viitorul sistemului jupiterian [Romanian] (1996)
The Future of the Jovian System (1985)
also appeared as:
- Wolfgang Jeschke zum Gedenken (Remembering Wolfgang Jeschke)
- Wolfgang (2015)
- Letter (Trumpet #2) (1965) [only as by Greg Benford]
Letter to The SFWA Bulletin, April 1966 (1966)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter to Damon Knight (SFWA Bulletin, April 1966) (1966) [as by Greg Benford]
- Recommended by Members (1966) with James Blish and John Brunner and James H. Schmitz [only as by Greg Benford and James Blish and John Brunner and James H. Schmitz]
- Letter to Psychotic, January 1968 (1968) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter to Psychotic, May 1968 (1968) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Void Before (and After) Ted White (1968) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter: Science Fiction Review, November 1968 (1968) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Opinion 14: No Questions Answered at All? (1969) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Amazing Stories, July 1969) (1969) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letters to the Editor: IV (1969) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, February 1970) (1970) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, April 1970 (1970)
- Letter (Speculation 26) (1970) [only as by Greg Benford]
- An Endless Summer (1970) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, November 1970) (1970) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Scientist and Shaman (1970) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Author In Search of a Publisher (1971) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Opinion 38: Emphasis on Literary Performance? (1971)
- Letter (Amazing Stories, November 1971) (1971) [only as by Gregory A. Benford]
- Afterword (And the Sea Like Mirrors) (1972)
- Letter (Speculation 33) (1973)
- 2001 Hypothesis (1973)
- The Neglected Majority (1973) [only as by Dr. Gregory Benford]
- Weightlessness (1973)
- Supercivilizations (1973)
- In Search of Perfect Knowledge (1973)
- Letter (Amazing Stories, February 1974) (1974)
- Science and Science Fiction (1974)
- Science , Science Fiction and All That... (1976)
- Letter (Algol, Fall 1976-Winter 1977) (1976)
- The Exploration of Venus (1977)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #22) (1977) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Cobblestones Into Highways (1977)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #23) (1977) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Annual Nebulous Awards (1977) with James Benford [only as by Greg Benford and Jim Benford]
- Letter (Algol, Winter 1977-78) (1977)
- Letter (Vector 85) (1978)
- Guest Editorial: The Awe and the Awful (1978)
- On Reviewing SF (Locus #209) (1978)
- Letter (Locus #210) (1978)
- California and Babylon (1978)
- The Time-Worn Path: Building SF (1978)
- Future Forum (Future, October 1978) (1978) with Marion Zimmer Bradley and David Gerrold and Joe Haldeman and Larry Niven and Charles H. Schneer and Bjo Trimble and Gahan Wilson [only as by Greg Benford and Marion Zimmer Bradley and David Gerrold and Joe W. Haldeman and Larry Niven and Charles H. Schneer and Bjo Trimble and Gahan Wilson]
- Letter (Shayol, Summer 1979) (1979)
- Future Forum (Future, February 1979) (1979) with Poul Anderson and Marion Zimmer Bradley and Mark R. Chartrand, III and Hal Clement and Larry Niven and George Pal and Charles H. Schneer and Bjo Trimble and Gahan Wilson
- Letter (Starship, Spring 1979) (1979)
Author's Note (The Stars in Shroud) (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Die Asche des Imperiums) [German] (1984)
- Aliens and Knowability: A Scientist's Perspective (1980)
- Letter (Foundation #18) (1980)
- Teaching Physics with Science Fiction (1980)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #34) (1980)
- Letter (Starship, Spring 1980) (1980)
- Letter: Benford on Macrolife (1980)
- Letter (Locus #237) (1980)
- Stars: Galactic Jets (1980)
- Saturn! (1980) with Greg Bear and Sharman DiVono and Joe Haldeman and Asenath Hammond [only as by Greg Bear and Gregory Benford and Sharman DiVono and Joe Haldeman and Azenath Hammond]
- Letter (Locus #240) (1980)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #38) (1981)
- Nobody Lives on Burton Street: Introduction (1981)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #40) (1981)
- Zeus in Orbit (1981)
- Fantasy as Pollution (1982)
- Letter (The Patchin Review Number Three) (1982)
- Letter (Foundation #24) (1982)
- Why Is There So Little Science in Literature? (1982)
- Gregory Benford replies (The Patchin Review Number Four) (1982)
- Letter (Locus #255) (1982)
- First Word (Omni, September 1982) (1982)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #45) (1982)
- Commentary (on Asimov's Foundation Trilogy) (1982)
- Locus Looks at More Books (Locus #267) (1983)
- Letter (Locus #268) (1983)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #47) (1983)
Untitled ("I suspect that the entire subtext...") (1983)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Untitled ("I suspect that the entire subtext ...") (1983) [as by Greg Benford]
- Review of "A Defense That Defends" by Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham and Gregory A. Fossedal (1984)
- Review of "The Technology Edge" by Gerard K. O'Neill (1984)
- Review of "Weapons and Hope" by Freeman Dyson (1984)
Hard Science Fiction in the Real World (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Tvrda naučna fantastika u svetu stvarnosti?Tvrda nauchna fantastika u svetu stvarnosti[Serbian] (1988) [as by Gregori Benford]
Tvrda naucna fantastika u svetu stvarnosti
- In the Wave's Wake (1984)
- Predicting the Present (1984)
- Is There a Technological Fix for the Human Condition? (1984)
- Journey to the Genre's Core (1984)
- Journey to the Genre's Core: A Reply to Damon Knight (1984)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- A Technical Afterword (Artifact) (1985)
- Letter: In response to Gavin Browning (1985)
- Review of "Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time" by Heinz R. Pagels (1985)
- The Pompous Rose (1985) with Charles Platt
- Scientific Immortality (1985)
- Some Comments from the Minority Culture (1985)
- Letter (Ansible 44) (1985) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Benford/Wolfe Files: Juggling the Baggage (1985)
- Letter (Fantasy Review, October 1985) (1985)
- Afterword (In Alien Flesh) (1986)
- Review of "The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics" by Robert P. Crease and Charles C. Mann (1986)
- Reactionary Utopias (1986)
- Afterword: Doing Lennon (1986)
- Afterword: Exposures (1986)
- Afterword: In Alien Flesh (1986)
- Afterword: Me/Days (1986)
- Afterword: Nooncoming (1986)
- Afterword: Of Space/Time and the River (1986)
- Afterword: Redeemer (1986)
- Afterword: Relativistic Effects (1986)
- Afterword: Snatching the Bot (1986)
- Afterword: Time Shards (1986)
- Afterword: Time's Rub (1986)
Afterword: To the Storming Gulf (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Hinunter zum stürmischen Golf) [German] (1991)
- Afterword: White Creatures (1986)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #59) (1986)
- Suffering Fools, Not Gladly (1986)
- Letter (Fantasy Review, June 1986) (1986)
- Preface: Imagining the Abyss (1986)
A Technical Afterword (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein technisches Nachwort [German] (1987)
- Effing the Ineffable (1986)
- According to Hoyle (1987)
Comments by the Nominees for the 1986 Nebula Awards (1987)
Isaac Asimov
Greg Bear
Pat Cadigan
Orson Scott Card
Suzy McKee Charnas
William Gibson
James Patrick Kelly
Leigh Kennedy
Judith Moffett
James Morrow
Kim Stanley Robinson
Lucius Shepard
Robert Silverberg
Nancy Springer
Howard Waldrop
F. Paul Wilson
Gene Wolfe
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1987)
- Effing the Ineffable: An Essay (1987)
- Letter #1 (Short Form, Winter 1987) (1987)
- Letter (Foundation, Winter 1986/87) (1987)
- SFRA Panel: Cyberpunk or Cyberjunk? Some Perspectives on Recent Trends in SF (1987) with David Brin and John Shirley and Norman Spinrad and Jack Williamson
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #89) (1987)
- The Maverick Astronomer: Fred Hoyle's "The Black Cloud" (1987)
- How to Sound Like an Expert (1987)
- Letter, March 15, 1987 (1987)
- Hard? Science? Fiction? (1987)
- Letter (Locus #319) (1987)
- Was Frankenstein Simply Einstein Being Frank? or Scientists in Science Fiction (1987)
- Foreword (Last and First Men) (1987)
- Afterword (The Invisible Man) (1988)
- Bulletin Symposium (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1988) (1988) with Poul Anderson and John Brunner and Arthur C. Clarke and Jack Dann and Catherine Crook de Camp and L. Sprague de Camp and George Alec Effinger and Joe Haldeman and James Morrow and Larry Niven and John Shirley and Lawrence Watt-Evans and Connie Willis and Gene Wolfe and Jane Yolen
- Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium: Is Something Going On? (1988)
- Foreword (The Invisible Man) (1988)
- Introduction (The Black Cloud) (1988)
- The Life of H. G. Wells (1988)
- The South and Science Fiction (1988)
- Pandering and Evasions (1988)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #3) (1988)
- The Future of Disaster (1988)
- Letter (Locus #327) (1988)
- Introduction (Nuclear War) (1988)
- In the Wake of the Wave (1988)
- The Designer's Universe (1988)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 1988) (1988) [only as by Greg Benford]
- 2001 Plus 20 (1989)
About the Nominees for the 1989 Nebula Awards (1989)
Neal Barrett, Jr.
Lois McMaster Bujold
Orson Scott Card
Bradley Denton
Thomas M. Disch
George Alec Effinger
William Gibson
Steven Gould
John Kessel
Jack McDevitt
Ian McDonald
Judith Moffett
James Morrow
Pat Murphy
Steven Popkes
Mike Resnick
Lucius Shepard
Lewis Shiner
Norman Spinrad
George Turner
Howard Waldrop
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Jane Yolen
only appeared as:
- Variant: About the Nominees (1989)
- Forum: Dateline 1999 (1989) with Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury and David Brin and Edward Bryant and Pat Cadigan and Robin Cook and Lewis Shiner and Dan Simmons and Joyce Thompson and Jack Williamson
- On Timescape (1989)
- Timescape più dieci [Italian] (1989)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #5) (1989)
- Introduction (Alternate Empires) (1989)
- Beyond the Fall of Snobbery (1990)
- SF, Rhetoric and Realities (1990)
- SF, Rhetoric, and Realities (1990)
- Farewell to Voyager: Voyager (1990)
- Introduction (Alternate Heroes) (1990)
- Letter (Short Form, February 1990) (1990)
- Introduction (Look Away) (1990)
- Searching for Alien Artifacts (1990)
- Introduction (Venus of Dreams) (1990)
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, July 1990) (1990)
- The Odyssey Galactic (1990)
- On Niven (1990)
- Style, Substance, and Other Illusions (1990)
- Venus Redux (1991)
- Letter (Locus #365) (1991)
- Letter (NYRSF, August 1991) (1991)
- Afterword, 1991 (1991)
- Introduction (Alternate Wars) (1991)
- Review of the nonfiction nonassociational book "Physical Evidence" by Thomas T. Noguchi, M.D. and Arthur Lyons, G.P. (1991)
- The Life Of H.G Wells (The Invisible Man) (1992)
- On Niven (1992) with Wendy All and Steven Barnes and David Brin and John Hertz and Frederik Pohl
- Afterword, 1991 (Shiva Descending) (1992)
- Isaac Asimov Appreciation (1992)
- Gerald Feinberg: An Appreciation (1992)
- Science Fiction, Rhetoric, and Realities: Words to the Critic (1992)
- Introduction (Alternate Americas) (1992)
- Nature's Greatest Hits (1992)
- Letter (Pulphouse, November 1992) (1992) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #12) (1993)
- To the Moon with Mr. V (1993)
- Response to John Kessel's "The Brother from Another Planet" (1993)
Afterword (Furious Gulf) (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nawoord (Kolkende Kloof) [Dutch] (1995)
- Translation: Pogovor (Mahniti zaliv) [Serbian] (1997) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Introduction: The Exact Dreamer (1993)
Time and 'Timescape' (1993)
only appeared as:
- Translation: El tiempo y Cronopaisaje [Spanish] (1996)
- Real Science, Imaginary Worlds (1994)
- Letter (NYRSF, May 1994) (1994)
- Beyond Apollo (1994)
- Scientist Guest of Honor - Dr. Gregory Benford (1994)
- Introduction (Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions) (1995)
- Afterword (Matter's End) (1995)
- Letter (NYRSF, April 1995) (1995)
- The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (1995) with Eleanor Arnason and Paul Di Filippo and Maureen F. McHugh and Rebecca Ore and Robert J. Sawyer and Norman Spinrad and Michael Swanwick
Old Legends (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Légendes de l'âge d'or?Legendes de l'age d'or[French] (1997)
- BIO/NANO/TECH (1995)
- First Word: A UFO Foundation (1995)
- Introduction (Alien Horizons: The Fantastic Art of Bob Eggleton) (1995)
- Introduction: A Lyrical Hardness (1995)
- An Appreciation (Kingsley Amis) (1995)
- Introduction: Looking Long (1995)
- Preface (Islands in the Sky: The Space Station Theme in Science Fiction Literature) (1996)
- A Roll of the Ice: Cryonics as a Gamble (1996) [only as by Sterling Blake]
- An Appreciation (Richard Evans) (1996)
- In the Wake of the Wave: The British Science Fiction Market (1996)
Afterword to Foundation's Fear (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword (Foundation's Fear) (1997)
- Translation: Nawoord (Foundations angst) [Dutch] (1997)
Translation: Pogovor (Strah Zadužbine)?Pogovor (Strah Zaduzbine)[Serbian] (1998) [as by Gregori Benford]
- Mezclando la realidad con la imaginación: Un recuerdo de la ciencia y la ficción [Spanish] (1997)
- Introduction (How Few Remain) (1997)
- Foreword (The Silicon Man) (1997)
- Rotsler (1997)
Afterword (Cosm) (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachbemerkung des Autors (Cosm) [German] (2000)
Introduction (The Chase of the Golden Meteor) (1998)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction: The Exact Dreamer (1993)
- Scientifiction: To Know the Morrow (1998)
- Heavy Lifting (1998)
- Letter (Locus #448) (1998)
- Afterword (Slow Symphonies of Mass and Time) (1998)
- Meaning-Stuffed Dreams: Thomas Disch and the Future of SF (1998)
- Introduction: Now Let Us Sleep (1998)
- Afterword (Kings of the High Frontier) (1998)
- Letter (NYRSF, November 1998) (1998)
- A Letter to My Readers (1999)
- Letter (NYRSF, May 1999) (1999)
- Afterthoughts (Worlds Vast and Various: Stories) (2000)
Afterword (Eater) (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Post Scriptum (Il divoratore di mondi) [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Nachwort (Eater) [German] (2002)
- Translation: Postface (L'ogre de l'espace) [French] (2008)
- Introduction (At the Earth's Core) (2000) [only as by Gregory A. Benford]
- Symposium on Posthuman Science Fiction (2000) with Russell Blackford and Andrew M. Butler and Joe Haldeman and Helen Merrick and Maureen Kincaid Speller
- Comments on Space and Time (2000) with Jack Dann and James E. Gunn and Howard V. Hendrix and Janeen Webb [only as by Gregory Benford and Jack Dann and James Gunn and Howard V. Hendrix and Janeen Webb]
- Genre and Genesis: A Discussion of Science Fiction's Literary Role (2000)
- Introduction: The Science Fictional Century (2000)
- Introduction: We All Live in the Sky (2000) with George Zebrowski
- Nachwort des Autors (Im Herzen der Galaxis) [German] (2000)
- Adventures in H'wood (2000) [also as by Greg Benford]
- Time Travel, Times Scapes, and Timescape (2000) with Russell Blackford and Damien Broderick and Alison Goodman and Sean McMullen and Aubrey Townsend
- Nachwort des Autors (Der Aufstieg der Foundation) [German] (2000)
- In Memoriam: Alfred Bester (1913-1987) (2000) with Isaac Asimov
- The Robot Revolution (2001)
- Remembering Big Bill (2001)
- Letter (NYRSF, July 2001) (2001)
- A Letter to Poul Anderson (2001)
- Remembering Boyd (2001) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Remembering Fred (2001)
- A Special Introduction (Stardust) (2001)
- "Getting It Right": A Reflection on Titans and Technology (2002)
- Letter (Trap Door, March 2002) (2002) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science/Fiction Gulf (2002)
- The Writer as Philosopher (2002)
- Vorwort (Der Splitter im Auge Gottes) [German] (2002)
- Introduction (Riding the Rock) (2002)
- Letter (Floss! 3) (2002)
- Robert L. Forward (2002)
- Suffering Fools, Not Gladly: "High Culture" Repressions of Science Fiction (2003)
- Letter (SF Commentary 78) (2003) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Stephen Baxter's Riding the Rock in Context (2003)
- Un certain sens de la contrainte [French] (2003)
- Letter (Chunga 5) (2003)
- Introduction (Microcosms) (2004)
- At Home In The Galaxy (Introduction) (In the Ocean of Night) (2004)
Afterword (Beyond Infinity) (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Postfazione (Città di stelle) [Italian] (2006)
- Review of the spoof non-fiction title The Einstein Code by Kevin McLaurty (2004)
- Letter (Locus #526) (2004)
- Letter (NYRSF November 2004) (2004)
- Columbus or Erikson (2005)
- Afterword (The Sunborn) (2005)
- Fear of Reason: Michael Crichton's State of Fear (2005) with Martin Hoffert
- Introduction (Gift from the Stars) (2005)
- Gods and Monsters in Hollywood (2006)
- How Space Was (2006)
- A Pocket History of MacroEngineering: The First Millennium (2006)
- Scandals: Being True to Our Own Imaginations (2007)
- Letter (Ansible 240) (2007)
- Last Things: Cold Comfort in the Far Future (2007)
- Letter (NYRSF, September 2007) (2007)
- Remembering Hank (2007)
- A Prophet Vindicated (2008)
- Sid the Fan (2008)
- Becoming Stewards of Our World: The Great Theme of the 21st Century, Part One (2008)
- Letter (Trap Door, February 2008) (2008) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Remembering Sid (2008) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Becoming Stewards of Our World: The Great Theme of the 21st Century, Part Two, Editing the Sun: A Way Out Way Out (2008)
- Nantes, Utopiales 2007 (2008) with Elisabeth Malartre
- Remembering Arthur (2008)
- Physics Through Science Fiction (2009)
- The Virus-Scarred Man (2009)
- Style Gives Substance (2009)
- Takumi Shibano (2010)
- Guardando con gli occhi aperti [Italian] (2010)
- Afterword 2010 (2010)
- Knowing Arthur (2010)
- Afterword (Shadows of the Lost) (2010) with Elisabeth Malartre
- PKD in OC (2010) [also as by Greg Benford]
- Considering Cryonics (2010)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2010) (2010) [only as by Greg Benford]
Thinking About the Smart Wireless World (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lass mich in Ruhe, Siri! [German] (2014)
- The Virus-Scarred Man (2011)
- Letter (NYRSF, September 2011) (2011) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2011) (2011) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Relapse 20) (2012) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Remembering Sid (2012)
- Dining with Dirac (2012)
- Afternotes (Anomalies) (2012)
- Introduction (Anomalies) (2012)
- Letter (Broken Toys 2) (2012) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Chunga 19) (2012)
- Letter (Broken Toys 5) (2012)
- Letter (NYRSF, September 2012) (2012)
- Letter (SF Commentary 83) (2012) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Brit Wit (2012)
- A Cambridge Evening (2012) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Chunga 20) (2012)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2012) (2012) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Starships: Reaching for the Highest Bar (2013) with James Benford
- Letter (Flag 4) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Review of the nonfiction work "Maverick Genius: The Pioneering Odyssey of Freeman Dyson" by Phillip Schewe (2013)
- The Real Future of Space (2013)
- Letter (Broken Toys 18) (2013)
Letter (Chunga, June 2013) (2013)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (Chunga 21) (2013) [as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Flag 6) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- A Frozen Future? Cryonics as a Gamble (2013)
- Another Fan Letter (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 3: July 2013) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Broken Toys 19) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Sunshine Technopolis: Southern California's Utopian Futures (2013)
- Letter (Flag 8) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (NYRSF, August 2013) (2013)
- Leaping the Abyss: Stephen Hawking on Black Holes, Unified Field Theory, and Marilyn Monroe (2013)
- Bonestell and Beyond: Getting it Right (2013)
- Letter (Banana Wings 54) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2013) (2013) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Living on the Lesser Light That Rules the Night (2014)
- Except for the Plumbing (2014)
- Introduction (The Galactic Center Companion, 2nd Edition) (2014)
- Writing the Galactic Center Series (2014)
- Afterword: Big Smart Objects (2014) with Larry Niven
- Letter (SF Commentary 87) (2014) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Afterword: Bloodpride (2014)
- Why Does a Scientist Write Science Fiction? (2014)
- Letter (Flag 15) (2014) [only as by Greg Benford]
Große gescheite Objekte?Grosse gescheite Objekte[German] (2014) with Larry Niven
- Waiting for Shakespeare? (2014)
- Letter (File 770, December 2014) (2014)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 2014) (2014)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2014) (2014) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Complete Toomey Experience: A Memoir from the 1970s (2014) [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Pioneer (2014)
- Letter (SF Commentary 88) (2015) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Mining a Genre or Sf Lite: Star Trek (revised) (2015)
- A Discussion at MIT (2015) with Greg Bear
- The State of the Magazines, 2014 (2015) with Gardner Dozois and David G. Hartwell and Jonathan Strahan and Lois Tilton and David A. Truesdale and Gordon Van Gelder [only as by Gregory Benford and Gardner Dozois and David Hartwell and Jonathan Strahan and Lois Tilton and David Truesdale and Gordon Van Gelder]
- Afterword (The Best of Gregory Benford) (2015)
- Escorting the Odd (2015)
- Introduction: Cloning Mammoths (2015) with Kevin J. Anderson
- Letter (Banana Wings 60) (2015) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (SF Commentary 90) (2015) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (File 770, December 2015) (2015)
- At the Core of the Genre: A Conversation through the Decades (2016)
- Introduction (Second Creation) (2016)
- Letter (SF Commentary 92) (2016)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 124) (2016) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Richard Lupoff: A Life in the Fanzines (2016)
- Afterword (The Berlin Project) (2017)
- Cast of Characters (The Berlin Project) (2017)
- Letter (Flag 20) (2017) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Afterword (Rewrite: Loops in the Timescape) (2018)
- Letter (Banana Wings 70) (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (SF Commentary, April 2018) (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Meeting Peter (2018)
- Towner Hall, Void, Adolescence and All That (2018)
- Letter (Flag 21) (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Lofgeornost 131) (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Lofgeornost 132) (2018)
- Afterword (Rewrite: Loops in the Timescape) (2018)
- Letter (Trap Door 34) (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Sober Benford Chatter (2018) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Letter (Banana Wings 73) (2019) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Losing Lennon (2019)
- Foreword: The Critic As Writer (2019)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 138) (2020)
- Acknowledgments (Glorious) (2020) with Larry Niven
- Letter (Portable Storage 3) (2020) [only as by Greg Benford]
- Appreciation (Mike Resnick) (2020)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 139) (2020)
- Letter (Analog, July-August 2020): The Author Responds (2020)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 140) (2020)
- Letter (Analog, November-December 2020): The Author Responds: (2020)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 143) (2021)
- Afterword (Science Fiction: Toward a World Literature) (2022)
- The Messiah Behind "Dune Messiah": An Introduction (2023)
- Forty Years of Writers of the Future (2024)
- The Berlin Project (2017) with Wiki Commons
[A Gravitational Wave Transmitter for Advanced Learners] (unknown)
Albert Jackson
only appeared as:
Translation: Gravitatonswellen-Sender für Fortgeschrittene?Gravitatonswellen-Sender fuer Fortgeschrittene[German] (2023) [as by Gregory Benford and Albert A. Jackson]
- Picnic on Paradise (1969) by Joanna Russ [only as by Greg Benford]
- Omnivore (1969) by Piers Anthony [only as by Greg Benford]
- No Time Like Tomorrow (1970) by Ted White [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Palace of Eternity (1970) by Bob Shaw [only as by Greg Benford]
- And Chaos Died (1970) by Joanna Russ [only as by Greg Benford]
- Grimm's World (1970) by Vernor Vinge [only as by Greg Benford]
- Behold the Man (1976) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Greg Benford]
- The Science in Science Fiction (1983) by Peter Nicholls
- 1984: A Choice of Futures (1984) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Ascent to Orbit (1984) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Profiles of the Future (1984) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Cosmic Dancers: Exploring the Physics of Science Fiction (1984) by Maggie Goswami and Amit Goswami
- 1984 and Beyond (1984) by Nigel Calder
- Galapagos (1985) by Kurt Vonnegut
- Beyond Armageddon (1985) by Martin H. Greenberg and Walter M. Miller
- Contact (1985) by Carl Sagan
- Aelita, or, The Decline of Mars (1986) by Alexei Tolstoi
- Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder (1987) by Robert Silverberg
- A Physicist's Guide to Skepticism (1989) by Milton A. Rothman
- Nightshade (1990) by Jack Butler
- Project Solar Sail (1990) by Arthur C. Clarke and David Brin
- Close Encounters?: Science and Science Fiction (1991) by Robert Lambourne and Michael Shallis and Michael Shortland
- The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of (1998) by Thomas M. Disch
- El Vilvoy de las Islas (2000) by Avram Davidson
- The Nuclear Muse: Literature, Physics, and the First Atomic Bombs (2001) by John Canaday
- Habitable Planets for Man (2002) by Stephen H. Dole
- Aurora (2015) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Interview: Alan Guth (1988) with Alan Guth
- Vertex Roundtable Interviews: Dr. Sidney Coleman and Dr. Gregory Benford (1973) by Paul Turner (co-interviewed with Sidney Coleman)
- Interview: Gregory Benford (1978) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Gregory Benford (1980) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Gregory Benford (1980) by Charles Platt
- Interview: Gregory Benford (1982) by Pascal J. Thomas
- Entretien avec Gregory Benford [French] (1982) by Pascal J. Thomas
- The Future Is All We've Got Left (1982) by Joseph Nicholas
- Approaching the Edge: Playing the Game: An Interview with Gregory Benford (1986) by Frank Maxwell
- Gregory Benford: Shoulder to the Ground (1987) by uncredited
- An Interview with Gregory Benford (1990) by Larry McCaffery
- Gregory Benford: Cross-Talk (1993) by uncredited
- Freighting It In (1995) by Barry Forshaw
- Entretien avec Gregory Benford [French] (1997)
Henri Lœvenbruck?Henri Loevenbruck
- Greg Benford Interview (1997) by Stephen Holland
- Gregory Benford: Measuring the Future (2000) by uncredited
- Q & A: Gregory Benford (2005) by Darrell Schweitzer
- The Conversation with Greg Bear and Gregory Benford (2011) by John C. Tibbetts (co-interviewed with Greg Bear)
- Author Spotlight: Gregory Benford (2012) by Robyn Lupo
- Gregory Benford: Dynamic Control (2012) by Gregory Benford
- Author Spotlight: Gregory Benford (2013) by Andrew Liptak
- Interview with Gregory Benford (2014) by George E. Slusser
- Author Spotlight: Gregory Benford (2015) by Sandra M. Odell
- Gregory Benford [German] (2016) by Dirk Berger
- Astounding Scientists and Alternate History: A Conversation with Gregory Benford (2017) by Chris Urie
- Interview: Jerry Pournelle, Greg Benford and Larry Niven (2018) by Tony C. Smith (co-interviewed with Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven)
Non-Genre Titles