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Fiction Series
- Godhead
- 1
Towing Jehovah (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: En remorquant Jéhovah?En remorquant Jehova[French] (1995)
- Translation: Das Gottesmahl [German] (1999)
- Translation: Remolcando a Jehová [Spanish] (2001)
- 2
Blameless in Abaddon (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le jugement de Jéhovah [French] (1998)
- 3
The Eternal Footman (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La grande fraucheuse [French] (2000)
- Director's Cut (1994) [SF]
- 1
Towing Jehovah (1994)
also appeared as:
The Wine of Violence (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Wein des Frevels [German] (1983)
- Translation: Le vin de la violence [French] (1989)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Gli Orrori Di Quetzalia (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2007)
The Continent of Lies (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arbre à rêves [French] (1986)
- Translation: Der Kontinent der Lügen [German] (1992)
This Is the Way the World Ends (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ainsi finit le monde [French] (1988)
Only Begotten Daughter (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Notre Mère qui êtes aux cieux [French] (1991)
- Translation: Die eingeborene Tochter [German] (1992)
- Translation: Nel nome della figlia [Italian] (1993)
Translation: Единородная дочь?Edinorodnaya doch'[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
The Last Witchfinder (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dernier chasseur de sorcières [French] (2003)
The Philosopher's Apprentice (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'apprentie du philisophe [French] (2011)
Galápagos Regained?Galapagos Regained(2015) also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arche de Darwin: ou, Une préférence pour le singe [French] (2017)
Translation: L'arche de Darwin ou Une préférence pour le singe?L'arche de Darwin ou Une preference pour le singe[French] (2020)
- The Asylum of Dr. Caligari (2017)
- Behold the Ape (2023)
Lazarus Is Waiting (forthcoming)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Lazare attend [French] (2021)
- Swatting at the Cosmos (1990)
Bible Stories for Adults (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storie di Bibbia per adulti [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Библейские истории для взрослых?Bibleyskie istorii dlya vzroslykh[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- The Cat's Pajamas & Other Stories (2004)
- Reality by Other Means: The Best Short Fiction of James Morrow (2015)
- Nebula Awards
- 26 Nebula Awards 26 (1992)
- 27 Nebula Awards 27 (1993)
- 28
Nebula Awards 28 (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nebula '92 [Polish] (1997)
- The SFWA European Hall of Fame (2007) with Kathryn Morrow
- The Adventures of Smoke Bailey (1983)
City of Truth (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cité de vérité [French] (1992)
- Translation: Die Stadt der Wahrheit [German] (1993)
- Translation: Il ribelle di Veritas [Italian] (1997)
Shambling Towards Hiroshima (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hiroshima n'aura pas lieu [French] (2014)
- The Madonna and the Starship (2014)
- Bigfoot and the Bodhisattva (2018)
- Bible Stories for Adults
- 17
Bible Stories for Adults No. 17: The Deluge (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Opowieści biblijne dla dorosłych - nr 17 - Potop?Opowiesci biblijne dla doroslych - nr 17 - Potop[Polish] (1990)
- Variant: Bible Stories for Adults, No. 17: The Deluge (1990)
Translation: Biblische Geschichten für Erwachsene Nr. 7: Die Sintflut?Biblische Geschichten fuer Erwachsene Nr. 7: Die Sintflut[German] (1992)
- Translation: Storie di Bibbia per adulti, n. 17: Il Diluvio [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Библейский рассказ для взрослых № 17: Потоп?Bibleyskiy rasskaz dlya vzroslykh N 17: Potop[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- 20
Bible Stories for Adults, No. 20: The Tower (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storie di Bibbia per adulti, n. 20: La Torre [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Библейский рассказ для взрослых № 20: Башня?Bibleyskiy rasskaz dlya vzroslykh N 20: Bashnya[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- 31
Bible Stories for Adults, No. 31: The Covenant (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storie di Bibbia per adulti, n. 31: L'Alleanza [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Библейский рассказ для взрослых № 31: Завет?Bibleyskiy rasskaz dlya vzroslykh N 31: Zavet[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- 37 Bible Stories for Adults No: 37: The Jawbone (2020)
- 46
Bible Stories for Adults No. 46: The Soap Opera (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storie di Bibbia per adulti, n. 46: La Soap Opera [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Библейский рассказ для взрослых № 46: Мыльная опера?Bibleyskiy rasskaz dlya vzroslykh N 46: Myl'naya opera[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- 51 Bible Stories for Adults, No. 51: The Great Fish (2021)
- 17
Bible Stories for Adults No. 17: The Deluge (1988)
also appeared as:
- The Adventures of Smoke Bailey (1983)
The Assemblage of Kristin (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Puzzle pour Kristin [French] (1990)
- Translation: L'assemblaggio di Kristin [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Сборка Кристины?Sborka Kristiny[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
Spelling God with the Wrong Blocks (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le nom de Dieu [French] (1988)
- Translation: La parola del profeta [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Ils écrivent le nom de Dieu avec le mauvais alphabet [French] (2002)
Translation: Складывание имени Бога не из тех кубиков?Skladyvanie imeni Boga ne iz tekh kubikov[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
Veritas (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Veritas [German] (1991)
Diary of a Mad Deity (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tagebuch einer irren Gottheit [German] (1992)
- Translation: Diario di una divinità folle [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Дневник безумного божества?Dnevnik bezumnogo bozhestva[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
The Eye That Never Blinks (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'œil du poisson?L'oeil du poisson[French] (1989)
Abe Lincoln in McDonald's (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Abe Lincoln bei McDonalds [German] (1990)
- Translation: Abraham Lincoln da McDonald [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Abe Lincoln in McDonald's [German] (1995)
- Translation: Abe Lincoln da McDonald's [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Эйб Линкольн в «Макдональдсе»?Eyb Likol'n v "Makdonal'dse"[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
The Confessions of Ebenezer Scrooge (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le confessioni di Ebezener Scrooge [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Признания Эбенезера Скруджа?Priznaniya Ebenezera Skrudzha[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
City of Truth (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cité de vérité [French] (1992)
- Translation: Die Stadt der Wahrheit [German] (1993)
- Translation: Miasto prawdy [Polish] (1997)
- Translation: Il ribelle di Veritas [Italian] (1997)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Az igazmondók városa (Part 2 of 3) [Hungarian] (1992)
- Tales from a New England Telephone Directory (1990)
Daughter Earth (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Figlia Terra [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Дочь Земля?Doch' Zemlya[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
Arms and the Woman (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Krieger und die Frau [German] (1996)
- Translation: Una donna in guerra [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Война и женщина?Voyna i zhenshchina[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
Known But to God and Wilbur Hines (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Noto soltanto a Dio e a Wilbur Hines [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Известен лишь Богу и Уилбуру Хайнсу?Izvesten lish' Bogu i Uilburu Khaunsu[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- Isabella of Castile Answers Her Mail (1992)
- Kevin's Fetch (excerpt) (1999)
Auspicious Eggs (2000)
also appeared as:
Translation: Des œufs propices?Des oeufs propices[French] (2003)
- Apologue (2001)
The Cat's Pajamas (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il massimo della vita [Italian] (2005)
- The War of the Worldviews (2002)
- The Wisdom of the Skin (2002)
- The Fate of Nations (2003)
- Martyrs of the Upshot Knothole (2004)
- Come Back, Dr. Sarcophagus (2004)
- Fucking Justice (2004)
- The Zombies of Montrose (2004)
- The Second Coming of Charles Darwin (2005)
- Lady Witherspoon's Solution (2008)
Shambling Towards Hiroshima (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hiroshima n'aura pas lieu [French] (2014)
- Bigfoot and the Bodhisattva (2009)
The Raft of the Titanic (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le radeau du Titanic [French] (2011)
- The Vampires of Paradox (2010)
- Fixing the Abyss (2011)
- The Iron Shroud (2011)
- Thanatos Beach (2012)
- The Amazing Transparent Man (2013)
- Affirmative Auction (2013)
- Spinoza's Golem (2014)
- The Madonna and the Starship (2014)
- Galápagos Regained (excerpt) (2015)
- Only Ten More Shopping Days Left till Ragnarök (2016)
- Noh Exit (2016)
- The Werewolves of Maplewood (2017)
- Technofeelia (2017)
- One Fell Swoop (2017)
- Bird Thou Never Wert (2019)
- The Purloined Republic (2020)
- And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (2022)
- Fire and Brimstone in the Twin Cities (2022)
- A Dragon in the Abbey (2023)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum # 96, July-August 1986 (1986)
- Bulletin Symposium, Part Two of Two (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1987) (1987) with Greg Bear and John Kessel and Nancy Kress and Kim Stanley Robinson and Rudy Rucker
Comments by the Nominees for the 1986 Nebula Awards (1987)
Isaac Asimov
Greg Bear
Gregory Benford
Pat Cadigan
Orson Scott Card
Suzy McKee Charnas
William Gibson
James Patrick Kelly
Leigh Kennedy
Judith Moffett
Kim Stanley Robinson
Lucius Shepard
Robert Silverberg
Nancy Springer
Howard Waldrop
F. Paul Wilson
Gene Wolfe
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1987)
- Bulletin Symposium (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1988) (1988) with Poul Anderson and Gregory Benford and John Brunner and Arthur C. Clarke and Jack Dann and Catherine Crook de Camp and L. Sprague de Camp and George Alec Effinger and Joe Haldeman and Larry Niven and John Shirley and Lawrence Watt-Evans and Connie Willis and Gene Wolfe and Jane Yolen
About the Nominees for the 1989 Nebula Awards (1989)
Neal Barrett, Jr.
Gregory Benford
Lois McMaster Bujold
Orson Scott Card
Bradley Denton
Thomas M. Disch
George Alec Effinger
William Gibson
Steven Gould
John Kessel
Jack McDevitt
Ian McDonald
Judith Moffett
Pat Murphy
Steven Popkes
Mike Resnick
Lucius Shepard
Lewis Shiner
Norman Spinrad
George Turner
Howard Waldrop
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Jane Yolen
only appeared as:
- Variant: About the Nominees (1989)
- Bulletin Symposium (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1989) (1989) with Isaac Asimov and John Brunner and F. M. Busby and Suzy McKee Charnas and Arthur C. Clarke and L. Sprague de Camp and Sheila Finch and Esther M. Friesner and Larry Niven and Frederik Pohl and Nancy Springer
- What Works for Me (1990)
- Doom and Digression: An Eventual Review of Kathryn Cramer's Review of James Morrow's This is the Way the World Ends (1990)
- Introduction: Swatting At the Cosmos (1990)
- Close Encounters with Michael Bishop (1992)
- A Meditation on "War Stars: The Superweapon and the American Imagination" by H. Bruce Franklin (1992)
- Introduction (Nebula Awards 26) (1992)
- Introduction (On Wings of Song) (1993)
- Introduction (Nebula Awards 27) (1993)
In Memoriam: Fritz Leiber (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Pamięci Fritza Leibera?Pamieci Fritza Leibera[Polish] (1997)
Introduction (Nebula Awards 28) (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wstęp (Nebula '92)?Wstep (Nebula '92)[Polish] (1997)
Preface (Bible Stories for Adults) (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prefazione (Storie di Bibbia per adulti) [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Предисловие (Библейские истории для взрослых)?Predislovie (Bibleyskie istorii dlya vzroslykh)[Russian] (2003) [as byДжеймс Морроу?Dzheyms Morrou]
- Letter (Locus #442) (1997) [only as by Jim Morrow]
- Screed (letter of comment) (NYRSF, April 1998) (1998)
- Eight Great Animated Fantasy Films (1998)
- Letter (Locus #452) (1998)
- Letter (NYRSF, November 1998) (1998)
- A Vulnerable Atheist: The Author Responds to His Interpreters (1999)
- Raiders of the Lost Nove: An Appreciation of Richard Elliott Friedman's The Hidden Book in the Bible (1999)
- "Such Guileless Beauty in Debris": The Moral Universe of Michael Bishop (2000)
- Surely You're Joking, Mr. Bisson! (2003)
- Vous allez rire, M. Bisson [French] (2003)
- Afterword: They Should Have Sent a Poet (2003)
- Once Upon a Time in the Future: Science Fiction and the Storytelling Movement (2004)
- "How Sargent Peppers Phony Arts Dubbed Grand" (2004)
- Author's Note (The Last Witchfinder) (2006)
- Extrapolations of Things Past: A Barbarously Brief Account of European Science Fiction from Micromegas to Microchips (2007) also appeared as:
- Acknowledgments (The SFWA European Hall of Fame) (2007) with Kathryn Morrow
- Memories of Sir Arthur C. Clarke (2008)
- Four Kinds of Authorial Trouble: Some Unruly Ruminations on the Art of Fiction, with Special Reference to a Forthcoming Novel Titled The Philosopher's Apprentice (2008)
- Why I Write Science Fiction (2008)
- Letter (NYRSF, April 2008) (2008) with Kathryn Morrow
- Gods of Desier: The Erotic Theology of Claude Lalumiere (2009)
- Introduction: Patrick O'Leary's Muffled Prayers (2009)
Introduction (Objects of Worship) (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Préface (Odyssées chimériques) [French] (2011)
- As the Twig Is Bent (2010)
- The Exorcist: In Three Parts (2012)
- Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain: Pragmatism and Fantasy in American Popular Culture (2012)
- Requiem for David (2016)
- Note de l'auteur (L'arche de Darwin ou Une préférence pour le singe) [French] (2022)
- When the Music's Over (1991) by Lewis Shiner
- A History of Our World Beyond the Wave (1999) by R. E. Klein
- Locus Interview
- James Morrow: Reason & Doubt (2006) with James Morrow
- James Morrow: Absolute Certainty (2015) with James Morrow
- An Interview with James Morrow (1990) by Darrell Schweitzer
- James Morrow—Science Fiction at its Best! (1990) by Jon L. Herron
- James Morrow (1991) by Stan Nicholls
- Only Begotten Doubter: An Interview with James Morrow (1992) by Paul B. Thompson
- James Morrow: Having it Both Ways (1998) by uncredited
- Para•doxa Interview with James Morrow: Blinded by the Enlightenment (1999) by Samuel R. Delany
- Talking Jehovah - James Morrow Interviewed (1999) by Sally McBride and Dale L. Sproule
- Provocative Blasphemies: An Interview with James Morrow (2001) by Faith L. Justice
- Interview: James Morrow (2001) by Faith L. Justice
- Comme Candide l'ingénu, je suis un optimiste [French] (2003) by Bruno della Chiesa
- James Morrow: Reason & Doubt (2006) by James Morrow
- James Morrow: Master Philosopher (2008) by Darrell Schweitzer
- James Morrow (2008) by Darrell Schweitzer
- InterGalactic Interview with James Morrow (2008) by Darrell Schweitzer
- James Morrow An In-Depth Interview (2009) by uncredited
- From Dead Gods to Guys in Lizard Costumes: Six Questions for James Morrow (2009) by Jason S. Ridler
- Writer Interview: James Morrow (2010) by Tony C. Smith
- Interview: James Morrow (2014) by Tony C. Smith
- Interview: James Morrow (2015) by David Barr Kirtley
- James Morrow: Absolute Certainty (2015) by James Morrow