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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Attar
- 1 Attar's Revenge (1975) [only as by Robert Graham]
- 2 War of Nerves (1975) [only as by Robert Graham]
- Confederación?Confederacion
To Fit the Crime (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Episode: To Fit the Crime (1971)
- Translation: Episode: Anpassung an das Verbrechen [German] (1978)
- Translation: Selon le crime... [French] (1978)
- Translation: Episode: De misdaad aanpassen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Crimine su misura [Italian] (1986)
The Only War We've Got (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Episode: The Only War We've Got (1974)
- Translation: Notre unique guerre [French] (1975)
- Translation: Episode: Der einzige Krieg, den wir hatten [German] (1978)
- Translation: Notre seule guerre [French] (1978)
- Translation: Episode: Onze enige oorlog [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: La nostra sola guerra [Italian] (1986)
The Mazel Tov Revolution (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Mazzeltov revolutie [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: La révolution Mazel-Tovienne?La revolution Mazel-Tovienne[French] (1981)
- Translation: Die Mazel Tov Revolution [German] (1985)
All My Sins Remembered (1977) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der befleckte Engel [German] (1978)
Translation: En mémoire de mes péchés?En memoire de mes peches[French] (1978)
- Translation: Al mijn zonden [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: För mina synders skull?For mina synders skull[Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: Al servizio del TB II [Italian] (1986)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Al servizio del TB II (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1978)
All My Sins Remembered (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Episode: Das Register meiner Sünden?Episode: Das Register meiner Suenden[German] (1978)
Translation: En mémoire de mes péchés?En memoire de mes peches[French] (1978)
- Translation: Episode: Indachtig al mijn zonden [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Il ricordo di tutti i miei peccati [Italian] (1986)
- Variant: Episode: All My Sins Remembered (1988)
Interview: Age 22 (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Interview: Alter 22 [German] (1978)
Translation: Interrogatoire : Âge : 22 ans?Interrogatoire : Age : 22 ans[French] (1978)
- Translation: Interview: Leeftijd 22 [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Intervista: età anni 22 [Italian] (1986)
Interview: Age 45 (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Interview: Alter 45 [German] (1978)
Translation: Interrogatoire : Âge : 45 ans?Interrogatoire : Age : 45 ans[French] (1978)
- Translation: Interview: Leeftijd 45 [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Intervista: età anni 45 [Italian] (1986)
Prologue (All My Sins Remembered) (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prolog (Der befleckte Engel) [German] (1978)
Translation: Prologue (En mémoire de mes péchés)?Prologue (En memoire de mes peches)[French] (1978)
- Translation: Proloog (Al mijn zonden) [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Prologo (Al servizio del TB II) [Italian] (1986)
Redundancy Check: Age 32 (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wiederholungstest: Alter 32 [German] (1978)
Translation: Vérification de reconduction : Âge : 32 ans?Verification de reconduction : Age : 32 ans[French] (1978)
- Translation: Herhalingscontrole: Leeftijd 32 [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Controllo supplementare: età anni 32 [Italian] (1986)
Redundancy Check: Age 39 (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wiederholungstest: Alter 39 [German] (1978)
Translation: Vérification périodique : Âge : 39 ans?Verification periodique : Age : 39 ans[French] (1978)
- Translation: Herhalingscontrole: Leeftijd 39 [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Controllo supplementare: età anni 39 [Italian] (1986)
Redundancy Check: Age 44 (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wiederholungstest: Alter 44 [German] (1978)
Translation: Vérification périodique : Âge : 44 ans?Verification periodique : Age : 44 ans[French] (1978)
- Translation: Herhalingscontrole: Leeftijd 44 [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Controllo supplementare: età anni 44 [Italian] (1986)
A !Tangled Web (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Zähes Handeln?Zaehes Handeln[German] (1982)
- Translation: Aki nem tud !tangul ... [Hungarian] (1989)
Translation: O rețea !încâlcită?O retea !incalcita[Romanian] (2012)
There Is No Darkness (1983)
Jack C. Haldeman, II
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scuola di sopravvivenza [Italian] (1985)
Translation: Und fürchtet keine Finsternis!?Und fuerchtet keine Finsternis![German] (1985)
Seasons (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jahreszeiten [German] (1989)
Passages (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Passagen [German] (1993)
To Fit the Crime (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Forever War
- 1
The Forever War (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: La guerre éternelle?La guerre eternelle[French] (1976)
- Translation: Guerra eterna [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: De eeuwige oorlog [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: La guerra interminable [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Der ewige Krieg [German] (1978)
Translation: Večni rat?Vecni rat[Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Loputon sota [Finnish] (1990)
Translation: Örök háború?Orok haboru[Hungarian] (1997)
Oeroek haaboruu -
Translation: Războiul etern?Razboiul etern[Romanian] (1999)
- Translation: Der ewige Krieg [German] (2000)
- Translation: Guerra sempre [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Guerra sem fim [Portuguese] (2009)
Translation: La guerre éternelle?La guerre eternelle[French] (2015)
- 2
Forever Peace (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Paz interminable [Spanish] (1998)
Translation: Večiti mir?Veciti mir[Serbian] (1999) [as by Džoe Haldemen]
Vechiti mir -
Translation: La paix éternelle?La paix eternelle[French] (1999)
- Translation: Der ewige Friede [German] (2000)
- Translation: Pace eterna [Italian] (2011)
- Translation: Soldierboy [German] (2014)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Pace eterna (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1998)
- 3
Forever Free (1999)
also appeared as:
Translation: La liberté éternelle?La liberte eternelle[French] (2001)
- Translation: Am Ende des Krieges [German] (2002)
- Translation: Liberdade Sempre [Portuguese] (2005)
- Translation: Missione eterna [Italian] (2009)
- Translation: Voyagers [German] (2015)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Missione eterna (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2001)
- This Best of All Possible Worlds (1974) [SF]
End Game (1975) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: End Game (1975) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Ostatnia runda [Polish] (1982)
Translation: Final de partidă?Final de partida[Romanian] (1995)
- You Can Never Go Back (1975) [SF]
A Separate War (1999) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een andere oorlog [Dutch] (unknown)
Translation: Une guerre à part?Une guerre a part[French] (2000)
- Translation: Osobna wojna [Polish] (2000)
- Translation: Una guerra separada [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Ein anderer Krieg [German] (2008)
- Translation: Una Guerra Personale [Italian] (2009)
- Peace and War (2006) [O/1,2,3]
- Forever Bound (2010) [SF]
- Mandella
Hero (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Hero (1972) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Eroul [Romanian] (2008)
We Are Very Happy Here (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: We Are Very Happy Here (1973) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
Translation: Aici suntem foarte fericiți!?Aici suntem foarte fericitsi![Romanian] (1987) [as by Joe H. Haldeman]
Aici suntem foarte fericiti!
Hero (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 1
The Forever War (1974)
also appeared as:
- Marsbound Trilogy
- 1
Marsbound (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Marsbound [German] (2015)
- Serializations:
- Marsbound (Part 1 of 3) (2008)
- Marsbound (Part 2 of 3) (2008)
- Marsbound (Part 3 of 3) (2008)
- Translation: Dula Di Marte (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2011)
- 2
Starbound (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Starbound [German] (2017)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Verso le stelle (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2012)
- 3 Earthbound (2011)
- Marsbound (excerpt) (2008) [SF]
- Marsbound / Starbound / Earthbound (2013) [O/1-3]
- 1
Marsbound (2008)
also appeared as:
- Star Trek Universe
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: Bantam Books
- 4
Planet of Judgment (1977)
also appeared as:
Translation: Duell der Mächtigen?Duell der Maechtigen[German] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il pianeta del giudizio (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1978)
- 8
World Without End (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Welt ohne Sterne [German] (1980)
- 4
Planet of Judgment (1977)
also appeared as:
- Star Trek: Bantam Books
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
- Worlds (Joe Haldeman)
- 1
Worlds (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kreisende Welten [German] (1984)
- 2
Worlds Apart (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Isolierte Welten [German] (1986)
- 3 Worlds Enough and Time (1992)
- 1
Worlds (1981)
also appeared as:
Mindbridge (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pontesprit [French] (1977)
Translation: Die Denkbrücke?Die Denkbruecke[German] (1978)
- Translation: Ponte mentale [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Conexiunea Psi [Romanian] (1995)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Mentalni most (Part 1 of 3) [Serbian] (1988)
- Translation: Mentalni most (Part 2 of 3) [Serbian] (1988)
- Translation: Mentalni most (Part 3 of 3) [Serbian] (1988)
- Tool of the Trade (1987)
Buying Time (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Long Habit of Living (1989)
- Translation: Fondazione Stileman [Italian] (1991)
Translation: Immortalité à vendre?Immortalite a vendre[French] (1991)
- Translation: Gekauftes Leben [German] (1992)
- Translation: Compradores de tiempo [Spanish] (1995)
The Hemingway Hoax (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il paradosso Hemingway [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: El engaño Hemingway [Spanish] (1996)
The Coming (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le message [French] (2002)
- Guardian (2002)
Camouflage (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Camuflagem [Portuguese] (2006)
- Translation: Camouflage [German] (2012)
- Serializations:
- Camouflage (Part 1 of 3) (2004)
- Camouflage (Part 2 of 3) (2004)
- Camouflage (Part 3 of 3) (2004)
- Translation: I Protomorfi (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2008)
Old Twentieth (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Velho Século XX [Portuguese] (2006)
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'astronave immortale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2007)
The Accidental Time Machine (2007)
also appeared as:
Translation: A máquina do tempo acidental?A maquina do tempo acidental[Portuguese] (2008)
- Translation: Herr der Zeit [German] (2012)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Cronomacchina Accidentale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2010)
Work Done for Hire (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: Tödlicher Auftrag?Toedlicher Auftrag[German] (2014)
Infinite Dreams (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Onbegrensde dromen [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Rêves infinis?Reves infinis[French] (1981)
Translation: Unendliche Träume?Unendliche Traeume[German] (1985)
- Dealing in Futures (1985)
- Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds (1993)
- None So Blind (1996)
- Saul's Death and Other Poems (1997)
A Separate War and Other Stories (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Guerra Eterna: Ultimo Atto [Italian] (2009)
- The Best of Joe Haldeman (2013)
- More Than the Sum of His Parts: Collected Stories (2020)
- War Stories (2005) [O]
- Nebula Awards
- 17
Nebula Award Stories 17 (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nebula Award Stories Seventeen (1983)
- 17
Nebula Award Stories 17 (1983)
also appeared as:
- Tomorrow's Warfare
- 1 Body Armor: 2000 (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Martin Harry Greenberg and Joe Haldeman and Charles G. Waugh]
- 2 Supertanks (1987) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Martin Harry Greenberg and Joe Haldeman and Charles G. Waugh]
- 3 Space-Fighters (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Martin Harry Greenberg and Joe Haldeman and Charles G. Waugh]
- Cosmic Laughter: Science Fiction for the Fun of It (1974)
Study War No More (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le livre d'or de la science-fiction: La IIIe guerre mondiale n'aura pas lieu [French] (1980)
- Translation: Nie wieder Krieg [German] (1982)
- Future Weapons of War (2007) with Martin H. Greenberg
- The Mars Girl / As Big As the Ritz (2016) with Gregory Benford
- Unrivaled: Four Groundbreaking Hugo & Nebula Winning Stories (2023) with Lois McMaster Bujold and Nancy Kress and Mike Resnick
- More Than the Sum of His Parts (1991)
- Forever Peace. To Stop War (2008)
- The Hemingway Hoax (2013)
- Braxn
- 1
Out of Phase (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tussenfase [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Gedichte des Todes [German] (1982)
- Translation: Sfasature [Italian] (2009)
- 2
Power Complex (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: La leçon du pouvoir?La lecon du pouvoir[French] (1974)
- Translation: Sindrome Del Potere [Italian] (2009)
- 1
Out of Phase (1969)
also appeared as:
- Thieves' World
Blood Brothers (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Blutsbrüder?Blutsbrueder[German] (1987)
- Translation: Blodsbröder [Swedish] (1988)
Blood Brothers (1979)
also appeared as:
I of Newton (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: I of Newton (1970) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Minä Newtonista [Finnish] (1996)
Time Piece (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Piece (1970) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
Translation: Le temps démantelé?Le temps demantele[French] (1973)
Counterpoint (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Counterpoint (1972) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Contrapunt [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Contrepoint [French] (1981)
- Translation: Kontrapunkt [German] (1985)
26 Days, on Earth (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 26 Days on Earth (1972)
- Translation: 26 jours sur la Terre [French] (1973)
- Translation: Sechsundzwanzig Tage auf der Erde [German] (1980)
- Translation: 26 dagen, op aarde [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: 26 Tage auf der Erde [German] (1985)
Translation: 26 дней на Земле?26 dney na Zemle[Russian] (1991) [as byДжо Холдеман?Dzho Kholdeman]
Joe Haldeman
- Two Men and a Rock (1973)
- John's Other Life (1973)
A Mind of His Own (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zijn eigen geest [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Habeas mens [French] (1981)
Translation: Ein eigenes Bewußtsein?Ein eigenes Bewusstsein[German] (1985)
The Private War of Private Jacob (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Private War of Pvt. Jacob (1974)
- Translation: La guerre personnelle du soldat Jacob [French] (1976)
- Translation: Der Privatkrieg des Gefreiten Jacob [German] (1978)
- Translation: De eigen oorlog van soldaat Jacob [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: De Strijd van Soldaat Eerste Klas Jacob [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: La guéguerre du 2ème classe Jacob?La gueguerre du 2eme classe Jacob[French] (1981)
- Translation: Der private Krieg des Gefreiten Jacob [German] (1985)
Translation: Рядовая война рядового Джекоба?Ryadovaya voyna ryadovogo Dzhekoba[Russian] (1988) [as byДжо Холдеман?Dzho Kholdeman]
Joe Haldeman
- The Moon and Marcek (1974)
Juryrigged (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Juryrigged (1974) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Cyborgjury [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Le juré?Le jure[French] (1981)
- Translation: Dienstvernichtet [German] (1985)
Summer's Lease (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Truth to Tell (1974)
- Translation: Een zomer toegemeten tijd [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Estivation [French] (1981)
- Translation: Sommerpracht [German] (1985)
To Howard Hughes: A Modest Proposal (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: To Howard Hughes: A Modest Proposal (1974) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
Translation: À Howard Hughes: une modeste proposition?A Howard Hughes: une modeste proposition[French] (1980)
- Translation: Aan Howard Hughes: een bescheiden voorstel [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: An Howard Hughes: Ein bescheidener Vorschlag [German] (1982)
- Translation: Per Howard Hughes: una modesta proposta [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Till Howard Hughes: Ett anspråkslöst förslag [Swedish] (1989)
- The Devil His Due (1975)
Anniversary Project (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verjaardagsproject [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Jubiläums-Projekt?Jubilaeums-Projekt[German] (1985)
- Translation: Projeto de aniversário [Portuguese] (2017)
Tricentennial (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tricentennial (1976) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
Translation: 三百年祭?さんびゃくねんさい[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Sanbyaku Nensaiジョー・ホールドマン?Jō Hōrudoman]
Joo Hoorudoman -
Translation: Dreihundertjähriges?Dreihundertjaehriges[German] (1979)
- Translation: Driehonderste herdenkingsjaar [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Tricentenaire [French] (1981)
- Translation: Tricentenario [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Tricentennial [German] (1985)
- Translation: Tristogodišnjica [Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Tricentenarul [Romanian] (1990)
Translation: 美利坚三百年 [Chinese] (2023)
[as by 乔·霍尔德曼?Qiáo Huòěrdémàn]
Qiao Huoerdeman
Armaja Das (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Armaja Das (1976) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Armaja Das [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Armaja Das [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: "Armaja das" [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: Armaja das [French] (1981)
- Translation: Armaja Das [German] (1985)
A Time to Live (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een tijd van leven [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Das doppelte Leben [German] (1980)
- Translation: Een tijd van leven [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: L'espace d'une vie [French] (1981)
- Translation: Lebenszeit [German] (1985)
Translation: Un răgaz pentru a trăi?Un ragaz pentru a trai[Romanian] (1993)
All the Universe in a Mason Jar (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: All the Universe in a Mason Jar (1977) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Het hele universum in een weckfles [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Das ganze Universum in einer Ballonflasche [German] (1985)
- What Johnny Did on His Summer Vacation (1978) with Robert Thurston
- Starschool (1979) with Jack C. Haldeman, II
- Starschool on Hell (1979) with Jack C. Haldeman, II
No Future in It (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einbahnstraße?Einbahnstrasse[German] (1982)
Translation: Kein zukunftsträchtiges Geschäft?Kein zukunftstraechtiges Geschaeft[German] (1984)
The Pilot (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Pilotin [German] (1982)
Translation: Letačica?Letacica[Croatian] (1989)
Blood Sisters (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sestre po krvi [Croatian] (1982)
- Translation: Sorelle di sangue [Italian] (1998)
- Four in One (1980)
Lindsay and the Red City Blues (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De oude, rode stad Marrakesh [Dutch] (1983)
- Translation: Der Tourist [German] (1985)
- Seven and the Stars (1981)
- Manifest Destiny (1983)
More Than the Sum of His Parts (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Più della somma delle parti [Italian] (1999)
Translation: 不只是器官总和 [Chinese] (2023)
[as by 乔·霍尔德曼?Qiáo Huòěrdémàn]
Qiao Huoerdeman
- Production Values (1986)
The Monster (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El monstruo [Spanish] (1988)
The Hemingway Hoax (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schwindel um Hemingway [German] (1992)
- Translation: Hemingvejska obmana [Serbian] (1993)
- Translation: La burla di Hemingway [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Hemingwaybluffen [Swedish] (2006)
- Untitled (1990)
- The SF Editor's Lament (1991)
Images (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ebenbilder [German] (1993)
- If I Had the Wings of an Angel (1991) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Beachhead (1991)
- Job Security (1992) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Graves (1992) also appeared as:
Feedback (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Povratna sprega [Serbian] (1996) [as by Džoe Haldemen]
- Market Day (1993)
- The Cure (1994)
None So Blind (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: No hay mayor ciego ... [Spanish] (1995)
- Translation: Das zweite Gesicht [German] (1996)
- Translation: Pas si aveugle [French] (1998)
Translation: Nimeni atât de orb?Nimeni atat de orb[Romanian] (2001)
For White Hill (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Per White Hill [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Till White Hill [Swedish] (2004)
- Translation: Dedicato A White Hill [Italian] (2009)
- Sextraterrestrials (1996) with Jane Yolen
- Forever Peace (excerpt) (1997)
- Odd Coupling (1998)
Brochure (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Depliant [Italian] (2009)
Road Kill (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Meurtre sur la route [French] (2004)
- names in marble (2002)
- Guardian (excerpt) (2002)
Finding My Shadow (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rincorrendo La Mia Ombra [Italian] (2009)
- Giza (2003) also appeared as:
Four Short Novels (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quatre courts romans [French] (2000)
- Translation: Quattro romanzi brevi [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: Quattro romanzi brevi [Italian] (2007)
Faces (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Volti [Italian] (2009)
Memento Mori (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Memento Mori [Italian] (2009)
Diminished Chord (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Accordo Diminuito [Italian] (2009)
Heartwired (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cuori Avvinti [Italian] (2009)
Translation: Cablaj pe inimă?Cablaj pe inima[Romanian] (2012)
Civil Disobedience (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Disobbedienza Civile [Italian] (2009)
Foreclosure (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Esclusiva [Italian] (2009)
- I Hate to See That Evenin' Sun Go Down (2005)
Angel of Light (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Înger de lumină?Inger de lumina[Romanian] (2007)
- Translation: Angelo di luce [Italian] (2009)
- excerpts from Camouflage (2006)
- Expedition, with Recipes (2006)
Fantasy for Six Electrodes and One Adrenaline Drip (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fantasia Per Sei Elettrodi E Una Goccia Di Adrenalina [Italian] (2009)
- The Mars Girl (2006)
- Camouflage (excerpt) (2007)
- The Naked Truth (2008)
- Never Blood Enough (2009)
Sleeping Dogs (2010)
also appeared as:
Translation: Câini adormiți?Caini adormiti[Romanian] (2013)
Ciini adormiti
- Fantasy for Six Electrodes and One Adrenaline Drip (A Play in the Form of a Feelie Script) (2011)
- Complete Sentence (2011)
- Doing Emily (2013)
- The Island of the Death Doctor (2013)
- Living Hell (2015)
Saul's Death (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Saul's Death: Two Sestinas (1984) [as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Translation: Saulova smrt: Dvije sestine [Croatian] (1988)
- Translation: La muerte de Saúl [Spanish] (1993)
- Variant: Saul's Death: Two Sestinas (2005)
- The Runaway Limerick! (1983)
- Houston Can You Read? (1983)
- Curves in Space (1984)
- The Big Bang Theory Explained (1985)
- The Gift (1985)
- Machines of Loving Grace (1985)
- benny's song (1986)
- DX (1987)
- Computer, Terminal (1987) [only as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- cold rust grit: end of dreams (1987)
- Triolet: lupa (1988)
- The Star (from and for Arthur C. Clarke) (1989)
- Time Lapse (1989)
- The Star (1989) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Lark (1990)
- Mars (1990)
- pantoum: ad astra (1990)
- Shark (1990)
- Stars (1990)
- Orion Nebula (1990)
- 28 January 1986 (1990)
- Eighteen Years Old, October Eleventh (1990) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
Homecoming (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Homecoming (1996)
- Last Laught (1990)
- The Cepheid Variable (1990) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Astrology Column (1990)
- For Chesley Bonestell 1898-1987 (1991)
- The Number of the Man (1991)
- Carbon Star (1991)
- Monsters (1992)
- october fog (1992)
- Solo (1993)
- Fire, Ice (1994)
- Big Boom (1994)
- A Woman of Trade (1994)
- waiting to explode (1994)
- Atlantic City Blues (1995)
- Lines Composed on a Noisy Plane to Atlantic City (1995)
- Literary Cubism Saves the Universe (1995)
- The Past in Realtime (1995) with Michael A. Arnzen and Keith Allen Daniels and Marianne J. Dyson and Robert L. Fleck and Mark Kreighbaum and Lisa Lepovetsky and John Nichols and Joy Oestreicher and Susan Noe Rothman and Lawrence Schimel and Martha Soukup [only as by Michael A. Arnzen and Keith Allen Daniels and Marianne Dyson and Robert L. Fleck and Joe Haldeman and Mark A. Kreighbaum and Lisa Lepovetsky and John Nichols and Joy E. Oestreicher and Susan Noe Rothman and Lawrence Schimel and Martha Soukup]
- Come, talk (1996)
- Sex on the Planet of the Trees (1996)
- To the marriage of two kinds (1996)
- for Richard (1996)
- Duet for Tenor and Vehicle (1997)
- Dog Star (1999)
- Endangered Species (2000)
- Fire on Ice (2000)
- Dying Live on CNN (2000)
- January Fires (2001)
- Walking a Thread of Steel (2001)
- An Informal History of Science Fiction (2002)
- bones in earth (2003)
- Knock on Wood (2003)
- The Dark Man (2003)
- aliens (2003)
- re: cycling (2003)
- Adventures in Space and Time (2004)
- Audience Participation (2004)
- Catastrophe Theory (2004)
- Pairs (2004)
- The Only Way (2004)
- The Orion Nebula - Mother of Stars (2004)
- Old Twentieth: a century full of years (2005)
- science shows us who we are (2005)
- god is dead short live god (2006)
- machinegunner (2006)
- The Future of Sex: a Garden of Unearthly Delights (2006)
- Forever Peace. To Stop War (2008)
- Gene's Dreams (2011)
- Future History (2012)
- Rounder (2013)
- Ecopoiesis (NIAC Symposium 2015) (2015)
- The Curse of the Clock (2022)
- 19 April 2021 (Kitty Hawk II) (2023)
- displacement activity: science (unknown)
- family album (unknown)
- For E. H., 25 years later (unknown)
- for mary (unknown)
- for Voyager 2 (unknown)
- ice (unknown)
- Making book (unknown)
- mends (unknown)
- mother of stars (unknown)
- the medical student (unknown)
- touch (unknown)
- Water Spirit (unknown)
- windpress (haikai no tanka) (unknown)
- Gallery (Science Fiction Age)
- Architect of Space (1994)
- Passionate Weirdness (1997)
- In Memoriam (SFWA Bulletin)
- In Memboriam: Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) (1988) with Poul Anderson and C. J. Cherryh and George Alec Effinger and James E. Gunn and Chad Oliver [only as by Poul Anderson and C. J. Cherryh and George Alec Effinger and James Gunn and Joe Haldeman and Chad Oliver]
- Locus Obituary
- Lorena S. Haldeman (1991)
- Larry W. Martin (1993) with Gay Haldeman
- Science (Science Fiction Age)
- A permanent manned U.S. space station is an idea whose time has finally come. (1994) with Doug Beason and Geoffrey A. Landis
- Science Fact (Analog)
- This Space for Rent (1978)
- Take-Outs from the IAFA conferences
Cyberpunk — 10 Jahre danach?Cyberpunk - 10 Jahre danach[German] (1992) with Tom Maddox and Bruce Sterling
- ICFA 1991 : Le cyberpunk est-il mort ? [French] (1992) with Tom Maddox and Bruce Sterling
- Tomorrow
- A Prescription for Utopia (1981) [only as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Viewpoint
Science Fiction and War (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Znanstvena fantastika i rat [Croatian] (1986)
Science Fiction and War (1986)
also appeared as:
- Letter (Locus #13) (1968)
- Treasurer Joe Haldeman: Dues for 1973 Are Due (1973)
- Nebula Day: New Orleans (1973)
- From Competition 8: Near-Miss SF Titles (1974)
- Introduction (Cosmic Laughter) (1974)
- Technology for a Livable Earth (1976) with Hal Clement and Peter Glaser and Dr. Richard J. Rosa [only as by Hal Clement and Dr. Peter Glaser and Joe Haldeman and Dr. Richard Rosa]
- The Surprising World Called Mercury (1977)
Introduction (Study War No More) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Le livre d'or de la science-fiction: La IIIe guerre mondiale n'aura pas lieu) [French] (1980)
- Translation: Vorwort (Nie wieder Krieg) [German] (1982)
- Letter (Locus #210) (1978)
- Introduction (Double Star) (1978)
- Future Forum (Future, July 1978) (1978) with Forrest J. Ackerman and Poul Anderson and John Brunner and L. Sprague de Camp and David Gerrold and Vic Ghidalia and Ilya Salkind and Bjo Trimble [only as by Forrest J. Ackerman and Poul Anderson and John Brunner and L. Sprague de Camp and David Gerrold and Vic Ghidalia and Joe W. Haldeman and Ilya Salkind and Bjo Trimble]
- Letter (Locus #212) (1978)
- Great SF About Artichokes & Other Story Ideas (1978)
- Letter to Sol Cohen (1978) [only as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Future Forum (Future, October 1978) (1978) with Gregory Benford and Marion Zimmer Bradley and David Gerrold and Larry Niven and Charles H. Schneer and Bjo Trimble and Gahan Wilson [only as by Greg Benford and Marion Zimmer Bradley and David Gerrold and Joe W. Haldeman and Larry Niven and Charles H. Schneer and Bjo Trimble and Gahan Wilson]
Afterword (Infinite Dreams) (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nawoord (Onbegrensde dromen) [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Nachwort (Unendliche Träume)?Nachwort (Unendliche Traeume)[German] (1985)
- Author's Note (World Without End) (1979)
- Future Forum (Future Life, March 1979) (1979) with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Hal Clement and Larry Niven and Joanna Russ
- The Arts: Books (Omni, May 1979) (1979)
- Looking Backward (1980)
- Peace from on High (1980)
- Saturn! (1980) with Greg Bear and Gregory Benford and Sharman DiVono and Asenath Hammond [only as by Greg Bear and Gregory Benford and Sharman DiVono and Joe Haldeman and Azenath Hammond]
Psychologische Tests und Telefone — Meine Vorstellung von einem Utopia?Psychologische Tests und Telefone - Meine Vorstellung von einem Utopia[German] (1980)
- Foreword (Distant Worlds) (1981)
- The Child Is the Father of the Man (1981)
- The Only True Story of Rusty Hevelin (1981) with Gay Haldeman
- Introduction (Nebula Award Stories 17) (1983)
- Letter (Locus #271) (1983)
- State of the Art: Another World of Science Fiction (1983)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- Afterword (The Big Bang Theory Explained / The Gift / Saul's Death) (1985)
- Introduction (Dealing in Futures) (1985)
Comments by the Nominees for the 1985 Nebula Awards (1986)
Brian W. Aldiss
Greg Bear
Michael Bishop
James P. Blaylock
David Brin
Orson Scott Card
Harlan Ellison
Nancy Kress
Barry N. Malzberg
Tim Powers
Lucius Shepard
Bruce Sterling
Michael Swanwick
S. C. Sykes
Howard Waldrop
William F. Wu
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1986)
- Introduction (Body Armor: 2000) (1986)
- On Tour in Yugoslavia (1986)
- Bulletin Symposium, Part One of Two (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1987) (1987) with Brian W. Aldiss and Poul Anderson and Ben Bova and Edward Bryant and Sheila Finch and Harry Harrison and Ursula K. Le Guin and Larry Niven and Frederik Pohl and Mike Resnick and Norman Spinrad
- Remembrances (Dune) (1987)
- Introduction (Supertanks) (1987)
- Bulletin Symposium (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1988) (1988) with Poul Anderson and Gregory Benford and John Brunner and Arthur C. Clarke and Jack Dann and Catherine Crook de Camp and L. Sprague de Camp and George Alec Effinger and James Morrow and Larry Niven and John Shirley and Lawrence Watt-Evans and Connie Willis and Gene Wolfe and Jane Yolen
- Introduction (Space-Fighters) (1988)
- Letter (Locus #329) (1988) with Gay Haldeman
- Robert Heinlein: In Memoriam (1988)
- Introduction (A Time of Changes) (1988)
- Introduction: The Brunner Mosaic (1988)
- On the Forever War (1989)
- Introduction: Saul's Death (1989)
- Afterword (The Hemingway Hoax) (1990)
- Once Upon a Time ... (1990) with Aldo Bleeker and Johan-Martijn Flaton and Werner Fuchs and Harry Harrison and Wolfgang Jeschke and Ingrid Toth
- My Favorite Book of My Own (1990)
- How to Get a Job Like Mine (1991)
- SkagCon Report (1991)
Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vietnam en andere vreemde werelden [Dutch] (2007)
- Confessions of a Space Junkie (1992)
- Robert A. Heinlein and Us (1992)
- Introduction (Vietnam and Other Alien Worlds) (1993)
- Not Being There (1993)
- Photographs and Memories (1993)
- War Stories (1993)
- Sex and Violence in SF (1993)
- Letter (Locus #392) (1993)
- Eurocon 1994 (1995) with Gay Haldeman
- Read This (NYRSF, July 1995) (1995)
- Roger Zelazny (1995)
- John Brunner: Further Appreciations (1995)
- "Cajun" Shrimp and Vegetable Boil (1996)
- Greek-style Artichokes (1996)
Method and Madness (1996)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Método y locura [Spanish] (1997)
An Appreciation (Walter M. Miller, Jr) (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: En recuerdo de Walter M. Miller [Spanish] (1996)
- La ciencia ficción: Una herramienta para el aprendizaje [Spanish] (1996)
- Memories of John Brunner (Obituary) (1996)
- Point of View (1996)
- Introduction: What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You (1996)
- Appreciation of Richard Evans (1996)
- Never Say Die (1997)
Author's Note (The Forever War) (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorbemerkung (Der ewige Krieg) [German] (2014)
Richard Evans—Remembered?Richard Evans-Remembered(1998)
- Characterization (Altair, February 1998) (1998)
- Stephen Becker: An Appreciation (1999)
- Symposium on Posthuman Science Fiction (2000) with Gregory Benford and Russell Blackford and Andrew M. Butler and Helen Merrick and Maureen Kincaid Speller
- WorldCon en Australia [Spanish] (2000) with Gay Haldeman
- Foreword: The Passionate Weirdness of Ron Walotsky (2000)
- Dede Weil (2000)
- Another Introduction to Playing the Game (2001)
- Poul Anderson (2001)
- Foreword (Impact Parameter and Other Quantum Realities ) (2001)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #219) (2001) with Gay Haldeman
- My Brother, the Writer (2002)
- Damon Knight: To Serve Writing (2002)
- Locus Celebrates Issue 500 (2002)
- Letter (Locus #500) (2002)
- Ron: An Appreciation (2002)
- Introduction to Wilson Tucker (2003)
The Matrix As Sci-Fi (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Matrix als Sci-Fi [German] (2003) [as by John Haldeman]
- Colonizing Other Worlds (2003)
- I Remember Torcon 3, too, or Torcon 3 Pros at Cons (2003)
- Appreciation (Hal Clement) (2003)
- Hugh B. Cave (2004)
- Introduction: A Tangled Web (War Stories) (2005)
- Introduction: Fragments (War Stories) (2005)
- Introduction: You Have To Start Somewhere (War Stories) (2005)
- Daring to Be Farmer (2005)
- An Appreciation (2005)
- About "Camouflage" (2006)
- Judith Clute (2006)
- Octavia E. Butler (2006)
Introduction: The Secret of Writing (A Separate War and Other Stories) (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Segreto Della Scrittura [Italian] (2009)
Notes on the Stories (A Separate War and Other Stories) (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nota dell'autore (Guerra eterna: ultimo atto) [Italian] (2009)
- Guest of Honor Speech: Joe Haldeman (1990) (2006)
- Jack Williamson (2007)
- Introduction (Future Weapons of War) (2007)
- Patrice Duvic (2007)
- Bill Nabors (2007)
Author's Note (The Accidental Time Machine) (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nota dell'Autore (Cronomacchina Accidentale) [Italian] (2010)
- (Letter to Robert A. Heinlein) (2007)
- On "The Accidental Time Machine" (2008)
- Birthday Wishes and Greetings (2008) with Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Peter Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and James E. Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Michael Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and James Sallis and Norman Spinrad and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe [only as by Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Pete Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and Jim Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Joe Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Mike Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and Jim Sallis and Norman Spinrad and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe]
- Happy 90th Birthday to Philip José Farmer (2008)
- 1968 (2008)
- Science Fiction Poetry (Nebula Awards Showcase 2008) (2008)
- Philip José Farmer (2009)
- The Prince of Amber (2009)
Where I Write (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Where I Write [French] (2009)
- Charles Brown (2009)
- Afterword (Sleeping Dogs) (2010)
- Foreword (Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy Art) (2011)
- Rusty (2012)
- Harry (2012)
- Afterword (The Forever War) (2013)
- Introduction (The Forever War) (2013)
- Introduction (The Best of Joe Haldeman) (2013)
- Introduction to "Angel of Light" (2013)
- Introduction to "Anniversary Project" (2013)
- Introduction to "Blood Sisters" (2013)
- Introduction to "Civil Disobedience" (2013)
- Introduction to "Complete Sentence" (2013)
- Introduction to "For White Hill" (2013)
- Introduction to "Four Short Novels" (2013)
- Introduction to "Graves" (2013)
- Introduction to "Hero" (2013)
- Introduction to "Lindsay and the Red City Blues" (2013)
- Introduction to "Manifest Destiny" (2013)
- Introduction to "More Than the Sum of His Parts" (2013)
- Introduction to "None So Blind" (2013)
- Introduction to "Seasons" (2013)
- Introduction to "Sleeping Dogs" (2013)
- Introduction to "The Hemingway Hoax" (2013)
- Introduction to "The Mars Girl" (2013)
- Introduction to "The Monster" (2013)
- Introduction to "Tricentennial" (2013)
- Andy Offutt (2013)
- Frederik Pohl (2013)
- Worldcon Memories (2013)
Jim Burns — Master of the Fantastic and the Real?Jim Burns - Master of the Fantastic and the Real(2014)
- The Fan Who Made Good (2014)
- Alice Turner (2015)
- Introduction (Starship Troopers) (2018)
- Celebrating 50 Years of Locus (2018)
- Gardner Dozois: Memories (2018)
- In Memoriam, Gardner Dozois: 1947-2018 (2019)
- Introduction: What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You (2020)
- Letter (Analog, March-April 2021) (2021) [only as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- Notes from the Jolly Green Jungle (2023)
- Tales from the Jolly Green Jungle (2023)
- He Who Shaped (2024)
- To Leuchars (2000)
Journey Planet, November 2023 (2023)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Journey Planet, November 2023 (cover) (2024)
- Starwind Interviews Joe Haldeman (1976) [only as by JWH]
- The Naked Truth (2008)
- Diagram (Marsbound) (2008)
- Notes from the Jolly Green Jungle (2023)
- Tales from the Jolly Green Jungle (2023)
- Tales from the Jolly Green Jungle [2] (2023)
- Lord of the Flies (1988) by William Golding
- Locus Interview
- Joe Haldeman: Art for Art's Sake (2001) with Joe Haldeman
- Joe Haldeman: Art & Science (2012) with Joe Haldeman
- Starwind Interviews Joe Haldeman (1976) by Elbert Lindsey, Jr.
- An Interview with Joe Haldeman (1977) by Darrell Schweitzer
- An Interview with Joe Haldeman (1978) by Clifford McMurray
- Joe Haldeman and the SF Alternative (1978) by Eric March
- Orbit Interview: Joe Haldeman [Dutch] (1979) by Darrell Schweitzer
- The Forever Man (1980) by Carl Hiles and Stephen Jones
- Science-Fiction, Politik und Rockmusik [German] (1980)
Werner Fuchs
Joachim Körber?Joachim Koerber
- Spotlight—Close-Up of an Author (1982) by Dawn Atkins (co-interviewed with Jack C. Haldeman, II)
- Interview: Joe Haldeman (1982) by Dorothy Guin Tompkins
- Joe Haldeman (1983) by Charles Platt
- Vietnam Veteran - Universal Soldier (Seacon '84), Part One (1985) by Ken Lake and Geoff Rippington
- Vietnam Veteran - Universal Soldier (Seacon '84), Part Two (1985) by Ken Lake and Geoff Rippington
- SF je predivan žanr [Croatian] (1986)
Darije Đokić?Darije Dokic
Darije Dokich - Joe Haldeman: Exploring New Territory (1989) by uncredited
- Joe Haldeman (1991) by Stan Nicholls
- Ein Gespräch mit Joe Haldeman [German] (1992) by Usch Kiausch
- Joe Haldeman: A Different Universe (1992) by uncredited
- Joe Haldeman: Frees Something Up (1993) by Stan Nicholls
- Joe Haldeman: A Lost Year (1994) by uncredited
- Something Between Me and My Language: An Interview with Joe Haldeman (1997) by Robert Neilson
- Joe Haldeman: Forever Peace & War (1997) by uncredited
- War and Peace: Interview with Joe Haldeman (2000) by Patrick Hudson
- Der Soldat muss auf dem Schlachtfeld gar nicht mehr präsent sein [German] (2000) by Usch Kiausch
- Joe Haldeman: Art for Art's Sake (2001) by Joe Haldeman
- Joe Haldeman: Forever Writing (2002) by Liz Holliday
- The Talebones Interview: Joe Haldeman (2003) by Ken Rand
- Interview: Joe Haldeman (2004) by Donald Mead
- From the Jungles of Vietnam to the Far Reaches of Space: A Talk with Joe Haldeman (2005) by Richard Brignall
- An Interview with Joe Haldeman (2008) by Jayme Lynn Blaschke
- InterGalactic Interview with Joe Haldeman (2009) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Joe W. Haldeman (2009) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Joe Haldeman (2010) by James L. Sutter
- Joe Haldeman: Art & Science (2012) by Joe Haldeman
- Author Spotlight: Joe Haldeman (2012) by Erin Stocks
- Author Spotlight: Joe Haldeman (2012) by Andrew Liptak
- Author Spotlight: Joe Haldeman (2012) by E. C. Myers
- Interview: Joe Haldeman (2014) by David Barr Kirtley
- The Galaxy's Edge Interview (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 18: January 2016) (2016) by Joy Ward
- Interview with Joe W. Haldeman (2019) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Interview with Joe Haldeman (2023) by uncredited
Non-Genre Titles
- War Year (1972) [also as by Joe W. Haldeman]
- 1968 (1994)