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Shards of Honor (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Shards of Honour (1988)
- Translation: L'honneur de Cordélia [French] (1994)
- Translation: Scherben der Ehre [German] (1994)
- Translation: Cordelia Vorkosigan [French] (1994)
Translation: Осколки чести?Oskolki chesti[Russian] (1995) [as byЛоис Макмастер Буджолд?Lois Makmaster Budzhold]
- Translation: L'onore dei Vor [Italian] (1996)
Translation: Strzępy honoru?Strzepy honoru[Polish] (1996)
Translation: За честта на Вор?Za chesta na Vor[Bulgarian] (1997) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: 名誉のかけら?Meiyo no Kakera[Japanese] (1997) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: רסיסים של כבוד?Resisim Shel Kavod[Hebrew] (1998) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold -
Translation: Krhotine Časti?Krhotine Casti[Croatian] (2002)
Krhotine Chasti - Translation: Fragmentos de Honor [Spanish] (2003)
Translation: Krhotine časti?Krhotine casti[Serbian] (2006) [as by
Krhotine chastiLoiz Mekmaster Bižol?Loiz Mekmaster Bizol] - Translation: Maréknyi becsület [Hungarian] (2007)
- Translation: Au Riismed [Estonian] (2008)
- Translation: Cáry cti [Czech] (2008)
- Translation: Kunnian sirpaleita [Finnish] (2009)
- Translation: Cioburi de onoare [Romanian] (2013)
Translation: 명예의 조각들?myeong-yeui jogagdeul[Korean] (2013) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
The Warrior's Apprentice (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: 戦士志願?senshi shigan[Japanese] (1991) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Der Kadett [German] (1993)
Translation: Наемниците на Дендарии?Naemnitsite na dendarii[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Kario mokinys [Lithuanian] (1996)
- Translation: L'apprentissage du guerrier [French] (1996)
- Translation: Pripravnik za Ratnika [Croatian] (1998)
Translation: Uczeń wojownika?Uczen wojownika[Polish] (1998)
- Translation: L'apprendista ammiraglio Vorkosigan [Italian] (1998)
- Translation: De Jonge Krijger [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Učedník války?Ucednik valky[Czech] (2000)
Translation: שוליית הלוחם?Shuliyat Ha-Lohem[Hebrew] (2001) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold -
Translation: 战争学徒?zhàn zhēng xué tú[Chinese] (2004) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: 마일즈의 전쟁?mailjeuui jeonjaeng[Korean] (2007) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
Translation: Plaćenik?Placenik[Serbian] (2010) [as byLoiz Mekmaster Bižol?Loiz Mekmaster Bizol]
Translation: Sõduri õpilane?Soduri opilane[Estonian] (2010)
Translation: 전사 견습?jeonsa gyeonseub[Korean] (2013) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Translation: กองพลเดนตาย [Thai] (2019)
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'apprendista (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1993)
Ethan of Athos (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ethan z planety Athos [Polish] (1994)
- Translation: Ethan von Athos [German] (1995)
- Translation: La spia dei Dendarii [Italian] (1996)
- Translation: Ethan d'Athos [French] (1997)
Translation: Етан от Атос?Etan ot Atos[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: 遺伝子の使命?idenshi no shimei[Japanese] (2003) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Ethan od Athosa [Croatian] (2006)
Translation: 남자의 나라 아토스?namjaui nala atoseu[Korean] (2014) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
Falling Free (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gravità zero [Italian] (1990)
Translation: 自由軌道?jiyū kidō[Japanese] (1991) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Die Quaddies von Cay Habitat [German] (1995)
Translation: В свободном падении?V svobodnom padenii[Russian] (1996) [as byЛоис Макмастер Буджолд?Lois Makmaster Budzhold]
- Translation: Chute libre [French] (1997)
Translation: Opération Cay?Operation Cay[French] (1997)
Translation: Stan niewolności?Stan niewolnosci[Polish] (1997)
- Translation: Cestou svobody [Czech] (1998) [as by Lois M. Bujoldová]
Translation: Без гравитация?Bez gravitacia[Bulgarian] (1999) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Serializations:
- Falling Free (Part 1 of 4) (1987)
- Falling Free (Part 2 of 4) (1987)
- Falling Free (Part 3 of 4) (1988)
- Falling Free (Part 4 of 4) (1988)
Translation: Stan niewolności (Part 3 of 6)?Stan niewolnosci (Part 3 of 6)[Polish] (1995)
Brothers in Arms (1989)
also appeared as:
Translation: 親愛なるクローン?Shin'ainaru Kurōn[Japanese] (1993) [as by
Shin'ainaru Kuroon
Shinainaru Kurōn
Shinainaru Kuroonロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo] - Translation: Il nemico dei Vor [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Un clone encombrant [French] (1995)
- Translation: Waffenbrüder [German] (1996)
- Translation: Ginklo broliai [Lithuanian] (1997)
- Translation: Towarzysze broni [Polish] (1998)
Translation: Braća po Oružju?Braca po Oruzju[Croatian] (1999)
- Translation: Hermanos de armas [Spanish] (1999)
Translation: Братя по оръжие?Bratya po orazhie[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Bratři ve zbrani?Bratri ve zbrani[Czech] (2002)
Translation: 兄弟手足?xiōng dì shǒu zú[Chinese] (2008) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
- Translation: Relvavennad [Estonian] (2012)
Translation: 전장의 형제들?jeonjang-ui hyeongjedeul[Korean] (2014) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
The Vor Game (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il gioco dei Vor [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: Miles Vorkosigan [French] (1992)
Translation: Игрите на Вор?Igrite na Vor[Bulgarian] (1993) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: El juego de los Vor [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Der Prinz und der Söldner [German] (1994)
Translation: Forų žaidimai?Foru zaidimai[Lithuanian] (1996)
Translation: ヴォル・ゲーム?Voru Gēmu[Japanese] (1996) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Vorska Igra [Croatian] (1998)
- Translation: Gra [Polish] (1999)
- Translation: Vorova hra [Czech] (2001)
Translation: משחקי אצולה?Mishakay Atsula[Hebrew] (2003) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold -
Translation: 贵族们的游戏?guì zú mén dí yóu xì[Chinese] (2004) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: 보르 게임?boleu geim[Korean] (2008) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Translation: Vori mäng [Estonian] (2011)
Translation: 보르 게임?boleu geim[Korean] (2013) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
Translation: Vorska igra [Serbian] (2014)
[as by Loiz Mekmaster Bižol?Loiz Mekmaster Bizol]
Barrayar (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Barrayar [German] (1993)
- Translation: Barrayar [French] (1993)
- Translation: Barrayar [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Barrayar [Spanish] (1994)
Translation: Бараяр?Barayar[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Barrayar [Polish] (1996)
- Translation: De planeet Barrayar [Dutch] (1999) [as by Lois M. Bujold]
Translation: בריאר?Briar[Hebrew] (2000) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold -
Translation: バラヤー内乱?barayā nairan[Japanese] (2000) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Barrayar [Croatian] (2004)
Translation: Barajar [Serbian] (2006)
[as by Loiz Mekmaster Bižol?Loiz Mekmaster Bizol]
- Translation: Barrayar [Hungarian] (2007)
- Translation: Barrayar [Czech] (2008)
Translation: 贝拉亚?bèi lā yà[Chinese] (2008) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
- Translation: Barrayar [Estonian] (2009)
Translation: 바라야 내전?balaya naejeon[Korean] (2013) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Translation: Barrayar [Romanian] (2014)
- Serializations:
- Barrayar (Part 1 of 4) (1991)
- Barrayar (Part 2 of 4) (1991)
- Barrayar (Part 3 of 4) (1991)
- Barrayar (Part 4 of 4) (1991)
The Spirit Ring (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Terra di incantesimi [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: L'esprit de l'anneau profane [French] (1994)
- Translation: Fiamettas Ring [German] (1997)
Translation: スピリット・リング?supiritto ringu[Japanese] (2001) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: Оковният пръстен?Okovniyat prasten[Bulgarian] (2001) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Sielų žiedas?Sielu ziedas[Lithuanian] (2005)
- Translation: L'anello dell'incantesimo [Italian] (2008)
Mirror Dance (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Огледален танц?Ogledalen tants[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: I due Vorkosigan [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: La danse du miroir [French] (1995)
- Translation: Danza de espejos [Spanish] (1995)
Translation: Dans în oglindă?Dans in oglinda[Romanian] (1997)
- Translation: Spiegeltanz [German] (1997)
- Translation: Ples Zrcala [Croatian] (2000)
- Translation: Lustrzany taniec [Polish] (2002)
Translation: ミラー・ダンス(上)?mirā dansu[Japanese] (2002) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: ミラー・ダンス(下)?mirā dansu[Japanese] (2002) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Zrcadlový tanec [Czech] (2003)
Translation: 镜舞?jìng wǔ[Chinese] (2005) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
- Translation: Peeglitants [Estonian] (2014)
Translation: 미러 댄스?mileo daenseu[Korean] (2015) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
Cetaganda (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cetaganda [Spanish] (1996)
- Translation: Cetaganda [Italian] (1996)
- Translation: Cetaganda [Lithuanian] (1997)
- Translation: Cetaganda [French] (1998)
- Translation: Cetaganda [German] (1999)
- Translation: Cetaganda [Croatian] (1999)
Translation: Сетаганда?Setaganda[Bulgarian] (1999) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Cetaganda [Polish] (2000)
- Translation: Cetaganda [Czech] (2001)
Translation: 天空の遺産?tenkū no isan[Japanese] (2001) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: סיטגנדה?Sitaganda[Hebrew] (2004) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold -
Translation: 西塔甘达?xī tǎ gān dá[Chinese] (2006) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
- Translation: Cetaganda [Estonian] (2012)
Translation: 마일즈의 유혹?mailjeuui yuhog[Korean] (2014) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Serializations:
- Cetaganda (Part 1 of 4) (1995)
- Cetaganda (Part 2 of 4) (1995)
- Cetaganda (Part 3 of 4) (1995)
- Cetaganda (Part 4 of 4) (1995)
Memory (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Memory [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Recuerdos [Spanish] (1998)
- Translation: Memory [French] (1999)
Translation: Pamćenje?Pamcenje[Croatian] (2000)
- Translation: Viren des Vergessens [German] (2000)
Translation: Императорската гвардия?Imperatorskata gvardiya[Bulgarian] (2000) [as by
Imperatorskata gvardiaЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold] -
Translation: Paměť?Pamet[Czech] (2004)
Translation: 记忆?jì yì[Chinese] (2004) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: メモリー(上)?memorī[Japanese] (2006) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: メモリー(下)?memorī[Japanese] (2006) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 메모리?memoli[Korean] (2015) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Translation: Mälu [Estonian] (2016)
Komarr (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Komarr [French] (2000)
- Translation: Komarr [Croatian] (2001)
Translation: Комар?Komar[Bulgarian] (2001) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Komarr [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Komarr [Italian] (2002)
- Translation: Komarr [German] (2003)
- Translation: Komarr [Czech] (2005)
Translation: 科玛?kē mǎ[Chinese] (2006) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: ミラー衛星衝突(上)?Mirā Eisei Shōtotsu (Jō)[Japanese] (2012) [as by
Miraa Eisei Shoutotsu (Jou)ロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo] -
Translation: ミラー衛星衝突(下)?mirā eisei shōtotsu[Japanese] (2012) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
A Civil Campaign (1999)
also appeared as:
Translation: Цивилна кампания?Tsivilna kampaniya[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Ekaterin [French] (2001)
Translation: Građanska Dužnost?Gradanska Duznost[Croatian] (2002)
Grazhdanska Duzhnost - Translation: Guerra di strategie [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Botschafter des Imperiums [German] (2006)
Translation: Civilní služba?Civilne sluzba[Czech] (2006)
Translation: 明争暗斗?míng zhēng àn dǒu[Chinese] (2008) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: 任務外作戦 (上)?Ninmugai Sakusen (Jō)[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Ninmugai Sakusen (Jou)ロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo] -
Translation: 任務外作戦 (下)?Ninmugai Sakusen (Ka)[Japanese] (2013) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: Kodune Sõda?Kodune Soda[Estonian] (2018)
The Curse of Chalion (2001)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le fléau de Chalion?Le fleau de Chalion[French] (2003)
Translation: Klątwa nad Chalionem?Klatwa nad Chalionem[Polish] (2003)
- Translation: L'ombra della maledizione [Italian] (2003)
Translation: Проклятието на Шалион?Proklyatieto na Shalion[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Chalions Fluch [German] (2004)
Translation: Prokletí Chalionu?Prokleti Chalionu[Czech] (2005)
Translation: 查里昂的诅咒?chá lǐ áng dí zǔ zhòu[Chinese] (2006) [as by路易丝·麦克马斯特·比约德?Lùyì sī·màikè mǎ sī tè·Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: チャリオンの影(上)?charion no kage[Japanese] (2007) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: チャリオンの影(下)?charion no kage[Japanese] (2007) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Blestemul Chalionului [Romanian] (2007)
Translation: 王城闇影?Wángchéng ànyǐng[Chinese] (2007) [as by洛伊絲.莫瑪絲特.布喬?Luò yī sī. Mò mǎ sī tè. Bù qiáo]
- Translation: Chalion átka [Hungarian] (2012)
- Translation: Prokletstvo Chaliona [Croatian] (2013)
Diplomatic Immunity (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Diplomatski Imunitet [Croatian] (2003)
Translation: Дипломатически имунитет?Diplomaticheski imunitet[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Immunité diplomatique?Immunite diplomatique[French] (2003)
- Translation: Immunità diplomatica [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: Diplomatische Verwicklungen [German] (2006)
Translation: 外交豁免权?wài jiāo huō miǎn quán[Chinese] (2006) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: Diplomatická imunita?Diplomaticka imunita[Czech] (2008)
Translation: 外交特例?gaikō tokurei[Japanese] (2014) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Paladin of Souls (2003)
also appeared as:
Translation: Paladin des âmes?Paladin des ames[French] (2004)
Translation: Рицарят на Шалион?Ritsaryat na Shalion[Bulgarian] (2004) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: La messaggera delle anime [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: Paladin der Seelen [German] (2005)
- Translation: Paladyn Dusz [Polish] (2005)
Translation: Ochránkyně duší?Ochrankyne dusi[Czech] (2005)
Translation: 灵魂骑士?líng hún qí shì[Chinese] (2005)
Translation: 靈魂護衛?Línghún hùwèi[Chinese] (2007) [as by洛伊絲.莫瑪絲特.布喬?Luò yī sī. Mò mǎ sī tè. Bù qiáo]
Translation: 影の棲む城(上)?Kage no sumu shiro[Japanese] (2008) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 影の棲む城(下)?Kage no sumu shiro[Japanese] (2008) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Paladinul sufletelor [Romanian] (2008)
- Translation: Lelkek lovagja [Hungarian] (2012)
Translation: Čuvarica Duša?Cuvarica Dusa[Croatian] (2014)
Chuvarica Dusha
The Hallowed Hunt (2005)
also appeared as:
Translation: Свещеният крал?Sveshteniyat kral[Bulgarian] (2005) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Boží lov?Bozi lov[Czech] (2006)
- Translation: La chasse sacrée [French] (2006)
- Translation: Im Schatten des Wolfes [German] (2006)
- Translation: L'incantesimo dello spirito [Italian] (2008)
Translation: Vânătoarea sfântă?Vanatoarea sfanta[Romanian] (2010)
Translation: 影の王国 (上)?kage no ōkoku[Japanese] (2012) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 影の王国 (下)?kage no ōkoku[Japanese] (2012) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: Posvećeni Lov?Posveceni Lov[Croatian] (2014)
- Translation: Yn it skaad fan de wolf [Frisian] (2014)
Beguilement (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Klingen des Lichts [German] (2007)
- Translation: Ensorcellement [French] (2008)
Translation: Омайване?Omaivane[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: 死者の短剣 惑わし?shisha no tanken madowashi[Japanese] (2008) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Legacy (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der magische Dolch [German] (2007)
Translation: Héritage?Heritage[French] (2008)
Translation: Наследство?Nasledstvo[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: 死者の短剣 遺産?shisha no tanken isan[Japanese] (2010) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Passage (2008)
also appeared as:
Translation: Преобразяване?Preobrazyavane[Bulgarian] (2009) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Passage [French] (2009)
Translation: 死者の短剣 旅路(上)?shisha no tanken tabiji[Japanese] (2011) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 死者の短剣 旅路(下)?shisha no tanken tabiji[Japanese] (2011) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Horizon (2009)
also appeared as:
Translation: Хоризонти?Khorizonti[Bulgarian] (2009) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Horizon [French] (2010)
Translation: 死者の短剣 地平線 (上)?shisha no tanken chiheisen[Japanese] (2013) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 死者の短剣 地平線 (下)?shisha no tanken chiheisen[Japanese] (2013) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Cryoburn (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ledene Opekline [Croatian] (2010)
Translation: Криожега?Kriozhega[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Criópolis [Spanish] (2011)
- Translation: Cryoburn [French] (2011)
- Translation: Kryokomby [Czech] (2012)
Translation: マイルズの旅路?mairuzu no tabiji[Japanese] (2017) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Serializations:
- Translation: La criocamera di Vorkosigan (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2012)
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Сделката на капитан Ворпатрил?Sdelkata na kapitan Vorpatril[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Savez Kapetana Vorpatrila [Croatian] (2013)
Translation: הברית של קפטן וורפטריל?habarit shel kaptan vorpatril[Hebrew] (2014) [as byלויס מקמסטר בוז`ולד?Lois McMaster Boz`old]
Lois McMaster Bozold - Translation: L'alliance [French] (2014)
Translation: Aliance kapitána Vorpatrila?Aliance kapitana Vorpatrila[Czech] (2015)
Translation: 大尉の盟約(上)?Taii no meiyaku[Japanese] (2015) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Translation: 大尉の盟約(下)?Taii no meiyaku[Japanese] (2015) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: Джентълмен Джоул и Червената кралица?Dzhentalmen Dzhoul i Chervenata kralitsa[Bulgarian] (2016) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- The Assassins of Thasalon (2021)
- Demon Daughter (2024)
Borders of Infinity (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'eroe dei Vor [Italian] (1992)
Translation: 無限の境界?mugen no kyōkai[Japanese] (1994) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Grenzen der Unendlichkeit [German] (1996)
Translation: Границите на безкрая?Granitsite na bezkraya[Bulgarian] (1998) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Granice nieskończonośc?Granice nieskonczonosc[Polish] (1998)
Translation: Les frontières de l'infini?Les frontieres de l'infini[French] (1998)
- Translation: Alle frontiere dell'ignoto «L'eroe dei Vor» [Italian] (2000)
Translation: Granice Vječnosti?Granice Vjecnosti[Croatian] (2002)
Translation: Hranice nekonečna?Hranice nekonecna[Czech] (2002)
Hranice nekonechna -
Translation: 无尽的边界?wú jìn dí biān jiè[Chinese] (2006) [as by洛伊斯.比约德?Luò yī sī. Bǐ yuē dé]
Translation: Lõputuse piirid?Loputuse piirid[Estonian] (2011)
Translation: 무한의 경계?muhan-ui gyeong-gye[Korean] (2014) [as by로이스 맥마스터 부졸드?Loiseu Maegmaseuteo Bujoldeu]
- Dreamweaver's Dilemma (1996)
- Proto Zoa (2016)
- Penric's Progress (2020)
- Penric's Travels (2020)
- Penric's Labors (2022)
- Test of Honor (1987) [O]
- Vorkosigan's Game (1990) [O/2,5]
Cordelia's Honor (1996) [O/1,2]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cordelias Ehre [German] (2004) [O/1,2]
- Young Miles (1997) [O/1,2]
Miles, Mystery & Mayhem (2001) [O/7,3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Miles, Mystery and Mayhem (2010) [O/7,3]
- Miles Errant (2002) [O/4,6]
Дипломатически имунитет?Diplomaticheski imunitet[Bulgarian] (2003) [O/3,11] [only as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Наемниците на Дендарии?Naemnitsite na dendarii[Bulgarian] (2004) [O/1N+1nv] [only as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Der junge Miles [German] (2005) [O/1,2+1nv]
- Gefährliche Missionen [German] (2005) [O/3,7+1nv]
- Der Doppelgänger [German] (2005) [O/4,6+1nv]
- Die Revolte [German] (2005) [O/8,9]
- Der Botschafter [German] (2006) [O/10,11+1nv]
- The Sharing Knife (2007) [O/1,2]
- Miles, Mutants and Microbes (2007) [O]
- Miles in Love (2008) [O/9,10]
- La saga Vorkosigan: Intégrale 1 [French] (2011) [O]
- Women at War (1995) with Roland J. Green
- Unrivaled: Four Groundbreaking Hugo & Nebula Winning Stories (2023) with Joe Haldeman and Nancy Kress and Mike Resnick
Λαβύρινθος?Lavýrinthos[Greek] (1997) [only as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt -
Τα σύνορα του άπειρου?Ta sýnora tou ápeirou[Greek] (1997) [only as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt -
The Mountains of Mourning (2002)
also appeared as:
Translation: Τα όρη του θρήνου?Ta óri tou thrínou[Greek] (1997) [as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt
Winterfair Gifts (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zimoslavni Darovi [Croatian] (2002)
- Translation: Festa d'inverno a Barrayar [Italian] (2006)
Weatherman (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Miles Vorkosigan: L'uomo del tempo [Italian] (2007)
- Labyrinth (2011)
- Penric's Demon (2015)
- Penric and the Shaman (2016)
- Penric's Mission (2016)
- Mira's Last Dance (2017)
- Penric's Fox (2017)
- The Prisoner of Limnos (2017)
- The Flowers of Vashnoi (2018)
- Knife Children (2019)
- The Orphans of Raspay (2019)
- The Physicians of Vilnoc (2020)
- Masquerade in Lodi (2020)
- Knot of Shadows (2021)
- Penric and the Bandit (2024)
- Barter (1985)
Aftermaths (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schaurige Ernte [German] (1992)
- The Hole Truth (1986)
- Garage Sale (1987)
The Borders of Infinity (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "The Borders of Infinity" (1989)
Translation: 無限の境界?Mugen no Kyōkai[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Mugen no Kyoukaiロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo] - Translation: Die Grenzen der Unendlichkeit [German] (1996)
- Translation: Grenzen der Unendlichkeit [German] (1996)
Translation: Τα σύνορα του άπειρου?Ta sýnora tou ápeirou[Greek] (1997) [as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt -
Translation: Границите на безкрая?Granitsite na bezkraya[Bulgarian] (1998) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Translation: Les frontières de l'infini?Les frontieres de l'infini[French] (1998)
- Translation: I Confini dell'Infinito [Italian] (2000)
Translation: Granice vječnosti?Granice vjecnosti[Croatian] (2002)
Translation: Hranice nekonečna?Hranice nekonecna[Czech] (2002)
Hranice nekonechna - Translation: A végtelen határai [Hungarian] (2021)
- Brothers in Arms (excerpt) (1988)
The Mountains of Mourning (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planine oplakivanja [Serbian] (1993)
Translation: 喪の山?mo no yama[Japanese] (1994) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Die Berge der Trauer [German] (1996)
Translation: Τα όρη του θρήνου?Ta óri tou thrínou[Greek] (1997) [as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt -
Translation: Планините на скръбта?Planinite na skrabta[Bulgarian] (1998) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Les montagnes du deuil [French] (1998)
- Translation: Le montagne del dolore [Italian] (2000)
- Translation: Planine korote [Croatian] (2002)
Translation: Smuteční hory?Smutecni hory[Czech] (2002)
Smutechni hory -
Translation: Планините на скръбта?Planinite na skrabta[Bulgarian] (2004) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
Labyrinth (1989)
also appeared as:
Translation: 迷宮?meikyū[Japanese] (1994) [as byロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- Translation: Labyrinth [German] (1996)
Translation: Λαβύρινθος?Lavýrinthos[Greek] (1997) [as byΛόις Μακμάστερ Μπυζόλντ?Lóis Makmáster Byzólnt]
Lois Makmaster Byzolnt -
Translation: Лабиринт?Labirint[Bulgarian] (1998) [as byЛоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold]
- Translation: Le labyrinthe [French] (1998)
- Translation: Il Labirinto [Italian] (2000)
- Translation: Labirint [Croatian] (2002)
- Translation: Labyrint [Czech] (2002)
Borders of Infinity (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prolog (Grenzen der Unendlichkeit ) [German] (1996)
Translation: Les frontières de l'infini (framing story)?Les frontieres de l'infini (framing story)[French] (1998)
- Translation: Alle frontiere dell'infinito [Italian] (2000)
Weatherman (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Miles Vorkosigan: L'uomo del tempo [Italian] (2007)
- Borders of Infinity (excerpt) (1990)
- Borders of Infinity (excerpt) (1990)
- Barrayar (excerpt) (1991)
- The Spirit Ring (excerpt) (1992)
- A Preview from Cetaganda (1995)
- Cetaganda (excerpt) (1995)
Dreamweaver's Dilemma (1996)
also appeared as:
Translation: ドリーム作家のジレンマ?Dorīmu Sakka no Jirenma[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Doriimu Sakka no Jirenmaロイス・マクマスター・ビジョルド?Roisu Makumasutā Bijorudo]
- The Adventure of the Lady on the Embankment (1996)
- Diplomatic Immunity (excerpt) (1996)
- Memory (excerpt) (1996)
- A Civil Campaign (excerpt) (1999)
- A Civil Campaign (excerpt) (1999)
- Paladin of Souls (excerpt) (2003)
Winterfair Gifts (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zimoslavni Darovi [Croatian] (2002)
- Translation: Geschenke zum Winterfest [German] (2006)
- Translation: Festa d'inverno a Barrayar [Italian] (2006)
- Variant: Winter Fair Gifts (2010)
- The Hallowed Hunt (excerpt) (2004)
- The Sharing Knife (excerpt) (2005)
- Legacy (excerpt) (2007)
- Passage (excerpt) (2008)
- Horizon (excerpt) (2009)
- The Curse of Chalion (excerpt) (2010)
- Cryoburn (excerpt) (2010)
- Cryoburn (excerpt) (2010)
- Cryoburn (excerpt) (2010)
- Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (excerpt) (2012)
- Penric's Demon (2015)
- Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (2016)
- Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (excerpt) (2016)
- Penric and the Shaman (2016)
- Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: His Universe and Times (2016)
- Penric's Mission (2016)
- Mira's Last Dance (2017)
- Penric's Fox (2017)
- The Prisoner of Limnos (2017)
- The Flowers of Vashnoi (2018)
- Knife Children (2019)
- The Orphans of Raspay (2019)
- The Physicians of Vilnoc (2020)
- Masquerade in Lodi (2020)
- Knot of Shadows (2021)
- Penric and the Bandit (2024)
- Letter (Analog, July 1988) (1988)
About the Nominees for the 1989 Nebula Awards (1989)
Neal Barrett, Jr.
Gregory Benford
Orson Scott Card
Bradley Denton
Thomas M. Disch
George Alec Effinger
William Gibson
Steven Gould
John Kessel
Jack McDevitt
Ian McDonald
Judith Moffett
James Morrow
Pat Murphy
Steven Popkes
Mike Resnick
Lucius Shepard
Lewis Shiner
Norman Spinrad
George Turner
Howard Waldrop
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Jane Yolen
only appeared as:
- Variant: About the Nominees (1989)
- The Unsung Collaborator (1989)
- Allegories of Change: The "New" Biotech in the Eye of Science Fiction (1989)
- About Her Novella "The Mountains of Mourning" (1990)
My First Novel (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1990) (1990)
Phillip C. Jennings
Jack McDevitt
also appeared as:
- Variant: My First Novel (1996) [as by Lois McMaster Bujold]
- Free Associating About Falling Free (1990)
- Beyond Genre Barriers (1992)
- Getting Started (1992)
- Letter (Analog, May 1992) (reply to John C. Fortelka) (1992)
- Letter (Analog, June 1992) (reply to George F. Kiesel) (1992)
Author's Note (The Spirit Ring) (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nota dell'autrice (Terra di incantesimi) [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Nota dell'autrice (L'anello dell'incantesimo) [Italian] (2008)
- Barrayar: Nota dell'autrice [Italian] (1993)
- Introduction (Women at War) (1995)
- American Bibliography (1996)
- Answers (1996)
- Awards (1996)
- Biolog (1996)
Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: His Universe and Times (1996)
Michael Bernardi
only appeared as:
- Variant: Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: His Universe and Times (1996) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Timelines of the Vorkosigan Saga: Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: His Universe and Times (1996) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: His Universe and Times (1996) [as by uncredited]
- Sherried Walnut Cake (1996)
- Author's Afterword (Cordelia's Honor) (1996)
- Allegories of Change (1997)
- Author's Afterword (Young Miles) (1997)
- Letterspace: In the Chinks Between Published Fiction and Published Criticism (1999) with Sylvia Kelso
- Author's Afterword (Miles, Mystery & Mayhem) (2001)
- Vorkosikan Saga Timeline (2001)
- Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: His Universe and Times (2002)
- Introduction to "Barter" (2003)
- Nachwort (Cordelias Ehre) [German] (2004)
- Nachwort (Der junge Miles) [German] (2005)
- On "Paladin of Souls" (2005)
- Nachwort (Gefährliche Missionen) [German] (2005)
- Jim Baen Remembered (2006)
- Preface (Miles, Mutants and Microbes) (2007)
- Afterword (Miles in Love) (2008)
- Author's Note (The Sharing Knife: Passage) (2008)
- Publishing, Writing, and Authoring: Three Different Things (2008)
- Preface (The Vorkosifian Companion) (2008)
- Preface: "Gosh, is it Midnight Already?" (2008)
- Putting It Together: Life, the Vorkosiverse, and Everything (2008)
- Ciencia ficción, fantasía y yo [Spanish] (2009)
Where I Write (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Where I Write [French] (2009)
- Chalion Miscellany (2009)
- The Keys to Cahlion: A Dictionary of People, Places, and Things (2009)
- "Here's Looking At You, Kid..." (2010)
- Afterword (Miles, Mystery &Mayhem) (2010)
- Dialect and Dialogue... (2010)
- Eos Blog Posts for Passage (2010)
- Five Short Essays Posted on the Eos Blog (2010)
- My First Sale (2010)
- Preface (Miles, Mutants & Microbes) (2010)
- Preface to Chinese Translations (2010)
- Space Opera, Miles, and Me (2010)
- Writing Sex (2010)
- SFR—Not Just Science Fiction Research Anymore (2010)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (2011)
- Author's Note: The Vorkosigan Saga Reading Order Debate: The Chef Recommends (Diplomatic Immunity) (2011)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (Memory) (2011)
- Author's Afterword (Barrayar) (2012)
- Author's Note (Cetaganda) (2012)
- Conseguenza: cinque punti di vista [Italian] (2012)
- Modeling the Writer's Life (2013)
- Author's Note A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (The Vor Game) (2013)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading Order Guide (2016)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading Order Guide (2016)
- Author's Note: Proto Zoa (2016)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading Order Guide (2017)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (The Flowers of Vashnoi) (2018)
- Author's Note : A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (The Orphans of Raspay) (2019)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading Order Guide (2020)
- Introduction (Penric's Progress) (2020)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading Order Guide (2020)
- Introduction (Penric's Travels) (2020)
- Author's Note : A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (The Physicians of Vilnoc) (2020)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (Masquerade in Lodi) (2020)
- Frontnote (Masquerade in Lodi) (2020)
- Introduction (Penric's Progress) (2021)
- Author's Note (Knot of Shadows) (2021)
- Introduction (Penric's Labors) (2022)
- Outroduction (Penric's Labors) (2022)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (Demon Daughter) (2024)
- Author's Note: A Bujold Reading-Order Guide (Penric and the Bandit) (2024)
The Vor Game (starmap) (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rotte stellari (map) [Italian] (1992)
- Paladin of Souls (maps) (2003) with Carol Collins
- Beguilement (map) (2006)
- Beguilement (map) (2007)
- Legacy (map) (2008)
- Passage (map) (2009)
- The Orphans of Raspay (map) (2019) with Carol Collins and Karen Hunt and Ron Miller [only as by Lois Bujold and Carol Collins and Karen Hunt and Ron Miller]
- Lois McMaster Bujold: On the Cusp (2001) with Lois McMaster Bujold
- Lois McMaster Bujold: It's All in the Footnotes (2005) with Lois McMaster Bujold
- Lois McMaster Bujold: Topias (2012) with Lois McMaster Bujold
- Lois McMaster Bujold: Coming Full Circle (1989) by uncredited
- An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold (1992) by Susan Shwartz
- Touching the Master: An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold (1993) by Bart Kemper
- Lois McMaster Bujold (1993) by Ken Lake
- Twenty-Two Guys and Me: The Lois McMaster Bujold Interview (1994) by Robert Neilson and Brendan Ryder and Helen Ryder
- Mary O'Keefe Talks to Lois McMaster Bujold (1995) by Mary O'Keefe
- Foreward Momentum: An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold (1995) by uncredited
- Lois McMaster Bujold: No-Fault Series (1995) by uncredited
- The Worst Possible Thing (1995) by Elizabeth Counihan
- The Talebones Interview: Lois McMaster Bujold (1997) by Ken Rand
- Conversation with the Author (Barrayar audio) (1997) by uncredited
- Writer Interview: Lois McMaster Bujold (1998) by uncredited
- Lois McMaster Bujold Interview (1998) by Robert N. Stephenson
- Lois McMaster Bujold: On the Cusp (2001) by Lois McMaster Bujold
- An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold (2005) by Jayme Lynn Blaschke
- Lois McMaster Bujold: It's All in the Footnotes (2005) by Lois McMaster Bujold
- Lois McMaster Bujold [German] (2006) by Dirk van den Boom and Carsten Kuhr
- SciFI Wire Interview (2006) by John Joseph Adams
- Bujold-Minz interview for Baen (2007) by Jim Minz
- Lois McMaster Bujold Author Q&A (2008) by Robert G. Thompson
- Lois McMaster Bujold Interview (2008) by Hrvoje Beljan
- A Conversation with Lois McMaster Bujold (excerpt) (2008) by Lillian Stewart Carl
- Bulgarian Interview (2009) by Simeon Tsanev
- Russian Interview (2009) by Dmitry X
- Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold About Writing the Vorkosigan Saga (2009) by Jo Walton
- An Interview with Lois McMaster Bujold (2009) by Debbie Yutko
- ActuSF Interview (2009)
Jérôme Vincent?Jerome Vincent
- An Interview with Author Lois McMaster Bujold (2009) by Bonnie Norman
- Interview with The Online Writing Workshop (2010) by Maria Zannini
- Testing What They're Made of: A Conversation with Lois McMaster Bujold (2010) by Jeremy L. C. Jones
- Feature Interview: Lois McMaster Bujold (2011) by Jeff Lester
- Lois McMaster Bujold: Topias (2012) by Lois McMaster Bujold
- Love and Death in the Vorkosiverse (2013) by Sandra J. Lindow
- Interview: Lois McMaster Bujold (2013) by The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Galaxy's Edge Interview (Galaxy's Edge, Issue 30: January 2018) (2018) by Joy Ward