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All Tags for Lois McMaster Bujold

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science fiction (25), fantasy (16), space opera (5), genetic engineering (4), cloning (2), 3-award-winner (2), mystery (2), military sf (1), hard sf (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), gender-segregated society (1), space warfare (1), civil war (1), original anthology (1), military (1), permafrost (1), arctic (1), war crimes (1), weather (1), climate (1), meteorology (1), justice (1), infanticide (1), murder (1), mutants (1), mutation (1), xenophobia (1), Sherlock Holmes (1), detective mystery (1), historical (1), victorian (1), into-tv (1), female main character (1), fantasy romance (1), pastoral (1), novel within novella range (1)

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