Date: 1993-00-00
Variant Title of: The Vor Game [English] (1990) (by Lois McMaster Bujold) [may list more publications, awards, reviews, votes and covers]
Series: Miles Vorkosigan
Series Number: 2
Language: Bulgarian
Current Tags: science fiction (1)
Игрите на Вор?Igrite na Vor
Title Record # 2148445
Лоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold
Date: 1993-00-00
Variant Title of: The Vor Game [English] (1990) (by Lois McMaster Bujold) [may list more publications, awards, reviews, votes and covers]
Series: Miles Vorkosigan
Series Number: 2
Language: Bulgarian
Note: Translated by Минчо Бенов (Mincho Benov)
User Rating:
This title has no votes.
Current Tags: science fiction (1)
Title | Date | Author/Editor | Publisher/Pub. Series | ISBN/Catalog ID | Price | Pages | Format | Type | Cover Artist | Verif |
Игрите на Вор?Igrite na Vor |
1993-00-00 |
Лоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold |
Бард?Bard (Избрана световна фантастика?Izbrana svetovna fantastika #10) |
9844830774 | Lev 2,500?Lev: Bulgarian lev |
416 | tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep. |
novel | Tim White | |
Игрите на Вор?Igrite na Vor |
2004-02-23 |
Лоис Макмастър Бюджолд?Lois Makmastar Byudzhold |
Бард?Bard (Избрана световна фантастика?Izbrana svetovna fantastika #10) |
9844830774 | 416 | tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep. |
novel | Tim White |