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Fiction Series
- Baldy
The Piper's Son (1945) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Piper's Son (1945) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: The Piper's Son (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Il figlio del pifferaio [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: El hijo del flautista [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Le fils du joueur de flûte?Le fils du joueur de flute[French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: El hijo del flautista [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Сын несущего расходы?Syn nesushchego raskhody[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner -
Translation: Один из несущих расходы?Odin iz nesushchikh raskhody[Russian] (1994) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
Three Blind Mice (1945) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Three Blind Mice (1945) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Three Blind Mice (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Tre topolini ciechi [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Tres ratones ciegos [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Trois souris aveugles [French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Tres ratones ciegos [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Три слепые мыши?Tri slepyye myshi[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
The Lion and the Unicorn (1945) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Lion and the Unicorn (1945) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: The Lion and the Unicorn (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Il leone e l'unicorno [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: El león y el unicornio [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Le lion et la licorne [French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: El león y el unicornio [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Лев и Единорог?Lev i Yedinorog[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
Beggars in Velvet (1945) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Beggars in Velvet (1945) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Beggars in Velvet (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: I Mendicanti Ricchi [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Mendigos de terciopelo [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Les mendiants de velours [French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Mendigos de terciopelo [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Нищие в бархате?Nishchiye v barkhate[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
Mutant (1953) [C]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mutant (1953) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Operazione apocalisse [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Mutante [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Die Mutanten [German] (1966) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Les mutants [French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Mutante [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Operazione apocalisse [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Мутанты?Mutanty[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
Humpty Dumpty (1953) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Humpty Dumpty (1953) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Humpty Dumpty (1953) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Humpty Dumpty [Italian] (1955) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Humpty Dumpty [Spanish] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Humpty Dumpty [French] (1969) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Hexenjagd [German] (1972) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Humpty Dumpty [Spanish] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Шалтай-Болтай?Shaltay-Boltay[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
The Piper's Son (1945) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Jirel of Joiry
Black God's Kiss (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Black God's Kiss (1934)
- Translation: Le baiser du dieu noir [French] (1965)
- Translation: Le baiser du dieu noir [French] (1969) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Le baiser du dieu noir [French] (1969) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Der Kuß des schwarzen Gottes?Der Kuss des schwarzen Gottes[German] (1976)
Translation: Der Kuß des schwarzen Gottes?Der Kuss des schwarzen Gottes[German] (1982)
- Translation: Il bacio del dio nero [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Il bacio del dio nero [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Mustan jumalan suudelma [Finnish] (1993)
- Translation: Il Bacio del Dio Nero [Italian] (1995) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Поцелуй черного бога?Potseluy chernogo boga[Russian] (1996) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore - Translation: Il bacio del dio nero [Italian] (1998)
Translation: Поцелуй черного бога?Potseluy chernogo boga[Russian] (2000) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore - Translation: Der Kuss des Schwarzen Gottes [German] (2002)
Black God's Shadow (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'ombre du dieu noir [French] (1969) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: L'ombre du dieu noir [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Der Schatten des schwarzen Gottes [German] (1976)
- Translation: L'ombra del dio nero [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: L'Ombra del Dio Nero [Italian] (1995) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Тень черного бога?Ten' chernogo boga[Russian] (2000) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore
Jirel Meets Magic (1935) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jirel et la magie [French] (1970) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Jirel face à la magie [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Der Turm der Welten [German] (1976)
- Translation: Jirel affronte la magie [French] (1979) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Stregoneria per Jirel [Italian] (1982)
- Variant: Jirel Meets Magic (1994) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Jirel e la Magia [Italian] (1995) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Джарел и колдунья?Dzharel i koldun'ya[Russian] (2000) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore
The Dark Land (1936) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il paese delle tenebre [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Le pays des ténèbres?Le pays des tenebres[French] (1973) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Le ténébreux pays [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Das dunkle Land [German] (1977)
- Translation: Il Paese Delle Tenebre [Italian] (1995) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Темная земля?Temnaya zemlya[Russian] (2000) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore
Quest of the Starstone (1937) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Translation: La quête de la Pierre-étoile [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La Cerca Della Pietra Stellare [Italian] (1995) [as by H. Kuttner and C. L. Moore]
- Translation: Die Suche nach dem Sternenstein [German] (1998)
- Translation: Das Geheimnis des Sternensteins [German] (2002)
- Serializations:
- Quest of the Starstone (Part 1 of 2) (2023)
- Quest of the Starstone (Part 2 of 2) (2023)
Hellsgarde (1939) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hellsgarde [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Hellsgarde [French] (1973) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Hellsgarde [German] (1973)
- Translation: Hellsgarde [German] (1973)
- Translation: Hellsgarde [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Чертова обитель?Chertova obitel[Russian] (2000) [as byКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore - Translation: Hellsgarde [German] (2002)
Jirel of Joiry (1969) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jirel de Joiry [French] (1974) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Jirel, die Amazone [German] (1976)
- Variant: Black God's Shadow (1977)
- Translation: Jirel Delle Lande di Joiry [Italian] (1995) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Black Gods (2002)
- Variant: Black God's Kiss (2007)
- Translation: Jirel de Joiry [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Black God's Kiss (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Keeps
- 1
Clash by Night (1943) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Clash by Night (1943) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Clash by Night (1943) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Combat de nuit [French] (1965) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Aus der Tiefe empor [German] (1972) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Scontro nella notte [Italian] (1972) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Entscheidung nach der Schlacht [German] (1982) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- 2
Fury (1950)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fury (1950) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Destination: Infinity (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Vénus et le Titan?Venus et le titan[French] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Alle Zeit der Welt (1. Teil) [German] (1962) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Alle Zeit der Welt (2. Teil) [German] (1962) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Furia [Italian] (1972) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Furie [Dutch] (1978) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Alle Zeit der Welt [German] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Ярость?Yarost'[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner - Variant: Destination Infinity (2008) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Zuřivec?Zurivec[Czech] (2020) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Serializations:
- Fury (Part 1 of 3) (1947) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Fury (Part 2 of 3) (1947) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Fury (Part 3 of 3) (1947) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Gli immortali (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner]
The Jungle / Clash by Night (1991) [O]
David Drake
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Jungle with Clash by Night (1991) [O] [as by David Drake and Henry Kuttner]
- 1
Clash by Night (1943) [SF]
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Northwest Smith
Shambleau (1933) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Shambleau [French] (1954)
- Translation: Shambleau [French] (1972) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleau [Dutch] (1972) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleau [German] (1978)
- Translation: Shambleau [German] (1982)
- Translation: Shambleau [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleau [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Shambleau [Polish] (1983) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleu [Swedish] (1984)
Translation: Шамбло?Shamblo[Russian] (1991) [as byКэтрин Л. Мур?Ketrin L. Mur]
Catherine L. Moore - Translation: Shambleau [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleau [German] (2003) [as by Catherine Lucille Moore]
- Variant: The Illustrated Shambleau (2023) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Shambleau [German] (2023)
Black Thirst (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La soif noire [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: L'aventurier de l'espace [French] (1964) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Schwarzer Durst [German] (1982)
- Translation: Sete nera [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Sete nera [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Sete nera [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Scarlet Dream (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Songe vermeil [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Sogno scarlatto [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Sogno rosso [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Rêve écarlate [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Dust of the Gods (1934) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dust of Gods (1934)
Translation: La poussière des dieux?La poussiere des dieux[French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La polvere del dio [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Prah [Croatian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La polvere del dio [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La polvere del dio [Italian] (1998)
Julhi (1935) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Julhi [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Julhi [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Nymph of Darkness (1935) [SF]
Forrest J. Ackerman
also appeared as:
Translation: La nymphe des ténèbres?La nymphe des tenebres[French] (1979) [as by Forrest J. Ackerman and Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Nymph of Darkness (1981) [as by Forrest J Ackerman and C. L. Moore]
- Translation: La ninfa delle tenebre [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Nymph of Darkness (1997) [as by Forrest J Ackerman and Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Nymph of Darkness (2000) [as by Forrest J. Ackerman and Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Nyusa, Nymph of Darkness (2002) [as by Forrest J. Ackerman and Catherine L. Moore]
The Cold Gray God (1935) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dieu gris [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Il freddo dio grigio [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Il freddo dio grigio [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Le dieu gris et froid [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Yvala (1936) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Yvala (1936) [as by Amaryllis Ackerman and C. L. Moore]
- Variant: Yvala (1936) [as by Amaryllis Ackerman and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Yvala [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Yvala [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Yvala [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Lost Paradise (1936) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Paradis perdu [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Paradiso perduto [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Paradiso perduto [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
The Tree of Life (1936) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arbre de vie [French] (1957) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: L'albero della vita [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: L'albero della vita [Italian] (1982)
Translation: 생명의 나무 [Korean] (2016)
[as by C. L. 무어?C. L. Moore]
Werewoman (1938) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La lupa mannara [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La femme-garou [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Song in a Minor Key (1940) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Canto in chiave minore [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Chanson sur le mode mineur [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Northwest of Earth (1954) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La polvere degli dei [Italian] (1966)
- L'aventurier de l'espace [French] (1957) [C] [only as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Shambleau (1958) [C]
- Shambleau [French] (1972) [C] [only as by Catherine L. Moore]
Scarlet Dream (1981) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Northwest Smith il terrestre [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Northwest Smith (1982)
- Variant: Scarlet Dreams (2002)
Northwest of Earth: The Complete Northwest Smith (2008) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les aventures de Northwest Smith [French] (2010) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Northwest of Earth (2011)
Shambleau (1933) [SF]
also appeared as:
Judgment Night (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La nuit du jugement [French] (1966) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Die Nacht des Gerichts [German] (1985) [as by C(atherine) L(ucile) Moore]
- Serializations:
- Judgment Night (Part 1 of 2) (1943)
- Judgment Night (Part 2 of 2) (1943)
Beyond Earth's Gates (1954)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Beyond Earth's Gates (1954) [as by C. L. Moore and Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: The Portal in the Picture (1954) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Beyond Earth's Gates (2012) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Serializations:
- The Portal in the Picture (Complete Novel) (1949) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Doomsday Morning (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Doomsday Morning (1960) [as by C. E. Moore]
- Translation: La dernière aube [French] (1966) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: De Nacht van de Anti-Com [Dutch] (1971)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il Mattino Dell'apocalisse (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1991)
Earth's Last Citadel (1964)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Brunnen der Unsterblichkeit [German] (1966)
Translation: たそがれの地球の砦?Tasogare no chikyu no toride[Japanese] (1976) [as byヘンリー・カットナー?Henrī Kattonāand
Henriu KattonauC・L・ムーア?C. L. Mūa]
C. L. Muua - Translation: L'ultima cittadella della Terra [Italian] (1991)
- Serializations:
- Earth's Last Citadel (Part 1 of 4) (1943)
- Earth's Last Citadel (Part 2 of 4) (1943)
- Earth's Last Citadel (Part 3 of 4) (1943)
- Earth's Last Citadel (Part 4 of 4) (1943)
- Earth's Last Citadel (Complete Novel) (1950)
- A Gnome There Was and Other Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1950) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and the Fairy Chessmen (1951) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
Judgment Night (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rymdens härskare [Swedish] (1955)
- Variant: Judgement Night: A Selection of Science Fiction (2014)
Shambleau and Others (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Shambleau [Italian] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Line to Tomorrow (1954) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- No Boundaries (1955) with Henry Kuttner
- Shambleau (1961)
Gespräch aus der Zukunft und andere Stories?Gespraech aus der Zukunft und andere Stories[German] (1970) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
The Best of C. L. Moore (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Kuß des schwarzen Gottes?Der Kuss des schwarzen Gottes[German] (1982)
- Translation: Shambleau [German] (1990)
- Translation: La stagione della vendemmia [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: Henry Kuttner et Catherine L. Moore [French] (1979) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Clash by Night and Other Stories (1980) with Henry Kuttner
Magies et merveilles [French] (1982)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Magies et merveilles (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Variant: Magies et merveilles (1988) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Chessboard Planet and Other Stories (1983) with Henry Kuttner
- Two-Handed Engine (2005) with Henry Kuttner
- Miracle in Three Dimensions (2008)
- Greater Than Gods and Tryst in Time (2009)
- Detour to Otherness (2010) with Henry Kuttner
Beyond Earth's Gates / Daybreak—2250 A.D.?Beyond Earth's Gates / Daybreak-2250 A.D.(1954) [O] with Henry Kuttner and Andre Norton [only as by C. L. Moore and Andre Norton and Lewis Padgett]
- La nuit du jugement / La dernière aube [French] (1966) [O] [only as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Black Gods and Scarlet Dreams (2002) [O]
- Jirel of Joiry / Northwest of Earth / Judgment Night (2014) [O]
- Judgment Night (2019) [O]
- The Challenge from Beyond (1990) with Robert E. Howard and Murray Leinster and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and Edward E. Smith and Harl Vincent and Donald Wandrei and Stanley G. Weinbaum [only as by Robert E. Howard and Murray Leinster and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and C. L. Moore and E. E. Smith and Harl Vincent and Donald Wandrei and Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- In Another Country / Vintage Season (1990) with Robert Silverberg
- The Challenge from Beyond (1954) with Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt
Chessboard Planet (1956)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Chessboard Planet (1956) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: L'homme venu du futur [French] (1957) [as by Lewis Padgett]
The Far Reality (1963)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Far Reality (1963) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: L'échiquier fabuleux?L'echiquier fabuleux[French] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1963) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
Shambleau: A Northwest Smith Adventure (2009)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Illustrated Shambleau (2023) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Song in a Minor Key (2009)
- The Tree of Life (2010) also appeared as:
- The Challenge from Beyond Drafts (2020) with Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt
- Dream's End (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- Juke-Box (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Woodrow Wilson Smith]
- Jesting Pilot (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- Happy Ending (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- The Visitors (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Exit the Professor (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- Nothing But Gingerbread Left (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- Or Else (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- Golden Apple (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Android (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Rain Check (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- When the Bough Breaks (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- The Cure (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- Absalom (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- See You Later (2021) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Henry Kuttner]
- Call Him Demon (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Keith Hammond]
- Promised Land (2022) [only as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Private Eye (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- The Prisoner in the Skull (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- The Sky Is Falling (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- The Odyssey of Yiggar Throlg (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Time Enough (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- We Shall Come Back (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Carry Me Home (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Vintage Season (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Margin for Error (2022) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- This Is the House (2023) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- We Kill People (2023) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
The Fairy Chessmen (unpublished)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
Translation: Gefährliches Schachspiel?Gefaehrliches Schachspiel[German] (1959) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Cthulhu Mythos
- 2 Cthulhu Mythos (Lovecraft contemporary)
- Cthulhu Mythos Tales
The Challenge from Beyond (1935)
Robert E. Howard
Frank Belknap Long
H. P. Lovecraft
A. Merritt
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Challenge from Beyond (1935) [as by H. P. Lovecraft]
- Variant: The Challenge from Beyond (1935) [as by Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and C. L. Moore]
Translation: Le défi de l'au-delà?Le defi de l'au-dela[French] (1975) [as by Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft and Abraham Merritt and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Le défi de l'au-delà [French] (1984) [as by Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and Abraham Merritt and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Le défi d'outre-espace [French] (1993) [as by Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and Howard P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and C. L. Moore]
- Translation: Die Bedrohung aus dem Weltraum [German] (2000) [as by Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and Abraham Merritt and C. L. Moore]
- Variant: The Challenge from Beyond (2014) [as by Robert Barlow and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and C. L. Moore]
- Variant: The Challenge from Beyond (2015) [as by Robert E. Howard]
- Serializations:
- The Challenge from Beyond (Part 1 of 5) (1935) [as by C. L. Moore]
- The Challenge from Beyond (Part 2 of 5) (1935) [as by A. Merritt]
- The Challenge from Beyond (Part 3 of 5) (1935) [as by H. P. Lovecraft]
- The Challenge from Beyond (Part 4 of 5) (1935) [as by Robert E. Howard]
- The Challenge from Beyond (Part 5 of 5) (1935) [as by Frank Belknap Long, Jr.]
The Challenge from Beyond (1935)
Robert E. Howard
Frank Belknap Long
H. P. Lovecraft
A. Merritt
also appeared as:
- Cthulhu Mythos Tales
- 2 Cthulhu Mythos (Lovecraft contemporary)
- Hogben
- 2
Exit the Professor (1947)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Exit the Professor (1947) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Exit the Professor (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Sale el profesor [Spanish] (1967) [as by H. Kuttner and C. L. Moore]
- Translation: Gdje se djenuo profesor? [Croatian] (1978) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: El profesor sale de escena [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- 4
See You Later (1949)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: See You Later (1949) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: See You Later (1949) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- 5
Cold War (1949)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cold War (1949) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Guerre froide [French] (1976) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Guerra fría [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- 2
Exit the Professor (1947)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Thresholders
- Promised Land (1950) [also as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
Heir Apparent (1950)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Heir Apparent (1950) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: L'héritier présomptif [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: L'héritier présomptif [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Happily Ever After (1930)
- Semira (1930)
- Two Fantasies (1930)
The Bright Illusion (1934)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'illusion lumineuse [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: L'illusion lumineuse [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Das glänzende Trugbild?Das glaenzende Trugbild[German] (1982)
- Translation: Luminosa illusione [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Greater Glories (1935)
Tryst in Time (1936)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rendez-vous au fil du temps [French] (1974)
- Translation: Stelldichein in der Zeit [German] (1982)
- Translation: Appuntamento nel tempo [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Miracle in Three Dimensions (1939) [also as by Catherine L. Moore]
Greater Than Gods (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Più grande degli dei [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Plus puissants que les dieux [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: Plus puissants que les dieux [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Größer als die Götter?Groesser als die Goetter[German] (1982)
Translation: Mächtiger als die Götter?Maechtiger als die Goetter[German] (1982)
- Translation: Più grande degli dei [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- All Is Illusion (1940) with Henry Kuttner [also as by Henry Kuttner]
Fruit of Knowledge (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le fruit de la connaissance [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: Le fruit de la connaissance [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Frucht der Erkenntnis [German] (1982)
- Translation: Il frutto della conoscenza [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Il frutto della conoscenza [Italian] (2000)
A Gnome There Was (1941)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Gnome There Was (1941) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: A Gnome There Was (1950) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Hubo una vez un gnomo [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Es war einmal ein Zwerg [German] (1981)
- Translation: C'era uno gnomo [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: Det var en gnom [Swedish] (1983) [as by Lewis Padgett]
There Shall Be Darkness (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kein Licht am Horizont [German] (1964)
Deadlock (1942)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Deadlock (1942) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Deadlock (1942) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Frage und Antwort [German] (1962) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Impasse [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
The Twonky (1942)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Twonky (1942) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Radio [Dutch] (1957) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Le Twonky [French] (1961)
- Translation: Der Twonky [German] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Il twonky [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Le Twonky [French] (1973) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: The Twonky (1975) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: De twonky [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: El twonky [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Tvonki [Croatian] (1980) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Il Twonky [Italian] (1981)
Translation: Твонки?Tvonki[Russian] (1993) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner - Translation: Der Twonky [German] (1997) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Compliments of the Author (1942)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Compliments of the Author (1942) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Compliments of the Author (1942) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Piggy Bank (1942)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Piggy Bank (1942) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Piggy Bank (1942) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Cochon tirelire [French] (1984) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Nothing But Gingerbread Left (1943)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nothing But Gingerbread Left (1943) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Sólo pan de jengibre [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Mimsy Were the Borogoves (1943)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mimsy Were the Borogoves (1943) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Mimsy Were the Borogoves (1947) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Mimsy Were the Borogoves [German] (1952) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Tous smouales étaient les Borogoves?Tous smouales etaient les Borogoves[French] (1964) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Mimsy waren de Borogoven [Dutch] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: En het moom kwaam te greeb [Dutch] (1977) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Gar elump war der Pluckerwank [German] (1978) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Andavam os Borogoves desditosos [Portuguese] (1978) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Mimosos se atrislaban los borloros [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Dykter blev var bogaläfs [Swedish] (1983) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Tout smouales étaient les Borogoves?Tout smouales etaient les Borogoves[French] (1983) [as by Henry Kuttner and Kathleen Moore]
- Translation: Kukušne su bile šaradajke [Croatian] (1987) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Frazbile și granchioase?Frazbile si granchioase[Romanian] (1988) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Shock (1943)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Shock (1943) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Shock (1943) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Choc [French] (1961)
- Translation: Schocktherapie [German] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Shock [Italian] (1971)
Open Secret (1943)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Open Secret (1943) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Segreto in mostra [Italian] (1954) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Endowment Policy (1943)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Endowment Policy (1943) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Endowment Policy (1975) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Taksist [Croatian] (1978) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Cesión de beneficios [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Un bon placement [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
Doorway Into Time (1943)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La porte du temps [French] (1967) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: De poort naar tijd en ruimte [Dutch] (1978) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La porte du temps [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: La porte du temps [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Porta sul tempo [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: La porta del tempo [Italian] (1989)
The Iron Standard (1943)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Iron Standard (1943) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: The Iron Standard (1975) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: De ijzeren standaard [Dutch] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: El patrón hierro [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
The Children's Hour (1944)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Children's Hour (1944) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: The Children's Hour (1944) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: L'ora dei fanciulli [Italian] (1963) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Die Stunde der Kinder [German] (1972) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: L'heure des enfants [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
Housing Problem (1944)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Housing Problem (1944) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Woningprobleem [Dutch] (1965) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Problemas de alquiler [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Problème de logement?Probleme de logement[French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
When the Bough Breaks (1944)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: When the Bough Breaks (1944) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Point de rupture [French] (1961)
- Variant: When the Bough Bends (1964) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Point de rupture [French] (1965) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Punto di rottura [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Wanneer de tak breekt [Dutch] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Quando o ramo se quebra [Portuguese] (1978) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Quando il ramoscello si spezza [Italian] (1982) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Wenn der Zweig bricht [German] (1989) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Когда ломается ветвь?Kogda lomaetcya vetv'[Russian] (1992) [as byЛьюис Пэджет?L'yuis Pedzhet]
No Woman Born (1944)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Keine Frau ward je geboren [German] (1959)
- Translation: Nooit werd een vrouw geboren ... [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Nimmer werd er meer een vrouw geboren ... [Dutch] (1978) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Nie wurde eine solche Frau geboren [German] (1982)
- Translation: E mai più nacque una donna... [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Aucune femme au monde... [French] (1983) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Fra tutte le donne nate [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: 美女ありき?びじょありき[Japanese] (2000) [as by
Bijo ArikiC・L・ムーア?C. L. Mūa]
C. L. Muua - Translation: Ingen kvinna född [Swedish] (2008)
- Baby Face (1945) with Henry Kuttner [also as by Henry Kuttner]
The Code (1945)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Code (1945) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Le code [French] (1982) [as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Translation: Le code [French] (1982) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Camouflage (1945)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Camouflage (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Camouflage (1945) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Tarnung [German] (1958) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Camouflage [French] (1961)
- Translation: Cilindro di comando [Italian] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Der Transplant [German] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Camouflage [Dutch] (1971) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Mimetizzazione [Italian] (1971) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Der Transplant [German] (1974) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Prikrivanje [Croatian] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Маскировка?Maskirovka[Russian] (1992) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
What You Need (1945)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: What You Need (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: What You Need (1966) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Was Sie brauchen ... [German] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Lo que necesita [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Ce qu'il vous faut [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Alles, was wir brauchen [German] (1987) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Line to Tomorrow (1945)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Line to Tomorrow (1945) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Verbinding met morgen [Dutch] (1957) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Hang a jövőből?Hang a jovobol[Hungarian] (1965) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Hang a joevooebooel - Translation: En direct avec le futur [French] (1966) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Gespräch aus der Zukunft?Gespraech aus der Zukunft[German] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Verbinding met morgen [Dutch] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: En direct avec le futur [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: Legătură telefonică în viitor?Legatura telefonica in viitor[Romanian] (1991) [as by Lewis Padgett]
The Fairy Chessmen (1946)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Fairy Chessmen (1951) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Chessboard Planet (1956) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: L'homme venu du futur [French] (1957) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: La scacchiera sterminata [Italian] (1958) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Gefährliches Schachspiel?Gefaehrliches Schachspiel[German] (1959) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: The Far Reality (1963) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Stress [German] (1973) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: L'échiquier fabuleux?L'echiquier fabuleux[French] (1976) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Chessboard Planet (1983)
- Translation: L'altra Realtà [Italian] (1990) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Serializations:
- The Fairy Chessmen (Part 1 of 2) (1946) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- The Fairy Chessmen (Part 2 of 2) (1946) [as by Lewis Padgett]
This Is the House (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: This Is the House (1946) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Variant: This is the House (1950) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: This Is the House (1962) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Das verhexte Haus [German] (1966) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Il se passe quelque chose dans la maison [French] (1971) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Das flüsternde Haus?Das fluesternde Haus[German] (1972) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Il se passe quelque chose dans la maison [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
The Dark Angel (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dark Angel (1946) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: The Dark Angel (1950) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Dark Angel (1975) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: L'ange noir [French] (1977) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Dark Angel (2005) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- We Kill People (1946) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
The Cure (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Cure (1946) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: La cure [French] (1975) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
Rain Check (1946)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Rain Check (1946) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Translation: Der Lebensmüde?Der Lebensmuede[German] (1968) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Call Him Demon (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Call Him Demon (1946) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Call Him Demon (1946) [as by Keith Hammond]
- Translation: Spegling av något ont [Swedish] (1973) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Vielleicht ein Dämon?Vielleicht ein Daemon[German] (1985) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Назовем его Демоном?Nazovem ego Demonom[Russian] (1994) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
- The Little Things (1946) with Henry Kuttner [also as by Henry Kuttner]
Vintage Season (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Vintage Season (1946) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: Saison de grand cru [French] (1961)
- Variant: Vintage Season (1962) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Translation: De toeschouwers [Dutch] (1964) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Variant: Vintage Season (1965) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: La época de las vendimias [Spanish] (1967) [as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
- Translation: La grande vendemmia [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Saison de grand cru [French] (1975) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Die schitterende mei-maand van 19.. [Dutch] (1977) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Traubenlese [German] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine Lucile Moore]
- Translation: Traubenlese [German] (1979) [as by Catherine Lucile Moore]
- Translation: Traubenlese [German] (1982) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Translation: De Toeschouwers [Dutch] (1984) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Translation: La stagione della vendemmia [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
Translation: ヴィンテージ・シーズン?Vintēji Shīzun[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Vinteeji ShiizunC・L・ムーア?C. L. Mūa]
C. L. Muua
Absalom (1946)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Absalom (1946) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Absalon o Absalon [Dutch] (1957) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Absalom, o Absalom [Dutch] (1970) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Absalon [French] (1974) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Abšalom [Croatian] (1978) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Absalón [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Daemon (1946)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Dämon?Der Daemon[German] (1982)
- Translation: Demone [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Time Enough (1946) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1947)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Il tumore della Terra [Italian] (1958) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Serializations:
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Part 1 of 2) (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Part 2 of 2) (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
Juke-Box (1947)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Juke-Box (1947) [as by Woodrow Wilson Smith]
- Variant: Juke-Box (1962) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Juke-box [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
Project (1947)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Project (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Translation: Projet [French] (1974) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
Jesting Pilot (1947)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Jesting Pilot (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Jesting Pilot (1947) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Une ville de rêve?Une ville de reve[French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Spezialbehandlung [German] (1982) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Dream's End (1947)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dream's End (1947) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Oltre la soglia [Italian] (1976) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Margin for Error (1947) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
Happy Ending (1948)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Happy Ending (1948) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Srećan kraj?Srecan kraj[Serbian] (1986) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Private Eye (1949)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Private Eye (1949) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Private Eye (1950) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: L'œil était dans...?L'oeil etait dans...[French] (1961)
Translation: Spürauge?Spuerauge[German] (1965)
- The Prisoner in the Skull (1949) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
The Sky Is Falling (1950)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Sky Is Falling (1950) [as by C. H. Liddell]
- Variant: The Sky Is Falling (1950) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Donner auf dem Mars [German] (1966) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Paradise Street (1950) [also as by Lawrence O'Donnell]
Carry Me Home (1950)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: Carry Me Home (1950) [as by C. H. Liddell]
- Variant: Carry Me Home (1950) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- The Odyssey of Yiggar Throlg (1951) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
- Golden Apple (1951) with Henry Kuttner [only as by C. H. Liddell]
Android (1951)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Android (1951) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Those Among Us (1951) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: Android (1951) [as by C. H. Liddell]
- Translation: Android [Hungarian] (1965) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Der Androide [German] (1966) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Quelli fra noi [Italian] (1967) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Androïde?Androide[French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- We Shall Come Back (1951) with Henry Kuttner [also as by C. H. Liddell]
The Ego Machine (1952)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ego Machine (1952) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Esperimento ecologico [Italian] (1967) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Egomachine [French] (1984) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Механическое эго?Mekhanicheskoye ego[Russian] (1998) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner
A Wild Surmise (1953)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Wild Surmise (1953) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Een wild vermoeden [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Eine abenteuerliche Vermutung [German] (1976)
- Translation: Un affreux pressentiment [French] (1984)
The Visitors (1953)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: De Profundis (1953) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Variant: The Visitors (1953) [as by C. H. Liddell]
- Translation: De profondis [French] (1961)
- Translation: De Profundis [Italian] (1971)
Home Is the Hunter (1953)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Home Is the Hunter (1953) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Gladiateurs de demain [French] (1955)
- Translation: Triumph [German] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Il trionfo del cacciatore [Italian] (1960)
- Translation: Requiem per un cacciatore [Italian] (1960)
- Translation: Ende der Jagd [German] (1974) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Le repos du chasseur [French] (1975)
Translation: Tryumf łowcy?Tryumf lowcy[Polish] (1990) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: El regreso del cazador [Spanish] (2017)
Or Else (1953)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Or Else (1953) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Of anders [Dutch] (1961) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Of anders [Dutch] (1964) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Oder es knallt! [German] (1972) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: さもないと...?Samonai to...[Japanese] (1977) [as byヘンリー・カットナー?Henrī Kattonā]
Henriu Kattonau -
Translation: Inače...?Inace...[Croatian] (1978) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Inache... - Translation: De lo contrario ... [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Sinon... [French] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Of anders ... [Dutch] (1981) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Annars [Swedish] (1985) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Chapter 6 (1954) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
Two-Handed Engine (1955)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
Translation: La machine à deux mains?La machine a deux mains[French] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: La machine à deux mains [French] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: 人造死刑吏?じんぞうしけいり[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Jinzō Shikeiri
Jinzou Shikeiriヘンリー・カットナー?Henrī Kattonāand
Henriu KattonauC・L・ムーア?C. L. Mūa]
C. L. Muua -
Translation: Den Rächer auf den Fersen?Den Raecher auf den Fersen[German] (1965) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Two-Handed Engine (1966) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: Tweehandige machine [Dutch] (1976) [as by Henry Kuttner]
- Translation: La máquina de dos brazos [Spanish] (1979) [as by Henry Kuttner]
Translation: Двурукая машина?Dvurukaya mashina[Russian] (1988) [as byГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattnerand
Henry KuttnerКэтрин Мур?Ketrin Mur]
Catherine Moore
Home There's No Returning (1955)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Variant: Home There's No Returning (1955) [as by C. L. Moore]
- Translation: El hogar del que no se regresa [Spanish] (1967)
- Translation: Sans espoir de retour [French] (1968) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Ego [Dutch] (1971) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Sans espoir de retour [French] (1984)
Rite of Passage (1956)
Henry Kuttner
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sous le regard de l'aigle [French] (1958) [as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore]
- Translation: Rito di passaggio [Italian] (2014) [as by H. Kuttner and C. L. Moore]
- Near Miss (1958) with Henry Kuttner [also as by Henry Kuttner]
- PS's Feature Flash
P.S.'s Feature Flash (Planet Stories, November 1950) (1950)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: PS's Feature Flash (Planet Stories, November 1950) (1950) [as by C. H. Liddell]
P.S.'s Feature Flash (Planet Stories, November 1950) (1950)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Letter (Weird Tales, October 1935): Once in a Thousand Years (1935) [only as by Miss Catherine Moore]
An Autobiographical Sketch of C. L. Moore (1936)
also appeared as:
- Variant: C. L. (Catherine) Moore: from Fantasy Magazine, June 1936 (1936)
- A Basic Science-Fiction Library (1949) with Forrest J. Ackerman and Everett F. Bleiler and David H. Keller, M.D. and Henry Kuttner and Sam Merwin, Jr. and P. Schuyler Miller and Sam Moskowitz and Paul L. Payne and A. Langley Searles and Theodore Sturgeon and A. E. van Vogt and Donald Wandrei [only as by Forrest J. Ackerman and Everett Bleiler and David H. Keller and Sam Merwin, Jr. and P. Schuyler Miller and Sam Moskowitz and Lewis Padgett and Paul L. Payne and A. Langley Searles and Theodore Sturgeon and A. E. van Vogt and Donald Wandrei]
Introduction (Fury) (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Alle Zeit der Welt) [German] (1979)
- Introduction (Robots Have No Tails) (1973)
Afterword: Footnote to "Shambleau"... and Others (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zu »Shambleau« und den anderen [German] (1982)
- Translation: Qualche nota su Shambleau e altre storie (La stagione della vendemmia) [Italian] (1991) [as by Catherine L. Moore]
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- Letter to Robert E. Howard, January 29, 1935 (2010) [only as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Letter to Dr. I. M. Howard, June 25, 1936 (2011) [only as by Catherine Moore (pseudonym)]
- Julhi (1935)
- The Dark Land (1936)
- Interview: C. L. Moore Talks to Chacal (1976) by Byron L. Roark
- The Flavor of the Dance: C. L. Moore Talks about Hank (1977) by Dee Doyle
- 7:30 A.M. = C. L. Moore (1977) by Dee Doyle
- An Interview with C. L. Moore (1979) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Catherine Lucile Moore [German] (1982) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Catherine Moore [French] (1982) by Martine Blond and Jean-Pierre Moumon
- C. L. Moore: Poet of Far-Distant Futures (1983) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- Michael Gray
- The Michael Gray Series (2014) [O/1-4] with Henry Kuttner
The Brass Ring (1946)
Henry Kuttner
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Brass Ring (1946) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Variant: Murder in Brass (1947) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- Serializations:
- The Brass Ring (Complete Novel) (1951) [as by Lewis Padgett]
- The Day He Died (1947) with Henry Kuttner [only as by Lewis Padgett]
- Here lies ... (1956)