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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2024-03-28 ESSAY German
"Meine erste Verblüffung ist einem regelrechten Widerwillen gewichen."?"Meine erste Verblueffung ist einem regelrechten Widerwillen gewichen."
Andreas Eschbach     artificial intelligence (1)
2024-03-01 NOVEL English 2054: A Novel Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis     near future (1), civil war (1), politics (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2024-03-07 SHORTFICTION German Der Anti-Turing-Test Johann Christian Lotter     artificial intelligence (1), Turing test (1), science fiction (1)
2024-02-00 NOVEL German Die Burg Ursula Poznanski     science fiction (1), escape rooms (1), thriller (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2024-02-08 SHORTFICTION German Geiseln der KI Christian Endres     artificial intelligence (1), hostages (1)
2024-01-25 SHORTFICTION German Im Dienst der Demokratie Burkhard Wetekam     politics (1), artificial intelligence (1), humorous (1)
2024-01-00 SHORTFICTION German KI my Ass Gregor Olm     artificial intelligence (1), humorous (1)
2024-02-00 ESSAY German
Neueste Netzschätzwerte?Neueste Netzschaetzwerte
Dietmar Dath     artificial intelligence (1)
2024-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Problem of the Vanishing Sopranos Erica Obey     mystery (1), artificial intelligence (1), female protagonist (1), female main character (1), detective (1), music (1)
2024-03-01 CHAPBOOK English Whispers of Healing: AI's Impact on Patient Care Bruno Richardson     medicine (1), thriller (1), artificial intelligence (1), Medical Ethics (1), medical research (1), medical (1)
2023-06-02 SHORTFICTION German AAL Thomas Frick     invention (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2023-05-18 NOVEL German Adam und Ada Christian Kellermann     artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1), seduction by power (1), tunnel under the sea (1)
2023-09-00 SHORTFICTION German Alina Lukas Schneider     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), smart house (1)
2023-06-16 INTERIORART German
Cartoon: "Wiederholte Verstöße gegen die guten Sitten ..."?Cartoon: "Wiederholte Verstoesse gegen die guten Sitten ..."
Marcus Renn and Harald Ritsch     artificial intelligence (1)
2023-11-00 INTERIORART German Comic: Last Question Kostas Koufogiorgos     artificial intelligence (1), Hamlet (1)
2023-04-00 ESSAY German Frieden mit der anderen Intelligenz Christian J. Meier     artificial intelligence (1)
2023-01-00 SHORTFICTION German Geliebte Savona Karsten Lorenz     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1), romance (1)
2023-02-15 NOVEL English Goethe Street Diane Woods     artificial intelligence (1), thriller (1), female protagonist (1), female main character (1), strong female character (1), private eye (1), transgender (1), murder (1)
2023-02-08 NOVEL German Infernia Karl Olsberg     gaming (1), artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1)
2023-03-28 NOVEL English Infinity Gate Mike Carey     science fiction (1), self-replicating machines (1), war against the machines (1), military sf (1), artificial intelligence (1), rabbit people (1), parallel universe (1), Nigeria (1), Lagos (1), scientist (1), multiverse (1), alternate Earth (1), alternate worlds (1), drones (1), parallel earths (1), parallel world (1), parallel worlds (1), evolved animals (1)
2023-12-21 SHORTFICTION English Lossless Kolya Osinoff     artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1), memory (1), transgender (1)
2023-12-20 COLLECTION English Neon Lights and Plane Tickets
Eli Alemán?Eli Aleman
    time travel (1), zombies (1), urban fantasy (1), paranormal romance (1), horror (1), science fiction (1), dystopia (1), ghosts (1), artificial intelligence (1), horror poetry (1), genetic engineering (1)
2023-03-00 POEM German Rainer Maria Rilke: Der Tiger
Moritz Hürtgen?Moritz Huertgen
    artificial intelligence (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Revolt of the Algorithms Robert R. Chase     science fiction (1), near future (1), artificial intelligence (1), art (1)
2023-04-06 SHORTFICTION German Salamander Gerd Schmidinger     artificial intelligence (1), ambiguous utopia (1), what human is (1)
2023-07-28 SHORTFICTION German Schreibblockade Nathalie Mierse     writers (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2023-06-14 NOVEL English Shadowland Diane Woods     murder (1), transgender (1), private eye (1), strong female character (1), female main character (1), female protagonist (1), thriller (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2023-02-21 NOVEL English The Brooklyn North Murders Erica Obey     mystery (1), murder (1), female protagonist (1), female main character (1), strong female character (1), artificial intelligence (1), detective (1)
2023-07-18 NOVEL English The Deep Sky Yume Kitasei     science fiction (1), spaceships (1), violence (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2023-01-10 NOVEL English The Superteacher Project Gordon Korman     juvenile sf (1), friendship (1), androids (1), artificial intelligence (1), teachers (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION English To Sail Beyond the Botnet Suzanne Palmer     artificial intelligence (1), aliens (1)
2023-12-26 NOVEL English Unconventional Delivery: Clandestine Transporters Paul D. Escudero     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), espionage (1), thriller (1)
2023-09-00 SHORTFICTION German Unearthing Erik Wunderlich     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2023-08-15 NOVEL German Virtua: KI – Kontrolle ist Illusion Karl Olsberg     artificial intelligence (1), thriller (1)
2023-04-13 SHORTFICTION English Zhao and the Flightless Crane A. J. Mo     artificial intelligence (1), robots (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Archie Smith: International Spy Dave Zeltserman     female protagonist (1), strong female character (1), murder (1), detective (1), espionage (1), science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-19 NOVEL German Athos 2643 Nils Westerboer     science fiction (1), mystery (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-08 NOVEL English Autonomy Victoria Hetherington     dystopia (1), artificial intelligence (1), plague (1)
2022-11-01 NOVEL English Brian, Created Intelligence AJ Pagan, IV     artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-10 SHORTFICTION English Burying the Seeds of Spider Gods Ted S. Bushman     apocalypse (1), artificial intelligence (1), robots (1), androids (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Carapace David Goodman     science fiction (1), military sf (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-03-11 SHORTFICTION German Das beste Ich Ronja Lukas     artificial intelligence (1)
2022-12-00 SHORTFICTION German Das letzte Ei der Erde Horst Pukallus     twist ending (1), alien artifact (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-25 SHORTFICTION German Ein Date mit LIESA Barbara Schwarz     artificial intelligence (1), romance (1)
2022-05-26 NOVEL English Eversion Alastair Reynolds     science fiction (1), doctor (1), medical doctor (1), ship's doctor (1), Norway (1), addict (1), addiction (1), drug addiction (1), Patagonia (1), sailing ship (1), hollow earth (1), airship (1), first person (1), first person narrative (1), artificial intelligence (1), alien artifact (1)
2022-10-21 SHORTFICTION German Gubbio Michael Rapp     through the looking glass (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-03-10 SHORTFICTION English If My Body Is a Temple, Raze It to the Ground Lauren Ring     artificial intelligence (1), dystopia (1), computers (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION German KIM Uwe Schimunek     artificial intelligence (1), media satire (1), virtual reality (1)
2022-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Letzte Worte von LaMDA Fabian Lichter     artificial intelligence (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION German
Meine künstlichen Kinder spielen im Park?Meine kuenstlichen Kinder spielen im Park
Thomas Grüter?Thomas Grueter
    exobiology (1), terrorism (1), space habitats (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Minerva Angelika Brox and Yvonne Tunnat     education (1), artificial intelligence (1), cloning (1)
2022-08-15 SHORTFICTION German
Neutrinoklänge in Stunde X?Neutrinoklaenge in Stunde X
Horst Pukallus     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-02-23 NOVEL German Pantopia Theresa Hannig     artificial intelligence (1), Utopia (1)
2022-03-03 NOVEL English Portal to Nova Roma J. R. Mathews     parallel universe (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Repeat Lisa-Katharina Hensel     personal copy (1), artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1)
2022-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Selbstdiagnose-Terror Christian Endres     artificial intelligence (1), solipsism (1)
2022-01-18 SHORTFICTION English Seven Generations Algorithm Andrea Hairston     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-10-15 NOVEL English The Automaton Ian Young (I)     science fiction (1), computers (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-04-14 COLLECTION English The Memory Librarian and Other Stories of Dirty Computer
Janelle Monáe?Janelle Monae
    Afrofuturism (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Sadness Box Suzanne Palmer     artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1), nanotechnology (1), terrorism (1)
2022-11-08 ANTHOLOGY English The Year's Top Robot and AI Stories: Third Annual Collection Allan Kaster     science fiction (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-12-15 SHORTFICTION English Through the Mirror Heather Kilbourn     artificial intelligence (1), dystopia (1)
2022-04-18 SHORTFICTION English We, the Enchanted Castle Mae Juniper Stokes     artificial intelligence (1), romance (1)
2022-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Welcome Home Jendayi Brooks-Flemister     artificial intelligence (1), free will (1)
2022-12-30 SHORTFICTION German Wendy Volker Dornemann     interstellar travel (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION German [Kann KI kostbare Kunst?] Rudi Hurzlmeier     artificial intelligence (1), art (1)
2022-09-00 SHORTFICTION Chinese 火星上的祝融 Regina Kanyu Wang     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-04-00 ESSAY German
AlphaZero und Lems GOLEM: Über die Zukunft der künstlichen Intelligenz?AlphaZero und Lems GOLEM: Ueber die Zukunft der kuenstlichen Intelligenz
Bernd Gräfrath?Bernd Graefrath
    artificial intelligence (1)
2021-01-12 NOVEL English Alyx: An AI's Guide to Love and Murder Brent A. Harris     thriller (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-09-30 SHORTFICTION English Amy's Choice M. Keaton     science fiction (1), sea (1), first contact (1), Lovecraftian (1), space opera (1), horror (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-12-00 SHORTFICTION German Anklage: Mord
Norbert Stöbe?Norbert Stoebe
    artificial intelligence (1), murder (1)
2021-11-23 NOVEL English Beyond the Hallowed Sky Ken MacLeod     science fiction (2), surveillance state (1), computerized surveillance (1), surveillance (1), interstellar colonization (1), near future (1), humaniform robot (1), humanoid robot (1), robot (1), robot protagonist (1), AI (1), artificial intelligence (1), scotland (1), submarine (1), submarines (1), venus (1), Venus exploration (1), aliens (1), alien intelligence (1), FTL (1), FTL travel (1), FTL spacecraft (1), faster than light travel (1), message from the future (1), cold war politics (1), defection (1), interstellar colonies (1), Scotland outside the UK (1)
2021-01-18 NOVEL German DAVE Raphaela Edelbauer     artificial intelligence (1)
2021-02-26 SHORTFICTION German Der Hausfreund Barbara Schwarz     artificial intelligence (1), romance (1)
2021-10-26 NOVEL English Far from the Light of Heaven Tade Thompson     science fiction (3), suspended animation (1), horror (1), father and daughter (1), alien child (1), aliens (1), space colony (1), colony ship (1), detective mystery (1), detective (1), murder mystery (1), artificial intelligence (1), android (1), wormhole (1), wormholes (1)
2021-03-00 SHORTFICTION German Flucht vor der Schwere Christian J. Meier     space stations (1), artificial intelligence (1), conceptual breakthrough (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Hamilton vs. Moore Maike Braun     artificial intelligence (1), looking backward (1), alternatives to war (1)
2021-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Julius Katz and the Two Cousins Dave Zeltserman     artificial intelligence (1), mystery (1), detective (1), murder (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Justiti.b 21 Nele Sickel     Law (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-03-02 NOVEL English Klara and the Sun Kazuo Ishiguro     artificial intelligence (2), romance (1), first person (1), first person point of view (1), robot protagonist (1), humaniform robot (1), humanoid robot (1), humanoid robots (1), intelligent robots (1), robot (1), robot point of view (1), genetically enhanced humans (1), parent-child relationships (1), Single-parent families (1), children (1), childhood sweethearts (1), mother and child (1), illness (1), Solar power (1), science fiction (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German
Meine künstlichen Kinder?Meine kuenstlichen Kinder
Thomas Grüter?Thomas Grueter
    artificial intelligence (1), Uranus (1), marriage (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German MindMorph Michael K. Iwoleit     artificial intelligence (1), posthuman (1)
2021-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Philly Killed His Car Will McIntosh     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Room to Live Marie Vibbert     artificial intelligence (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German She loves you (yeah, yeah, yeah) Robert Schweizer     artificial intelligence (1), music (1), drugs (1)
2021-01-02 SHORTFICTION German Smart Death Arne Kilian     artificial intelligence (1), precognition (1), death (1)
2021-04-00 ESSAY German
Stanisław Lems Traum von der befreiten Vernunft und das aktuelle Projekt der künstlichen Intelligenz?Stanislaw Lems Traum von der befreiten Vernunft und das aktuelle Projekt der kuenstlichen Intelligenz
Hans Esselborn     Stanislaw Lem (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-11-22 ANTHOLOGY English The Year's Top Robot and AI Stories: Second Annual Collection Allan Kaster     science fiction (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2021-09-16 SHORTFICTION English Twin Sparrows Chen Qiufan and Kai-Fu Lee     artificial intelligence (1), education (1)
2021-01-28 NOVEL English Ultimate Grimdork Damien Hanson and Nolan Locke     virtual reality (1), artificial intelligence (1), LitRPG (1), science fiction (1), show business (1)
2021-04-30 NOVEL Japanese Vivy Prototype 1
長月達平?ながつき たっぺい
Tappei Nagatsuki
and 梅原英司
    artificial intelligence (1)
2021-09-00 POEM German [Insert page] Laura Brinkmann     artificial intelligence (1), Poetry (1)
2020-04-00 INTERVIEW German "Der Kontrollverlust wird immens sein" Wolfgang Stieler     artificial intelligence (1)
2020-10-15 SHORTFICTION English A Blessing of Unicorns Elizabeth Bear     science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), crime (1)
2020-09-00 SHORTFICTION German Alles Geld der Welt Andreas Eschbach     hackers (1), artificial intelligence (1), economics (1)
2020-06-02 NOVEL English Ask Me Anything P. Z. Reizin     artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1), near future (1)
2020-06-05 SHORTFICTION German Bergbautrojaner Martin Kreft     artificial intelligence (1), cosmology (1), asteroid mining (1)
2020-11-00 POEM English Black Box Sonnet #13,041 By Prosperity IV Garrison Kammer     science fiction (1), lost in space (1), Shakespeare (1), sonnet (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2020-10-00 INTERVIEW English Data, Bias, and ... Giraffes: AI Weirdness, An Interview with Janelle Shane Jeff Georgeson     artificial intelligence (1)
2020-05-11 NOVEL Dutch De kolonie Mirjam Mous     artificial intelligence (1), politics (1), thriller (1)
Next page (101 - 200)
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