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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
unpublished SHORTFICTION English Best Defense Ian McDonald     aliens (1), jurisdiction (1), racism (1)
unpublished SHORTFICTION German Isis Andrew Darlington     aliens (1), personal copy (1), avatars (1)
unpublished SHORTFICTION Chinese
地球的翅膀?Dìqiú de Chìbǎng
江波?Jiang Bo
    aliens (1), science fiction (1), first contact (1)
2024-04-25 SHORTFICTION English Aliens in the Woods Keith Adam Luethke     aliens (1), horror (1)
2024-02-00 INTERIORART German Cartoon: Baby an Bord Dani Gove     aliens (1)
2024-02-01 COVERART German Der KLOTZ Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-01-18 COVERART German Der Schlammplanet Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-01-04 COVERART German Duell der Druisanten Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-03-15 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3265: Angriff der Schattengarde Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-03-22 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3266: Iluntasunas Hammer Dominic Beyeler     aliens (1)
2024-04-05 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3268: Die Geheimnisse der ELNVAN Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-05-17 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3274: Lichtung der Seligkeit Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-05-31 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3276: Das Testament des Terraners Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2024-06-21 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3279: Unter blauen Sonnen Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-07-05 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3281: Gucky und der Para-Parasit Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2024-01-00 COVERART German phantastisch!, #93 Jan Hoffmann     aliens (1)
2024-07-04 SHORTFICTION English Thank You for Doing Business with the Xyb'lor Principality Rachel Meresman     science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2024-03-28 SHORTFICTION English The Alien in My Bathtub Tony Dunnell     aliens (1)
2024-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Chair Grant Carrington     science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2023-12-01 INTERIORART German 200 Millionen Lichtjahre Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2023-02-00 SHORTFICTION English An Ode to Stardust R. P. Sand     aliens (1)
2023-12-19 NOVEL English Australia Alien Adventure: The Petitioners Paul D. Escudero     science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2023-12-05 NOVEL English Bishop T. R. Napper     robots (1), medicine (1), aliens (1), androids (1), science fiction (1), tie-in (1)
2023-02-02 SHORTFICTION English Common Speech Elise Stephens     aliens (1), plague (1)
2023-11-03 INTERIORART German Die Piraten von Kondor Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2023-11-01 NOVEL English Godfall Van Jensen     science fiction (1), aliens (1), mystery (1), conspiracy (1), cults (1)
2023-11-00 SHORTFICTION German Irgendwann, vielleicht
Norbert Stöbe?Norbert Stoebe
    aliens (1), racism (1)
2023-01-20 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3205: Die Fahrt der AURA Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2023-02-10 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3208: Das neue Volk Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2023-05-19 COVERART German
Perry Rhodan, #3222: Die letzte Drangwäsche?Perry Rhodan, #3222: Die letzte Drangwaesche
Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2023-07-21 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3231: Die Purpurwelt Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2023-09-01 COVERART German
Perry Rhodan, #3237: Panjasen-Dämmerung?Perry Rhodan, #3237: Panjasen-Daemmerung
Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2023-09-08 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3238: Turm des Stillen Lotsen Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2023-10-20 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3244: Der Frakturdenker Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2023-12-15 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3252: Der Likedeeler Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2023-10-04 NOVEL English Sinful Mate Trish Heinrich     science fiction romance (1), aliens (1), adventure (1)
2023-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Somehow, She Remains Z. T. Bright     aliens (1), science fiction (1), distant future (1)
2023-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Healing Moment Assigned by HR Central Stacks R. J. K. Lee     science fiction (1), aliens (1), diverse (1)
2023-06-27 NOVEL English The Road to Roswell Connie Willis     science fiction (1), paranormal romance (1), aliens (1)
2023-08-01 ANTHOLOGY English They're Here! Hank Davis and Sean C. W. Korsgaard     horror (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION English To Sail Beyond the Botnet Suzanne Palmer     artificial intelligence (1), aliens (1)
2022-07-26 NOVEL English A Half-Built Garden Ruthanna Emrys     aliens (1)
2022-04-03 SHORTFICTION English Black Tentacles A. M. Luzzader     young-adult sf (1), aliens (1), first contact (1)
2022-03-01 SHORTFICTION English Carbon Rites Jess Landry     action (1), androids (1), aliens (1), female main character (1), strong female character (1), female protagonist (1), science fiction (1), tie-in (1)
2022-06-28 NOVEL English Drunk on All Your Strange New Words Eddie Robson     aliens (1), science fiction (1)
2022-08-21 NOVEL English Hot Restart Elliott Kay     science fiction (1), space opera (1), erotica (1), robots (1), aliens (1), sex (1)
2022-03-01 SHORTFICTION English
Jonathan Maberry and Louis Ozawa     first contact (1), adventure (1), planetary adventure (1), aliens (1), tie-in (1)
2022-01-07 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3151: Unter dem Neutronenstern Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2022-02-11 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3156: Die Wandlungen des Ossan Bak Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2022-03-18 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3161: Fremde in Zeit und Raum Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2022-04-08 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3164: Lloyd und das Chaofaktum Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2022-06-03 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3172: Meister des Hyper-Eises Dominic Beyeler     aliens (1)
2022-07-08 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3177: Das Rostland Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2022-09-02 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3185: Die Einsamen von Halut Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2022-11-11 COVERART German
Perry Rhodan, #3195: Der Überläufer?Perry Rhodan, #3195: Der Ueberlaeufer
Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2022-10-00 COVERART German phantastisch!, #88 Jan Hoffmann     aliens (1)
2022-04-03 SHORTFICTION English The Goblin A. M. Luzzader     young-adult sf (1), aliens (1), first contact (1)
2022-03-01 ANTHOLOGY English Ultimate Prey Jonathan Maberry and Bryan Thomas Schmidt     tie-in (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), original anthology (1), action (1)
2021-03-02 NOVEL English A Desolation Called Peace Arkady Martine     science fiction (3), lesbian (1), aliens (1), war between humans and aliens (1), war with aliens (1), ambassador (1), space empire (1), politics (1), political intrigue (1), brain implant (1), military sf (1), space opera (1), Alien Communication (1), group mind (1), group consciousness (1)
2021-11-23 NOVEL English Beyond the Hallowed Sky Ken MacLeod     science fiction (2), surveillance state (1), computerized surveillance (1), surveillance (1), interstellar colonization (1), near future (1), humaniform robot (1), humanoid robot (1), robot (1), robot protagonist (1), AI (1), artificial intelligence (1), scotland (1), submarine (1), submarines (1), venus (1), Venus exploration (1), aliens (1), alien intelligence (1), FTL (1), FTL travel (1), FTL spacecraft (1), faster than light travel (1), message from the future (1), cold war politics (1), defection (1), interstellar colonies (1), Scotland outside the UK (1)
2021-07-16 SHORTFICTION German Der unsichtbare Dritte Kai Hirdt     infiltration (1), aliens (1)
2021-08-17 NOVEL English Faceless J. R. White (II)     science fiction (1), adventure (1), post apocalypse (1), alien invasion (1), aliens (1)
2021-10-26 NOVEL English Far from the Light of Heaven Tade Thompson     science fiction (3), suspended animation (1), horror (1), father and daughter (1), alien child (1), aliens (1), space colony (1), colony ship (1), detective mystery (1), detective (1), murder mystery (1), artificial intelligence (1), android (1), wormhole (1), wormholes (1)
2021-11-00 SHORTFICTION English
Gregory Norman Bossert     Kahooolawe Island Reserve (1), humor (1), hawaii (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2021-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Huddle Monica Joyce Evans     science fiction (1), aliens (1)
2021-10-01 ANTHOLOGY English On Deadly Ground: A Heroic Last Stand uncredited     original anthology (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), alien invasion (1)
2021-07-23 COVERART German Perry Rhodan Wega, #10: Finale auf Tramp Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2021-05-28 COVERART German Perry Rhodan Wega, #6: Hinter den Truhen Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2021-09-17 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3135: Fremde aus dem Hypersturm Dominic Beyeler     aliens (1)
2021-05-04 NOVEL English Project Hail Mary Andy Weir     science fiction (4), ammonia (1), amnesia (1), first person point of view (1), hard sf (1), Epsilon Eridani (1), Tau Ceti (1), Earth (1), interstellar travel (1), aluminum (1), xenon (1), xenobiology (1), first contact (1), bacteria (1), education (1), Kazakhstan (1), antarctica (1), Pacific Ocean (1), cowardice (1), Bravery (1), climate change (1), aliens (1), scientist (1), engineer (1), Coma (1), Nomeados ao Hugo em Português (1), into-movie (1)
2021-03-16 NOVEL English Skyward Inn Aliya Whiteley     science fiction (1), aliens on Earth (1), alien on earth (1), aliens (1), rural England (1), rural (1), brother and sister (1), mother and child (1), mother and son (1), Devon (1), southwest England (1), england (1), UK (1), first person point of view (1), first person (1), rejection of technology (1)
2021-10-12 NOVEL English Truth of the Divine Lindsay Ellis     science fiction (1), post-traumatic stress disorder (1), empathy (1), Earth (1), alien perspective (1), aliens (1), set in 2000s (decade) (1), panic attacks (1), telekinesis (1), suicide (1), Los Angeles (1), california (1), cyborgs (1), courtroom drama (1), civil rights (1)
2020-01-01 NOVEL English Arena Book 8 Logan Jacobs     aliens (1)
2020-07-21 NOVEL English Axiom's End Lindsay Ellis     alternate history (1), science fiction (1), first contact (1), Earth (1), aliens (1), alien perspective (1), language (1), california (1), Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado (1), genocide (1), Fermi paradox (1), Refugees (1), set in 2000s (decade) (1)
2020-02-25 NOVEL English Bent Heavens Daniel Kraus     young-adult sf (1), aliens (1)
2020-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Beyond the Tattered Veil of Stars Mercurio D. Rivera     science fiction (1), hologram universe (1), simulation (1), aliens (1)
2020-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Cynthia Yau Is Exquisite Zig Zag Claybourne     aliens (1), immortality (1)
2020-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Expedition 13b/Regalis
Norbert Stöbe?Norbert Stoebe
    personal copy (1), aliens (1)
2020-04-01 NOVEL English Freedom's Last Gasp M. A. Rothman     hard science fiction (1), aliens (1), longevity (1), terrorism (1), totalitarianism (1), flawed utopia (1), secret history (1)
2020-01-21 ANTHOLOGY English From the Ashes uncredited     original anthology (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), alien invasion (1)
2020-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Geifer Martin Wambsganss     aliens (1)
2020-05-29 NOVEL English God Is a Mortician: A Brief History of Green Aliens with Fifteen Eyes, Mortician Deities on Earth, and Extraterrestrial Experimentation with Human Sexuality Finn Briscoe     science fiction (1), satire (1), aliens (1)
2020-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Opportunity Space Nathan Hillstrom     science fiction (1), aliens (1), economics (1)
2020-01-17 COVERART German
Perry Rhodan, #3048: Die Fäden, die die Welt bedeuten?Perry Rhodan, #3048: Die Faeden, die die Welt bedeuten
Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2020-02-21 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3053: Mars Arndt Drechsler     aliens (1)
2020-03-13 COVERART German Perry Rhodan, #3056: Transmitter-Hasardeure Swen Papenbrock     aliens (1)
2020-05-22 COVERART German
Perry Rhodan, #3066: Drangwäsche?Perry Rhodan, #3066: Drangwaesche
Dirk Schulz     aliens (1)
2020-07-00 COVERART German phantastisch!, #79 Jan Hoffmann     aliens (1)
2020-06-01 NOVEL English Prisoner Andrew S. Ball     aliens (1)
2020-12-11 NOVEL English Rade Kills Bugs Isaac Hooke     military sf (1), aliens (1)
2020-06-24 SHORTFICTION English Something in the Woods Keith Adam Luethke     science fiction (1), horror (1), first contact (1), aliens (1)
2020-05-30 NOVEL English Star Runner B. V. Larson     military sf (1), aliens (1)
2020-02-11 NOVEL English The Martian Menace Eric Brown     aliens (1)
2020-10-29 NOVEL English The Saints of Salvation Peter F. Hamilton     science fiction (2), space opera (2), wormholes (1), london (1), London, England (1), interplanetary portal (1), portal-gates (1), aliens (1), war with aliens (1), attack by aliens (1), alien invasion (1), slow time (1), time accelerated (1), time control (1), message from the future (1), religious aliens (1), gestalt entity (1)
2020-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Tunnels Eleanor Arnason     alien planet (1), criminal corporation (1), aliens (1)
2019-07-00 SHORTFICTION English A Layer Thin As Breath T. K. Rex     aliens (1)
2019-10-29 COLLECTION English Alien Archives Robert Silverberg     aliens (1)
2019-06-18 NOVEL English Alienation Sean Platt and David Wright     aliens (1), alien invasion (1)
2019-10-00 SHORTFICTION English All Electric Ghosts Rich Larson     science fiction (1), aliens (1), Quebec (1)
2019-10-00 SHORTFICTION English An Arc of Lightning Across the Eye of God P. H. Lee     magistrates (1), first contact (1), aliens (1), space opera (1)
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