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Publication: Toward Infinity

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  • Publication: Toward InfinityPublication Record # 194189
  • Editor: Damon Knight
  • Date: date unknown
  • ISBN: 0-671-65039-4 [978-0-671-65039-1]
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Price:
    $5.70?$: US dollar
  • Pages: 319
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Cover: Toward Infinity (1968) • by Jim McMullen
  • Notes:
    • "Third Printing" stated on the copyright page.
    • The copyright page contains the SBN of both the trade edition (671-65038-6) and this library edition (671-65039-4), along with the LCCN (68-28914)
    • A gold sticker (app. 1"h x 3"w) stating "Simon and Schuster Library Edition" with the S&S logo wraps the spine and onto the front of the book.
    • The top corner of front flap of the dustjacket has been clipped, presumably where the trade edition price would have been printed. At the bottom of the flap is printed "$5.70 (over) 65039".
  • External IDs:
Cover art supplied by
The displayed Amazon image is possibly unstable and may no longer reflect the actual cover of this particular edition.
Anthology Title: Toward Infinity • (1968) • anthology by Damon Knight

Fiction and Essays (view Full Listing)

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Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Mhhutchins 2007-05-27 18:08:40 Permanent 2023-11-18

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