Note: There are other authors with the same name: Clark Darlton (French), Clark Darlton (in error)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Der galaktische Krieg
- 1 Attentat auf Sol (1958)
- 2
Zurück aus der Ewigkeit?Zurueck aus der Ewigkeit(1958)
- 3
Die galaktische Föderation?Die galaktische Foederation(1958)
- Holocaust
- 1
Der strahlende Tod (1967)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der strahlende Tod (1967) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Der strahlende Tod (1985) [as by Clark Darlton]
- 2
Leben aus der Asche (1968)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Leben aus der Asche (1968) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Leben aus der Asche (1985) [as by Clark Darlton]
- 3
So grün wie Eden?So gruen wie Eden(1986)
- 1
Der strahlende Tod (1967)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Hurricane
- 1
Utopia stirbt... (1959) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Utopia stirbt... (1959) [as by Fred McPatterson]
- Variant: Utopia stirbt (1965)
- 2 Planet der 1000 Wunder (1959) [SF] [also as by Fred McPatterson]
- 2.1 Hurricane I (2005) [C]
- 3 Stadt der Automaten (1961) [SF]
- 4 Das Raum-Zeit-Experiment (1961) [SF]
- 4.1 Hurricane II (2005) [C]
- 5 Der Eisenfresser (1962) [SF]
- 6
Rastor 3 — senden Sie!?Rastor 3 - senden Sie!(1961) [SF]
- 6.1 Hurricane III (2005) [C]
- 7 Das Geheimnis der Handelsflotte (1962) [SF]
- 8 Kosmischer Schwindel (1962) [SF]
- 8.1 Hurricane IV (2005) [C]
- 9
Das Riff der Andromeda (1965)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Riff der Andromeda 1. Teil (1965)
- Variant: Das Riff der Andromeda 2. Teil (1965)
- Variant: Das Riff der Andromeda (1977)
Variant: Die Götter siegen immer?Die Goetter siegen immer(1977)
- 10 Die Gravitationssonne (1968) [SF]
- 1
Utopia stirbt... (1959) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Perry Rhodan Universe
Planet der Mock (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planeet der Mock [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: Планета моков?Planeta mokov[Russian] (1991) [as byКларк Дарлтон?Klark Darlton]
Clark Darlton
Der Flug der Millionäre?Der Flug der Millionaere(1965) also appeared as:
- Translation: De Prijs van het Leven [Dutch] (1980)
- Das verbotene Sonnensystem (1969)
- Das Meer der Zeit (1971)
- Notlandung auf Virginis II (1976)
- Das Geheimnis von Wardall (1977)
- Die Botschaft der Migarer (1984)
- Entscheidung auf Rubin II (1985)
- Gestrandet auf Terra II (1990)
- Der Schrottplanet (1991)
- Das Universum der Accalauries / Notlandung auf Virginis II (2003) [O]
- Die Botschaft der Migarer / Die andere Welt (2003) [O]
Planet der Mock / Der Flug der Millionäre?Planet der Mock / Der Flug der Millionaere(2015) [O]
- Atlan
- 1 Atlan Zyklus 1: Im Auftrag der Menschheit
- 82
Ottac — der Sternentramp?Ottac - der Sternentramp(1973) [SF]
- 95 Das Tefroder-Problem (1973) [SF]
- 82
- 2 Atlan Zyklus 2: Der Held von Arkon
- 2
Flucht aus dem Tarkihl (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Flight from Tarkihl [English] (1977)
- 3.1 Sie kamen von Kendarkos (1975) [also as by H. G. Francis (in error)]
- 5
Krieg der Gespenster (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: War of the Ghosts [English] (1977)
- 9
Im Reich des Folterkönigs?Im Reich des Folterkoenigs(1974) [SF]
- 9.1
Die Folterwelt (2001)
Rainer Castor
H. G. Ewers
Klaus Fischer
Ernst Vlcek
only appeared as:
- Variant: Die Folterwelt (2001) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Les pièges de Kraumonn?Les pieges de Kraumonn[French] (2003) [as by Rainer Castor]
- Translation: Le monde des mille tortures [French] (2003) [as by Rainer Castor]
- 14 Meister der Echsen (1974) [SF]
- 18 Jagd im Hyperraum (1974) [SF]
- 26 Der Mann des Feuers (1974) [SF]
- 30 Das Schwarze System (1974) [SF]
- 34.1
Die Goldene Göttin?Die Goldene Goettin(2003) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Ewers and Dirk Hess and Konrad Schaef and Peter Terrid [only as by uncredited]
- 35 Henker der Varganen (1975) [SF]
- 41 In der Hand des Henkers (1975) [SF]
- 60 Kreuzzug nach Yarden (1975) [SF]
- 70 Geheimprojekt der Varganen (1975) [SF]
- 79 Raumschiff der Meuterer (1975) [SF]
- 86
Die Gruft des Magnortöters?Die Gruft des Magnortoeters(1976) [SF]
- 95 Die Wassermenschen von Ketokh (1976) [SF]
- 96 Revolte der Parias (1976) [SF]
- 107
Planet der Gräber?Planet der Graeber(1976) [SF]
- 124
Die Königin von Xuura?Die Koenigin von Xuura(1976) [SF]
- 144 Schnittpunkt der Dimensionen (1977) [SF]
- 155 Die Beutewelt (1977) [SF]
Der Kristallprinz (2000)
Rainer Castor
Hans Kneifel
Harvey Patton
K. H. Scheer
Ernst Vlcek
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Kristallprinz (2000) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Traque sur Gortavor [French] (2002) [as by Rainer Castor]
- Translation: Le prince de cristal [French] (2002) [as by Rainer Castor]
Piraten der Sterne (2001)
Rainer Castor
H. G. Ewers
Dirk Hess
Ernst Vlcek
only appeared as:
- Variant: Piraten der Sterne (2001) [as by uncredited]
Translation: La barrière cosmique?La barriere cosmique[French] (2004) [as by Rainer Castor]
- Translation: Le bio-parasite [French] (2004) [as by Rainer Castor]
Flucht ins Chaos (2002)
Rainer Castor
H. G. Francis
Dirk Hess
Hans Kneifel
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Flucht ins Chaos (2002) [as by uncredited]
Translation: La route des cratères?La route des crateres[French] (2004) [as by Rainer Castor]
Translation: Le chaos et l'incréé?Le chaos et l'incree[French] (2005) [as by Rainer Castor]
Ring des Schreckens (2003)
Rainer Castor
H. G. Ewers
Dirk Hess
Peter Terrid
only appeared as:
- Variant: Ring des Schreckens (2003) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: L'anneau de la terreur [French] (2006) [as by Rainer Castor]
- Die letzten Varganen (2004) with Rainer Castor and Dirk Hess and Harvey Patton and Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid [only as by uncredited]
Die Eisige Sphäre?Die Eisige Sphaere(2006) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Ewers and Dirk Hess and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Die Versunkenen Welten (2006) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Ewers and Dirk Hess and Hans Kneifel and Harvey Patton and Marianne Sydow [only as by uncredited]
- Komet der Geheimnisse (2007) with Rainer Castor and Dirk Hess and Kurt Mahr and Peter Terrid [only as by uncredited]
Gefahr für das Imperium?Gefahr fuer das Imperium(2009) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Ewers and Hans Kneifel and Marianne Sydow [only as by uncredited]
Eine Welt für Akon-Akon?Eine Welt fuer Akon-Akon(2010) with Rainer Castor and Dirk Hess and Harvey Patton and Marianne Sydow [only as by uncredited]
- Das Erbe der Akonen (2011) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Francis and Hans Kneifel and Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid [only as by uncredited]
Der Mondträger?Der Mondtraeger(2012) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Francis and Harvey Patton and Marianne Sydow [only as by uncredited]
- Die Macht der Sonnen (2014) with Rainer Castor and H. G. Francis and Harvey Patton and Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid [only as by uncredited]
- 2
Flucht aus dem Tarkihl (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 3 Atlan Zyklus 3: König von Atlantis?Atlan Zyklus 3: Koenig von Atlantis
- 2 Berg der Magier (1977) [SF]
- 12 Insel der Kannibalen (1977) [SF]
- 20 Zitadelle im Eis (1977) [SF]
- 36 Die lebenden Toten (1978) [SF]
- 46
Tal der tausend Blüten?Tal der tausend Blueten(1978) [SF]
- 53 Flucht in den Kerker (1978) [SF]
- 65 Der schwarze Kontrolleur (1978) [SF]
- 81 Apokalypse im All (1979) [SF]
- 93 Drei von der Geisterflotte (1979) [SF]
- 105 Nomazar, der Sklave (1979) [SF]
- 119 Der Sumpfplanet (1979) [SF]
- 1 Atlan Zyklus 1: Im Auftrag der Menschheit
- Captain Thunderbold
- 1 Das Rennen der Oldies (1981) [SF]
- 2 Der lange Weg ins All (1980) [SF]
- Ernst Ellert
- 1
Sturz in die Ewigkeit (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Val in de Eeuwigheid [Dutch] (1980)
- 2
Die Zeitmauer (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De tijdmuur [Dutch] (1977)
- 3
Am Rand des Universums (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aan het eind van het universum [Dutch] (1977)
- Am Rand des Universums (excerpt) (1975) [SF]
- Die Zeitmauer / Am Rand des Universums (2003) [O]
- 1
Sturz in die Ewigkeit (1964)
also appeared as:
- Gucky
Im Zentrum der Galaxis (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In het Centrum van de Melkweg [Dutch] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Translation: In The Center of the Galaxy (Complete Novel) [English] (1978)
Gucky und die Mordwespen (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gucky en de moordwespen [Dutch] (1974)
- Gucky und die Geheimagenten (1967)
Männer für Lacertae?Maenner fuer Lacertae(1969)
Gucky und seine Urenkel (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gucky en zijn achterkleinkinderen [Dutch] (1976)
- Das Universum der Accalauries (1972)
Greenworld — der vergessene Planet?Greenworld - der vergessene Planet(1973) also appeared as:
Translation: Гринуолд - забытая планета?Grinuold - zabytaya planeta[Russian] (1992) [as byКларк Дарлтон?Klark Darlton]
Clark Darlton
- Planet der Kidnapper (1973)
- Die Sumpfgeister von Tonga-Tonga (1980) [SF]
- Die Insel der Verbannten (1982)
Krumme Geschäfte?Krumme Geschaefte(1985) [SF]
- Die Suche nach den Ilts (1987)
- Die besten Gucky-Geschichten (1998) [O]
- Die besten Gucky-Geschichten: Teil II (1999) [O]
Im Zentrum der Galaxis (1965)
also appeared as:
- Perry Rhodan
- 1 PR Zyklus 1: Die Dritte Macht
- 2
Die dritte Macht (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De derde macht [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: The Third Power [English] (1969) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Translation: 第三勢力?Dì sān shì lì[Japanese] (1971) [as by
Dì saan shi li
Dì san shi liクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton] - Translation: Den tredje verdensmagt [Danish] (1973)
- 2.1
Unternehmen Stardust (1962)
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Unternehmen Stardust (1962) [as by W. Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération "Astrée"?Operation "Astree"[French] (1966) [as by K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération "Astrée"?Operation "Astree"[French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération Astrée?Operation Astree[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 4
Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung(1961) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: De aarde valt aan! [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Twilight of the Gods [English] (1969) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Translation: 神々のたそがれ?Kamiya no tasogare[Japanese] (1971) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- Translation: Universets hersker [Danish] (1973)
- 4.1
Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung(1962) with K. H. Scheer only appeared as:
Variant: Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung(1962) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La Terre a peur [French] (1966) [as by K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La Terre a peur [French] (1966) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 5.1 Die Dritte Macht (1978) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 6.13 Perry Rhodan I [French] (2005) [O] with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. W. Shols [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 7
Invasion aus dem All (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Invasie uit het Heelal [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Invasion from Space [English] (1970) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Translation: 宇宙からの侵略?Uchuu kara no shinryaku[Japanese] (1972) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 8.1
Die Venusbasis (1963)
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
also appeared as:
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1966) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1974) [as by K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Base sur Vénus?Base sur Venus[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 8.11
Invasion aus dem All [English] (1974) [A]
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Invasion from Space (1974) [as by Walter Ernsting and Kurt Mahr]
- 11.11 Das Mutanten-Korps (1979) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. W. Shols and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 12
Das Geheimnis der Zeitgruft (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het geheim van de tijdkluis [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: The Secret of the Time Vault [English] (1971)
Translation: 時間地下庫の秘密?Jikan chikako no himitsu[Japanese] (1973) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 13.1
Festung der sechs Monde (1963)
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Festung der sechs Monde (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La forteresse des six lunes [French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: La forteresse des six lunes [French] (1967)
- 14
Das galaktische Rätsel?Das galaktische Raetsel(1961) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Galactische Raadsel [Dutch] (1969) [as by Kurt Mahr (in error)]
- Translation: The Galactic Riddle [English] (1971)
Translation: 銀河の謎?Ginga no nazo[Japanese] (1973) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 15
Die Spur durch Zeit und Raum (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quest Through Space and Time [English] (1971)
Translation: 銀河の時空を抜けて?Ginga no jiku o nukete[Japanese] (1973) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 15.1
Das galaktische Rätsel?Das galaktische Raetsel(1963) with K. H. Scheer also appeared as:
Translation: La quête cosmique?La quete cosmique[French] (1967)
Translation: La quête cosmique?La quete cosmique[French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 18
Die Rebellen von Tuglan (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Rebels of Tuglan [English] (1972)
Translation: ツグランの反徒?Tsuguran no hanto[Japanese] (1973) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 19.1
Der Unsterbliche (1963)
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Unsterbliche (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Le traître de Tuglan?Le traitre de Tuglan[French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 19.11 Der Unsterbliche (1979) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 22
Thoras Flucht (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Escape to Venus [English] (1972)
Translation: トーラの逃走?Tōra no tōsō[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Toura no tousou
Tora no tosoクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 26
Duell der Mutanten (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mutants vs. Mutants [English] (1972)
Translation: 超ミュータント出現!?Chō myūtanto shutsugen![Japanese] (1974) [as by
Chou myuutanto shutsugen!
Cho myutanto shutsugen!クラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 26.1
Der Overhead (1963)
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Overhead (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Le maître des mutants?Le maitre des mutants[French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Le maître des mutants?Le maitre des mutants[French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 27
Im Banne des Hypno (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Thrall of Hypno [English] (1972)
Translation: ヒュプノの呪縛?Hyupuno no jubaku[Japanese] (1974) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 30.11 Der kosmische Lockvogel (1979) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 32
Ausflug in die Unendlichkeit (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Infinity Flight [English] (1973)
Translation: 無限への散歩?Mugen heno sanpo[Japanese] (1974) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 33
Eiswelt in Flammen (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Snowman in Flames [English] (1973)
Translation: 燃える氷惑星?Moeru hyowakusei[Japanese] (1974) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 33.1
Eiswelt in Flammen (1964)
K. H. Scheer
also appeared as:
Translation: L'étoile en exil?L'etoile en exil[French] (1969) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 36
Die Seuche des Vergessens (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Plague of Oblivion [English] (1973)
Translation: 忘却兵器極秘作戦!?Bokyaku heiki gokuhi sakusen![Japanese] (1974) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 37
Ein Planet spielt verrückt?Ein Planet spielt verrueckt(1962) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: A World Gone Mad [English] (1973)
Translation: 発狂惑星?Hakkyō wakusei[Japanese] (1975) [as by
Hakkyou wakusei
Hakkyo wakuseiクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 37.1
Die Seuche des Vergessens (1964)
K. H. Scheer
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'offensive d'oubli [French] (1969) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 39.11
Vorstoß nach Arkon?Vorstoss nach Arkon(1980) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 40
Aktion gegen Unbekannt (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Challenge of the Unknown [English] (1973)
Translation: 精神寄生人の陰謀?Seishin kisei-jin no inbō[Japanese] (1975) [as by
Seishin kisei-jin no inbou
Seishin kisei-jin no inboクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 41
Der Partner des Giganten (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Giant's Partner [English] (1973)
Translation: 巨人のパートナー?Kyojin no patona[Japanese] (1975) [as byクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 41.1
Der Partner des Giganten (1964)
K. H. Scheer
also appeared as:
- Translation: La menace des Moofs [French] (1970) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: La menace des Moffs [French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 45
Seuchenherd Aralon (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Epidemic Center: Aralon [English] (1974)
Translation: 銀河の病巣アラロン?Ginga no byо̄sо̄ Araron[Japanese] (1975) [as by
Ginga no byousоu Araron
Ginga no byosо Araronクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 45.1
Der Mensch und das Monster (1965)
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Mensch und das Monster (1965) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Les méduses de Moofar?Les meduses de Moofar[French] (1971) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 46.1 Der Robotregent (1980) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 48
Rotes Auge Beteigeuze (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Red Eye of Betelgeuse [English] (1974)
Translation: 地球替え玉作戦?Chikyū kaedama sakusen[Japanese] (1975) [as by
Chikyuu kaedama sakusen
Chikyu kaedama sakusenクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 49
Die Erde stirbt (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Earth Dies [English] (1974)
Translation: 地球死す?Chikyū shisu[Japanese] (1976) [as by
Chikyuu shisu
Chikyu shisuクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 49.1
Rotes Auge Beteigeuze (1965)
K. H. Scheer
also appeared as:
Translation: La bataille de Bételgeuse?La bataille de Betelgeuse[French] (1972) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 2
Die dritte Macht (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 2 PR Zyklus 2: Atlan und Arkon
- 52
Der falsche Inspekteur (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'inspecteur et l'imposteur?Deuxieme partie : L'inspecteur et l'imposteur[French] (1973) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: The Pseudo One [English] (1974)
- 56
Die Toten leben (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Le retour de Rhodan?Deuxieme partie : Le retour de Rhodan[French] (1973) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: The Dead Live [English] (1974)
- 56.1 Die Toten leben (1965) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer
- 56.111 Atlan (1980) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 58
Attacke aus dem Unsichtbaren (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Rhodan revient?Premiere partie : Rhodan revient[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Attack from the Unseen [English] (1974)
- 59.1 Attacke aus dem Unsichtbaren (1965) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer [only as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 61
Der Robot-Spion (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'espion de l'espace?Deuxieme partie : L'espion de l'espace[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Spybot! [English] (1974)
- 63
Die Mikro-Techniker (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Les microtechniciens?Premiere partie : Les microtechniciens[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: The Micro-Techs [English] (1974)
- 63.1 Der Robotspion (1965) with K. H. Scheer
- 64
Im Zeit-Gefängnis?Im Zeit-Gefaengnis(1962) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Les prisonniers de la planète pétrifiée?Premiere partie : Les prisonniers de la planete petrifiee[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Prisoner of Time [English] (1974)
- 65
Ein Hauch Ewigkeit (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Un souffle d'éternité?Deuxieme partie : Un souffle d'eternite[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: A Touch of Eternity [English] (1974)
- 65.1 Les traquenards du temps [French] (1974) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 65.11 Festung Atlantis (1981) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 76
Unter den Sternen von Druufon (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Under the Stars of Druufon [English] (1975)
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'héritage du sergent Harnahan?Deuxieme partie : L'heritage du sergent Harnahan[French] (1975) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 77
In den Fesseln der Ewigkeit (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Bonds of Eternity [English] (1975)
Translation: Première partie : Au rendez-vous d'un revenant?Premiere partie : Au rendez-vous d'un revenant[French] (1975) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 77.1 Unter den Sternen von Druufon (1966) with K. H. Scheer
- 77.11 Das rote Universum (1981) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 81
Raumschiff der Ahnen (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spaceship of Ancestors [English] (1975)
Translation: Première partie (L'arche des aïeux)?Première partie (L'arche des aieux)[French] (1977) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 84
Rekruten für Arkon?Rekruten fuer Arkon(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Recruits for Arkon [English] (1975)
Translation: Deuxième partie : Aux portes des trois-planètes?Deuxieme partie : Aux portes des trois-planetes[French] (1976) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 84.1
Rekruten für Arkon?Rekruten fuer Arkon(1966) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer [only as by K. Brand and C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 85
Kampfschule Naator (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Conflict Center: Naator [English] (1975)
Translation: Première partie : L'assassinat d'un amiral?Premiere partie : L'assassinat d'un amiral[French] (1976) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 86.1
Der Schlüssel zur Macht?Der Schluessel zur Macht(1966) with K. H. Scheer [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 91
Ernst Ellerts Rückkehr?Ernst Ellerts Rueckkehr(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Ernst Ellert Returns! [English] (1975)
Translation: Première partie (L'immortel et les invisibles)?Premiere partie (L'immortel et les invisibles)[French] (1977) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 91.1 Der Fall Kolumbus (1982) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 92.1 Geheimmission Moluk (1966) with K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 94
Die flammende Sonne (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Blazing Sun [English] (1976)
Translation: Deuxième partie (L'arche des aïeux)?Deuxieme partie (L'arche des aieux)[French] (1977) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 94.1
L'arche des aïeux?L'arche des aieux[French] (1977) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 95
Himmel ohne Sterne (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Starless Realm [English] (1976)
Translation: Deuxième partie (L'immortel et les invisibles)?Deuxieme partie (L'immortel et les invisibles)[French] (1977) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 95.1 L'immortel et les invisibles [French] (1977) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 99.11 Der Anti (1982) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 52
Der falsche Inspekteur (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 3 PR Zyklus 3: Die Posbis
- 101
Der Weltraum-Tramp (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vagabond of Space [English] (1976)
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'astre-amibe?Deuxieme partie : L'astre-amibe[French] (1978) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 105
Die Geisterflotte (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Phantom Fleet [English] (1976)
Translation: Deuxième partie : La flotte fantôme?Deuxieme partie : La flotte fantome[French] (1978) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 107.1 Das blaue System (1967) with K. H. Scheer [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 107.11 Der Zielstern (1982) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 111
Unter falscher Flagge (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: False Front [English] (1976)
Translation: Deuxième partie : La conversion de Thomas Cardif?Deuxieme partie : La conversion de Thomas Cardif[French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 111.1 Auf den Spuren der Antis (1967) with K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 116.11 Rhodans Sohn (1983) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 117
Die gestohlene Raumflotte (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Stolen Spacefleet [English] (1977)
- Translation: [— Atlan sera content, ...] [French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K. H. Scheer (in error)]
Translation: Deuxième partie : Operation recup'?Deuxieme partie : Operation recup'[French] (1998) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 121
Das Erbe der Echsen (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Heritage of the Lizard People [English] (1977)
- Translation: [La flotte d'intervention de Rhodan ...] [French] (1981) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'héritage des sauriens?Deuxieme partie : L'heritage des sauriens[French] (1998) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 121.1 Der Planet Mechanica (1967) with K. H. Scheer [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 125.13 Mechanica (1983) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 126
Die Schatten greifen an (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Shadows Attack [English] (1977)
Translation: Première partie : Les ombres attaquent?Premiere partie : Les ombres attaquent[French] (1981) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 129
Atombrand auf Mechanica (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Atom Fire on Mechanica [English] (1978)
- Translation: Deuxième partie (La mort de Mecanica) [French] (1982) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 129.1 Atombrand auf Mechanica (1967) with K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 135
Wächter in der Einsamkeit?Waechter in der Einsamkeit(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Sentinels of Solitude [English] (1979)
Translation: Deuxième partie (Les astres noirs)?Deuxieme partie (Les astres noirs)[French] (1982) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 136.1
Wächter in der Einsamkeit?Waechter in der Einsamkeit(1968) with Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer [only as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 138.11 Die Posbis (1983) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 140
Ein Toter soll nicht sterben (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deadmen Shouldn't Die [English] (1979)
Translation: Première partie (Prisonnier du plasma)?Premiere partie (Prisonnier du plasma)[French] (1983) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 145
Armee der Gespenster (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het spookleger [Dutch] (1974)
- Translation: The Phantom Horde [English] (1979)
Translation: Première partie (Le planétoïde hanté)?Premiere partie (Le planetoide hante)[French] (1984) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 149.11 Die Hundertsonnenwelt (1984) with Kurt Brand and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 101
Der Weltraum-Tramp (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 4 PR Zyklus 4: Das Zweite Imperium
- 151
Signale der Ewigkeit (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie (Menaces sur les mutants)?Deuxieme partie (Menaces sur les mutants)[French] (1984) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 157
Explorer in Not (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie (Le fléau de la galaxie)?Premiere partie (Le fleau de la galaxie)[French] (1986) [as by C. Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Première partie (Le fléau de la galaxie)?Premiere partie (Le fleau de la galaxie)[French] (1986) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 158
Die Geißel der Galaxis?Die Geissel der Galaxis(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie (Le fléau de la galaxie)?Deuxieme partie (Le fleau de la galaxie)[French] (1986) [as by C. Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Deuxième partie (Le fléau de la galaxie)?Deuxieme partie (Le fleau de la galaxie)[French] (1986) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 158.1
Le fléau de la galaxie?Le fleau de la galaxie[French] (1986) [C] only appeared as:
Variant: Le fléau de la galaxie?Le fleau de la galaxie(1986) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Variant: Le fléau de la galaxie (1986) [as by C. Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 160.1 Hornschrecken (1984) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 163
Das zweite Imperium (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie (La métamorphose du molkex)?Premiere partie (La metamorphose du molkex)[French] (1986) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 167.1
Das zweite Imperium (1984)
Kurt Brand
Kurt Mahr
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das zweite Imperium (1984) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Herren des Molkex (1984) [as by uncredited]
- 171
Kampf der vier Mächte?Kampf der vier Maechte(1964) [SF]
- 177 Der Untergang des 2. Imperiums (1965) [SF]
- 177.1 Kampf gegen die Blues (1985) with Kurt Brand and Horst Hoffmann and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 184
Gucky und die Blaue Garde (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'Emir et la garde bleue?Deuxieme partie : L'Emir et la garde bleue[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 184.11
Der Obmann von Plophos (2000)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Obmann von Plophos (2000) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Feinde der Menschheit (2000) [as by uncredited]
- 189
Die Expedition der Mausbiber (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planète des spectres [French] (1989)
- 189.11
Expedition der Mausbiber (2000)
Kurt Brand
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Expedition der Mausbiber (2000) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Soldaten für Kahalo?Soldaten fuer Kahalo(2000) [as by uncredited]
- 190
Admiral Gecko (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les disparus [French] (1989)
- 190.1 Mulots en mission [French] (1989) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 194.1 Panik im Sonnensystem (2000) with Kurt Brand and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 199.11 Planet der letzten Hoffnung (2000) with Kurt Brand and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 151
Signale der Ewigkeit (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 5 PR Zyklus 5: Die Meister der Insel
- 202
Die Retter der CREST (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Sauver le Krest?Premiere partie : Sauver le Krest[French] (1990) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 207.1
Straße nach Andromeda?Strasse nach Andromeda(1985) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 209
Im Banne der Scheintöter?Im Banne der Scheintoeter(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Les illusionnistes de l'étage jaune?Premiere partie : Les illusionnistes de l'etage jaune[French] (1991) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 214.1 Schrecken der Hohlwelt (1985) with Kurt Brand and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer [only as by uncredited]
- 220
Der Tod von den Sternen (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Prisonniers de Métha?Deuxieme partie : Prisonniers de Metha[French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 224
Agenten gegen das Imperium (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Les soupçons d'Atlan?Deuxieme partie : Les soupcons d'Atlan[French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 229
Feind aus fremder Galaxis (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : La fin de la traque?Premiere partie : La fin de la traque[French] (1993) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 232
Die Zeitfalle (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Le piège temporel?Deuxieme partie : Le piege temporel[French] (1993) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 233.1 Die Para-Sprinter (1986) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 239
Welt unter heißer Strahlung?Welt unter heisser Strahlung(1966) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Le secret des Laurins?Premiere partie : Le secret des Laurins[French] (1994) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 240.1 Brennpunkt Andro-Beta (1986) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 244
Die Kugel aus Zeit und Raum (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Le retour d'un vieil ami?Deuxieme partie : Le retour d'un vieil ami[French] (1994) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 247.1 Kontrollstation Modul (1987) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 248
Unter Einsatz seines Lebens ... (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : La mort d'un héros?Deuxieme partie : La mort d'un heros[French] (1994) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 255
Sperrzone in Andromeda (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Les chiens des Maîtres?Premiere partie : Les chiens des Maitres[French] (1995) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 256
Im Reich der Zentrumswächter?Im Reich der Zentrumswaechter(1966) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'empire de Téfrod?Deuxieme partie : L'empire de Tefrod[French] (1995) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 256.1
Tempête sur Téfrod?Tempete sur Tefrod[French] (1995) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 259.1 Andromeda (1987) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and K. H. Scheer [only as by uncredited]
- 268
Stoßtrupp in Zeit und Raum?Stosstrupp in Zeit und Raum(1966) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Commando espace-temps?Deuxieme partie : Commando espace-temps[French] (1996) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 269
Jagd auf den Zeitagenten (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Chasse à l'agent temporel?Premiere partie : Chasse a l'agent temporel[French] (1996) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 274.1 Der Zeitagent (1988) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 275 Der Flug nach Barkon (1966) [SF]
- 282
Die Spur führt zu Jagos Stern?Die Spur fuehrt zu Jagos Stern(1967) [SF]
- 289 Das System der blauen Riesen (1967) [SF]
- 290 Koordinaten ins Jenseits (1967) [SF]
- 293.1 Pakt der Galaxien (1988) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 294 Die Eroberer (1967) [SF]
- 295
Der verlorene Planet (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : La planète condamnée?Premiere partie : La planete condamnee[French] (1999) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 299.1 Die letzte Bastion (1989) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 202
Die Retter der CREST (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 6 PR Zyklus 6: M 87
- 302
Gestatten, Gucky und Sohn! (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Une affaire de famille?Premiere partie : Une affaire de famille[French] (1999) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 305.1 OLD MAN (1989) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 310
Das Geschenk der Zeitreisenden (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Les voyageurs du passé?Premiere partie : Les voyageurs du passe[French] (2000) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 316 Der Sprung ins Verderben (1967) [SF]
- 320 Operation Blitz (1967) [SF]
- 321.1 Magellan (1990) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Konrad Schaef [only as by uncredited]
- 324 Im Nichts gestrandet (1967) [SF]
- 326 Gucky und der Golem (1967) [SF]
- 327.1 Die Zeitpolizei (1990) with Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 336 Gucky und der Vakupath (1968) [SF]
- 341 Der planetarische Kerker (1968) [SF]
- 342.1 Verschollen in M 87 (1991) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 344
Die Kidnapper des Auserwählten?Die Kidnapper des Auserwaehlten(1968) [SF] also appeared as:
Variant: Kidnapper des Auserwählten?Kidnapper des Auserwaehlten(1968)
Variant: Die Kidnapper der Auserwählten?Die Kidnapper der Auserwaehlten(1979)
- 348 Die kosmische Falle (1968) [SF]
- 350.1 Paladin (1991) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 354 Experimente mit der Zeit (1968) [SF]
- 358
Begegnung in M-87 (1968) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Begegnung in M 87 (1968)
Translation: Première partie : Retrouvailles dans M 87?Premiere partie : Retrouvailles dans M 87[French] (2002) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 360.1 Dolan-Alarm (1991) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 361 Der Turm des ewigen Lebens (1968) [SF]
- 366
Das Rätsel der Biostation?Das Raetsel der Biostation(1968) [SF]
- 367.1 Die Konstrukteure des Zentrums (1992) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 371 Attentat auf die Sonne (1968) [SF]
- 376 Stimmen aus der Vergangenheit (1968) [SF]
- 380
Das Zeitkommando (1968) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première Partie: Commando transtemporel?Le legs des lemuriens[French] (2003) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer (in error)]
- 380.1 Das Zeitkommando (1992) with Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 383 Die phantastische Reise der FD-4 (1969) [SF]
- 388
Götter aus dem Kosmos?Goetter aus dem Kosmos(1969) [SF]
- 388.1 Spur zwischen den Sternen (1992) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 392
Das Schiff der grünen Geister?Das Schiff der gruenen Geister(1969) [SF]
- 396
Das Versteck in der Zukunft (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : La cache dans l'avenir?Premiere partie : La cache dans l'avenir[French] (2003) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 399.1
Alarm für die Galaxis?Alarm fuer die Galaxis(1993) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 302
Gestatten, Gucky und Sohn! (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 7 PR Zyklus 7: Die Cappins
- 402
UFOs in der Galaxis (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Ovnis et antimatière?Premiere partie : Ovnis et antimatiere[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 406 Nachricht aus der Zukunft (1969) [SF]
- 409
Der Mann, der doppelt starb (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'homme qui mourut deux fois?Deuxieme partie : L'homme qui mourut deux fois[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 409.1 Menschheit am Abgrund (1993) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 415
Freunde aus einem fremden Universum (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Une amitié inter-universelle?Deuxieme partie : Une amitie inter-universelle[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 420
Rätsel der Vergangenheit?Raetsel der Vergangenheit(1969) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Retour vers le passé?Premiere partie : Retour vers le passe[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 421.1 Der Todessatellit (1993) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann [only as by uncredited]
- 423
Sonderkommando Atlan (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Commando spécial Atlan?Deuxieme partie : Commando special Atlan[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 427
Am See der Götter?Am See der Goetter(1969) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Quatrième partie : Voyage au lac des dieux?Quatrieme partie : Voyage au lac des dieux[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 430 Das Ultimatum der Cappins (1969) [SF]
- 433.1
Die Cappins (1994)
H. G. Ewers
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Die Cappins (1994) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Les pièges de Gevonia?Les pieges de Gevonia[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 436 Testflug nach Atlantis (1970) [SF]
- 436.1 Die andere Welt (1981)
- 436.11 Die Zeitfraktur (1986) [SF]
- 439 Schaltzentrale OVARON (1970) [SF]
- 442.1
Ovaron (1994)
H. G. Ewers
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Ovaron (1994) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Rencontre avec Ovaron [French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Expédition sur Zeut?Expedition sur Zeut[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 443
Überfall auf Exilot?Ueberfall auf Exilot(1970) [SF]
- 449 Das Ende des Diktators (1970) [SF]
- 449.1
Welten in Angst (1994)
H. G. Ewers
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Welten in Angst (1994) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Un frère au-delà des siècles?Un frere au-dela des siecles[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Le ressucité de Titan?Le ressucite de Titan[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 454
Plünderer der Sterne?Pluenderer der Sterne(1970) [SF]
- 461 Flucht ins Ungewisse (1970) [SF]
- 462 Der Wissende (1970) [SF]
- 467 Der letzte Mann der DOLDA (1970) [SF]
- 468 Der Telekinet (1970) [SF]
- 472 Das violette Feuer (1970) [SF]
- 474.1
Vasall der Mächtigen?Vasall der Maechtigen(1995) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 479 Ganjo-Alarm (1970) [SF]
- 484.1
Exil im Hyperraum (1995)
H. G. Ewers
Horst Hoffmann
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Exil im Hyperraum (1995) [as by uncredited]
Translation: La ville et le rescapé?La ville et le rescape[French] (2005) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Au nom du Ganjo [French] (2006) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 489
Gucky und der Verräter?Gucky und der Verraeter(1971) [SF]
- 491.1 Die Urmutter (1996) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 494 Mond der Gefahren (1971) [SF]
- 498
Die Rückkehr des Takerers?Die Rueckkehr des Takerers(1971) [SF]
- 499.1
Finale für Pluto?Finale fuer Pluto(1996) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 402
UFOs in der Galaxis (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 8 PR Zyklus 8: Der Schwarm
- 503 Planet der Digger (1971) [SF]
- 507 Zwischenspiel auf Tahun (1971) [SF]
- 509.1
Der Schwarm (1996)
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
K. H. Scheer
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Schwarm (1996) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Intelligence en perdition [French] (2006) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Les manipulateurs de l'Essaim [French] (2006) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 512 Der Flug der GATOS BAY (1971) [SF]
- 517 Notruf des Unsterblichen (1971) [SF]
- 517.1 Kampf der Immunen (1996) with Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 523
Die Planetenräuber?Die Planetenraeuber(1971) [SF]
- 524 Die Gelben Eroberer (1971) [SF]
- 535 Transport ins Ungewisse (1971) [SF]
- 541 Im Banne des Panikfeldes (1972) [SF]
- 549
Das Elixier der Götter?Das Elixier der Goetter(1972) [SF]
- 554 Kidnapper im Weltraum (1972) [SF]
- 556.1 Terra im Brennpunkt (1998) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 560 Gucky, der Tambu-Gott (1972) [SF]
- 561.1
Götzendämmerung?Goetzendaemmerung(1998) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 565 Gucky, der Meisterdieb (1972) [SF]
- 569.1 Das Tabora (1998) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Das heimliche Imperium (1997) with H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Herrscher des Schwarms (1997) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 9 PR Zyklus 9: Die Altmutanten
- 574 Das Himmelsmetall (1972) [SF]
- 577.1 Die Stimmen der Qual (1998) with H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 580 Die Zeitritter (1972) [SF]
- 585.1 Die Altmutanten (1999) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 590 Flugziel unbekannt (1972) [SF]
- 593
Der Metapsychische Krieg (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Der metapsychische Krieg (1977)
- Kampf der Paramags (1999) with H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 10 PR Zyklus 10: Das Kosmische Schachspiel
- 602 Der Sprung nach Luna (1973) [SF]
- 608 Auf den Spuren der PAD (1973) [SF]
- 617 Der Kampf um die Positronik (1973) [SF]
- 621.1 Die Hyperseuche (2000) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 624 In den Katakomben von Nopaloor (1973) [SF]
- 627.1 Gehirn in Fesseln (2000) with H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 630 Das Erbe der Yulocs (1973) [SF]
- 633.1 Das Erbe der Yulocs (2000) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 648 Der Kampf mit dem Yuloc (1974) [SF]
- 649.1 Schach der Finsternis (2001) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 11 PR Zyklus 11: Das Konzil
- 656
Der Geheimnisträger?Der Geheimnistraeger(1974) [SF]
- 670 Der Hyperraum bricht auf (1974) [SF]
- 677 Das Erbe der Glovaaren (1974) [SF]
- 685.1 Im Mahlstrom der Sterne (2002) with H. G. Francis and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 691 Sargasso des Alls (1974) [SF]
- 694.1 Spur des Molkex (2002) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr [only as by uncredited]
- 656
- 12 PR Zyklus 12: Die Aphilie
- 702 Das Stummhaus (1975) [SF]
- 705.1
Aphilie (2003)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Hans Kneifel
Kurt Mahr
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Aphilie (2003) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Aphilie [French] (2009) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 708 Zwischenspiel auf Saturn (1975) [SF]
- 712.1
Raumschiff in Fesseln (2003)
H. G. Ewers
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
Hans Kneifel
Kurt Mahr
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Raumschiff in Fesseln (2003) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: La forteresse de Titan [French] (2009) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Escale dans Balayndagar [French] (2010) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 716 Unheil aus fremder Dimension (1975) [SF]
- 723 Kolonie der Cyborgs (1975) [SF]
- 733.1
Kampf um die SOL (2003)
H. G. Ewers
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
Hans Kneifel
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Kampf um die SOL (2003) [as by uncredited]
Translation: La Lumière de la Raison?La Lumiere de la Raison[French] (2010) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 736
Rächer zwischen den Sternen?Raecher zwischen den Sternen(1975) [SF]
- 742
Rückkehr fraglich?Rueckkehr fraglich(1975) [SF]
- 742.1 Allianz der Galaktiker (2004) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 751.1
Das Spiel des Laren (2004)
H. G. Ewers
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Spiel des Laren (2004) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Le jeu du Larenn [French] (2010) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Un ami des Bioposis [French] (2010) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 764 Der Wall um die Welt (1976) [SF]
- 770.1 Sie suchen Menschen (2005) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 772 Das Gespenst von Vrinos (1976) [SF]
- 781 Gegner im Dunkel (1976) [SF]
- 781.1 Gegner im Dunkel (2005) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 792 Hilfe aus Zeit und Raum (1976) [SF]
- 799.1 Abschied von Terra (2006) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 13 PR Zyklus 13: BARDIOC
- 802 Planet der toten Kinder (1977) [SF]
- 807.1 Die Kaiserin von Therm (2006) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 813 Im Strom der Ewigkeit (1977) [SF]
- 815.1 Mensch aus dem Nichts (2006) with H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 827 Der Mann von Barkon (1977) [SF]
- 841 Die Glaswelt (1977) [SF]
- 852 Insel zwischen den Sternen (1977) [SF]
- 862 Eiswind der Zeit (1978) [SF]
- 866.1 Eiswind der Zeit (2008) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr [only as by uncredited]
- 867.1
BARDIOC (2007)
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: BARDIOC (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Bardioc [French] (2012) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Rebell gegen ES (2007) with H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- Die Glaswelt (2007) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 14 PR Zyklus 14: PAN-THAU-RA
- 880 Gegner im Dunkel (1978) [SF]
- 892.1
Facetten der Ewigkeit (2008)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Hans Kneifel
Ernst Vlcek
only appeared as:
- Variant: Facetten der Ewigkeit (2008) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Le peuple des ruines [French] (2013) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: L'œil des dieux?L'oeil des dieux[French] (2013) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 893 Abschied von Eden II (1978) [SF]
- 899.1
Orkan im Hyperraum (2009)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Marianne Sydow
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Orkan im Hyperraum (2009) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Les maîtres du Pan-Thau-Ra?Les maitres du Pan-Thau-Ra[French] (2013) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Ouragan dans l'hyperespace [French] (2013) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 15 PR Zyklus 15: Die Kosmischen Burgen
- 910 Planet der Telepathen (1979) [SF]
- 921 Kontakt auf Scharzo (1979) [SF]
- 935 Mysterium des Weltalls (1979) [SF]
- 935.1
Das Loch im Universum (2010)
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Loch im Universum (2010) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Duel pour un œil?Duel pour un oeil[French] (2014) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 955
Das Rätsel der Barriere?Das Raetsel der Barriere(1979) [SF]
- 956.1
Die Energiejäger?Die Energiejaeger(2010) with H. G. Francis and Hubert Haensel and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz only appeared as:
Variant: Die Energiejäger?Die Energiejaeger(2010) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Les chasseurs d'énergie?Les chasseurs d'energie[French] (2014) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 967 Die Materiesenke (1980) [SF]
- 968 Exodus der Mutanten (1980) [SF]
- 983 Der Ort der Stille (1980) [SF]
- 998
Terraner unerwünscht?Terraner unerwuenscht(1980) [SF]
- Die Sporenschiffe (2011) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Der Auserwählte?Der Auserwaehlte(2011) with Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Kampf gegen die VAZIFAR (2012) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Peter Griese and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 16 PR Zyklus 16: Die Kosmische Hanse
- 1006 Die Falle von Cratcan (1980) [SF]
- 1016 Zwischenspiel auf Karselpun (1981) [SF]
- 1021.1
Die Cyber-Brutzellen (2012)
H. G. Ewers
H. G. Francis
Peter Griese
Hubert Haensel
Kurt Mahr
Marianne Sydow
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Die Cyber-Brutzellen (2012) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Le vaisseau des ancêtres?Le vaisseau des ancetres[French] (2016) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 1028 Der einsame Gefangene (1981) [SF]
- 1037.1 Gefangene der SOL (2013) with H. G. Francis and Peter Griese and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 1046
Terra im Schußfeld?Terra im Schussfeld(1981) [SF]
- 1055.1 Terra im Schussfeld (2013) with H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Peter Griese and Hubert Haensel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 1060 Der Planet Vulkan (1981) [SF]
- 1064 Der Schiffbruch (1982) [SF]
- 1064.1 Fels der Einsamkeit (2014) with H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz and Detlev G. Winter [only as by uncredited]
- 17 PR Zyklus 17: Die Endlose Armada
- 1102 Der letzte Mirvaner (1982) [SF]
- 1115 Bote des Unsterblichen (1983) [SF]
- 1122.1
Der Fluch der Kosmokratin (2015)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Kurt Mahr
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Fluch der Kosmokratin (2015) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Projet Deuxième Terre?Projet Deuxieme Terre[French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Négoce avec la mort?Negoce avec la mort[French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 1135 Begegnung am Todesauge (1983) [SF]
- 1143.1
Sammelpunkt Vier-Sonnen-Reich (2016)
H. G. Ewers
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
Detlev G. Winter
Thomas Ziegler
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sammelpunkt Vier-Sonnen-Reich (2016) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Réveil intrastellaire?Reveil intrastellaire[French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Au royaume des quatre soleils [French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 1154 Flucht aus dem Grauen Korridor (1983) [SF]
- 1164.1 Kampf um Terra (2017) with Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Hubert Haensel and Ernst Vlcek and Thomas Ziegler [only as by uncredited]
- 1171 Der Todesimpuls (1984) [SF]
- 18 PR Zyklus 18: Chronofossilien — Vironauten?PR Zyklus 18: Chronofossilien - Vironauten
- 1206
Flucht ins Labyrinth (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 階級闘技?Kaikyū Dо̄gi[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Kaikyuu Dougi
Kaikyu Dogiクラーク・ダールトン?Kuraku Daruton]
- 1216.1 Drei Ritter der Tiefe (2018) with Arndt Ellmer and Hubert Haensel and Kurt Mahr and Ernst Vlcek and Thomas Ziegler [only as by uncredited]
- 1235
Blitz über Eden?Blitz ueber Eden(1985) [SF]
- 1206
Flucht ins Labyrinth (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 19 PR Zyklus 19: Die Gänger des Netzes?PR Zyklus 19: Die Gaenger des Netzes
- 1306 Das Geheimnis von Chanukah (1986) [SF]
- 1306.1
Die Gänger des Netzes?Die Gaenger des Netzes(2022) with Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and H. G. Francis and Peter Griese and Kurt Mahr and Rainer Nagel and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 1334 Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel (1987) [SF]
- 1343.9 Krieg der Esper (2023) with Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Peter Griese and Rainer Nagel and K. H. Scheer and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 20 PR Zyklus 20: Tarkan
- 1366
Die Freiheit des Bewußtseins?Die Freiheit des Bewusstseins(1987) [SF]
- 1384
Ort der Erfüllung?Ort der Erfuellung(1988) [SF]
- 1366
- 21 PR Zyklus 21: Die Cantaro
- 1407
Der Eremit von Satrang (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Der Eremit von Satrang (part 1 of 3) (1988)
- Der Eremit von Satrang (part 2 of 3) (1988)
- Der Eremit von Satrang (part 3 of 3) (1988) [as by uncredited]
- 1417 Flug in Richtung Ewigkeit (1988) [SF]
- 1435 Im Halo der Galaxis (1989) [SF]
- 1475 Auf Gesils Spuren (1989) [SF]
- 1407
Der Eremit von Satrang (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 22 PR Zyklus 22: Die Linguiden
- 1510 Ein blinder Passagier (1990) [SF]
- 1563 Geheimsache RIUNAN (1991) [SF]
- 23 PR Zyklus 23: Die Ennox
- 1602 Spurensuche im All (1992) [SF]
- 1622 Der Verlorene (1992) [SF]
- 1 PR Zyklus 1: Die Dritte Macht
- Perry Rhodan in French
- Le combat des cent-soleils [French] (1984) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'effondrement d'un empire [French] (1988) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les transmuteurs de Tanos [French] (1996) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le seigneur de Sadlor [French] (1996) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le sarcophage stellaire [French] (1996) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La piste parapsychique [French] (1997) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La facture des faussaires [French] (1997) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Miras le maléfique?Miras le malefique[French] (1998) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le pacte de paix [French] (1998) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'escapade de l'Émir?L'escapade de l'Emir[French] (1998) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Illusions interstellaires [French] (1998) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La faillite de Faktor IV [French] (1998) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Assaut contre Danger-I [French] (2000) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Missions magellaniques [French] (2000) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Transgressions temporelles [French] (2000) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Dérive intergalactique?Derive intergalactique[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le sosie du stellarque [French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
De Néréide à Neptune?De Nereide a Neptune[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Offensive sur Old Man [French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Cités spatiales skovars?Cites spatiales skovars[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Holocauste halutien [French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le commandeur des oubliés?Le commandeur des oublies[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'enlèvement de l'élu?L'enlevement de l'elu[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les labyrinthes de M 87 [French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La caste des chercheurs [French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les insurgés du Krest IV?Les insurges du Krest IV[French] (2001) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Projet Paladin [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le repaire des symbiotes [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Uchronies akonides [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le karma de Khan [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les cercueils de cristal [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le piège des Pelewons?Le piege des Pelewons[French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les constructeurs du centre [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le gouffre entre les galaxies [French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Traîtres en série?Traitres en serie[French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le secret de la pyramide [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Sur les traces du passé?Sur les traces du passe[French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Odyssée pour des nefs perdues?Odyssee pour des nefs perdues[French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le poids des invisibles [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Pont entre les nuages [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La base des Baramos [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les spectres verts [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Des Bestians aux Ulebs [French] (2003) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Défi à l'antimatière?Defi a l'antimatiere[French] (2004) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'ombre de Corello [French] (2004) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Départ pour Gruelfin?Depart pour Gruelfin[French] (2005) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les conquérants de Takéra?Les conquerants de Takera[French] (2005) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'un banni [French] (2005) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le vassal galactique [French] (2005) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les Farrogs d'Erysgan [French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Apocalypse pour Takéra?Apocalypse pour Takera[French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'offensive des collecteurs [French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'attaque des clans [French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La colère de Sandal Tolk?La colere de Sandal Tolk[French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'empire secret [French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'invasion des vaisseaux-ruches [French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le mystère des conquérants jaunes?Le mystere des conquerants jaunes[French] (2006) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les amazones perdues [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'expédition du Gevari?L'expedition du Gevari[French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'expérience des Cynos?L'experience des Cynos[French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les usines des idoles [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les obélisques de Puntoron-Shin?Les obelisques de Puntoron-Shin[French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Involution fictive [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'énigme des sept sages?L'enigme des sept sages[French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Transplantation solaire [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les ruses des Karduuhls [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
À la recherche du Tabora?A la recherche du Tabora[French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour de Nostradamus [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les voix du tourment [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Sus au supermutant [French] (2007) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Objectif synthoïdes?Objectif synthoides[French] (2008) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le concile des sept [French] (2008) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le maelström des étoiles?Le maelstrom des etoiles[French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les ennemis de Zeus [French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
À la recherche de la Terre?A la recherche de la Terre[French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Rencontre dans le chaos [French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Sus aux Vieux-Mutants [French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les rebelles d'Empire-Alpha [French] (2009) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les enfants du Sol [French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'agonie d'une galaxie [French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les dormeurs millénaires?Les dormeurs millenaires[French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'alliance des galactes [French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour des Koltoniens [French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les routes du néant?Les routes du neant[French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le plan de l'accomplissement [French] (2010) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La bataille des diplomates [French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Adieu à la Voie Lactée?Adieu a la Voie Lactee[French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'ordre cosmique [French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les négociateurs de Pröhndome?Les negociateurs de Prohndome[French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le cercle de contact [French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Piège pour le Module?Piege pour le Module[French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le marteau du passé [French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Apparition des concepts [French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'Ernst Ellert [French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les maîtres de la gravitation?Les maitres de la gravitation[French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Catastrophe gravitationnelle [French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La rage des Halutiens [French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La vision de plénitude?La vision de plenitude[French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La quatrième incarnation?La quatrieme incarnation[French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les mutants de Gaïa?Les mutants de Gaia[French] (2012) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Projet Basis [French] (2013) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La déesse endormie [French] (2013) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le départ du Basis?Le depart du Basis[French] (2013) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La septième clef?La septieme clef[French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les dieux de Matazema [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le gouffre de matière?Le gouffre de matiere[French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Intrigues sur Martappon [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le faux Igsorian [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Séismes galactiques?Seismes galactiques[French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'Immortel ne mourra pas [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'élu des Cosmocrates?L'elu des Cosmocrates[French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le destin des orbitaux [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les hordes de Garbesh [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La croisade d'Amtranik [French] (2015) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le nouveau chevalier [French] (2016) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Recrues pour Krandhor [French] (2016) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les agents programmés?Les agents programmes[French] (2016) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'Atlan [French] (2016) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Tempête psionique?Tempete psionique[French] (2016) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Perry Rhodan shortfiction
Test Flight to Eden [English] (1975) [SF]
S. J. Byrne
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Flug nach Eden [German] (1979) [as by Clark Darlton]
- Translation: De tocht naar eden [Dutch] (1981) [as by Clark Darlton]
- Serializations:
- Test Flight to Eden (Part 1 of 2) (1975) [as by Stuart J. Byrne and Clark Darlton]
- Test Flight to Eden (Part 2 of 2) (1975) [as by Stuart J. Byrne and Clark Darlton]
- Das Erbe (1975) [SF] [also as by uncredited]
- Verlorene Paradiese (1981) [SF]
- Beziehungen sind alles (1982) [SF]
- Die Treppe ins Nichts (1983) [SF]
- Der Flug nach Gateway (1984) [SF]
- Der Mann, der zweimal leben wollte (1990) [SF]
Ende gut – gar nichts gut?Ende gut - gar nichts gut(1990) [SF]
Test Flight to Eden [English] (1975) [SF]
S. J. Byrne
only appeared as:
Planet der Mock (1964)
also appeared as:
- Perry Rhodan Universe (alternate versions)
- SOS aus dem Weltall (1967)
- Raumschiff Neptun
- 1 Der verzauberte Planet (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2 Begegnung im Weltraum (1978) [SF] [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 3
Der Tempel der Götter?Der Tempel der Goetter(1978) only appeared as:
Variant: Der Tempel der Götter?Der Tempel der Goetter(1978) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Variant: Tempel der Götter?Tempel der Goetter(2023) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Rätsel-Trilogie?Raetsel-Trilogie
- 1
Das Rätsel der Urwaldhöhlen?Das Raetsel der Urwaldhoehlen(1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2
Das Rätsel der Marsgötter?Das Raetsel der Marsgoetter(1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 3
Das Rätsel der Milchstraße?Das Raetsel der Milchstrasse(1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 1
- Starlight (Darlton)
- 1 Planet YB 23 (1959)
- 2 Vater der Menschheit (1959)
- 3
Der Sprung ins Ungewisse (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sprung ins Ungewisse (1959)
- 4
Geheime Order für Andromeda?Geheime Order fuer Andromeda(1959)
- UFO am Nachthimmel (1955)
- Der Mann, der die Zukunft stahl (1955)
Überfall aus dem Nichts?Ueberfall aus dem Nichts(1956) also appeared as:
- Translation: Overval uit de oneindigheid [Dutch] (1962)
- Der Ring um die Sonne (1956) with Raymond Z. Gallun [also as by Raymond Z. Gallun]
- Die Zeit ist gegen uns (1956)
- Und Satan wird kommen (1956)
- Das ewige Gesetz (1957)
- Befehl aus der Unendlichkeit (1957)
Raum ohne Zeit (1957)
also appeared as:
Variant: Zurück aus der Ewigkeit?Zurueck aus der Ewigkeit(1972)
Die Schwelle zur Ewigkeit (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An der Schwelle zur Ewigkeit (1981)
- Planet Lerks III (1957)
- Der Tod kam von den Sternen (1958)
Strahlende Städte?Strahlende Staedte(1958) also appeared as:
Variant: Die strahlenden Städte?Die strahlenden Staedte(1959)
- Das unsterbliche Universum (1959) with Jesco von Puttkamer
- Experiment gelungen (1959)
- Raumschiff der toten Seelen (1959)
- Wanderer zwischen drei Ewigkeiten (1959)
Das Leben endet nie (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Der Sprung ins Jenseits (1968)
- Translation: Terug in de Toekomst [Dutch] (1978) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der fremde Zwang (1960)
Die Zeitlosen (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Der Atomhandel (1961)
- Die letzte Zeitmaschine (1961)
Welt ohne Schleier (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Der Gedankenleser (1967)
Das Erbe von Hiroshima (1963)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'erede di Hiroshima (complete novel) [Italian] (1964) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Das Marsabenteuer (1964) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Die dritte Chance (1964)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: De Derde Kans (deel 1 van 3) [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: De Derde Kans (deel 2 van 3) [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: De Derde Kans (deel 3 van 3) [Dutch] (1978)
Der Sprung ins Nichts (1965)
Heinz Bingenheimer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Sprung ins Nichts (1965) [as by H. Bings and C. Darlton]
- Variant: Der Sprung ins Nichts (1965) [as by H. Bings and Clark Darlton]
Hades — Die Welt der Verbannten?Hades - Die Welt der Verbannten(1967) also appeared as:
Variant: Hades — Welt der Verdammten?Hades - Welt der Verdammten(1982)
- Todesschach (1971)
- Der geheimnisvolle Asteroid (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Zwischen Tod und Ewigkeit (1974)
- Das Geheimnis im Atlantik (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Der Tag an dem die Götter starben?Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben(1979) withErich von Däniken?Erich von Daenikenonly appeared as:
Translation: Le jour où moururent les dieux?Le jour ou moururent les dieux[French] (1975) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Translation: The Day the Gods Died [English] (1976) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Translation: De dag waarop de Goden stierven [Dutch] (1977) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Variant: Der Tag, an dem die Götter starben?Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben(1979) [as by Clark Darlton]
Variant: Der Tag, an dem die Götter starben?Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben(1979) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Die neun Unbekannten (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Die unterirdische Macht (1983) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Hades - Welt der Verbannten (1986)
Les léviathans de Léthara?Les leviathans de Lethara[French] (2002) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Patrouille spéciale Terre?Patrouille speciale Terre[French] (2011) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Am Ende der Furcht (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Am Ende der Furcht (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Blick in die Zukunft (1981) [as by uncredited]
- Siedler vom anderen Stern (1981)
- Der Todeskandidat (1982)
- Roboter irren nie (1983)
Kein Morgen für die Erde?Kein Morgen fuer die Erde(1986)
- An der Schwelle zur Ewigkeit (1981) [O]
- Der Clark Darlton Reader (1983) [O]
Männer für Lacertae und drei weitere Weltraumabenteuer?Maenner für Lacertae und drei weitere Weltraumabenteuer(1985) [O]
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (10) (1985) [O] with Arndt Ellmer and Peter Griese and Ernst Vlcek
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (11) (1985) [O] with H. G. Francis
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (12) (1985) [O] with H. G. Ewers and Kurt Mahr
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (3) (1985) [O] with Hans Kneifel
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (4) (1985) [O] with Harvey Patton
- Vier spannende Weltraumabenteuer (8) (1985) [O] with H. G. Francis and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 1 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 10 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 11 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 2 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 3 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 4 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 5 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 6 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 7 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 8 (1986) [O]
- Clark Darlton : Werkausgabe 9 (1986) [O]
- Blick in die Zukunft
- Blick in die Zukunft - 1958 (1958) with Wolf Detlef Rohr [only as by Walter Ernsting and Wolf Detlef Rohr]
- Blick in die Zukunft - 1959 (1959) with Wolf Detlef Rohr [only as by Walter Ernsting and Wolf Detlef Rohr]
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark)
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark) - 1973 [Danish] (1973) with K. H. Scheer
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark) - 1974 [Danish] (1974) with K. H. Scheer
- Perry Rhodan Heftserie
- 1 Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1961 (1961)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1962 (1962)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1963 (1963)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1976 (1976)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1961 (1961)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
- 2 Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1966 (1966)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1967 (1967)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1968 (1968)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1966 (1966)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
- 3 Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.)
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1967 (1967)
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1968 (1968)
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1967 (1967)
H. G. Ewers
K. H. Scheer
- 4 Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
- 5 Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
K. H. Scheer
- 6 Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983)
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-Reymannand K. H. Scheer andGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-Reymannand K. H. Scheer andGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
K. H. Scheer
- 1 Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.)
- Utopia-Sonderband / Science Fiction-Magazin
- 1 Utopia-Sonderband
- Utopia-Sonderband - 1955 (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Utopia-Sonderband - 1956 (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2 Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin
- Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin - 1956 (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin - 1957 (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 1 Utopia-Sonderband
- Best from Galaxy (German)
- 1 Galaxy 1 (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2 Galaxy 2 (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 3 Galaxy 3 (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 4 Galaxy 4 (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 5 Galaxy 5 (1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 6 Galaxy 6 (1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 7 Galaxy 7 (1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 8 Galaxy 8 (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 9 Galaxy 9 (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 10
Galaxy 10 (1968)
Thomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck[only as by Walter Ernsting andThomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck]
- 11
Galaxy 11 (1968)
Thomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck[only as by Walter Ernsting andThomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck]
- 12
Galaxy 12 (1969)
Thomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck[only as by Walter Ernsting andThomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck]
- 13
Galaxy 13 (1969)
Thomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck[only as by Walter Ernsting andThomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck]
- 14
Galaxy 14 (1970)
Thomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck[only as by Walter Ernsting andThomas Schlück?Thomas Schlueck]
- Perry Rhodan in English
- 2 Perry Rhodan (UK)
- 1 Enterprise Stardust [English] (1974) with K. H. Scheer [also as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- 2 The Radiant Dome [English] (1974) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- 2 Perry Rhodan (UK)
- The Best Stories from The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (German)
- 10 Wanderer durch Zeit und Raum (1964) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 11 Roboter auf dem Kriegspfad (1964) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 12 Die letzte Stadt der Erde (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 13 Expedition nach Chronos (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 14 Im Dschungel der Urzeit (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 9 Science Fiction-Stories (1965) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Wir — die Unsterblichen?Wir - die Unsterblichen(1974) also appeared as:
- Variant: Die Zukunft wird anders (1981) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Le legs des lémuriens [French] (2003) with Hans Kneifel [only as by Clark Darlton (French) and K.-H. Scheer (French)]
- Satellit Uranus III (1956)
- Finale (1957)
Utopia stirbt... (1959)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Utopia stirbt... (1959) [as by Fred McPatterson]
- Variant: Utopia stirbt (1965)
- Planet der 1000 Wunder (1959) [also as by Fred McPatterson]
- Havarie der Gnom (1961)
- Stadt der Automaten (1961)
- Als die Sonne erlosch (1961) with Jack Williamson [also as by Clark Darlton]
- Die strahlende Macht (1961)
Rückkehr verboten?Rueckkehr verboten(1961)
- Der Gedankenleser (1961)
- Das Raum-Zeit-Experiment (1961)
Rastor 3 — senden Sie!?Rastor 3 - senden Sie!(1961)
- Der Eisenfresser (1962)
- Das Geheimnis der Handelsflotte (1962)
- Kosmischer Schwindel (1962)
- De aarde valt aan! [Dutch] (1967)
- De derde macht [Dutch] (1967)
- Die Gravitationssonne (1968)
- Expedition ins Nichts (1969)
Das Planetenabenteuer (1972)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Planetenabenteuer (1972) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Variant: Mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu Alpha II (1974) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Das Weltraum-Abenteuer (1972) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die Sonnenbombe (1972)
- Quest Through Space and Time [English] (1975)
- The Galactic Riddle [English] (1975)
- The Secret of the Time Vault [English] (1975)
- Escape to Venus [English] (1976)
- The Rebels of Tuglan [English] (1976)
- Mutants vs Mutants [English] (1976)
- The Thrall of Hypno [English] (1976)
- A World Gone Mad [English] (1977)
- Infinity Flight [English] (1977)
- Snowman in Flames [English] (1977)
- The Plague of Oblivion [English] (1977)
- Challenge of the Unknown [English] (1978)
- The Giant's Partner [English] (1978)
- Begegnung im Weltraum (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Epidemic Center: Aralon [English] (1978)
- Apokalypse im All (2012)
- Berg der Magier (2012)
- Das Schwarze System (2012)
- Das Tefroder-Problem (2012)
- Der Mann des Feuers (2012)
- Der schwarze Kontrolleur (2012)
- Der Sumpfplanet (2012)
- Die Beutewelt (2012)
Die Gruft des Magnortöters?Die Gruft des Magnortoeters(2012)
Die Königin von Xuura?Die Koenigin von Xuura(2012)
- Die lebenden Toten (2012)
- Die Wassermenschen von Ketokh (2012)
- Drei von der Geisterflotte (2012)
- Flucht aus dem Tarkihl (2012)
- Flucht in den Kerker (2012)
- Geheimprojekt der Varganen (2012)
- Henker der Varganen (2012)
Im Reich des Folterkönigs?Im Reich des Folterkoenigs(2012)
- In der Hand des Henkers (2012)
- Insel der Kannibalen (2012)
- Jagd im Hyperraum (2012)
- Kreuzzug nach Yarden (2012)
- Krieg der Gespenster (2012)
- Meister der Echsen (2012)
- Nomazar, der Sklave (2012)
Ottac — der Sternentramp?Ottac - der Sternentramp(2012)
Planet der Gräber?Planet der Graeber(2012)
- Raumschiff der Meuterer (2012)
- Revolte der Parias (2012)
- Schnittpunkt der Dimensionen (2012)
Tal der tausend Blüten?Tal der tausend Blueten(2012)
- Zitadelle im Eis (2012)
- Abenteuer
- 1 Das Weltraum-Abenteuer (1972) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2
Das Planetenabenteuer (1972)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Planetenabenteuer (1972) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Variant: Mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu Alpha II (1974) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Dragon — Söhne von Atlantis?Dragon - Soehne von Atlantis
Dragon — Soehne von Atlantis- 18 Die Wassermenschen von Taa (1973)
- 28
Der Götterwagen?Der Goetterwagen(1974)
- 29 Durch das Eisland (1974)
- 54 Schrecken des Meeres (1975)
- Uranus III
- 1 Satellit Uranus III (1956)
- 2 Auf Titania gestrandet (1986)
Kein Morgen für die Erde?Kein Morgen fuer die Erde(1955)
Mord ohne Mörder?Mord ohne Moerder(1955)
- Der Pionier (1956)
Erinnerung (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Souvenir [French] (1978)
- Die Rakete (1957) with Ernst H. Richter
- Das Ende der Furcht (1957)
- Finale (1957)
- Havarie der Gnom (1961)
- Als die Sonne erlosch (1961) with Jack Williamson [also as by Clark Darlton]
- Die strahlende Macht (1961)
Rückkehr verboten?Rueckkehr verboten(1961)
- Der Gedankenleser (1961)
Begnadigt (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Begnadigt (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Begnadigt (1983) [as by Clark Darlton]
Das Haus (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Haus (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Das Haus (1981) [as by uncredited]
Das Urteil (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Urteil (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Das Urteil (1983) [as by Clark Darlton]
Der Krieg der Affen (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Krieg der Affen (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Translation: Rat majmuna [Croatian] (1981) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Der Krieg der Affen (1982) [as by Clark Darlton]
- Translation: Rat majmuna [Serbian] (1989) [as by Robert Artner and Klark Darlton]
Der Todeskandidat (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Todeskandidat (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Der Todeskandidat (1982) [as by Clark Darlton]
Exitus (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Exitus (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Exitus (1982) [as by Clark Darlton]
Nur ein Foto (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Nur ein Foto (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Nur ein Foto (1981) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Nur ein Foto (1983) [as by Clark Darlton]
Roboter irren nie (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Roboter irren nie (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Roboter irren nie (1981) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Roboter irren nie (1983) [as by Clark Darlton]
Sanogal beruhigt die Nerven (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sanogal beruhigt die Nerven (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Sanogal beruhigt die Nerven (1982) [as by Clark Darlton]
Weltuntergang (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Weltuntergang (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Weltuntergang (1980) [as by Clark Darlton]
Wichtiges über Katzen?Wichtiges ueber Katzen(1966) with Ulf Miehe only appeared as:
Variant: Wichtiges über Katzen?Wichtiges ueber Katzen(1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
Variant: Alles über Katzen?Alles ueber Katzen(1982) [as by Clark Darlton]
Am Ende der Furcht (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Am Ende der Furcht (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Am Ende der Furcht (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Walter Ernsting]
- Variant: Am Ende der Furcht (1981) [as by uncredited]
Die Sonnenbombe (1966)
Ulf Miehe
only appeared as:
- Variant: Die Sonnenbombe (1966) [as by Robert Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Translation: La bombe solaire [French] (1980) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Translation: A napbomba [Hungarian] (1983) [as by R. Artner and Clark Darlton]
- Variant: Die Sonnenbombe (1983) [as by Clark Darlton]
Sei tot und hilf ! (1968)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Mourir pour être utile [French] (1968)
- Expedition ins Nichts (1969)
- Die Sonnenbombe (1972)
Der lange Weg der Rache (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: A bosszú?A bosszu[Hungarian] (1983)
A bosszuu
Die Elefantenplage (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Die Elephantenplage (1981)
- Geschichtsstunde (1974)
- Transplantation (1974)
Vom Wesen der Zeit (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'essenza del tempo [Italian] (1976) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Weihnachtsbaum 2000 (1975) [also as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der Tunnel (1976)
[Irgendwo im Orient oder in Indien saßen sie auf der Terrasse ihres Hotels zusammen ...]?[Irgendwo im Orient oder in Indien sassen sie auf der Terrasse ihres Hotels zusammen ...](1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Der kürzeste Name Gottes?Der kuerzeste Name Gottes(1978)
- Der Fehler (1979)
- Die seltsame Wandlung des Majors Penbrook (1979)
- Die vorletzte Antwort (1979)
- 1999 (1986)
- Der Besucher (1986)
- Opas Festspiele (1986)
- Strafvollzug (1986)
- Voodoo-Zauber (1986)
- Deuxième partie (Iago l'innocente) [French] (1998) with K.-H. Scheer
- I'm forever blowing Bubbles (2005)
Stimmen zum Perry-Rhodan-Jubiläum?Stimmen zum Perry-Rhodan-Jubilaeum(1980) also appeared as:
Variant: Stimmen zum Jubiläum?Stimmen zum Jubilaeum(1980)
- Author and artist portraits for 'Perry Rhodan'
Autorenporträt: Clark Darlton?Autorenportraet: Clark Darlton(1985)
- Haben Sie Angst vor 1984?
- Haben Sie Angst vor 1984? (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Introductions to Perry Rhodan Report
- Liebe Leser! (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 1) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Liebe Leser! (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 2) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Liebe Leser! (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 3) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Introductions, afterwords and notes for fiction from the Perry Rhodan universes
- Lieber Leser! (Perry Rhodan #1) (1961) with K. H. Scheer
- Meteoriten
- Meteoriten (UFO am Nachthimmel) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Bodenstation Venus) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Todesfalle Jupiter) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Der dritte Planet) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Meteoriten (Die große Mammuthöhle)?Meteoriten (Die grosse Mammuthoehle)(1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Der Mann, der die Zukunft stahl) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Der Weg zu den Sternen) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Am Anfang war nur Chaos) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Freiheit ohne Schranken) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Terra) (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Ad Astra) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Der Ring um die Sonne) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Meteoriten (Krater der Hölle)?Meteoriten (Krater der Hoelle)(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Die Zeit ist gegen uns) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Insel zwischen den Sternen) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Revolte der Menschheit) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Meteoriten (Das gläserne Sterben)?Meteoriten (Das glaeserne Sterben)(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Weltraum-Ranger greifen ein) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Sterne der Macht) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Zweimal ging die Welt unter) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Und Satan wird kommen) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Das Geheimnis der Saturnringe) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Meteoriten (Das Vermächtnis der Marsgötter)?Meteoriten (Das Vermaechtnis der Marsgoetter)(1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Das ewige Gesetz) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Die Schatten) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Zwischen Erde und Mond) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Raum ohne Zeit) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Ralph 124 C 41 plus) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Meteoriten (Der vergessene Planet) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Obituaries for Perry Rhodan series
- Willi Voltz: 28.1.1938 - 24.3.1984 (1984) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Clubnachrichten
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 1) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 2) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 3) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 4) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 5) (1976) [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 6) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 7) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 8) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 9) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 10) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 11) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 12) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 13) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 14) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 15) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 16) (1977) [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 17) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 18) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 19) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 20) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 21) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 22) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan Club-Nachrichten (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 23) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan-Autor Clark Darlton berichtet aus Irland
- 1 Warum ausgerechnet Irland? (1983)
- 2 Perry Rhodan-Autor Clark Darlton berichtet aus Irland (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 104) (1983)
- Reports on the science fiction film festivals of Trieste
[Wie alljährlich fand auch in diesem Jahr...]?[Wie alljaehrlich fand auch in diesem Jahr...](1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Filmfestspiele (1. Folge) (1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Filmfestspiele (2. Folge) (1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SF-Filmfestspiele (3. Folge und Schluß)?SF-Filmfestspiele (3. Folge und Schluss)(1966) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 5. internationale Science Fiction Festspiele in Triest (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Filmfestspiele (1. Teil) (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SF-Filmfestspiele (2. Teil und Schluß)?SF-Filmfestspiele (2. Teil und Schluss)(1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 1969 Trieste Film Festival [English] (1969) with Gian Paolo Cossato [only as by G. P. Cossato and Walter Ernsting]
- VIII. Science-Fiction-Film-Festival in Triest (1970) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Bei der Ankunft teilte uns Frau Flavia Paulon...] (1973)
- [Der vierte Tag kam mit dem belgischen Film...] (1973) [only as by W. Ernsting]
- [Nach Schlock kommen wir zum sechsten Tag ...] (1973) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die XII. Internationalen SF-Filmfestspiele (1974)
- XII. Internationale SF-Filmfestival in Triest [2] (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- XII. Internationale SF-Filmfestival in Triest [3] (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Filmfestspiele in Triest (Perry Rhodan #747) (1975)
[Es scheint in der Tat so zu sein, daß die 13...]?[Es scheint in der Tat so zu sein, dass die 13...](1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Am Montag hatte ich mich mit meinem alten Freund Harry Harrison...] (1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Die Filme des Dienstags kann man bis auf einen...] (1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Wegen des schlechten Eindrucks des italienischen Filmes am Donnerstag ...] (1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
[Am Samstag lief GOLDEN PHELIA, eine äußerst...]?[Am Samstag lief GOLDEN PHELIA, eine aeusserst...](1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Alle Jahre wieder so kann man nun schon sagen...] (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Der zweite Streifen am Sonntag ...] (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
[Der Mittwoch brachte einen fünfminütigen...]?[Der Mittwoch brachte einen fuenfminuetigen...](1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Am Freitag folgte der zweite Film der Tschechen...] (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
[Daß ich Mitglied der internationalen Jury 1978 in Triest war...]?[Dass ich Mitglied der internationalen Jury 1978 in Triest war...](1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Eigentlich wollte ich in diesem Jahr ausnahmsweise nicht nach Triest...] (1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Filmfestival in Triest (Zwischen gestern und morgen) (1981) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #17) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #18) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #19/20) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #25/26) (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Stardust Editorial
- Project: Forrest Save [English] (1974)
- Pucky Power [English] (1974)
- Statements on jubilee issues of the Perry Rhodan franchise
Gruß und Dank allen Perry-Rhodan-Freunden?Gruss und Dank allen Perry-Rhodan-Freunden(1971) also appeared as:
- Variant: Clark Darlton (1971) (1987)
- [Politik: "Ich bin der Auffassung, ..."] (1971)
Atlan-Autoren über Atlan?Atlan-Autoren ueber Atlan(1973)
- Clark Darlton (1987) (1987)
- Wenn Autoren das Wort haben (1992)
- Terra-Kurier
- 1 Terra-Kurier (Planet des Unheils) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2 Terra-Kurier (Sie kamen von der Erde) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 3 Terra-Kurier (Attentat auf Sol) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 4 Terra-Kurier (Die Pyramiden von Metos) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 5
Terra-Kurier (Planet der fünf Sonnen)?Terra-Kurier (Planet der fuenf Sonnen)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 6 Terra-Kurier (220 Tage im Weltraumschiff) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 7
Terra-Kurier (Hölle im Zwielicht)?Terra-Kurier (Hoelle im Zwielicht)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 8 Terra-Kurier (Der blaue Planet) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 9
Terra-Kurier (Zurück aus der Ewigkeit)?Terra-Kurier (Zurueck aus der Ewigkeit)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 10 Terra-Kurier (Der Solomon-Plan) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 11 Terra-Kurier (Das endlose Schweigen) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 12
Terra-Kurier (Verschwörung gegen Terra)?Terra-Kurier (Verschwoerung gegen Terra)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 13 Terra-Kurier (Die Eroberung der Erde) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 14 Terra-Kurier (Jenseits von Raum und Zeit) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 15
Terra-Kurier (Die Außerirdischen)?Terra-Kurier (Die Ausserirdischen)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 16
Terra-Kurier (Tödliche Schwarzwolken)?Terra-Kurier (Toedliche Schwarzwolken)(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 17 Terra-Kurier (Die Unsichtbaren) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Transcript of a Speech on the NASA Space Program
- 1
[Ich wollte Ihnen heute etwas über unser Apollo-Mondlandeprogramm...]?[Ich wollte Ihnen heute etwas ueber unser Apollo-Mondlandeprogramm...](1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 2 [Mit dem Freiflug des eigentlichen Mondlandefahrzeugs...] (1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 3
[Ein Astronaut muß nicht nur ein halbes Jahr akademischer Ausbildung...]?[Ein Astronaut muss nicht nur ein halbes Jahr akademischer Ausbildung...](1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 4
[Wernher von Braun kehrte auf das Podium zurück...]?[Wernher von Braun kehrte auf das Podium zurueck...](1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 5
[Nun möchte ich Ihnen noch zeigen...]?[Nun moechte ich Ihnen noch zeigen...](1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 1
- Unser Leitartikel (Blick in die Zukunft)
- Eine sehr schwere Geburt (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Es lebe der Tod! (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der deutsche Meier hat es geschafft! (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die Weltregierung (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Relative Demokratie (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- "In Anbetracht der Auslegungen..." (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Unser Leitartikel (Blick in die Zukunft, #23/24) (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die neue alte Phase (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Unser Leitartikel (Utopia-Magazin)
- Unser Leitartikel (Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin #7) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Unsere Mitarbeiter für Terra?Unsere Mitarbeiter fuer Terra
- [Wer in der Welt Science Fiction liest, kennt auch Forrest J. Ackerman] (1958) [only as by uncredited]
[...Günter Schelwokat prüft jeden Roman...]?[...Guenter Schelwokat prueft jeden Roman...](1958) [only as by uncredited]
- [Die drei Herren auf unserem Bild...] (1958) [only as by uncredited]
Unsere Mitarbeiter für Terra (Terra Sonderband #6)?Unsere Mitarbeiter fuer Terra (Terra Sonderband #6)(1958) [only as by uncredited]
- [A. E. van Vogt ist der meistumstrittenste SF-Autor der Welt...] (1958) [only as by uncredited]
- Wernher von Braun's Visit to Bavaria in February 1968
- 1
[Oberaudorf ist ein kleiner Ort in der Nähe...]?[Oberaudorf ist ein kleiner Ort in der Naehe...](1968) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 2 [Nachdem der Beifall abgeklungen war...] (1968) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 3 [Fragen aus dem Publikum] (1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 4 [Damit war die offizielle Fragestunde beendet...] (1968) with Wernher von Braun [only as by Wernher von Braun and Walter Ernsting]
- 1
- Wir stellen vor
Clark Darlton (1961)
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Clark Darlton (1961)
Science Fiction — eine Literatur für sich?Science Fiction - eine Literatur fuer sich(1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Utopia-Großband in den Vereinigten Staaten?Utopia-Grossband in den Vereinigten Staaten(1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Zwillingsplaneten der Erde! (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Das Ziel — Vorwort?Das Ziel - Vorwort(1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Raymond Z. Gallun: Der Globetrotter (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- UFO am Nachthimmel: Was verschweigt man uns? (1955) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Zur Einleitung (Insel zwischen den Sternen) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Astronomisches Preis-Silbenrätsel (Revolte der Menschheit)?Astronomisches Preis-Silbenraetsel (Revolte der Menschheit)(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Die utopische Kurzgeschichte — auch in Deutschland ein Erfolg??Die utopische Kurzgeschichte - auch in Deutschland ein Erfolg?(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Hugo Gernsback, der Vater der Science Fiction (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das gläserne Sterben)?Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das glaeserne Sterben)(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SFCD: Bollwerk gegen das Unverständnis?SFCD: Bollwerk gegen das Unverstaendnis(1956) only appeared as:
Variant: SFCD: Bollwerk gegen das Unverständnis?SFCD: Bollwerk gegen das Unverstaendnis(1956) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Variant: Warum SFCD? (1956) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Mitteilungen des SFCD (Sterne der Macht) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Mitteilungen des SFCD (Zweimal ging die Welt unter) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Hier spricht der SFCD — Der erste Deutsche SF-Konvent?Hier spricht der SFCD - Der erste Deutsche SF-Konvent(1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Über die Relativität von Raum und Zeit?Ueber die Relativitaet von Raum und Zeit(1956) with Ernst H. Richter [only as by Walter Ernsting and Ernst H. Richter]
- Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das Geheimnis der Saturnringe) (1956) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das Vermächtnis der Marsgötter)?Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das Vermaechtnis der Marsgoetter)(1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Mitteilungen des SFCD (Das ewige Gesetz) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SFCD und Öffentlichkeit?SFCD und Oeffentlichkeit(1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Vorwort (Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin #5) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Mitteilungen des SFCD (Zwischen Erde und Mond) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der Flug in den Weltraum fand schon statt (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Der künstliche Erdsatellit?Der kuenstliche Erdsatellit(1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Vorwort zur deutschen Erstausgabe 1957 (Ralph 124 C 41 plus) (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Das flimmernde Universum (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- UFO's (1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SPUTNIK — Wahrzeichen eines neuen Zeitalters?SPUTNIK - Wahrzeichen eines neuen Zeitalters(1957) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der SF-Literaturspiegel (Blick in die Zukunft #17) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Fanzines im Science Fiction Club Europa (1958) with Wolf Detlef Rohr [only as by W. Ernsting and W. D. Rohr]
- Der SF-Literaturspiegel (Blick in die Zukunft #18) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- "Vater" der Science Fiction : Hugo Gernsback (1958) [only as by uncredited]
- Aber der SFCE sprach mit Wernher von Braun (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Geschäft mit der Angst?Geschaeft mit der Angst(1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Blick ins All: Zwillingsplaneten der Erde / Eine Aufforderung zur Diskussion (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der SF-Literaturspiegel (Blick in die Zukunft #21) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #21) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Der SF-Literaturspiegel (Blick in die Zukunft #22) (1958) with Wolf Detlef Rohr [only as by Walter Ernsting and Wolf Detlef Rohr]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #22) (1958) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Bald ist er soweit : Gespräch mit Wernher von Braun?Bald ist er soweit : Gespraech mit Wernher von Braun(1958) only appeared as:
Variant: Bald ist er soweit : Gespräch mit Wernher von Braun?Bald ist er soweit : Gespraech mit Wernher von Braun(1958) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Variant: Bald ist es soweit! Ein Gespäch mit Wernher von Braun?Bald ist es soweit! Ein Gespaech mit Wernher von Braun(1959) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF-Fantum (Blick in die Zukunft #23/24) (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SF-Länder und Städtegruppen (Blick in die Zukunft #23/24)?SF-Laender und Staedtegruppen (Blick in die Zukunft #23/24)(1959) with Wolf Detlef Rohr [only as by Walter Ernsting and Wolf Detlef Rohr]
- Verlage meinen... Autoren meinen (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Der vorliegende Roman WELTRAUMPEST...] (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Mit dem Faltboot zu den Sporaden (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Besuch auf der "Toteninsel" (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Ein unentdecktes Inselparadies (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Wollen Sie eine Insel kaufen? (1959) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die Dachorganisation der Science-Fiction-Clubs Eurotopia (1961) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Prefazione (L'impero dell'atomo) [Italian] (1963) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Vorspann (Der Sprung ins Nichts) (1964) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Walter Ernsting visto da Walter Ernsting [Italian] (1964) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Vorwort (9 Science Fiction Stories) (1965) with Helmuth W. Mommers [only as by Walter Ernsting and Helmuth W. Mommers]
Über die HURRICANE-Serie?Ueber die HURRICANE-Serie(1965)
- 10. Geburtstag von Transgalaxis (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Con Report: BRIS Con 1967 (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Der Versuch, mehrere Autoren zu einem Team zusammenzufügen...] (1967)
- Con Report: Mar Con 1967 (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Clark Darlton schreibt über Gucky?Clark Darlton schreibt ueber Gucky(1967)
- Perry-Rhodan-Con Frankfurt, 12. August (1967)
[Vom 4. bis 7. August fand in Berlin der diesjährige Jahrescon des SFCD...]?[Vom 4. bis 7. August fand in Berlin der diesjaehrige Jahrescon des SFCD...](1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Science Fiction Around the World: Germany [English] (1967) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Warum schreibe ich Perry-Rhodan-Romane? (1967)
Auszug aus 'Was man so hört und liest' in Andromeda 65?Auszug aus 'Was man so hoert und liest' in Andromeda 65(1968) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
[Bericht über die SF-Situation in Europa]?[Bericht ueber die SF-Situation in Europa](1968)
- Perry Rhodan [English] (1969) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [James Lovell und seine Frau Marylin ...] (1971)
[... noch einige Spotlights vom Festival und seinen Gästen]?[... noch einige Spotlights vom Festival und seinen Gaesten](1971) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
[Kombiniert mit dem 1. Europäischen SF-Con]?[Kombiniert mit dem 1. Europaeischen SF-Con](1972) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Die seit fast zwei Jahren bestehende SF-Gruppe in Salzburg...] (1973)
Die Hugo-Preisträger 1969 bis 1972?Die Hugo-Preistraeger 1969 bis 1972(1974) only appeared as:
Variant: Die Hugo-Preisträger 1969 bis 1972?Die Hugo-Preistraeger 1969 bis 1972(1974) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Der deutsche "Hugo"-Preis (1975) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Walter Ernsting (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Hugo Gernsback und sein SF-Preis in Deutschland (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Am 1. April 1911 erschien im vierten Jahrgang...] (1974)
- Amerika ist anders als man denkt (1) (1974)
- Amerika ist anders als man denkt (2) (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Amerika ist anders als man denkt (3) (1974)
- Amerika ist anders als man denkt (4) (1974)
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #681) (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [In Atlan Nr. 136/17 wurde ein Artikel der "Ruhr-Nachrichten" abgedruckt, ...] (1974)
- Perry Rhodan in den USA (1974) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die amerikanischen Leser (1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- HUGO 1974 (1975)
- Letter (Atlan #200) (1975)
- Letter (Atlan #202) (1975)
- [Die Verleihung des Deutschen Hugos ...] (1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Preisrätsel?Preisraetsel(1975) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan und die interstellare Raumfahrt (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Warum schreibe ich Perry-Rhodan-Taschenbücher??Warum schreibe ich Perry-Rhodan-Taschenbuecher?(1976)
- Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Briefe an Report (Perry Rhodan-Report No. 5) (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- RhoCon I in Washington (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 850 Fans auf dem Perry-Rhodan-Con in Amsterdam (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Das Geheimnis der verschobenen Hügel?Das Geheimnis der verschobenen Huegel(1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Der Mensch und seine ältesten Träume?Der Mensch und seine aeltesten Traeume(1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Rainer Erler dreht SF-Film (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Author's Note (The Day the Gods Died) [English] (1976) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Waren Sie da? (1976)
- Der kosmische Beweis (1976)
- [In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag Born in Amsterdam ...] (1977)
- Liebe Perry-Rhodan-Fans (Perry Rhodan-Report Nr. 26) (1977) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Zu Arthur C. Clarke "Die neun Milliarden Namen Gottes" (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Tatunka Nara und das Dschungelgeheimnis (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Tatunka Nara und das Dschungelgeheimnis [2] (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
"Unsere kleinen Brüder"?"Unsere kleinen Brueder"(1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Große Tage in Zürich und Antwerpen?Grosse Tage in Zuerich und Antwerpen(1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 5. Perry-Rhodan-Tag in Amsterdam (1978) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Götter starben)?Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben)(1979) only appeared as:
- Translation: Afterword (The Day the Gods Died) [English] (1976) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Variant: Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Götter starben)?Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben)(1979) [as by Walter Ernsting]
Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Götter starben)?Nachtrag (Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben)(1979)
- Sind die UFOs Schwindel? (1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Stichwort: Phantasie und Wirklichkeit (1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter (Orbit 7) [Dutch] (1979)
- PERRY-RHODAN-Tag in Antwerpen (1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Ein Flug ins All — noch in diesem Leben??Ein Flug ins All - noch in diesem Leben?(1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
SF und die Realität?SF und die Realitaet(1979) [also as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Welt-SF-Con im britischen Seebad Brighton] (1979) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Ein PR-SF-Club im Grenzbereich (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Wie sehen die Spiele von morgen aus? (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Tonga — ein letztes Paradies??Tonga - ein letztes Paradies?(1980)
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #987) (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Reisen in die Vergangenheit (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- 7. Perry-Rhodan-Tag in Amsterdam (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Warum ausgerechnet Gucky ...? (1980) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) Perry Rhodan (1980)
K. H. Scheer
only appeared as:
- Variant: Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) (1980) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) Perry Rhodan (1980) [as by uncredited]
Letter (SF Perry Rhodan Magazin März 1981)?Letter (SF Perry Rhodan Magazin Maerz 1981)(1981) with Anette Wanisch and T. Wanisch
- Der Treppen-Horror (1981) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #208) (1981) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Fantasy und Science Fiction — und unsere Umwelt?Fantasy und Science Fiction - und unsere Umwelt(1981) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- [Nein, dachte ich bei mir...] (1982)
Erinnerungen an einen unvergeßlichen Freund?Erinnerungen an einen unvergesslichen Freund(1984)
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #1230) (1985) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Nachtrag zur Taschenbuchausgabe (Der Tag an dem die Götter starben)?Nachtrag zur Taschenbuchausgabe (Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben)(1985) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Nachtrag zur Taschenbuchausgabe (Der Tag an dem die Götter starben)?Nachtrag zur Taschenbuchausgabe (Der Tag, an dem die Goetter starben)(1985)
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #1252) (1985) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die Hochzeit des Jahres (im PR-Universum) (1985) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Wie alles begann (1986)
- Die verlorene Zeit (1987) [only as by Prof. Dr. Erasmus Hummeldick]
- Ulf Miehe 1940-1989 (1989) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Was den Kollegen zu ihm einfiel (1991)
Arndt Ellmer
H. G. Ewers
Robert Feldhoff
Peter Griese
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand Marianne Sydow and Ernst Vlcek [only as by Clark Darlton and Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Robert Feldhoff and Peter Griese and Horst Hoffmann and Hanns Kneifel andGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand Marianne Sydow and Ernst Vlcek]
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #1605) (1992)
- Meinem Freund Kurt Brand zum 75... (1993) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Was man so hört und liest: Aus "Pioneer" Februar 1966?Was man so hoert und liest: Aus "Pioneer" Februar 1966(1993) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Letter (Perry Rhodan #1700) (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (Perry Rhodan #1700) (1994) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Variant: Letter: Abschied (1994)
UFOs und grüne Männchen?UFOs und gruene Maennchen(1997)
Grüße (Perry Rhodan Report Nr. 278)?Gruesse (Perry Rhodan Report Nr. 278)(1997) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter (Perry Rhodan #1876) (1997) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Liebe Perry Rhodan-Freunde (Perry Rhodan #1876) (1997)
- Zu Ernst Ellert (1998) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter: Forum: Gewalt (1999)
- Letter: [Also kurz: ich bin begeistert!!] (1999) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Letter: [Laßt uns beten ...]?Letter: [Lasst uns beten ...](1999) [only as by Walter (I)]
- Letter: [Lieber Reinhard] (1999) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Liebe LeserInnen und Perry Rhodan-Fans (Perry Rhodan #2000) (1999)
- Letter (1955) (2000) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Verlagsvertrag zwischen Herrn Walter Ernsting und dem Arthur Moewig Verlag (2000) with uncredited [only as by Walter Ernsting and uncredited]
Die Serie "Perry Rhodan — Erbe des Universums" in zeitgerechter Weiterentwicklung?Die Serie "Perry Rhodan - Erbe des Universums" in zeitgerechter Weiterentwicklung(2000) with K. H. Scheer [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- Zum 60. Geburtstag von Ernst Vlcek, irgendwann im Jahr 2001 alter Zeitrechnung (2001) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter (Perry Rhodan Report Nr. 348) (2002)
Die Kollegen über Karl-Herbert Scheer?Die Kollegen ueber Karl-Herbert Scheer(2006) with Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Robert Feldhoff and Peter Griese and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr andGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek [only as by Clark Darlton and Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Robert Feldhoff and Peter Griese and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and G. M. Schelwokat and Marianne Sydow and Peter Terrid and Ernst Vlcek]
- Vorwort von Ge-Stern (2017)
Die echten und die falschen Raubfischer: Geschäft mit Menschenschicksalen?Die echten und die falschen Raubfischer: Geschaeft mit Menschenschicksalen(2019) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die einsamen Inseln (2019) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Letter: Liebe Ursula (2020) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Erster Kontakt (1980)
- Johnny Bruck (1987)
- Gucky-Skizze (1999) [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Utopia-Science-Fiction-Bücherei?Utopia-Science-Fiction-Buecherei
- Weltall und Urwelt (1957) by Hartmut Bastian [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die Eroberung des Weltalls (1955) by Chesley Bonestell and Willy Ley [only as by Walter Ernsting]
Vorstoß ins All?Vorstoss ins All(1956) by Arthur C. Clarke
Welt - wohin? (1957)
R. C. Churchill
only appeared as:
- Variant: Welt wohin? (1957) [as by Walter Ernsting]
- Die neun Milliarden Namen Gottes (1978) by Arthur C. Clarke [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Unser Autoreninterview
- Unser Autoreninterview (1956) with Donald A. Wollheim [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- SF Film Festival in Triest, 1971 [1] (1971) with Arthur C. Clarke and Donald A. Wollheim (co-interviewer Helmut Neuper) [only as by Walter Ernsting and Helmut Neuper]
- SF Film Festival in Triest, 1971 [2] (1971) with Arthur C. Clarke and Donald A. Wollheim (co-interviewer Helmut Neuper) [only as by Walter Ernsting and Helmut Neuper]
Ein Tempel, der zu denken gibt (1976)
Erich von Däniken?Erich von Daeniken[only as by Walter Ernsting]
So machen es die Holländer ...?So machen es die Hollaender ...(1980) with Jan Wiggermans [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Perry Rhodan zwischen Donau und Inn (1980) with various [only as by Walter Ernsting]
- Walter Ernsting (1966) by Dieter Braeg and Konrad Schaef
- Ganz privat mit Clark Darlton (1978) by Hans Gamber
- Orbit Interview: Walter Ernsting en William Voltz [Dutch] (1981) by Kees van Toorn (co-interviewed with William Voltz)
- Frage an Clark Darlton (1982) by William Voltz
- Interview mit Clark Darlton (1982) by Hans Joachim Alpers
- Wenn Fantasien Realität werden (2005) by Reinhard Habeck
- Walter Ernstings frühe Einflüsse (2020) by Klaus N. Frick
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
- Die einsamen Inseln (excerpt) (2019) [only as by Walter Ernsting]