- Series: Der Schweizerische Robinson / The Swiss Family Robinson Series Record # 28811
- Series Tags: Internet Archive (1)
- Der Schweizerische Robinson / The Swiss Family Robinson
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Der Schweizerische Robinson (1812)
Johann David Wyss
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Family Robinson Crusoe [English] (1814)
- Translation: The Swiss Family Robinson [English] (1814)
- Translation: The Swiss Family Robinson [English] (1963) [as by Johann Wyss]
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Seconde patrie (1900)
Jules Verne
also appeared as:
- Variant: Seconde patrie: I (1900)
- Variant: Seconde patrie: II (1900)
- Translation: The Castaways of the Flag: The Final Adventures of the Swiss Family Robinson [English] (1923)
- Translation: Their Island Home [English] (1923)
- Translation: The Castaways of the Flag [English] (1924)
- Translation: Das zweite Vaterland: Band 1 [German] (1984)
- Translation: Das zweite Vaterland: Band 2 [German] (1984)
- The Swiss Family Robinson (1969) by Nora Kramer and Johann David Wyss
Der Schweizerische Robinson (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
Johann David Wyss
only appeared as:
- Translation: Swiss Family Robinson (excerpt) [English] (1971) [as by Johann Rudolf Wyss (in error)]
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Der Schweizerische Robinson (1812)
Johann David Wyss
also appeared as: