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Fiction Series
- Alcatraz Smedry
- 1
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alcatraz und die dunkle Bibliothek [German] (2008)
- Translation: Alcatraz contre les infâmes bibliothécaires [French] (2010)
- Variant: Alcatraz Vs. the Evil Librarians (2016)
- 2
Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alcatraz und das Pergament des Todes [German] (2008)
- Translation: Alcatraz contre les ossements du scribe [French] (2010)
- Variant: The Scrivener's Bones (2016)
- 3
Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alcatraz contre les traîtes de Nalhalla [French] (2011)
- Variant: The Knights of Crystallia (2016)
- 4
Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alcatraz contre l'ordre du verre brisé [French] (2013)
- Variant: The Shattered Lens (2016)
- 5 The Dark Talent (2016)
- 6 Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians (2022) with Janci Patterson
Alcatraz (2012) [O/1-4]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alcatraz smedry: L'intégrale ! [French] (2015) [O]
- Alcatraz Vs. the Evil Librarians / The Scrivener's Bones / The Knights of Crystallia / The Shattered Lens / The Dark Talent / Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians (2023) [O/1-6]
- 1
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (2007)
also appeared as:
- Cosmere
- Three Fantasies (2014) [O]
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection (2016) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A kozmerum titkai [Hungarian] (2019)
- Canticle
The Sunlit Man (2023)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Herz der Sonne [German] (2024)
The Sunlit Man (2023)
also appeared as:
- Cosmere non-canon
- Elantris
Elantris (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Elantris [Czech] (2006)
Translation: Город богов?Gorod bogov[Russian] (2006) [as byБрендон Сандерсон?Brendon Sanderson]
- Translation: Elantris [Dutch] (2006)
Translation: エラントリス 鎖された都の物語 (上)?エラントリス さされたとのものがたり (じょう)[Japanese] (2006) [as by
Erantorisu: Sasareta To no Monogatari (Jō)
Erantorisu: Sasareta To no Monogatari (Jou)ブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: エラントリス 鎖された都の物語 (下)?エラントリス さされたとのものがたり (か)[Japanese] (2006) [as by
Erantorisu: Sasareta To no Monogatari (Ka)ブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: Elantris [Hungarian] (2007)
- Translation: Elantris [Polish] (2007)
- Translation: Elantris [German] (2007)
- Translation: Elantris [Romanian] (2008)
Translation: אלנטריס?Elantrīs[Hebrew] (2009) [as byברנדון סנדרסון?Brandon Sanderson]
- Translation: Chute [French] (2009)
- Translation: Rédemption [French] (2009)
- Translation: Elantris [Turkish] (2010)
- Translation: Elantris [French] (2011)
Translation: 伊岚翠?Yī lán cuì[Chinese] (2012) [as by
Yi la cui布兰登·山德森?Bùlándēng Shāndésēn]
Bulandeng Shandesen -
Translation: Елантрис?Elantris[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: Elantris [Portuguese] (2012)
- Translation: Elantris [Italian] (2013)
- Translation: Elantris [Romanian] (2016)
- Translation: Elantris [Polish] (2016)
- Translation: Elantris 1. [Hungarian] (2018)
- Translation: Elantris 2. [Hungarian] (2018)
- Translation: Elantris [Spanish] (2018)
The Hope of Elantris (2007) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Η Ελπίδα της Ελάντρις?I Elpida tis Elantris[Greek] (2010)
I Elpida tis Eladris - Translation: La esperanza de Elantris [Spanish] (2016)
- Translation: Elantris reménysége [Hungarian] (2019)
The Emperor's Soul (2012) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: El alma del emperador [Spanish] (2014)
- Translation: L'âme de l'empereur [French] (2014)
Translation: Sufletul împăratului?Sufletul imparatului[Romanian] (2015)
Translation: Душата на императора?Dushata na imperatora[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- Translation: A császár lelke [Hungarian] (2019)
- A Special Extra Scene (Elantris) (2015) [SF]
- Elantris Deleted Scenes: The Mad Prince (2015) [SF]
The Selish System (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Sel rendszere [Hungarian] (2019)
Elantris (2005)
also appeared as:
- First of the Sun
- Edits: Sixth of the Dusk (2014) [SF]
- First Draft: Sixth of the Dusk (2014) [SF]
Sixth of the Dusk (2014) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sixième du crépuscule [French] (2018)
- Translation: Hatodik az Alkonyatban [Hungarian] (2019)
The Drominad System (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Drominád-rendszer [Hungarian] (2019)
- Komashi
- Lumar
Tress of the Emerald Sea (2023)
also appeared as:
Translation: Трес от Смарагдово море?Tres ot Smaragdovo more[Bulgarian] (2023) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- Translation: Tress, a garota do Mar Esmeralda [Portuguese] (2023)
Translation: Weit über der smaragdgrünen See?Weit ueber der smaragdgruenen See[German] (2023)
Tress of the Emerald Sea (2023)
also appeared as:
- Mistborn
- 1
The Final Empire (2006)
also appeared as:
Translation: A Végső Birodalom 1.?A Vegso Birodalom 1.[Hungarian] (2009)
A Veegsooe Birodalom 1. -
Translation: A Végső Birodalom 2.?A Vegso Birodalom 2.[Hungarian] (2009)
A Veegsooe Birodalom 2. -
Translation: ミストボーン―霧の落とし子 1 灰色の帝国?ミストボーン―きりのおとしこ 1 はいいろのていこく[Japanese] (2009) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Otoshiko 1: Haiiro no Teikoku
Misutoboon: Kiri no Otoshiko 1: Haiiro no Teikokuブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: ミストボーン―霧の落とし子 2 赤き血の太陽?ミストボーン―きりのおとしこ 2 あかきちのたいよう[Japanese] (2009) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Otoshiko 2: Akaki Chi no Taiyō
Misutoboon: Kiri no Otoshiko 2: Akaki Chi no Taiyouブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: Kinder des Nebels [German] (2009)
Translation: ミストボーン―霧の落とし子 3 白き海の踊り手?ミストボーン―きりのおとしこ 3 しろきうみのおどりて[Japanese] (2009) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Otoshiko 3: Shiroki Umi no Odorite
Misutoboon: Kiri no Otoshiko 3: Shiroki Umi no Odoriteブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: L'empire ultime [French] (2010)
Translation: Последната империя?Poslednata imperiya[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: Het laatste rijk [Dutch] (2012)
- Translation: O Império final [Portuguese] (2014)
- 2
The Well of Ascension (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Krieger des Feuers [German] (2010)
Translation: ミストスピリット―霧のうつし身 1 遺されし力?ミストスピリット―きりのうつしみ 1 のこされしちから[Japanese] (2010) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Utsushimi 1: Nokosareshi Chikara
Misutoboon: Kiri no Utsushimi 1: Nokosareshi Chikaraブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: ミストスピリット―霧のうつし身 2 試されし王?ミストスピリット―きりのうつしみ 2 ためされしおう[Japanese] (2010) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Utsushimi 2: Tamesareshi Ō
Misutoboon: Kiri no Utsushimi 2: Tamesareshi Ouブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: ミストスピリット―霧のうつし身 3 秘められし言葉?ミストスピリット―きりのうつしみ 3 ひめられしことば[Japanese] (2010) [as by
Misutobōn: Kiri no Utsushimi 3: Himerareshi Kotoba
Misutoboon: Kiri no Utsushimi 3: Himerareshi Kotobaブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: Le puits de l'ascension [French] (2010)
Translation: Кладенецът на възнесението?Kladenetsat na vaznesenieto[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: A Megdicsőülés Kútja 1.?A Megdicsoules Kutja 1.[Hungarian] (2011)
A Megdicsooeuelees Kuutja 1. -
Translation: A Megdicsőülés Kútja 2.?A Megdicsoules Kutja 2.[Hungarian] (2011)
A Megdicsooeuelees Kuutja 2. - Translation: De bron der verheffing [Dutch] (2013)
Translation: O poço da ascensão?O poco da ascensao[Portuguese] (2015)
- 3
The Hero of Ages (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Herrscher des Lichts [German] (2010)
Translation: ミストクローク―霧の羽衣 1 新たな救い手?Misutokurōku: Kiri no Hagoromo 1: Arata na Sukui Te[Japanese] (2010) [as by
ミストクローク―きりのはごろも 1 あらたなすくいて
Misutokurooku: Kiri no Hagoromo 1: Arata na Sukui Teブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: ミストクローク―霧の羽衣 2 古からの声?ミストクローク―きりのはごろも 2 ふるくからのこえ[Japanese] (2010) [as by
Misutokurooku: Kiri no Hagoromo 2: Furuku kara no Koe
Misutokurōku: Kiri no Hagoromo 2: Furuku kara no Koeブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: ミストクローク―霧の羽衣 3 永遠の大地?Misutokurōku: Kiri no Hagoromo 3: Towa no Daichi[Japanese] (2011) [as by
ミストクローク―きりのはごろも 3 とわのだいち
Misutokurooku: Kiri no Hagoromo 3: Towa no Daichiブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: Героят на времето?Geroyat na vremeto[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: Le héros des siècles [French] (2011)
Translation: A korok hőse 1.?A korok hose 1.[Hungarian] (2013)
A korok hooese 1. -
Translation: A korok hőse 2.?A korok hose 2.[Hungarian] (2013)
A korok hooese 2. - Translation: De held van weleer [Dutch] (2014)
Translation: O herói das eras?O heroi das eras[Portuguese] (2016)
- The Final Empire (excerpt) (2006) [SF]
- The Hero of Ages (excerpt) (2008) [SF]
The Mistborn Trilogy (2009) [O/1,2,3]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nascidos da Bruma [Portuguese] (2017) [O]
- Secret History (2016)
The Scadrian System (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Scadrial rendszere [Hungarian] (2019)
Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania, Episodes 28 through 30 (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Allomanta Jak és Eltania Bugyrai [Hungarian] (2019)
The Eleventh Metal (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: A tizenegyedik fém?A tizenegyedik fem[Hungarian] (2019)
- The Well of Ascension (excerpt) (unknown) [SF]
- Wax and Wayne
- 1
The Alloy of Law (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: Сплавта на закона?Splavta na zakona[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: L'alliage de la justice [French] (2012)
Translation: A törvény ötvözete?A torveny otvozete[Hungarian] (2014)
A toerveeny oetvoezete - Translation: De wet van staal [Dutch] (2014)
- Translation: A liga da lei [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Сплавта на закона?Splavta na zakona[Bulgarian] (2020) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- 2
Shadows of Self (2015)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As sombras de si mesmo [Portuguese] (2017)
- Translation: A lélek árnyai [Hungarian] (2018)
- 3
The Bands of Mourning (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Os braceletes da perdição [Portuguese] (2017)
- Translation: Az Elmúlás Pántjai [Hungarian] (2019)
- 4 The Lost Metal (2022)
- The Alloy of Law: Prologue - Chapter 6 (2011) [SF]
- Mistborn: The Wax and Wayne Series (2018) [O/1-3]
- Wax & Wayne: The Mistborn Saga (2023) [O/1-4]
- 1
The Alloy of Law (2011)
also appeared as:
- 1
The Final Empire (2006)
also appeared as:
- The Stormlight Archive
- 1
The Way of Kings (2010)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Way of Kings: Part One (2011)
- Variant: The Way of Kings: Part Two (2011)
- Translation: La via dei re [Italian] (2011)
Translation: 王たちの道 1 白き暗殺者?おうたちのみち 1 しろきあんさつしゃ[Japanese] (2014) [as by
Ōtachi no Michi 1: Shiroki Ansatsusha
Outachi no Michi 1: Shiroki Ansatsusha
Ohtachi no Michi 1: Shiroki Ansatsushaブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: 王たちの道 2 死を呼ぶ嵐?おうたちのみち 2 しをよぶあらし[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Ōtachi no Michi 2: Shi wo Yobu Arashi
Outachi no Michi 2: Shi wo Yobu Arashi
Ohtachi no Michi 2: Shi wo Yobu Arashi
Ōtachi no Michi 2: Shi o Yobu Arashi
Outachi no Michi 2: Shi o Yobu Arashi
Ohtachi no Michi 2: Shi o Yobu Arashiブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: La voie des rois 1 [French] (2015)
- Translation: La voie des rois 2 [French] (2015)
Translation: 王たちの道 3 自由への架け橋?おうたちのみち 3 じゆうへのかけはし[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Ōtachi no Michi 3: Jiyū he no Kakehashi
Outachi no Michi 3: Jiyuu he no Kakehashi
Ohtachi no Michi 3: Jiyuu he no Kakehashi
Ōtachi no Michi 3: Jiyū e no Kakehashi
Outachi no Michi 3: Jiyuu e no Kakehashi
Ohtachi no Michi 3: Jiyuu e no Kakehashiブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] - Translation: A királyok útja 1. [Hungarian] (2018)
- Translation: A királyok útja 2. [Hungarian] (2018)
- Translation: Calea regilor [Romanian] (2019)
- Variant: The Way of Kings, Volume 1 (2020)
- Variant: The Way of Kings, Volume 2 (2020)
- Translation: O caminho dos reis [Portuguese] (2022)
- 2
Words of Radiance (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Words of Radiance: Part One (2015)
- Variant: Words of Radiance: Part Two (2015)
Translation: Tündöklő szavak 1.?Tundoklo szavak 1.[Hungarian] (2020)
Tuendoeklooe szavak 1. -
Translation: Tündöklő szavak 2.?Tundoklo szavak 2.[Hungarian] (2020)
Tuendoeklooe szavak 2.
- 2.4 Prologue (Edgedancer) (2017) [SF]
- 2.5
Edgedancer (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dansecorde [French] (2018)
- Translation: Peremtáncoló [Hungarian] (2019)
- 3
Oathbringer (2017)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Oathbringer: Part One (2019)
- Variant: Oathbringer: Part Two (2019)
Translation: Eskühozó I.?Eskuhozo I.[Hungarian] (2022)
Eskuehozoo I. -
Translation: Eskühozó II.?Eskuhozo II.[Hungarian] (2022)
Eskuehozoo II.
- 3.5
Dawnshard (2020)
also appeared as:
Translation: Hajnalszilánk?Hajnalszilank[Hungarian] (2023)
- 4
Rhythm of War (2020)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ритъмът на войната?Ritamat na voynata[Bulgarian] (2020) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- Translation: El ritmo de la guerra [Spanish] (2020)
Translation: Ритм войны: Том 1?Ritm voyny: Tom 1[Russian] (2021) [as byБрендон Сандерсон?Brendon Sanderson]
Translation: Ритм войны: Том 2?Ritm voyny: Tom 2[Russian] (2021) [as byБрендон Сандерсон?Brendon Sanderson]
- Variant: Rhythm of War: Part One (2022)
- Variant: Rhythm of War: Part Two (2022)
Translation: A háború ritmusa I.?A haboru ritmusa I.[Hungarian] (2023)
A haaboruu ritmusa I. -
Translation: A háború ritmusa II.?A haboru ritmusa II.[Hungarian] (2023)
A haaboruu ritmusa II.
- 5 Wind and Truth (2024)
- The Way of Kings (excerpt) (2006) [SF]
Endnote (2010) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nota conclusiva [Italian] (2011)
Prelude to the Stormlight Archive (2010) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Preludio a Le Cronache della Folgoluce [Italian] (2011)
- Rysn (2012) [SF]
- Lift (2013) [SF]
- Deleted Scenes from the 2002 Version of The Way of Kings (2014) [SF]
The Rosharan System (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Roshar rendszere [Hungarian] (2019)
- The Thrill (2016) [SF]
- The Stormlight Archive, Books 1-3 (2018) [O/1-3]
- The Stormlight Archives Books 1-4 (2022) [O/1-4]
- 1
The Way of Kings (2010)
also appeared as:
- Threnody
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (2013) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schatten für Stille in den Waldungen der Hölle [German] (2015)
- Translation: Sombras nas Florestas do Inferno [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Umbre pentru Tăcere în Codrii Iadului?Umbre pentru Tacere in Codrii Iadului[Romanian] (2017)
- Translation: Des ombres pour silence dans les forêts de l'enfer [French] (2018)
- Translation: Hallgatás árnyai a Pokol Rengetegében [Hungarian] (2019)
- The Threnodite System (2016) [SF]
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (2013) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Warbreaker
Warbreaker (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Warbreaker [French] (2012)
Translation: Спиращият войната?Spirashtiyat voynata[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: Békéltető?Bekelteto[Hungarian] (2021)
- Warbreaker (excerpt) (unknown) [SF]
Warbreaker (2009)
also appeared as:
- White Sand
- 1 White Sand, Volume 1 (2016) [graphic format] with Rik Hoskin
- 2 White Sand, Volume 2 (2018) [graphic format] with Rik Hoskin
- 3 White Sand, Volume 3 (2019) [graphic format] with Rik Hoskin
- The Taldain System (2016) [SF]
White Sand (excerpt) (2016) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fehér homok [Hungarian] (2019)
- Cytoverse
Defending Elysium (2008) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: En defensa del Elíseo [Spanish] (2008)
- Skyward
- 1
Skyward (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Skyward [Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: Sterrenvlucht [Dutch] (2021)
- 2
Starsight (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Astrevise [French] (2020)
- Translation: Sterrenzicht [Dutch] (2021)
- Translation: Starsight [Portuguese] (2022)
- 3
Cytonic (2021)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cytonic [Dutch] (2022)
- 3.1 Hyperthief (2023) [SF] with Janci Patterson
- 4
Defiant (2023)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rebellie [Dutch] (2024)
- Skyward Boxed Set (2022) [O/1-3]
- Skyward Series Boxed Set (2025) [O/1-4+3N]
- Skyward Flight
- 1
Sunreach (2021)
Janci Patterson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Station Zonnewind: Het verhaal van FM [Dutch] (2023)
- 2
ReDawn (2021)
Janci Patterson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Terug naar ReDawn: Het verhaal van Alanik [Dutch] (2024)
- 3
Evershore (2021)
Janci Patterson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eeuwige kust: Het verhaal van Jurgen [Dutch] (2024)
- Skyward Flight: The Collection (2022) [O/1-3] with Janci Patterson
- 1
Sunreach (2021)
Janci Patterson
also appeared as:
- 1
Skyward (2018)
also appeared as:
Defending Elysium (2008) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Dark One
- 1 Dark One, Vol. One (2021) [graphic format] with Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
- Dark One audio originals
- Legion / Stephen Leeds
- 1 Legion (2012) [SF] also appeared as:
- 2
Legion: Skin Deep (2014) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Légion: A fleur de peau [French] (2016)
- 3 Legion: Lies of the Beholder (2018) [SF]
- Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds (2018) [C]
- Death and Faxes (2022) [SF] with Max Epstein and Michael Harkins and David Pace
- Magic: The Gathering
- Children of the Nameless (2018)
- Reckoners
- 1
Steelheart (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: Acélszív?Acelsziv[Hungarian] (2014)
Aceelsziiv - Translation: Steelheart [German] (2014)
- Translation: Cœur d'acier [French] (2014)
- Translation: Staalhart [Dutch] (2016)
- Translation: Coração de aço [Portuguese] (2016)
- 1.5 Mitosis (2013) [SF]
- 2
Firefight (2015)
also appeared as:
Translation: Tűzlény?Tuzleny[Hungarian] (2015)
Tuuezleeny - Translation: Brasier [French] (2016)
- Translation: Vlammenwerper [Dutch] (2016)
- Translation: Tormenta de fogo [Portuguese] (2017)
- 3
Calamity (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vész [Hungarian] (2017)
- Translation: Calamity [Dutch] (2017)
- Translation: Calamidade [Portuguese] (2018)
- Firefight (excerpt) (2014) [SF]
- Firefight (Prologue and 3 chapters only) (2014) [SF]
- The Reckoners Series (2016) [O/1,2,3]
- Texas Reckoners
- Lux (2021) with Steven Bohls [only as by Steven Michael Bohls and Brandon Sanderson]
- 1
Steelheart (2013)
also appeared as:
- Rithmatist
- 1
The Rithmatist (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ритматистът?Ritmatistat[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- Translation: Der Rithmatist [German] (2015)
- Translation: Les légions de poussière [French] (2016)
- 1
The Rithmatist (2013)
also appeared as:
- Wheel of Time
- 12
The Gathering Storm (2009)
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der aufziehende Sturm [German] (2010)
Translation: Буря се надига?Burya se nadiga[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: De naderende storm [Dutch] (2010)
- Translation: Die Macht des Lichts [German] (2010)
Translation: 飛竜雷天(上) 雷雲の到来?ひりゅうらいてん(じょう) らいうんのとうらい[Japanese] (2011) [as by
Hiryuu Raiten (Jou): Raiun no Tourai
Hiryū Raiten (Jō): Raiun no Tōraiロバート・ジョーダン?Robāto Jōdanand
Robaato Joodanブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: 飛竜雷天(下) 光の集結?ひりゅうらいてん(か) ひかりのしゅうけつ[Japanese] (2011) [as by
Hiryuu Raiten (Ka): Hikari no Shuuketsu
Hiryū Raiten (Ka): Hikari no Shūketsuロバート・ジョーダン?Robāto Jōdanand
Robaato Joodanブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: Gyülekező fellegek 1.?Gyulekezo fellegek 1.[Hungarian] (2012)
Gyuelekezooe fellegek 1. -
Translation: Gyülekező fellegek 2.?Gyulekezo fellegek 2.[Hungarian] (2012) [as by Robert Jordan]
Gyuelekezooe fellegek 2. - Translation: Sturm der Finsternis [German] (2013)
- 13
Towers of Midnight (2010)
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Traum des Wolfs [German] (2011)
- Translation: De torens van middernacht [Dutch] (2011)
Translation: Среднощни кули?Srednoshtni kuli[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: Die Türme der Mitternacht?Die Tuerme der Mitternacht[German] (2011)
- Translation: Az Éjfél Tornyai I. [Hungarian] (2012)
- Translation: Az Éjfél Tornyai II. [Hungarian] (2012)
Translation: Mitternachtstürme?Mitternachtstuerme[German] (2013)
- 14
A Memory of Light (2013)
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Schlacht der Schatten [German] (2013)
- Translation: Het licht van weleer [Dutch] (2013)
Translation: Спомен за светлина?Spomen za svetlina[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: Das Gedächtnis des Lichts?Das Gedaechtnis des Lichts[German] (2013)
Translation: Das Vermächtnis des Lichts?Das Vermaechtnis des Lichts[German] (2013)
- Translation: A Fény emlékezete I. [Hungarian] (2014)
- Translation: A Fény emlékezete II. [Hungarian] (2014)
The Wheel of Time (2011) [O/10-12]
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wheel of Time: Boxed Set IV (2020) [O/10-12] [as by Robert Jordan]
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 4 (2022) [O/10-12]
- Proloog van Het licht van weleer: Bij gevallen gratie en vaandels [Dutch] (2013) [SF] with Robert Jordan
- River of Souls (2013) [SF] with Robert Jordan
- A Fire Within the Ways (2019) [SF] with Robert Jordan
Wheel of Time Premium Boxed Set V (2020) [O/13,14,0]
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 5 (2022) [O/0,13,14]
The Complete Wheel of Time (2022) [O/0-14]
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Series (unknown) [O/0-14]
- 12
The Gathering Storm (2009)
Robert Jordan
also appeared as:
The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England (2023)
also appeared as:
Translation: Handbuch für den genügsamen Zauberer: Überleben im mittelalterlichen England?Handbuch fuer den genuegsamen Zauberer: Ueberleben im mittelalterlichen England[German] (2024)
- Translation: Survivalhandboek voor de spaarzame tovenaar: Hoe middeleeuws Engeland te overleven [Dutch] (2025)
- The Way of Kings/Mistborn (2006)
- Firstborn / Defending Elysium (2013)
Legion and The Emperor's Soul (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Legión / El alma del emperador [Spanish] (2014)
- Infinity blade [French] (2014)
- Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell / Perfect State (2015)
- Sixième du crépuscule et autres nouvelles [French] (2018)
- Leading Edge
- Leading Edge - 2001 (2001)
- Altered Perceptions (2014) with Dan Wells and Robison Wells
- The Hope of Elantris (2007)
- Firstborn (2010)
- The Alloy of Law: Prologue - Chapter 6 (2011)
- Infinity Blade: Awakening (2011)
Legion (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Légion [French] (2014)
The Emperor's Soul (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'âme de l'empereur [French] (2014)
Translation: Sufletul împăratului?Sufletul imparatului[Romanian] (2015)
Translation: Душата на императора?Dushata na imperatora[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byБрандън Сандерсън?Brandan Sandersan]
- Proloog van Het licht van weleer: Bij gevallen gratie en vaandels [Dutch] (2013) with Robert Jordan
- Infinity Blade: Redemption (2013)
- Mitosis (2013)
- Lift (2013)
- Sixth of the Dusk (2014)
- Legion: Skin Deep (2014)
- Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (2015)
- Perfect State (2015)
- Légion: A fleur de peau [French] (2016)
- Snapshot (2017)
- Edgedancer (2017)
- Legion: Lies of the Beholder (2018)
- The Original (2020) with Mary Robinette Kowal
- Defending Elysium (2021)
- Death and Faxes (2022) with Max Epstein and Michael Harkins and David Pace
- H.A.R.R.E.: Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine (2023) with Ethan Skarstedt
- Hyperthief (2023) with Janci Patterson
- Long Chills & Case Dough (2023)
- The Most Boring Book Ever (2024)
- The Stormlight Archive: A Pocket Companion to 'The Way of Kings' and 'Words of Radiance' (2016)
- There Are Still Stories to Tell (2023)
- Infinity Blade
- 1
Infinity Blade: Awakening (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'éveil [French] (2014)
- 2
Infinity Blade: Redemption (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rédemption [French] (2014)
- 1
Infinity Blade: Awakening (2011)
also appeared as:
- Skyward
- Starsight (excerpt) (unknown)
- Prologue (Elantris) (2005)
Firstborn (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pierworodny [Polish] (2014)
- The Lesson (2010)
- I Hate Dragons (2011)
Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine (2012)
Ethan Skarstedt
also appeared as:
- Variant: H.A.R.R.E.: Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine (2023)
- The Hero of Ages (excerpt) (2014)
- Dreamer (2014)
Perfect State (2015)
also appeared as:
Translation: Savršeno stanje?Savrseno stanje[Croatian] (2016)
- Translation: Parfait état [French] (2018)
Snapshot (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Instantané [French] (2018)
- Mistborn (excerpt) (2018)
- The Way of Kings (excerpt) (2018)
Ködszerzet: A rejtett történelem?Kodszerzet: A rejtett tortenelem[Hungarian] (2019)
Koedszerzet: A rejtett toerteenelem - The Alloy of Law (excerpt) (2019)
- The Original (2020) with Mary Robinette Kowal
- Deleted Scenes from Skyward with Commentary from Brandon Sanderson (2022) with Janci Patterson
- Long Chills & Case Dough (2023)
- The Most Boring Book Ever (2024)
- Dear Reader (The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England) (unknown)
- Prologue (The Hero of Ages) (unknown)
- The Hero of Ages (excerpt) (unknown)
- The Way of Kings (excerpt) (unknown)
- The Well of Ascencion (excerpt) (unknown)
- Editorial: Give Me Fantasy or Give Me Death (2000)
- Editorial: Kill the Elves! (2000)
- The Leading Edge Turns 20 (2001)
- How I Turn Ideas Into Books (2006)
- Narrative Soup (2006)
- Ars Arcanum (2006)
- Outlining (2006)
The Virtue of Enjoyment: In Defense of Escapist Literature [Spanish] (2006)
only appeared as:
- Variant: La virtud de divertir: En defensa de la literatura de evasión (2007)
- Robert Jordan (2007)
Foreword (The Gathering Storm) (2009)
also appeared as:
Translation: Предговор (Буря се надига)?Predgovor (Burya se nadiga)[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Ars Arcanum (The Way of Kings) (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ars Arcanum [Italian] (2011)
- Sanderson's Second Law (2011)
- ARS Arcanum (The Alloy of Law) (2011)
- About the Author (The Emperor's Soul) (2012)
- Postscript (The Emperor's Soul) (2012)
- Writing Cinematic Fight Scenes (2013)
- Preface (Defending Elysium) (2013)
- Preface (Firstborn) (2013)
- Welcome to the Writing Excuses Anthology (2014)
- When Your Story's Climax Isn't an Ending: Fixing Sixth of the Dusk (2014)
- Writing Excuses 7.35: Brainstorming with Dan (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 7.51: Brainstorming with Mary (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 8.9: Brainstorming with Howard (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 9.28 and 9.29: Workshopping Sixth of the Dusk (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 9.30: Workshopping A Fire in the Heavens (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 9.31: Brainstorming with Brandon (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and Dan Wells
- Writing Excuses 9.31: Workshopping An Honest Death (2014) with Mary Robinette Kowal and Eric James Stone and Howard Tayler
- Untitled Essay (Altered Perceptions) (2014)
- Postscript (Elantris) (2015)
- Note on Seons (2015)
- The Fine Distinction Between Cooks and Chefs (2016)
- Postcript (Sixth of the Dusk) (2016)
- Postscript (Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania, Episodes 28 through 30) (2016)
- Postscript (Edgedancer) (2016)
- Postscript (Secret History) (2016)
- Postscript (Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell) (2016)
- Postscript (The Eleventh Metal) (2016)
- Postscript (The Emperor's Soul) (2016)
- Postscript (The Hope of Elantris) (2016)
- Postscript (White Sand (excerpt)) (2016)
Preface (Arcanum Unbounded) (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: Előszó (A kozmerum titkai)?Eloszo (A kozmerum titkai)[Hungarian] (2019)
Elooeszoo (A kozmerum titkai)
- Note of Jacket Sketch (Mistborn) (2017)
- Preface (Mistborn) (2017)
Postscript (Snapshot) (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Postface (Instantané) [French] (2018)
- Preface and Acknowledgements (Oathbringer) (2017)
- Ursula K. Le Guin: A Brief Tribute (2018)
- Preface (Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds) (2018)
- Acknowledgments (Skyward) (2018)
- A Gyászének rendszere [Hungarian] (2019)
- A Taldain rendszere [Hungarian] (2019)
- Allomancy Alphabetical Reference (2019)
Köszönetnyilvánítás (A kozmerum titkai)?Koszonetnyilvanitas (A kozmerum titkai)[Hungarian] (2019)
Koeszoenetnyilvaniitaas (A kozmerum titkai) - Preface (The Hero of Ages) (2019)
- Table of Allomantic Metals (2019)
- Ars Arcanum (Oathbringer) (2019)
- Preface and Acknowledgments (Oathbringer) (2019)
- Introduction (The Way of Kings Prime: The 2002 Alternate Version) (2020)
- Preface to the Tenth Anniversary Edition (The Way of Kings) (2020)
- Foreword (Dragonsbane) (2021)
- Goodbye to David Wolverton (1957 - 2022) (2022)
- Postscript (Tress of the Emerald Sea) (2023)
- Postscript (The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England) (2023)
- Dear Reader (Tress of the Emerald Sea) (2023)
- Postscript (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter) (2023)
- Preface (Long Chills & Case Dough) (2023)
- Welcome to my writing notebook! (2023)
- Danksagung (Das Herz der Sonne) [German] (2024)
- Preface and Acknowledgements (Donato Giancola) (2024)
- Discussion Questions (The Emperor's Soul) (unknown)
- Interview: Brandon Sanderson (2008) by uncredited
- Feature Interview: Brandon Sanderson (2011) by Leigh Butler
- Interview: Brandon Sanderson (2013) by John Joseph Adams and David Barr Kirtley
- Brandon Sanderson and the Wheel of Time (2013) by Stephen Euin Cobb
- An Interview with Brandon Sanderson (2015) by uncredited
- Interviewing Brandon Sanderson (2016) by Cristina Jurado
- Interview with Brandon Sanderson (2016) by Charlie N. Holmberg
- Interview with Brandon Sanderson (2017) by Peter Orullian