Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Dark Shepherd (2024)
- Outlaw of Gor (1977)
- Tarnsman of Gor (1977)
- Tribesmen of Gor (1977)
Plague from Space (1978)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Strange Visitors: The Return of the Malmo (1979)
- Translation: Le retour du Malmö [French] (1980)
- Translation: Sucher der Zukunft [German] (1980)
- Translation: Paradox, #17, 1994 [Romanian] (1994)
Beneath the Shattered Moons (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Terranauten, #17: Die Piraten des Scharlachmeers [German] (1980)
- The Syndic (1978)
Dangerous Visions 1 (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Commander Mor Makiss (1979)
- Translation: Die Katakomben von Luna [German] (1980)
The Solarians (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le sanctuaire des pirates [5] [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: The Pirate World (1979)
- Interior Art: The Pirate World [5] (1979)
- Translation: Das Männlichkeits-Gen [German] (1981)
- Chaining the Lady (1979)
Vicinity Cluster (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Invisible Planet (1980)
Kirlian Quest (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Flight to Terra (1979)
- Translation: Aufbruch ins Gestern [German] (1980)
- Translation: Le chariot de Thalia [French] (1987)
Ship of Shadows (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Mercantile Passenger Services (1980)
- Translation: Afdaling in Dis [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Les fils de Lien Rag [French] (1985)
Spacewreck: Ghostships and Derelicts of Space (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Children of the Gods [4] (1979)
- Translation: Epaves de l'espace [French] (1980)
- Translation: Les descendants des dieux [4] [French] (1980)
- Steppe (1980)
- Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1980)
- Prison of Night (1980)
- Avontuur in ruimte & tijd, #6 [Dutch] (1981)
Derai (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Telepathin [German] (1983)
- Incident on Ath (1981)
- Jupiter Laughs and Other Stories (1981)
The Winds of Gath (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Planet der Stürme?Planet der Stuerme[German] (1983)
Avontuur in ruimte & tijd, #2 [Dutch] (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Et la comète passa?Et la comete passa[French] (1983)
- The Quillian Sector (1982)
- Web of Sand (1983)
Planet der Spieler [German] (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Toyman [English] (1984)
Kalin (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Kalin — die Hexe?Kalin - die Hexe[German] (1984)
- The Dosadi Experiment (1984)
- The Jesus Incident (1984)
- The Lazarus Effect (1984)
The Priests of Psi (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Millennium [Dutch] (1986)
- Das Schiff des Jokers [German] (1984)
- Iduna's Universe (1985)
Le dernier paradis [French] (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Commeck Carriage [English] (1980)
- World's End (1985)
- The Terra Data (1985)
- World of Promise (1985)
- Sahra [French] (1985)
- Nectar of Heaven (1985)
- The Centauri Device (1986)
- Man of Two Worlds (1986)
- The Alchemical Marriage of Alistair Crompton (1986)
- The Terridae (1986)
- Master of Paxwax (1986)
- De purs esprits... [French] (1986)
- Isle of the Dead (1986)
- Jerusalem Fire (1986)
- The Coming Event (1986)
- Sovereign (1986)
- Earth Is Heaven (1986)
- Les démons de la montagne [French] (1987)
- The Cauldron of Fear (1987)
Les idées solubles?Les idees solubles[French] (1987)
- The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth and Other Stories (1987)
- The Man in the High Castle (1987)
Lointaine étoile?Lointaine etoile[French] (1987)
- The Fall of the Families (1987)
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1987)
- Blade of the Poisoner (1987)
- The Song of Homana (1987)
- Master of Fiends (1987)
- Orvis (1987)
- Tyranopolis (1987)
American Rebellion (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Paperback Fanatic #16, 2010 (2010)
- The Hammer of the Sun (1988)
- American Defiance (1988)
- The Rapture Effect (1988)
- Witchfire at Lammas (1988)
- Star of Gypsies (1988)
The Number of the Beast (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In de zone [Dutch] (1988)
- Arrows of the Queen (1988)
- Ondeeds de Loutere [Dutch] (1988)
- Galaxy's End (1989)
- Seventh Son (1989)
- A Rose-Red City (1989)
Dying Inside (1989)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Dying Inside cover art for VGSF / Gollancz, March 1989 (2023)
- The Dragon in the Sea (1989)
- A Fall of Princes (1989)
- Arrow's Flight (1989)
- Venus Plus X (1989)
- Zangersmeester [Dutch] (1989)
- Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds (1989)
- Arrow's Fall (1989)
- A Pride of Princes (1989)
- Daughter of the Lion (1990)
- Fall of the White Ship Avatar (1990)
- Starfire (1990)
- Taltos the Assassin (1990)
- When the Tripods Came (1990)
- Jinx on a Terran Inheritance (1990)
- The Ascension Factor (1990)
- The Folk of the Fringe (1990)
- Heads (1990)
- Blood Is Not Enough (1990)
Heads (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Köpfe [German] (1995)
- The Earthstone (1990)
- The Gates of Eden (1990)
- Barefoot in the Head (1990)
- Ambient (1991)
- Die Vision des Jägers [German] (1991)
- Heathern (1991)
- Terminal Velocity (1991)
- Terraplane (1991)
- The Day It Rained Forever (1991)
- Wolf and Iron (1991)
- Red Prophet (1991)
Entoverse (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kriegsrat [German] (2007)
- The Sea Star (1991)
Catface (1991)
also appeared as:
Translation: Котешко лице?Koteshko litse[Bulgarian] (1996)
- Twistor (1991)
- Taltos and the Paths of the Dead (1991)
- The Brooch of Azure Midnight (1991)
- The Voodoo Game (1991)
- Tales of Known Space (1992)
- N-Space (1992)
- Protector (1992)
- World of Ptavvs (1992)
- The Ringworld Engineers (1992)
- The Shadow of Heaven (1992)
- The Jewel of Fire (1992)
- The Way to Babylon (1992)
- A Gift from Earth (1992)
- The Ghost from the Grand Banks (1992)
- The Homing (1992)
- Killer Planet (1993)
The Vor Game (1993)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Vor Game (1994)
- The White Mists of Power (1993)
- Young Bleys (1993)
- The Last of the Renshai (1993)
- Glory Season (1993)
- The Western Wizard (1993)
- Traitors (1993)
- Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1993)
- Beyond the Safe Zone (1994)
- Facade (1994)
- Heart Readers (1994)
- The Silver City (1994)
- Child of Thunder (1994)
- Foundation (1994)
- Foundation and Empire (1994)
- Second Foundation (1994)
- Otherness (1994)
- Engineman (1994)
- Foundation and Earth (1994)
- Foundation's Edge (1994)
- Prelude to Foundation (1994)
- Alien Influences (1994)
- A Tupolev Too Far and Other Stories (1994)
- The Bidden (1994)
- Changeling Hearts (1995)
- Metropolitan (1995)
- Mysterium (1995)
- Alien Influences (1995)
Fortress Manhattan (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wurt [Polish] (1998)
- Hellworld (1995)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, December 1996 (1996)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, August 1996 (1996)
- Conan the Defender (1996)
- Man O' War (1996)
The Conan Chronicles (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Conan the Invincible (1996)
- The Uplift War (1996)
Brightness Reef (1996)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Brightness Reef (1996)
- Variant: Interzone, January 1996 (1996)
- Sundiver (1996)
- The Rare Breed (1996)
- Startide Rising (1996)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, April 1996 (1996)
The Bloody Red Baron (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El sanguinario Barón Rojo [Spanish] (1997)
- Starborne (1996)
The Road to Nightfall (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interzone, #110 August 1996 (1996)
- Variant: Spectrum SF, #7 November (2001)
- The Dragons of Heorot (1996)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 1996 (1996)
Alien Citadel (1997)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Alien Citadel (1998)
- Dragons' Wrath (1997)
- Magic: The Final Fantasy Collection (1997)
- The Guns of the South (1997)
- The River of Time (1997)
- Lungbarrow (1997)
- The Conan Chronicles 2 (1997)
Foundation's Fear (1997)
also appeared as:
Translation: Strah Zadužbine (1)?Strah Zaduzbine (1)[Serbian] (1998)
Translation: Strah Zadužbine (2)?Strah Zaduzbine (2)[Serbian] (1998)
- Heart of the Comet (1997)
- Jago (1997)
Ringing the Changes (1997)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Ringing the Changes (1996)
- Tek Kill (1997)
- The Postman (1997)
Infinity's Shore (1997)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interzone, #122 August 1997 (1997)
- Mean Streets (1997)
- Diplomacy of Wolves (1998)
- Foundation and Chaos (1998)
- Queen City Jazz (1998)
- Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (1998)
Edge of Light (1998)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Nightwings (1998)
- Interior Art: Nightwings (1999)
- The Alien Years (1998)
- Bloodlist (1998)
- Masque (1998)
- Lifeblood (1998)
- A Chill in the Blood (1998)
- Bloodcircle (1998)
- Creatures of the Claw (1998)
- The Huntsman (1998)
- Art in the Blood (1998)
Another Girl, Another Planet (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interzone, #134 August 1998 (1998)
- Fire in the Blood (1998)
- Glory Season (1998)
Heaven's Reach (1998)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Heaven's Reach (1998)
- Variant: Ground Zero: The Art of Fred Gambino (2001)
- Translation: Die Boten des Unheils [German] (2006)
- Blood on the Water (1998)
Komarr (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Sporn des Perseus [German] (2001)
- A Case of Conscience (1999) [also as by Fred Gambino]
- Foundation's Triumph (1999)
- Second Contact (1999)
The Bones of Time (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Vector 207 (1999)
- The Liberator (1999)
The Memory of Whiteness (1999)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Memory of Whiteness (1998)
- The Wise (1999)
Isaac Asimov's Valentines (1999)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Valentine Robot (1998)
The Mary-Sue Extrusion (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kinder der Drohne [German] (2008)
- Mnemosyne's Kiss (1999)
- Lord of Light (1999)
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus (1999)
- Escape from Kathmandu (1999)
- Expedition to Earth (1999)
- Earth (1999)
Far Horizons: All New Tales from the Greatest Worlds of Science Fiction (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verre horizons [Dutch] (2000)
Tears of the Oracle (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Amphora-Projekt [German] (2007)
- The Dark Sleep (1999)
- Acorna's Quest (1999)
- Dawnthief (1999)
- Hunting Party (1999)
Return to the Fractured Planet (1999)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Return to the Fractured Planet (2001)
Sporting Chance (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Heldin wider Willen [German] (2002)
The Gap Into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der entfesselte Judas [German] (2006)
- Winning Colours (1999)
- The Gap into Madness: Chaos and Order (1999)
- The Gap into Power: A Dark and Hungry God Arises (1999)
- The Gap into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die (1999)
- The Joy Device (1999)
- Vengeance of Dragons (1999)
- The Trigger (1999)
- Twilight of the Gods (1999)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, August 2000 (2000)
- More Than Human (2000)
Sten (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Dienst der Erde [German] (2006)
- The Dosadi Experiment (2000) also appeared as:
- Asimov's Science Fiction, January 2000 (2000)
Once a Hero (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wachablösung [German] (2003)
- Lady in Gil (2000)
Rules of Engagement (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Waffen-Schwestern [German] (2002)
- The Martian Race (2000)
- Down to Earth (2000)
- A Civil Campaign (2000)
- A Tale of Time City (2000)
- Acorna's People (2000)
- Change of Command (2000)
- Noonshade (2000)
- The Jesus Incident (2000)
- Non-Stop (2000)
- Courage of Falcons (2000)
- The Wolf Worlds (2000)
The Court of a Thousand Suns (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Messingmann [German] (2006)
Fleet of the Damned (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Krieger aus dem Nirgendwo [German] (2007)
- Path of Glory (2000)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, June 2001 (2001)
- Heart of Stone (2001)
Revenge of the Damned (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ehrenwerte Feinde [German] (2007)
- Vortex (2001)
- Eater (2001)
Interzone, #167 May 2001 (2001)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wayward Moon (2001)
- Acorna's World (2001)
- Alien Taste (2001)
- Nightchild (2001)
- The Return of the Emperor (2001)
- Against the Odds (2001)
- Patriots and Tyrants (2001)
Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 2001 (2001)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 2001 (cover) (2011)
- Empire's End (2001)
- The Day of the Triffids (2001)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, September 2002 (2002)
- The Dying Time (2002)
Remnant Population (2002)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Remnant Population (2002)
- Storms of Fate (2002)
- Freedom's Ransom (2002)
- Elfsorrow (2002)
- Endgame (2002)
- Acorna's Search (2003)
Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 2003 (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Asimov Ciencia Ficción, No. 6, March 2004 [Spanish] (2004)
- Interior Art: Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 2003 (cover) (2011)
- The Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy (2003)
- Service for the Dead (2003)
- Trading in Danger (2003)
- Acorna's Rebels (2003)
- Jenseits der Leere [German] (2003) also appeared as:
Asimov's Science Fiction, June 2004 (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Asimov Ciencia Ficción, no. 19, July-August 2005 [Spanish] (2005)
Fortress of Lies (2004)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Fortress of Lies (2004)
- Market Forces (2004)
- Patriot's Stand (2004)
- Flight of the Falcon (2004)
- Radiant (2004)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, October-November 2004 (2004)
- Moving Target (2004)
- Orphanage (2004)
Acorna's Triumph (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Agentin des Imperiums [German] (2009)
- The Sunborn (2005)
- Gravity Wells: Speculative Fiction Stories (2005)
- Year's Best SF 10 (2005)
Old Twentieth (2005)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Old Twentieth (2005)
Orphan's Destiny (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schattenwelt [German] (2008)
- Der Sieg der Foundation [German] (2006)
- Höllenzirkus [German] (2006)
- Pesadillas [German] (2006)
- Transformation [German] (2006)
Engaging the Enemy (2006)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Engaging the Enemy (2006)
- First Warning (2006)
- Polaris [German] (2006)
- Blood and Sand (2006)
- Maelstrom (2006)
- Rebellenwelt [German] (2007)
- Changelings (2007)
- The Cat Lady (2007)
- Command Decision (2007)
- Das Tor der Zeit [German] (2007)
- Liar (2007)
- Second Wave (2007)
- The Wanderer's Tale (2007)
- Shut Your Mouth (2007)
- I Can See You (2007)
- Blackcollar [German] (2008)
- Odd and the Frost Giants (2008)
- Star Strike (2008)
- A Fire in the North (2008)
- Deluge (2008)
- Victory Conditions (2008)
- Moon Called (2008)
- Island of the Phantoms (2008)
- Third Watch (2008)
- Iron Kissed (2008)
- Marsbound (2008)
- Galactic Corps (2008)
- Hunting Ground (2009)
- Bone Crossed (2009)
- The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Three (2009)
- Semper Human (2009)
- Starbound (2010)
- Silver Borne (2010)
- The Alchemyst (2010)
- The Magician (2010)
- The Necromancer (2010)
- The Sorceress (2010)
- The Conqueror's Shadow (2010)
- Heartless Dark (2011)
- The Warlord's Legacy (2011)
- Legacy of Fire (2011)
- Earthbound (2011)
- Legend (2012)
- The Throne of Fire (2012)
- Fair Game (2012)
- Bloodstar (2012)
- The Mark of Athena (2012)
- First Flight (2013)
- The Serpent's Shadow (2013)
- Young Knights of the Round Table (2013)
- The Eye of Neptune (2013)
- Neptune's Brood (2013)
- Mist (2013)
- Abyss Deep (2013)
- Legacy of the Sword (2014)
- Merlin (2014)
The Art of Fred Gambino - Dark Shepherd (2014)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Derelict (2014)
- The Art of Fred Gambino - Dark Shepherd (2014)
Dark Lightning (2014)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Dark Lightning (cover) (2024)
- Black Ice (2014)
- Die Suche nach der Erde [German] (2015)
- Owl and the Japanese Circus (2015)
- Dead Heat (2015)
- Virtues of War (2015)
- Owl and the City of Angels (2015)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, March 2016 (2016)
- Battlestorm (2016)
- Sacremon (2016)
- Ghosts of War (2016)
- Fernix (2016)
- Masoul (2016)
- Osdal (2016)
- Owl and the Electric Samurai (2017)
- Copper Chain (2017)
- March of War (2017)
- Burn Bright (2018)
- Arrows of the Queen (2018)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May-June 2018 (2018)
- The Final Frontier (2018)
- The Vanguard Emerges (2018)
- The Tenth Awakens (2018)
- An Empire Is Born (2018)
- Enemies on All Sides (2018)
- Earth (2018)
- On the War Path (2018)
- A Chain Across the Dawn (2019)
- Stars Beyond (2020)
- The Firmament of Flame (2020)
- On Spec, February 2021 (2021)
- The Alpha Protocol (2021)
- The Summer Thieves (2021)
- The Infinite (2023)
- Dark Shepherd (2024)
Dangerous Visions 2 (unknown)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: A Mysterious Liquid (1979)
- Translation: Les guerres de Laguna [10] [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: The Laguna Wars [10] (1979)
Dangerous Visions 3 (unknown)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Children of the Gods [5] (1979)
- Translation: Les descendants des dieux [5] [French] (1980)
- Statesman (unknown)
- The White Mountains (unknown)
- Skekkle (1979)
Children of the Gods [3] (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les descendants des dieux [3] [French] (1980)
- Translation: Vermine [French] (1987)
Killer Planets: A Deadly Eden (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un paradis infernal [French] (1980)
Killer Planets: A Deadly Eden [3] (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un paradis infernal [3] [French] (1980)
Strange Visitors: The Warthog (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Phacochère [French] (1980)
- Translation: Slan [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Le raid infernal [French] (1986)
- Cover Art: A Fall of Moondust (1987)
The Graveyard of Beta Pavonis [2] (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le cimetière d'astronefs de Béta Pavonis [2] [French] (1980)
The Warworld of Alshain [4] (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un monde détruit par la guerre [4] [French] (1980)
- Translation: Doodsstrijd op Pyrrus * in Appsala * op Voorspoed [Dutch] (1981)
- Challenge Express (1980)
- Falcon C19 (1980)
- Heads (1990)
- Die Leute von Santaroga / Das große Abenteuer des Mutanten [German] (1991)
- Köpfe [1] [German] (1995)
- Köpfe [2] [German] (1995)
- Köpfe [3] [German] (1995)
- Köpfe [4] [German] (1995)
- Köpfe [5] [German] (1995)
- Köpfe [6] [German] (1995)
- The City of God (1996)
- Pulsar (1998)
- Recoil (1998)
- Pulsar (detail) (1999)
- Radiant Green Star (2000)
- Foundation Series (2001)
- Ground Zero: The Art of Fred Gambino (2001)
- Fred Gambino: Right Said Gambino (2002)
- The Ant Bully: Zoc's Lab (2007)
- Dark Shepherd Poster (2014)
- Descending (2014)
- Scavenger Landing (2014)
- The Art of Fred Gambino: Dark Shepherd (2014)
- Second Foundation Trilogy (2020)