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Fiction Series
- Castaways of the Flying Dutchman
- 1
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Gestrandeten [German] (2003)
- 2 The Angel's Command (2003)
- 3 Voyage of Slaves (2006)
- 1
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman (2001)
also appeared as:
- Redwall Universe
- Redwall (excerpt) (1986) [SF]
- Redwall Map & the Redwall Riddler (1997) [NF]
- Build Your Own Redwall Abbey (1999) [NF]
- Redwall Friend & Foe: The Guide to Redwall's Heroes & Villains (2000) [NF]
- The Redwall Cookbook (2005)
- Redwall
- 1
Redwall (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Sturm auf die Abtei [German] (1998)
Translation: Воин Рэдволла?Voin Redvolla[Russian] (2002) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- Translation: Cluny le fléau [French] (2002)
- 2
Mossflower (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kotir, die Burg des Schreckens [German] (2000)
- Translation: Am Berg Salamandastron [German] (2000)
Translation: Война с Котиром?Voyna s Kotirom[Russian] (2003) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 3
Mattimeo (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mattimeo: Die Rache des Fuchses [German] (1998)
- Translation: Mattimeo: Slagar der Grausame [German] (2000)
- Translation: Mattimeo: General Eisenschnabell [German] (2001)
- Translation: Mattimeo: Lord Malkariss [German] (2001)
Translation: Поход Матиаса?Pokhod Matiasa[Russian] (2002) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 4
Mariel of Redwall (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mariel, tome 1: La Révolte de Tempête [French] (1999)
- Translation: Mariel, tome 2: Kamoul le sauvage [French] (1999)
- Translation: Mariel, tome 3: La Forêt hostile [French] (1999)
- Translation: Mariel, tome 4: A l'assaut de Terramort [French] (1999)
- Translation: Mariel: Das Geheimnis der Glocke [German] (1999)
- Translation: Mariel: Das Geheimnis der Mäusemaid [German] (2001)
- Translation: Mariel: Der Klang der Glocke [German] (2001)
Translation: Мэриел из Рэдволла?Meriyel iz Redvolla[Russian] (2003) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 5
Salamandastron (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Salamandastron: Die Jagd nach dem Schatz [German] (2000)
- Translation: Salamandastron: Von Abenteurern und Ausreißern [German] (2002)
- Translation: Salamandastron: Von Schicksalen und Heimkehrern [German] (2002)
- Translation: Salamandastron: Von Kriegern und Ungeheuern [German] (2002)
Translation: Саламандастрон?Salamandastron[Russian] (2003) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 6
Martin the Warrior (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Martin le guerrier: 2, La montagne de feu [French] (1998)
- Translation: Martin le guerrier: 3, Le retour triomphal [French] (1999)
- Translation: Redwall: Der Krieger [German] (2000)
- Translation: Martin, der Krieger: Der Ruf nach Freiheit [German] (2001)
Translation: Мартин Воитель?Martin Voitel'[Russian] (2003) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 7
The Bellmaker (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La menace d'Ourgan le garou [French] (2000)
- Translation: Joseph, tome 2: La Reine-de-Nacre [French] (2000)
- Translation: Joseph le fondeur [French] (2003)
Translation: Колокол Джозефа?Kolokol Dzhozefa[Russian] (2004) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 8
Outcast of Redwall (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Solaris, tome 1: Le Sauveur à tête d'or [French] (1999)
- Translation: Solaris, tome 2: L'Orphelin maudit [French] (1999)
- Translation: Solaris, tome 3: Le jugement du guerrier [French] (1999)
Translation: Изгнанник?Izgnannik[Russian] (2004) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 9
The Pearls of Lutra (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pearls of Lutra (1997)
- Translation: Les perles de Loubia: 3, L'Ame-Libre [French] (2001)
Translation: Жемчуг Лутры?Zhemchug Lutry[Russian] (2004) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 10
The Long Patrol (1997)
also appeared as:
Translation: Дозорный Отряд?Dozornyy Otryad[Russian] (2004) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 11
Marlfox (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les Ombrenards [French] (2003)
Translation: Белые лисы?Belyye lisy[Russian] (2004) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 12
The Legend of Luke (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le guerrier disparu [French] (2003)
Translation: Легенда о Льюке?Legenda o L'yuke[Russian] (2005) [as byБрайан Джейкс?Brayan Dzheyks]
- 13 Lord Brocktree (2000)
- 14
The Taggerung (2001)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Taggerung (2001)
- 15 Triss (2002)
- 16 Loamhedge (2003)
- 17 Rakkety Tam (2004)
- 18 High Rhulain (2005)
- 19 Eulalia! (2007)
- 20 Doomwyte (2008)
- 21 The Sable Quean (2009)
- 22 The Rogue Crew (2011)
- The Redwall Trilogy (1991) [O/1-3]
- Brian Jacques's Tales from Redwall: Salamandastron / Martin the Warrior / The Bellmaker (1996) [O/5,6,7]
- 1
Redwall (1986)
also appeared as:
- Redwall Audio Version
- 1 Redwall: The Wall (1997)
- 2 Redwall: The Quest (1998)
- 3 Redwall: The Warrior (1998)
- Redwall Picturebooks
- 1 The Great Redwall Feast (1996) [SF]
- 2 A Redwall Winter's Tale (2001) [SF]
- The Tribes of Redwall
Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Seven Strange & Ghostly Tales (1999)
- Welcome to Redwall (2000)
The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ribbajack & Other Haunting Yarns (2006)
- Magic of Reading: Redwall, Switchers, Sword and the Circle (1998) [O] with Rosemary Sutcliff and Kate Thompson
- The Great Redwall Feast (1996)
- A Redwall Winter's Tale (2001)
- Badgers (2002)
- Otters (2003)
- The Tale of Urso Brunov: Little Father of All Bears (2003)
- Mice (2004)
- Hares (unpublished)
- Mattimeo (excerpt) (1989)
Allie Alma (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Allie/ Alma (1991)
- Jamie and the Vampires (1991)
- Mariel of Redwall (excerpt) (1991)
R.S.B. Limited (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: RSB Limited (1991)
The Fate of Thomas P. Kanne (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Fate of Thomas P Kanne (1991)
- The Lies of Henry Mawdsley (1991)
- The Sad History of Gilly Bodkin (1991)
- Bridgey (1991)
- Martin the Warrior (excerpt) (1994)
- It Came from Outer Little Pond (2000)
- The Tale of Urso Brunov: Little Father of All Bears (2003)
- A Smile and a Wave (2004)
- Miggy Mags and the Malabar Sailor (2004)
- Rosie's Pet (2004)
- The All Ireland Champion Versus the Nye Add (2004)
- The Mystery of the Huma D'Este (2004)
- The Ribbajack (2004)
- "A long time ago, a lifetime away ... " (2006)
- "An old woman leaned out of her window one day ... " (2006)
- "Down the road like the wind we go, Yahaaaah! ... " (2006)
- "Hark to the question I ask you ... " (2006)
- "O take me away from the land ... " (2006)
- "O who knows the mind of a lady ... " (2006)
- "Oh love is a mystery nobody knows ... " (2006)
- "One day I met a pretty girl ... " (2006)
- "Sandalwood from Lebanon, fragrant and sweet ... " (2006)
- "See now this land, 'tis nought like my home, ... " (2006)
- "Soft as the breath of angels ... " (2006)
- "There is a land beyond the stars, ... " (2006)
- "Yayla ho hah! Yayla ho hah!/The House of Shion is mighty ... " (2006)
- "Who says that I am dead ... " (unknown)
- Brian Jacques: Rodent Warrior (1995) by uncredited
- Brian Jacques (2006) by Leonard S. Marcus