- Author: Александр Абрамов?Alexander AbramovAuthor Record # 268
- Legal Name: Абрамов, Александр Иванович?Abramov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
- Birthplace: Moscow, Russian Empire
- Birthdate: 30 November 1900
- Deathdate: 4 March 1985
- Language: Russian
- Webpages: FantLab, SFE, translatedsf.thierstein.net, Wikipedia-RU
- Used These Alternate Names:
Alexandr Abramov, Alexandre Abrámov, Alexander Abramov, Александър Абрамов?Aleksandar Abramov
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Всадники ниоткуда / Horsemen from Nowhere?Vsadniki niotkuda
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Всадники ниоткуда?Vsadniki niotkuda(1968) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramovalso appeared as:
- Translation: Horsemen from Nowhere [English] (1969) [as by Alexandr Abramov and Sergei Abramov]
- Translation: Cavaliers venus de nulle part [French] (1975) [as by Alexandre Abrámov and Serge Abramov]
- Translation: Cavaleiros vindos de parte nenhuma [Portuguese] (1985) [as by Alexandre Abrámov and Serguei Abrámov]
- Translation: Riders from Nowhere [English] (1991) [as by Alexander Abramov and Sergei Abramov]
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Рай без памяти?Ray bez pamyati(1969) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramov
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Серебряный вариант?Serebryanyy variant(1980) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramov
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Хождение за три мира?Khozhdeniye za tri mira(1966) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Journey Across Three Worlds [English] (1973) [as by Alexander Abramov and Sergei Abramov]
Гамма времени?Gamma vremeni(1967) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Time Scale [English] (1970) [as by Alexander Abramov and Sergei Abramov]
Повесть о снежном человеке?Povest' o snezhnom cheloveke(1971) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Tale of the Abominable Snowman [English] (1989) [as by Alexander Abramov and Sergei Abramov]
Синий тайфун?Siniy tayfun(1973) withСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramovonly appeared as:
Translation: Синият тайфун?Siniyat tayfun[Bulgarian] (1979) [as byАлександър Абрамов?Aleksandar AbramovandСергей Абрамов?Sergei Abramov]