- Author: Ник Перумов?Nik PerumovAuthor Record # 237479
- Legal Name: Перумов, Николай Данилович?Perumov, Nikolai Danilovich
- Birthplace: Leningrad, Russia, USSR
- Birthdate: 21 November 1963
- Language: Russian
- Webpages: FantLab, Russian SF&F, Wikipedia-EN, Wikipedia-RU
- Used These Alternate Names: Nick Perumov, Nik Pierumow
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Fiction Series
- Кольцо тьмы / Ring of Darkness?Kol'tso t'my
- 1
Эльфийский клинок?El'fiyskiy klinok(1993)
- 2
Черное Копьё?Chyornoye Kop'yo(1993)
- 1
- Летописи Разлома?Letopisi Razloma
- 1
Алмазный Меч, Деревянный Меч?Almaznyy Mech, Derevyannyy Mech(1998) also appeared as:
- Translation: Brylantowy miecz, drewniany miecz [Polish] (2011) [as by Nik Pierumow]
- 1
Гибель богов?Gibel' bogov(1994) only appeared as:
- Translation: Godsdoom [English] (2007) [as by Nick Perumov]
Не время для драконов?Ne vremya dlya drakonov(1997) withСергей Лукьяненко?Sergei Lukyanenkoonly appeared as:
- Translation: Drachenpfade [German] (2009) [as by Sergej Lukianenko and Nick Perumov]
Lords of Terror [English] (2006)
Allan Cole
only appeared as:
- Variant: Lords of Terror (2006) [as by Allan Cole and Nick Perumov]
- Variant: The Hate Parallax (2011) [as by Allan Cole and Nick Perumov]