Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Android Karenina [English] (2010) with Ben H. Winters [only as by Leo Tolstoy and Ben H. Winters]
- The Kreutzer Sonata [English] (1890) [only as by Leo Tolstoi]
Фарфоровая Кукла?Farforovaya Kukla(1863) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Porcelain Doll [English] (1920) [as by Lev Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Porcelain Doll [English] (1965) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Porcelain Doll [English] (1976) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
Чем люди живы?Chem lyudi zhivy(1881) only appeared as:
- Translation: What Men Live By [English] (1885) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
Много ли человеку земли нужно??Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nuzhno?(1886) only appeared as:
- Translation: How Much Land Does a Man Need [English] (1886) [as by Leo Tolstoi]
- Translation: Pakhom's Land-Hunger [English] (1945) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
- Translation: Wieviel Land braucht ein Mensch? [German] (1983) [as by Leo Tolstoi]
- Translation: Ce qu'il faut de terre à l'homme [French] (1986) [as by Lev Tolstoï]
- Translation: How Much Land Does a Man Need? [English] (2015) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
Сказка об Иване-дураке и его двух братьях: Семене-воине и Тарасе-брюхане, и немой сестре Маланье, и о старом дьяволе и трех чертенятах?Skazka ob Ivane-durake i ego dvukh brat'yakh: Semene-voine i Tarase-bryukhane, i nemoy sestre Malan'ye, i o starom d'yavole i tryokh chertenyatakh(1886) only appeared as:
Variant: Сказка об Иване-дураке и его двух братьях: Семене-воине и Тарасе-брюхане, и немой сестре Маланье, и о старом дьяволе и трех чертенятах?Skazka ob Ivane-durake i ego dvukh brat'yakh: Semene-voine i Tarase-bryukhane, i nemoy sestre Malan'ye, i o starom d'yavole i tryokh chertenyatakh(1886) [as byГр. Л. Н. Толстой?Gr. L. N. Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Tale of Ivan the Fool [English] (1890) [as by Leo Tolstoi]
- Translation: The Story of Iván the Fool [English] (2019) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
Три старца?Tri startsa(1886) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Three Hermits [English] (1906) [as by Leo Tolstoi]
- Translation: The Three Hermits [English] (1907) [as by Lev Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Three Hermits [English] (1907) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Three Hermits: An Old Legend Current in the Volga District [English] (1907) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
- Translation: The Three Hermits: An Old Legend Current in the Volga District [English] (1907) [as by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy]
How the Devil Was Sent Abroad in Holy Russia (1945)
only appeared as:
- Translation: How the Devil Was Sent Abroad in Holy Russia [English] (1945) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
The Man Who Was Visited by Christ (1945)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Man Who Was Visited by Christ [English] (1945) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
How the Devil Redeemed the Crust of Bread (1975)
only appeared as:
- Translation: How the Devil Redeemed the Crust of Bread [English] (1975) [as by Leo Tolstoy]
- Destiny [English] (1995) [only as by Leo Tolstoy]
Non-Genre Titles
Сочинения гр. Л. Н. Толстого, часть 12?Sochineniya gr. L. N. Tolstogo, chast' 12(1886) [only as byГр. Л. Н. Толстой?Gr. L. N. Tolstoy]