- Author: Navah Wolfe Author Record # 236052
- Language: English
- Webpages: LinkedIn, simonandschuster.com, Twitter
- Author Tags: original anthology (2), retold fairy tales (1), demons (1), fae (1), fairies (1), fantasy (1), magic (1), science fiction (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales (2016) with Dominik Parisien
- Robots vs. Fairies (2018) with Dominik Parisien
- The Mythic Dream (2019) with Dominik Parisien
- Introduction (The Starlit Wood) (2016) with Dominik Parisien
- A Saga of Ink and Tea: Welcome to the Woods (2016)
- Introduction (Robots vs. Fairies) (2018) with Dominik Parisien
- Introduction (The Mythic Dream) (2019) with Dominik Parisien
- Interview: Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe (2016) by Deborah Stanish (co-interviewed with Dominik Parisien)