Note: There are other authors with the same name: Voltaire (1967 - )
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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Micromegas: A Comic Romance Being a Severe Satire Upon the Philosophy, Ignorance, and Self-Conceit of Mankind. Together with A Detail of the Crusades and a New Plan for the History of the Human Mind [English] (1753) [only as by M. de Voltaire]
- Miscellanies [English] (1778) [only as by M. de Voltaire]
- Romances, Tales and Smaller Pieces [English] (1794) [only as by M. de Voltaire]
- Voltaire's Romances [English] (1885)
- The Famous Romances of Voltaire [English] (1893)
- Micromegas [Romanian] (1910)
- Zadig and Other Romances [English] (1923)
- The Romances of Voltaire [English] (1928)
- The White Bull, with Saul and Various Short Pieces [English] (1929)
- The Best Known Works of Voltaire: The Complete Romances [English] (1931)
- Romans et contes de Voltaire I (1934)
- Romans et contes de Voltaire II (1934)
- Candide and Other Tales [English] (1937)
- Opere alese 2 [Romanian] (1959)
- Voltaire: A Laurel Reader [English] (1959)
- Candide, Zadig, and Selected Stories [English] (1961)
- Candide & Zadig [English] (1962)
- Candide and Zadig [English] (1966)
- Candide ou l'optimisme: La princesse de Balylone et autres contes (1981)
- Micromegas (and Other Stories) [English] (1989)
- Micromégas and other Short Fictions [English] (2002)
- Zadig / Candide / Micromégas (unknown)
- Memnon: Histoire Orientale (1747)
Zadig, ou, La Destinée: Histoire Orientale (1748)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Zadig ou la Destinée (2014)
- Zadig; or, The Book of Fate: An Oriental History [English] (1749)
Candide, ou l'Optimisme (1759)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (unknown)
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (1984)
- Variant: Candide ou l'optimisme (1992)
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (2005)
La princesse de Babilone (1768)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1768)
- Variant: La princesse de Babylone (1948)
The White Bull: An Oriental History from an Ancient Syrian Manuscript [English] (1774)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Le Taureau Blanc; or, The White Bull (1774)
- The Hermit: An Oriental Tale [English] (1779)
Œuvres de Voltaire. Tome XXXIII?Oeuvres de Voltaire. Tome XXXIII(1829) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Works of Voltaire, Volume XXXIII [English] (2009)
- The History of Zadig, or, Destiny [English] (1952)
- L'Ingénu: Histoire véritable (1957)
Micromégas (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (2013)
Le cocuage (1715)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Cuckoldage [English] (2002)
Cosi-Sancta (1746)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cosi-Sancta [Romanian] (1910)
- Translation: Cosi-Sancta [English] (1928)
- Variant: Cosi-Sancta: Un petit mal pour un grand (1981)
- Translation: Cosi-Sancta [English] (2002)
Memnon: Histoire Orientale (1747)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Memnon the Philosopher; or, Human Wisdom [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Memnon, or Human Wisdom [English] (1794)
- Translation: Memnon [English] (1928)
- Translation: Memnon, the Philosopher [English] (1931)
- Variant: Memnon: ou: La sagesse humaine (1934)
- Translation: Memnon, the Philosopher [English] (1959)
- Translation: Memnon [English] (1961)
- Translation: Memnon [English] (2002)
L'ermite (Zadig-Chapter XX) (1748)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Hermit: An Oriental Tale [English] (1779)
- Translation: The Hermit [English] (1891)
Le chien et le cheval (Zadig-Chapter III) (1748)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Zadig: The Horse and the Dog [English] (unknown)
Le Monde comme il va (1748)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The History of Babouc the Scythian [English] (unknown)
- Translation: The World As It Goes [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The World As It Goes [English] (1931)
- Variant: Le monde comme il va: Vision de Babouc écrite par lui-même (1934)
- Translation: The World As It Goes [English] (1959)
- Translation: The World As It Is [English] (1961)
- Translation: The World As It Is [English] (2002)
Zadig, ou, La Destinée: Histoire Orientale (1748)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Zadig ou la Destinée: Histoire orientale (1748)
- Translation: Zadig; or, The Book of Fate: An Oriental History [English] (1749)
- Translation: Zadig; or, The Book of Fate: An Oriental History [English] (1778) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Zadig; or, Fate [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Zadig; or, Fate [English] (1885)
- Translation: Zadig; or, Fate [English] (1893)
- Translation: Zadig the Babylonian [English] (1908) [as by François Marie Arouet de Voltaire]
- Translation: Zadig; or, Destiny: Oriental Story [English] (1923)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1928)
- Translation: Zadig; or, Fate [English] (1931)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1937)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1945)
- Translation: The History of Zadig, or, Destiny [English] (1952)
- Translation: Zadig sau Destinul [Romanian] (1959)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1961)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1962)
- Translation: Zadig [English] (1966)
- Variant: Zadig ou la Destinée (2014)
Dialogue entre Mme de Maintenon et Mlle de Lenclos (1750)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Madame de Maintenon and Mademoiselle de Lenclos [English] (1929)
Lettre d'un Turc sur les fakirs et sur son ami Bababec (1750)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bababec [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Translation: Babek și fakirii?Babek si fakirii[Romanian] (1910)
Babek shi fakirii - Translation: Bababec [English] (1931)
- Variant: Bababec et les fakirs (1934)
- Translation: Bababec and the Fakirs [English] (1961)
- Translation: Letter From a Turk [English] (2002)
- From Micromegas [English] (1752) [only as by François Marie Arouet de Voltaire]
Micromégas (1752)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (unknown) [as by François Marie Arouet de Voltaire]
- Variant: Micromégas: Histoire philosophique (1752)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (1753) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Variant: Micromégas, Histoire philosophique (1829)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (1885)
- Translation: Micromegas [Romanian] (1910)
- Translation: Micromegas: Philosophic Story [English] (1923)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (1928)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (1931)
- Translation: Mikromegas: Eine naturphilosophische Erzählung [German] (1948)
- Translation: Micromegas [Romanian] (1959)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (1961)
- Translation: Micromegas [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (1973)
- Translation: Micromegas: A Comic Romance Being a Severe Satire Upon the Philosophy, Ignorance, and Self-Conceit of Mankind [English] (1974)
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (1989)
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (2002)
- Translation: Micromegas, Philosophical History [English] (2009)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (2013)
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (2018)
- Translation: Micromegas [English] (2020)
- Translation: Micromégas [English] (2022)
- Des embellissement de la ville de Cachemire (1756)
- Dialogue entre Lucrèce et Posidonius (1756)
- Dialogue entre un brachmane et un jésuite sur la nécessité et l'enchaînement des choses (1756)
Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado (1756)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The History of the Travels of Scarmentado [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The History of the Travels of Scarmentado [English] (1901)
- Translation: The Travels of Scarmentado [English] (1931)
- Variant: Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado: écrite par lui-même (1934)
- Translation: History of Scarmentado's Travels [English] (1961)
- Translation: The History of the Travels of Scarmentado [English] (2002)
Les deux consolés (1756)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Two Comforters [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The Two Comforters [English] (1931)
- Translation: The Two Comforters [English] (1959)
- Translation: The Consoler and the Consoled [English] (2002)
Songe de Platon (1756)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1885)
- Translation: Visul lui Platon [Romanian] (1910)
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1927)
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1931)
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1946)
- Translation: Plato's Dream [English] (1961)
Entretiens d'un sauvage et d'un bachelier (1759)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dialogue Between a Savage and a Graduate [English] (2002)
Histoire d'un bon Brahmin (1759)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Story of a Good Brahmin [English] (1923)
- Translation: The Good Brahmin [English] (1931)
- Variant: Histoire d'un bon bramin (1934)
- Translation: The Good Brahmin [English] (1959)
- Translation: Story of a Good Brahman [English] (1961)
- Translation: The Story of a Good Brahmin [English] (2002)
Relation de la maladie, de la confession, de la mort, et de l'apparition du jésuite Berthier (1759)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Account of the Sickness, Confession, Death, and Apparition of the Jesuit Berthier [English] (1961)
- Variant: Relation de la maladie, de la confession, de la mort du jésuite Berthier (1981)
- Translation: Account of the Illness, Confession, Death and Apparition of the Jesuit Berthier [English] (2002)
Candide, ou l'Optimisme (1759)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (unknown)
- Variant: Candide ou l'optimisme (1759)
- Translation: Candid; or, The Optimist [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Candide [English] (1928)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1931)
- Variant: Candide ou l'optimisme: Traduit de l'allemand par le Dr Ralph (1934)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1937)
- Translation: Candid sau Optimismul [Romanian] (1959)
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (1959)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1959)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1961)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1962)
- Translation: Candide [English] (1966)
- Variant: Candide ou l'optimisme: traduit de l'allemand de Monsieur le docteur Ralph: avec les additions qu'on a trouvées dans la poche du docteur lorsqu'il mourut à Minden, l'an de grâce 1759 (1981)
- Variant: Candide ou l'optimisme (1992)
- Translation: Candide: Or, Optimism [English] (2005)
Entretien d'Ariste et d'Acrotal (1761)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Dialogue Between Ariste and Acrotal [English] (2002)
L'education des filles (1761)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Education of Daughters [English] (2002)
- Conversation avec M. l'intendant des menus en exercice avec M. l'abbé Grizel (1762)
Saül (1762)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Saul [English] (1929)
- Catéchisme de l'honnête homme ou dialogue entre un caloyer et un homme de bien traduit du grec vulgaire par D. J. J. R. C. D. C. D. G. (1763)
Le Blanc et le Noir (1764)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Black and the White [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The Two Genies [English] (1891)
- Translation: The Black and the White [English] (1893)
- Translation: The Black and the White [English] (1931)
- Translation: The Black and the White [English] (1989)
Pot-Pourri (1764)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pot Pourri [English] (1929)
- Translation: Pot-Pourri [English] (2002)
Conversation de Lucien, Erasme, et Rabelais dans les Champs Elysées (1765)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Conversation Between Lucian, Erasmus and Rabelais, in the Elysian Fields [English] (2002)
Dialogue du chapon et de la poularde (1765)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dialogue Between the Cock and the Hen [English] (1998)
André Destouches à Siam (1766)
only appeared as:
- Translation: André Destouches in Siam [English] (1929)
- Translation: Andre des Touches at Siam [English] (1931)
Aventure indienne traduite par l'ignorant (1766)
also appeared as:
- Translation: An Adventure in India [English] (1885)
Translation: Aventura indiană?Aventura indiana[Romanian] (1910)
- Translation: An Indian Incident [English] (1927)
- Translation: An Adventure in India [English] (1931)
- Variant: Aventure indienne (1934)
- Translation: An Indian Adventure [English] (1961)
- Les aveugles juges des couleurs (1766)
Satire contre Lefranc de Pompignan (1766)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Monsieur Le Franc de Pompignan [English] (1929)
Petite digression (1766)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Blind Pensioners at Quinze Vingt [English] (1931)
- Translation: The Blind Pensioners at Quinze Vingt [English] (1959)
L'Ingénu: Histoire véritable: Tirée des manuscrits du père Quesnel (1767)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Pupil of Nature [English] (1778) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature [English] (1885)
- Translation: The Huron; or, Nature's Pupil [English] (1893)
- Translation: The Simple Soul [English] (1923)
- Translation: The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature [English] (1931)
- Translation: Master Simple [English] (1937)
- Translation: Naivul [Romanian] (1959)
- Translation: The Huron; or, Pupil of Nature [English] (1959)
- Translation: Ingenuous [English] (1961)
Femmes, soyez soumises à vos maris (1768)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Wives, Submit Yourselves [English] (1929)
- Translation: Wives, Submit Yourselves to Your Husbands [English] (2002)
L'homme aux quarante écus (1768)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Man of Forty Crowns [English] (1885)
La princesse de Babylone (1768)
also appeared as:
- Variant: La princesse de Babilone (1768)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1768)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1778) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Princess of Babylon [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1885)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1893)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1923)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1931)
- Translation: Princess of Babylon [English] (1937)
- Translation: The Princess of Babylon [English] (1989)
- La lettre d'Amabed: Traduites par l'abbé Tamponet (1769)
Aventure de la mémoire (1773)
also appeared as:
Translation: Pățania memoriei?Patania memoriei[Romanian] (1910)
Patsania memoriei - Translation: The Adventure of Memory [English] (1929)
- Translation: Memory's Adventure [English] (1961)
- Éloge historique de la raison prononcé dans une académie de province par M... (1774)
Le crocheteur borgne (1774)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The One-Eyed Porter [English] (1961)
- Translation: The One-Eyed Porter [English] (2002)
Le taureau blanc (1774)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The White Bull [English] (unknown)
- Translation: Le Taureau Blanc; or, The White Bull [English] (1774)
- Translation: The White Bull: An Oriental History from an Ancient Syrian Manuscript [English] (1774)
- Translation: The White Bull [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: The White Bull [English] (1885)
- Translation: The White Bull [English] (1905)
- Translation: The White Bull [English] (1929)
- Variant: Le taureau blanc: Traduit du syriaque (1934)
Translation: Der weiße Stier?Der weisse Stier[German] (1972)
Histoire de Jenni: ou: L'athée et le sage (1775)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Sage and the Atheist [English] (1885)
- Translation: The Sage and the Atheist [English] (1931)
Les oreilles du comte de Chesterfield (1775)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Lord Chesterfield's Ears [English] (1929)
- Variant: Les oreilles du comte de Chesterfield: et le chapelain Goudman (1934)
- Translation: Count Chesterfield's ears and Chaplain Goudman [English] (1961)
- Translation: Lord Chesterfield's Ears [English] (2002)
- Voyage de la raison: Discours prononcé dans une académie de province (1775)
- Pleasure in Having No Pleasure [English] (1885)
- The Princess of Babylon (abridged) [English] (1885)
- The Study of Nature [English] (1885)
- The Encyclopaedia [English] (1929)
- The Last Words of Epictetus to His Son [English] (1929)
- Thoughts for Fools [English] (1929)
- Ancient Faith and Fable [English] (1931)
- Candide, Chapter XVI (excerpt) [English] (1966)
- Visitors from Outer Space (excerpt from Micromégas) [English] (1966)
- Candide (selections) [English] (1980)
A Conversation with a Chinese (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: A Conversation with a Chinese [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: A Conversation with a Chinese [English] (1885)
- Translation: A Conservation with a Chinese [English] (1931)
How Far We Ought to Impose Upon the People (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: How Far We Ought to Impose Upon the People [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Azolan (1764)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Azolan [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- On Bell-Ringers [English] (1969)
Ce qui plaît aux dames (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: What Pleases the Ladies [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Gertrude; ou, L'éducation d'une fille (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Education of a Daughter [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
L'éducation d'un prince (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Education of a Prince [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
L'origine des métiers (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Origin of Trades [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Les trois manières (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Three Manners [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Thélème et Macare (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Thelema and Macareus [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Il n'y en a plus (1764)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampires [English] (1997)
Le philosophe ignorant (1766)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Ignorant Philosopher [English] (1931)
- La fuerza de la fe [Spanish] (1968)
- Vampire [German] (1994)
Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Late Monsieur de Fontenelle (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Late Monsieur de Fontenelle [English] (1809) [as by M. de Voltaire]
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
Jeannot et Colin (1764)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jeannot and Colin [English] (1794) [as by M. de Voltaire]
- Translation: Jeannot and Colin [English] (1931)
Translation: Jeannot și Colin?Jeannot shi Colin[Romanian] (1959)
Jeannot si Colin - Translation: Jeannot and Colin [English] (1961)